A community for lazy dungeon masters
1446 adventures found
Cover of True Level Adventure 1 The Keep of Stone and Silver
True Level Adventure 1 The Keep of Stone and Silver
Level 1
7 pages

There is no particular overarching story here, just a prospect dungeon you can drop into your own sandbox and run as you see fit. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of For a Lady's Honor
For a Lady's Honor
Levels 4–7
9 pages

When the Guildmaster speaks, everybody listens. When the going gets tough, the thieves get going. For 3-6 thieves. Pgs. 9-16 & 34

Cover of The Haunt
The Haunt
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
16 pages

The Haunt Unlock the secrets and drive back the evil from Montarthas Manor In ages past, an ancient town was lost and destroyed to a seige of orcs. Only one building survived and to this day, the manor is the only still standing building to be seen for miles around. Some say it is haunted, a few whisper of great treasures within, whilst others whisper that it is the manor itself that lives! No one knows for sure, only that a great evil haunts its halls. Do you dare enter Montarthas Manor? Published by P.B. Publishing

Cover of FVS10 - Over the River
FVS10 - Over the River
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
15 pages

The starting point of one’s career sometimes starts meekly, at other times not so much. This adventure sends a brand new (or 2nd level weaker character) on a simple fetch mission. A romance on the brink is in peril when the PC accepts the mission. A looming celebration has the player torn between a future on the road to adventure and the future with someone special. Is your player ready to take a trip to pick up some alchemical supplies?

Cover of If Looks Could Kill
If Looks Could Kill
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
33 pages

Everyone in the villages that once made up the Kingdom of Lilies knows the tragic tale of Queen Niva Brysis, a fair and beautiful sovereign from a past generation. The queen and her kingdom are often thought of in the same regard; the kingdom didn’t truly come into being until her birth, blossomed in her youth, and wilted away as the queen aged and succumbed to madness. Of course, this is in the annals of history now, as Queen Niva died decades ago, crazed and alone in her mountain keep… right? Not according to a new cult calling itself The Queen’s Adherents. This group not only claims that Queen Niva is alive and well, but she has regained her youth and former beauty. What’s more, they promise any that join their ranks may receive their queen’s blessing and become immortal themselves! The PCs are ultimately the ones that need to dissolve the cult from growing, and in doing so look into the mystery behind the queen’s enigmatic return. But be careful, because if looks could kill, this mission could be murder! Dungeons on Demand is a line instant dungeons you can drop into your campaign, each is designed for 4-5 player parties of specified levels, and each dungeon is complete with a back story, hand drawn maps, traps, puzzles, and reference information to monsters and treasure. You can customize each one to fit in your campaign however you wish, and each one can be played through in one or two gaming sessions.

Cover of Valley of the Cracked Helm
Valley of the Cracked Helm
Low Level
2 pages

Once a paradise at the heart of dwarfdom, the Valley of the Cracked Helm has lain forgotten for ages, lost to the vagaries of natural disasters, goblin invasions, and generational benders. Over the years since, its name has invoked only shame—furtive, deep-seated dwarven shame—for the valley is where the wild dwarves dwell. . . Valley of the Cracked Helm is an off-beat scenario for old-school style games involving a hidden valley filled with tribal dwarven nudists and exploitative prospectors. It is formatted as a double-sided tri-fold brochure that contains everything needed to run the module. It includes: A ready-to-run module suitable for ongoing campaigns and one-shots. A detailed pointcrawl of the Valley of the Cracked Helm. Dwarves Gone Wild! (This pointcrawl scenario can be dropped into any classic fantasy campaign allowing gratuitous dwarven nudity. More setting than adventure, it encourages/requires referees to improvise or develop content further to fit their own needs. Low-level PCs may need to be lucky or clever to survive.)

Cover of The Temple of Pure Lightning
The Temple of Pure Lightning
5th Edition
Levels 7–9
9 pages

While lightning may strike anywhere, there is but a single Temple of Pure Lightning. This temple could be located just about anywhere – out in the middle of an expansive dungeon or even hidden beneath the streets of a bustling city. Regardless, this temple is not for the faint of heart. Within these walls are floors charged with lightning, ancient powerful weaponry, a vast series of winding powered minecarts, and rooms that are filled with eternal storm clouds. Just as dangerous are the aetherspawn that have been drawn to this place of great power and now see it as a home that will not be taken from them by the likes of a few mere adventurers.

Cover of Rudwilla's Stew
Rudwilla's Stew
Levels 1–2
15 pages

In Mulcrow, food - not music - soothes the savage beast. The adventure begins in the town of Griffondale whre the PCs encounter Jelmark, an emissary of the Duke of Mulcrow. Jelmark hires the party to help the witch Rudwilla prepare a special stew for a cantankerous bugbear chief who lives in the Rockforge Mountains. Bruggh the bugbear demans the stew once a year on his birthday.-- from the adventure. Pgs. 34-48

Cover of Adventures in Hawk's Rest
Adventures in Hawk's Rest
5th Edition
Level 1
37 pages

Adventures in Hawk's Rest is a love letter to low-level D&D: Studio Ghibli meets the Shire meets Lost Mine of Phandelver. An open-world hexcrawl for characters of 1st to 2nd level, Hawk's Rest is intended as a prologue to a longer campaign, with seven keyed adventure sites and fantastic maps by Dungeon Baker (How to Defend Your Lair, The Lazy DM's Companion). Hawk's Rest is written for new and veteran players alike but avoids the usual pitfalls associated with 1st-level adventures: not only are encounters balanced to avoid character death, but most combats can be avoided entirely with clever roleplaying.

Cover of MHI - 17 Transport Detail
MHI - 17 Transport Detail
5th Edition
Level 4
18 pages

After capturing the Notorious TNY, a female bandit leader, you have been offered a substantial bonus if you can take her, alive, to the capital for trial. The coin is hard to turn down and you accept the mission. You caught her already, what could possibly go wrong on a transport? This offering was a fantastic time for the Murder Hobo Inc. podcast show on Twitch. The series features a rotating cast for a two hour game every week. They also offer a "talk show" format every Tuesday. We urge you to check us out: twitch.com/mhoboinc and don't forget to follow!

Cover of Encounters on the Savage Seas
Encounters on the Savage Seas
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
100 pages

Greetings! I've created a sea-themed supplement that you might find uuseful: Encounters on the Savage Seas is a 100-page supplement containing mini-adventures, NPCs, new ships, locations, and magic items. In all, the writers have produced 19 unique encounters, NPCs, and locations for you to add to any nautical campaign. We’ve even included scaling suggestions so they can be used with different party levels. •Visit the township of Badu - the village riding on the back of a gigantic dragon turtle •Encounter space pirates •Interact with goblin pirates commanding strange water vehicles •Roleplay with Loan Sharks •Endure the Fog of Horrors •and so much more.... You can view the 30-page preview by clicking this link:https://www.dmsguild.com/product/270757/Encounters-on-the-Savage-Seas Also, go grab my FREE playable race: Otterfolk: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/267692/Otterfolk I hope you enjoy the content if you pick it up!

Cover of Jerimond's Orb
Jerimond's Orb
3rd Edition
Levels 2–4
9 pages

Ten days ride north of the great city, there is a small town named Treefall. Up until recently, this town was well known for its rich harvests, happy villagers, and prosperous weather. These days, however, the once-proud details from Treefall have turned darker. Instead of tales of unending prosperity, you hear hushed whispers of a great curse that has struck the once-happy village. Word has it that, where once roamed contented cattle, now strange beasts hunt by the moon's cold light and terrorize the hapless region. You have scoffed with the others at these stories. Despite the things you've seen in you adventures with your friends, the thought that such ill might befall such a sleepy town strikes you as terribly unlikely. There is plenty of evil in the world, true, but there are also much bigger and better targets. But, tonight despite the firmness of your disbelief, the stories come to find you. You have been traveling north along the roads on your own business, enjoying the rich fall colors and warm afternoons. Your camp os small and secure, with a roaring fire and meat cooking over the flame. It's one of those crisp autumn days that makes you long for a warm hearth after a long ride in the cool air. Still, the fire is good enough for now and you and your friends have a wonderful meal, talking and singing and laughing, anticipating a restful sleep beneath the blanket of stars. Until the beast attacks.

Cover of The Beast of ShadowGate
The Beast of ShadowGate
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
11 pages

Horrors in the Dark The origin of the ShadowGate is lost in antiquity. Some claim it as the work of devils, others cannibal cultists or even demon lords. Not long after its discovery it was boarded up by the priests of the local church, and then fortified by paladins. Of late something has emerged from the portal. It remains trapped within the divine defences, but for how long?

Cover of Starburn Academy
Starburn Academy
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
18 pages

Everyone who’s anyone has heard of Starburn Academy. The elite boarding school is famous for teaching students to excel in magic, history, fighting, and anything else a precocious child in the city of Seledor needs to know. But now, one instructor at the school is using his position to carry out a nefarious plot which is at best unethical and at worst deeply dangerous. The only people standing in his way are a mage with an unreliable reputation and the handful of talented children she picked off the street to infiltrate the school and get the evidence needed to take him down. That is, you.

Cover of Shadows of Lastwatch Keep
Shadows of Lastwatch Keep
5th Edition
Level 4
14 pages

A fast-paced one-shot from the bestselling author of The Secrets of Skyhorn Lighthouse! A shadowy force gathers inside the abandoned halls of Lastwatch Keep. Can the players defeat the drow invaders before they escape to the underworld with sinister intelligence about the surface? Shadows of Lastwatch Keep is a one-shot adventure for four or five 4th-level characters. It takes about 3-4 hours to complete and includes: -A drow strike team desperate to escape the keep’s surprise foe -A new monster, the drow commando -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -A beautiful, hand-drawn map by Jake from Beware the Wizard

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #71: The 13th Skull
Dungeon Crawl Classics #71: The 13th Skull
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 4
10 pages

Thirteen generations ago, the ambitious first Duke of Magnussen made a fell pact with an unknown power, who asked for but one thing in return: the thirteenth daughter born to a Magnussen duke. Now, generations hence, the daughter of Duke Magnussen XIII is stolen away by a hooded executioner riding a leathery beast. As it wings back across the city walls to drop behind the Duke’s mountain-top keep, all who watch know it alights in the Magnussen family crypts, where the devilish secrets of thirteen generations have been buried and forgotten – until now… This adventure module also includes The Balance Blade, a short level 2 adventure in which a wizard’s patron makes a simple request: travel to another plane to retrieve a legendary blade of neutrality. But once the journey is in motion, the wizard finds that not all is as it seems!

Cover of Where The Fallen Jarls Sleep DF18
Where The Fallen Jarls Sleep DF18
Levels 3–5
35 pages

Disturbing shadows have grown long over the northern reaches of The Land of Song. The fierce people who once fished the chilly fjords and hunted in the evergreen peaks now huddle in their villages. An evil is abroad in the land. The heroes are charged by Jarl Yngvar with traveling to the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls, an old tomb in the hills where dead kings are laid to rest, to discover the source of the malevolence bearing down upon the land and with eradicating it. Who can say what evil lurks amid the towering peaks and shadowed fjords? For decades this malevolent being plotted his vengeance upon Hjalmar’s heirs, for the jarl had gone the way of all mortals. Taking for himself the name Mogens (“powerful”), this evil spirit, now a self-styled dark lord, gathered wicked cronies and servants to itself and came to the Valley of the Sleeping Jarls. There, he has spent nearly two decades corrupting and desecrating the sacred resting place, reshaping the hollowed tombs into a blasphemous temple to his infernal lord.

Cover of Winter's Breath
Winter's Breath
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
17 pages

Vengeance of the Winter Queen A small town has been attacked by an unknown entity in the midst of celebrating their Midwinter Festival and many of the citizens have been frozen solid. Discover who or what is responsible for the condition of the villagers by entering the frozen catacombs beneath the temple grounds! A 3-5 hour Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure for 5th - 10th level characters.

Cover of Forbidden Mountain
Forbidden Mountain
Levels 6–8
8 pages

A mad venture across the fourth dimension. Hang onto your helmets in this topsy-turvy dungeon. Be warned that the accidental release of the Evil One (described in the text) could have devestating consequences on the PCs, not to mention the local campaign area. The DM should consider alternatives to the Evil One's powers if they are felt to be too destructive. Pgs. 32-39

Cover of Shadows Under Emystrell
Shadows Under Emystrell
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
110 pages

For months, the dreams of the people of Emystrell have become dark and terrible. It seems their nightmares have come to life as in recent weeks, people have mysteriously gone missing, vanishing in the night without a trace! Everyone is too paralyzed by their own despair to do anything or venture far from the safety of their homes. Emystrell is on the brink of collapse. The baron is offering a handsome reward to anyone who can show proof of the end of whatever evil curse that has taken hold of their town. This adventure is designed for a party of 3-5 heroic characters from the 2nd to 3rd level. It has elements of mystery and investigation in the first section which can be detailed and highly involved for groups that enjoy the process of searching for clues and solving mysteries or just as easily glossed over for groups that are more tactics focused. The second section of the adventure features the dungeon: a labyrinthine complex of an ancient elven crypt which the thieves guild has used as a base of operations for a decade...until the serpent worshipping cult arrived. The third section of this book is the detailed map and notes on the town and surrounding area of Emystrell. Roleplaying notes are kept light to allow for room for your own interpretations and details to NPCs remain as free to do with as you choose unless I felt inspired and hoped to give you a cool idea. This adventure has hooks for Dungeon Masters interested in a larger campaign involving the sinister plots of the Yuan-Ti (snake people) as well as other interesting adventure hooks (such as the giants in the nearby mountains or the stolen gem: The Eye of the Dragon). These plot points are intentionally left vague for you to fill in the gaps based on what your players seem interested in. You are invited to use this as a launch point adventure to lead your heroes on a larger adventure that might someday set them against an Anathema Serpent demigod, or it may simply be the adventure that begins their journeys and the evil of Yargoth stops here at Emystrell. If your campaign is set in a pre-published setting, this town of Emystrell can be replaced or fit into any campaign with a few tweaks to local gods and names. If you are playing in Dragonlance, you could replace Yargoth the Dread Serpent with Tiamat, or Dendar in Fearun. The local goddess, Tyr, could be the Tyr from the Forgotten Realms or even Norse myth if that is your campaign setting.