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71 adventures found
Cover of Carcass Fracas!
Carcass Fracas!
Level 1
2 pages

It's only a flesh wound. This roadkill isn't as harmless as it looks. Reports abound of brigands and hobgoblins attacking travelers in the area. Though there were brigands, the attacks are the work of a Thoul (magical combination of a hobgoblin, ghoul, and troll). The Thoul is playing dead in the road to attract prey. It has been doing this successfully for a number of days now with the help of its mate, a second Thoul hiding nearby. The PCs must defeat the Thouls to keep the road safe for travelers between the local towns. Pgs. 26-27

Cover of B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond
B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond
Levels 1–3
32 pages

Five exciting short adventures to make your Basic campaign come alive! The Clearing of Castle Caldwell - A local merchant has recently purchased a small castle... but when he tried to move in, he discovered that the castle was already inhabited! Dungeons of Terror - A strange trapdoor in the floor of Castle Caldwell leads to a terrifying challenge! The Abduction of Princess Sylvia - On the eve of her wedding, the beautiful princess has been kidnapped! Can you save her in time? The Great Escape - Imprisoned in an enemy fortress, without armor or weapons, your situation seems hopeless. Yet there may be a way to freedom... The Sanctuary of Elwyn the Ardent - A mystical chime of great power has been stolen - but by whom? In the wrong hands, the chime can cause untold harm! But can you find and defeat this mysterious and powerful creature? TSR 9143

Cover of X1 The Isle of Dread
X1 The Isle of Dread
Levels 3–7
32 pages

One of the original D&D classics, "The Isle of Dread" is a hex crawl wilderness adventure. It focuses on surviving primitive beasts, dinosaurs, and pirates while uncovering the mystery of the island's inland city, where a great treasure awaits. From the cover: "This module contains maps and background material for the Isle, fifteen new monsters, and suggestions for further adventures. In addition, The Isle of Dread contains a map and background information for a large continent, and eleven smaller maps for encounters on the island itself. In this module, players will push their way through dark jungles and treacherous swamps to discover the lost plateau, and the final secrets of - the Isle of Dread!" TSR 9043

Cover of M2 Vengeance of Alphaks
M2 Vengeance of Alphaks
Levels 28–32
32 pages

Centuries ago, the despotic Alphaks, ruler of Alphatia, was banished to another world. From his own sphere of entropy he learned to manipulate men, and now seeks revenge against the human race. The volatile region of Norworld, a perennial battleground between Thyatis and Alphaita, draws Alphaks's attention. The already existing frictions, small-time political players, and petty vengeances are the sparks Alphaks will use to ignite a huge war that will destroy man-kind. This is an adventure of politics and diplomacy, of treachery and treason. Only courageous and bold actions can save Norworld from the horrors of war and liberate its people from oppression. The Vengeance of Alphaks may be played as a sequel to module M1, Into the Maelstrom, or separately. The D&D Master Set Rules are necessary for running this game. TSR 9148

Cover of Adventure One: Trouble in Threshold
Adventure One: Trouble in Threshold
Level 1
14 pages

The Heroes are relaxing in an inn when they hear a scream, rushing outside they find that a local merchant has been kidnapped! The merchant's wife saw the assailants drag him into an alley, where the heroes give chase. Following the villains through a maze of natural fissures, tunnels, and ancient ruins they encounter a number of monsters, traps, and puzzles. Eventually they make their way to the kidnappers hideout, where they confront the kidnappers in a final climatic battle to rescue the merchant and uncover a criminal gang.

Cover of IM3 The Best of Intentions
IM3 The Best of Intentions
Immortal Level
48 pages

Prime Plane Immortals are dying like flies: nasty, violent deaths. The Hierarchs suspect Entropy, as usual, especially with all the rumors of demons' involvement. To top it all off, one of the Hierarchs is missing - Mazikeen. Your Mission as novice Temporals, should you choose to accept it, it to find Mazikeen, uncover his kidnaper, and bring him or her to a court of Immortal Justice. This entails much more than mere detective job - it also means taking part in the Immortal Olympics and going plane-hopping with the best (or worst?) of them. Should you not accept this mission, the fate of all Prime Plane Imoortals rests on your heads. (Well, it rests there anyway, but this is meant to make you more than a little guilty about not accepting - after all, you're supposed to be duty-bound and all that kind of thin, and I you don't do this, then who will? Huh? Did you ever think about that, Bucko?) TSR 9207

Cover of DDA2 Legions of Thyatis
DDA2 Legions of Thyatis
Levels 3–4
32 pages

Revolt of the Gladiators! The corrupt Thyatian senator, Helenites Osteropolus, his latest scheme smashed by the adventurers and their gladiator allies, hatches a new plot to destroy the influence of the Order of the Sands (even, perhaps, to attack the Emperor himself!) Yet greater dangers lie ahead. If his plot succeeds, it will remove the guardians that protect the city from the creatures that lurk in the caverns and catacombs below. Can the players block his gambit? Will the wheel of justice grind small, or will the greasy palm of political corruption reach out and save the senator once again? You decide, in the chaotic swirl of the Thyatian capital's politics. This module is designed especially for the DM who wants to sharpen his interactive skills. Recommended for four to six characters, levels 3-4 Includes map of a realistic catacomb complex below Thyatis City Unique role playing climax tests players' integrity and skill New information on the military Legions of Thyatis This module is a stand-alone sequel to DDA1 Arena of Thyatis. TSR 9296

Cover of CM7 The Tree of Life
CM7 The Tree of Life
Levels 8–10
32 pages

This module is especially for a party of elven PCs, level 8+. The Feadiel clan's Tree of Life is dying. As the bravest and strongest elves in the clan, you must undertake the challenge of the elders: seek out the source of the disease and destroy it. If you fail, the Tree of Life will surely perish, and all your family with it. The quest is great and you may die on the journey, never to find the cause of the disease. The journey will take you to the deepest part of ancient Selinar, Elvenhome, to find the guarded grave of the first Treekeeper... TSR 9166

Cover of M1 Blizzard Pass
M1 Blizzard Pass
Levels 1–3
32 pages

A SOLO adventure for thieves level 1-3 or Group play level 1-3 The storm sweeps off the mountaintops without warning, as if conjured by some supernatural power. Within minutes, huge drifts of snow have halted the caravan, and the snow falls so hard it is impossible to see more than five feet. You huddle next to the sledge, trying to shelter for you numb face from the icy winds. A dozen half-human forms march into view out of the raging blizzard. The little man-things carry wooden spears or long, unsheathed swords in bony, gnarled hands. Their blood-red eyes quickly fall upon your sledge and the ugly creatures turn toward your hiding place. Will you survive to uncover the secret of Blizzard Pass? This module contains all you need to solve the riddle of Blizzard Pass, including 14 maps, an invisible ink marking pen, a complete solo adventure, a pre-rolled character, and an outline for group play! TSR 9067

Cover of Rank Amateurs
Rank Amateurs
Levels 1–3
15 pages

Somewhere ogre the rainbow.... You and your fellow humanoids are going to be diplomats! Can you say "disaster?" I knew you could. This module is made for humanoid monster PCs created with GAZ10 (The Orcs of Thar Gazetteer). That module is required to play through this adventure. The players start in the village of Flooshpragh, which acts as the horde center for the Rude Mongrel tribe of goblinoid races. Unknown to the players, the tribe has grown unmanagebly large, and the chief has marked the players as expendable individuals! Many subtle clues exist throughout the module to clue the players into this betrayal. The adventure proceeds through a town with roleplaying opportunities, a tower dungeon, and finishes by the players unknowingly pranking a human wizard. Pgs. 50-64

Cover of The Vineyard Vales
The Vineyard Vales
Levels 2–4
11 pages

The lizard men are just pining for the fjords. A plague of locusts is bad enough, but when the locusts are each a yard long, the farmers need professional help! A swarm of giant locusts has been eating all the grapes and leaves from the vineyards of Vineyard Vale! In addition, lizard folk have attacked and destroyed several steads in the vale. The farmers are desperate, but what they don't know is that these events are linked! A mage known as Rhungold the Trickster has been orchestrating the attacks and locusts to try to scare the farmers off the land so he can claim it as his own. The players slowly piece the story together by investigating a fairly linear story through a cave, a marsh, and finally to a compound owned by the wizard Rhungold. Pgs. 6-16

Cover of CM4 Earthshaker!
CM4 Earthshaker!
Levels 18–20
24 pages

Into your hands has been thrust a great responsibility: the management of a growing domain. It has been a hard winter. Now, with the coming of spring, the populace looks to you for leadership. It will take a careful and generous hand to restore your subjects' confidence. But even as you hold your first courts of the new season, an ominous shadow falls across the land. Earthshaker - wonder of the world - has arrived! Will its arrival be a curse or a blessing? With bold action and skillful diplomacy, you may yet divert disaster. But if you fail, the consequences will certainly be the subject of many a minstrel's tragic songs for years to come! "Earthshaker" includes a complete dominion setting, new player characters and NPCs, and complete material on one of the greatest marvels of the world - the giant and unstoppable Earthshaker! TSR 9128

Cover of X4 Master of the Desert Nomads
X4 Master of the Desert Nomads
Levels 6–9
32 pages

To arms! To arms! The battle lines are drawn as desert men and inhuman tribes wait poised to strike on the fertile and rich lands of the east. The call has gone out through the civilized lands. The armies have been raised to match the invading foes from the west. Nobles and peasants have joined swords to greet the foes. But Fate or Chance has decreed another role for a small few. No glorious banners will wave on their march. No squadrons of knights will charge at their word. Instead, they will fight the war with stealth, secrecy, and cunning. The risks they will take are great, but the fates of both armies lie with them. It begins one night for your party far from the fighting. Suddenly you are entrusted with the most dangerous mission of the war. Can you cross the Sind Desert, occupied now by enemy armies, to find the Great Pass? Can you find the one known only as The Master? What will you do if you find him? So begins your adventure in The Master of the Desert Nomads, the first module of a two-part adventure that can be concluded in the exciting Temple of Death or played entirely on its own. Can your party do what must be done? TSR 9068

Cover of DDA4 The Dymrak Dread
DDA4 The Dymrak Dread
Levels 1–3
16 pages

Adventure Lies Ahead, Deep in the Heart of the Dymrak Forest Are you ready to meet the Lord Forester's challenge: to put an end to needless death and destruction by doing away with the goblin war chieftain, Kosivikh, and his evil band of raiders? Eager to prove yourselves as new adventurers and to collect a sizable bounty, you travel to the goblins' dungeon in the Dymrak Forest - a place that has captivated your interest for years, a place where few have dared to venture. Only you and your fellow adventurers can put an end to the rampant bloodshed and return peace to the territory. This module is recommended especially for beginner Dungeon Masters and players who are interested in dungeon exploration. Can be used as a follow-up to the DDA3, Eye of Traldar module or it can stand alone Features easy-to-follow rules on dungeon adventuring in the heart of the Dymrak Forest. TSR 9272

Cover of CM6 Where Chaos Reigns
CM6 Where Chaos Reigns
Levels 17–19
24 pages

You have been chosen. Throughout the land, the omens of some cataclysmic change are clear for all to see. The flowers are blooming out of season, fish fall like rain, and a blue moon hangs in the night sky. Yet the danger is not of this land, nor even this world. Far away in the infinite planes lies Aelos, a world of peril. A world where time itself has been corrupted and where chaos reigns. Even the mighty Immortals who watch over the planes are powerless to help Aelos. Hope rests in you alone. Come then, journey through the swirling Nexus, to a world beyond the stars. You have been chosen, and Eternity beckons! TSR 9158

Cover of Tortles of the Purple Sage - Part 1
Tortles of the Purple Sage - Part 1
Levels 4–10
23 pages

Part 1 of an Expert-level quest into a hostile wilderness. This adventure takes place in the Known World of the D&D game, as outlined throughout the D&D game rule books and modules. The DM may find it useful to consult the Companion and Masters Sets, as well as most of the X-series of Expert Set modules. D&D Expert Set module X9, The Savage Coast, would be especially helpful, as Tortles of the Purple Sage could easily serve and continue that module's direction and plot like, adding a previously undescribed area (the Great Northway) to the Known World. The DM may also place the areas and events of this adventure within an existing campaign setting, as long as the geographical areas of the campaign match those set forth here. Pgs. 40-62

Cover of M4 Five Coins for a Kingdom
M4 Five Coins for a Kingdom
Levels 28–32
40 pages

This adventure is about a quest to save a city that disappear underneath there feet in a power play by a wizard from another plane. The previous ruling wizards are trapped in magic coins scattered nearby and help defeat the evil wizard on an inverse material plane and end with the players going into the middle of a sun to convince the ruling fire elemental to give the city back. TSR 9204

Cover of X3 Curse of Xanathon
X3 Curse of Xanathon
Levels 5–7
32 pages

Something is rotten in Rhoona... When the grotesque god, Cretia, casts his ugly shadow over the town, strange things start happening. First, Duke Stephen vanishes. Then bizarre proclamations begin coming out of the Ducal Palace... Dwarves are outlawed... taxes must be paid in beer... horses must be ridden backwards. Soon the entire town is in an uproar and a Dwarven army is marching on Rhoona. This is the situation when you and your part of valiant adventurers arrive in the suffering town. There you find... A ragged beggar who prowls the streets offering cryptic advice. A mysterious black-garbed cleric planning treachery. A trusted soldier plotting his master's overthrow. A sinister jewel casting its evil emanations over the town. You and your party are Rhoona's only hope. Only YOU can unravel the dark mystery that plagues the town and save Rhoona from...the Curse of Xanathon. TSR 9056

Cover of M3 Twilight Calling
M3 Twilight Calling
Levels 30–35
32 pages

Through seven gates lie seven realms. In seven realms stand seven guardians. With seven guardians lie seven symbols. From seven symbols comes one key. Alpahaks the Dark desires that key, by which he plans to release death and chaos into the realms of man. Your party may be all that stands between life and death. Will you heed the lunatic ravings of a dying madman? Travel to the top of Guardian Mesa, and enter the Septahenge. Gather the mystic symbols, create they key, and defeat the Carnifex, before it's too late... TSR 9174

Cover of Night of the Vampire
Night of the Vampire
Levels 1–6
32 pages

You are cordially invited to a masquerade celebrating the engagement of Lady Laina Vandevic to Lord Iajo Moubotka. Lord Gustav Vandevic welcomes you to his manor for an evening's entertainment. The servants are delighted to make your acquaintance - but watch out for the other guests! Intrigues within intrigues are afoot in Vandevicsny Manor. When a celebration becomes a night of terror, only the most cunning heroes will survive! TSR 2509