A community for lazy dungeon masters
146 adventures found
Cover of FQ11 - Dungeon of Telgus Miner
FQ11 - Dungeon of Telgus Miner
Levels 6–8
27 pages

As you continue to pursue the lost pages from the Codex of Gamber Dauch (Daw-sch) you receive a missive from your cleric’s church. With your fame building the Caravan Masters have gone to the church to request your assistance with a strange humanoid uprising in the west. After a bit of research, you discover the area may/may not be home to a magical crozier. The trouble is in a rural area and home to the community of Rantoul. A meager humanoid incursion shouldn’t cause you too much trouble and you decide to accept the mission!

Cover of FT - Cedarwood
FT - Cedarwood
Level 1
46 pages

Let’s face after multiple dungeon delves and wilderness encounters you just want to spend some of that hard won loot. If your party has been out in the wilderness a little too long the high walls of a frontier city is a welcome sight. Such is the case with the large community of Cedarwood in the Plains of Dorack. At 46 pages of locales if the PCs can’t find something interesting, they need a cure blindness spell!

Cover of FP4 - Butchery of the Geldamore
FP4 - Butchery of the Geldamore
Levels 3–6
18 pages

There your party is, having a few pints at the local tavern, minding your own business.....suddenly a fight breaks out! As you enjoy watching someone else take a beating for once, the town guards break in and stop the fight. A shriek and an old woman pointing her finger at one of the members of your party saying they have murdered the bar owner and now they are in custody. Can the other members of the party figure out the mystery and spring your cohort?

Cover of OS191 - Mine Mayhem
OS191 - Mine Mayhem
Level 1
14 pages

You and your close friends have decided to become adventurers and seek out your destiny. As you head to a Pacifica, a port city, you cross the mining territories and hear a cry for help. It turns out a nearby mining colony has been overrun by humanoids. Looks like your legendary exploits start today!

Cover of FT - Corsair Bay
FT - Corsair Bay
Levels 1–6
17 pages

Clover Island is home to one of the wildest towns in the world of Filbar. While the town of Corsair Bay is recognized as the home of the Pirate Kingdom it is a fully functional town. This location sits at the midway point for those crossing the Newmack Sea and is a resupply stop for most commercial traffic pirate and otherwise. The ruler of Corsair Bay is the legendary, and somewhat retired, pirate named Hannibal the Black. This fearsome pirate now enjoys ruling the community and most of the explored areas on the island but his ship still waits in port for him should he decide to set sail again

Cover of FN10 - Abbey of Sobek
FN10 - Abbey of Sobek
Levels 4–7
12 pages

With your fame building in the Great Plains of Dorack you have received word of an abandoned temple that has been showing signs of life. Years ago the followers of the old deity Sobek built a temple to honor him. The cult died out after a successful raid by Plainsmen who looted the complex after killing off the monks who inhabited it. A few days after the temple sacking the chieftain responsible for the attack fell ill and died of a mysterious disease. As it was believed a curse befell the warlord, the area was abandoned and considered taboo. Lately strange lights have been seen near the old temple and a giant stone alligator has been spotted in the area. The Plainsmen cannot go to the area as the old taboo is still in place and have asked your party to investigate.

Cover of FS1 - Fortitude Dungeon
FS1 - Fortitude Dungeon
Low Level
8 pages

Need to teach a newbie how to play? A young village shepherd has been telling a tale of an opening in the ground near where his flock roams. Timby Poster thinks he has found something of great importance. He has been telling everyone that there are stone stairs leading into the depths. He was going to investigate but his flock was set upon by vile humanoids that have been raiding the area more frequently. As Timby is prone to tell “tales” of monsters and his flock came back intact this may be a hoax thought up by the young boy. This adventure was designed for a beginning character with little RPG experience. Created for one player and one DM this allows a new player to understand basic concepts.

Cover of FP6 – Lair of Arcanous the Black
FP6 – Lair of Arcanous the Black
Levels 5–7
18 pages

Tucked away in a volcanic hideaway is the home of the feared and wanted mage known as Arcanous the Black. This evil man is feared only slightly less than his original master Sabu the Witch King. In this adventure the party has the opportunity to deal with this fugitive from justice and claim the 5000gp reward!

Cover of OP21 - Loki's Grove
OP21 - Loki's Grove
5th Edition
Level 1
2 pages

Starting an adventuring career can be exciting, but it can also be deadly. As you have completed your training, you are offered an "easy" job from an alchemist. Several ingredients are required for a special project and the only source is a Druid a few miles away. Get the items, return them, and get paid a whopping 20gp...not a bad start for a newbie!

Cover of SQ3 - Hatadage Cult
SQ3 - Hatadage Cult
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
17 pages

SQ3 – Hatadage Cult takes a group of initial adventurers on their first challenge. This short adventure allows a group of new or low level PCs hear news of a kidnapping from a nearby thorp. Role playing will be key to learning more about the disappearance before heading into the hills near some old ruins. This is the site of a group of cultists that have kidnapped the young woman and mean to use her in a sacrifice!

Cover of NC10 - Submission of Rodo
NC10 - Submission of Rodo
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
26 pages

The Denali Monarchy has been toppled and the citizens have formed a new government. The new head of the government, called The Hona, has requested additional help from the party. For a long time an island to the east called Rodo has been a source of goods for the land. The Hona wants to make sure that local regent, Lord Karlock, is going to continue to be a part of Denali or if he has other “thoughts” on the matter. Is your party ready for a diplomatic relations mission?

Cover of PL2 - Issue in the Canyon
PL2 - Issue in the Canyon
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
17 pages

Adventuring in the Principality of Lockerbie continues with Issue in the Canyon. Your party has enjoyed the advantages of being considered a hero but as the days’ progress, it is back to normal in Gormell. After having a bit of ale at the local tavern you notice a wagon caravan has arrived in town and the people are abuzz over their arrival. Noticing that some of employees are a little beat up, you find yourself in the sheriff’s office being told of a brazen, humanoid attack on the merchants. Looks like you just found a job opportunity!

Cover of OS192 - Missionary Retreat
OS192 - Missionary Retreat
Level 6
14 pages

A job offer from the high bishop? Looks like your fame is becoming far reaching. You meet with revered figure and discover that he has a task right up your alley. A group of missionaries on an island retreat have not been heard from in a year. He asks that you and your associates go check on them.

Cover of FP1 - Yasmine's Tower
FP1 - Yasmine's Tower
Levels 1–3
20 pages

Deep in a secluded vale is a place known to the locals as Yasmine's Tower. It is said that she is an evil witch who uses magic to bend lost travellers to her will. Can your party put an end to this evil?

Cover of NQ3 – Ta’ Hagrat
NQ3 – Ta’ Hagrat
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
21 pages

The party has received word from the citizens (or in NQ2) of a troublesome cult hidden in Meglos Peaks. Apparently a stronghold exists near the mouth of the Tora River. Putting an end to this group of religious fanatics would certainly put another feather in your fledgling career caps!

Cover of FT - Fort Myers
FT - Fort Myers
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
9 pages

Sometimes your PCs wander into a town and you just need names and places. No scenarios with this one just a skinned down town for you to add problems to. In our Fartook Campaign we incorporated a gambling ring and murder in Fort Myers

Cover of OP13 - Pursuit of Jessy Jane
OP13 - Pursuit of Jessy Jane
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
2 pages

Your time at the Riverside Cafe is cut short as you witness the wanted criminal Jessy Jane tearing through the area. As the guards fumble the pursuit you recall a hefty reward for this nefarious woman. What the hell, the Etharia Tea was too hot anyway. Rising from your seat, you head off after the woman!

Cover of FVC13 - Plunder of North Port
FVC13 - Plunder of North Port
5th Edition
Levels 12–14
19 pages

You and your cohorts have pulled into Free Haven, a port city in the northern reaches to settle down for the season. Your respite is short lived as word reaches the city that a small community further north has been attacked by humanoid raiders! Refugees from North Port have arrived and report their community has been sacked. There is little hope of survivors and the fear is that Free Haven may be next. With little else to do, it is time for the party to put on their “hero caps” and save the day!

Cover of FVS5 - Penchant for Adventure 4
FVS5 - Penchant for Adventure 4
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
15 pages

Penchant for Adventure – 4 is the solo adventure for a 4th level character. This scenario can be used for the PC to obtain a ‘special’ item that they want. Originally used for a paladin to get his warhorse, the adventure can be tailored to suit the needs/wants of a specific PC. Like all the Penchant for Adventure settings the adventure takes place around the small community of Penchant. Not all of the businesses are in focus for the adventure although details can be feathered in as you need.

Cover of FVS8 - Penchant for Adventure - 3
FVS8 - Penchant for Adventure - 3
5th Edition
Level 3
20 pages

This adventure begins with a message delivery to the post commander in Penchant. Sadly for your PC Lt. Kateryn Hawtrey is gone and the PC will need to wait until her return. While wandering through town yelling is heard and someone is in trouble. Investigation reveals that a small child has fallen into one of the town’s wells and needs help getting out. While forming a rescue plan the child, CeCe, screams and disappears from sight. Is your player brave enough to venture into the darkness alone? As with all adventures in the Penchant series it can be difficult and not for the faint of heart!