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1432 adventures found
Cover of Adventures in Hawk's Rest
Adventures in Hawk's Rest
5th Edition
Level 1
37 pages

Adventures in Hawk's Rest is a love letter to low-level D&D: Studio Ghibli meets the Shire meets Lost Mine of Phandelver. An open-world hexcrawl for characters of 1st to 2nd level, Hawk's Rest is intended as a prologue to a longer campaign, with seven keyed adventure sites and fantastic maps by Dungeon Baker (How to Defend Your Lair, The Lazy DM's Companion). Hawk's Rest is written for new and veteran players alike but avoids the usual pitfalls associated with 1st-level adventures: not only are encounters balanced to avoid character death, but most combats can be avoided entirely with clever roleplaying.

Cover of The Alchemists' Guildhall
The Alchemists' Guildhall
5th Edition
Level 6
4 pages

"The Alchemists' Guildhall" is a rusalka lair suitable for four or five 6th-level characters. This adventure can be completed in one session.

Cover of Dreams of Dissension
Dreams of Dissension
5th Edition
Level 4
26 pages

The people of the hill have brought Cinderstorm’s wrath upon them. If you want to save them, find me beyond the stepping stones in the Whispering Woods. Dreams of Dissension is a 5E adventure filled with mystery, conflict, and spirits set on the edge of a frigid forest. The adventure is designed for characters of 4th level, and should provide enough content for two or three game sessions. These 25 pages are filled with marvelous art and reveal 4 new magic items and 6 original creatures. The supplement includes 4 fully-printable battlemapsmade specifically for the encounters in this adventure (VTT versions are also available for download). Published by Beyond the Screen

Cover of Amunrahx the Intrepid
Amunrahx the Intrepid
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
19 pages

Amunrahx the Intrepid is your typical red dragon, with one important difference. He draws power both from the size of his hoard and the amount of trade and commerce flowing through his domain. Amunrahx is a Tyrant—proud, egotistic, and self-centered. “The Intrepid” is a self-given title. He is powerful and dangerous, but he is no match for a party of heroes and can’t stand up to an army on his own. Amunrahx depends on minions and lieutenants to deal with obstacles and constantly seeks to acquire more forces. As his domain grows, he gains ever-greater influence over the surrounding economy, creating a vacuum of wealth and skilled talent that chokes the life out of nearby cities while Amunrahx lounges and savors his victory. Tyrants and Hellions is a Dungeon Master's aide, containing fifteen villains complete with schemes, lairs, backstories, and everything else you need to drop them into your own 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Within its 400 pages you'll also find the methods, both mechanical and thematic, used to create villains that spark the imaginations of your players. Amunrahx is one of these villains, and his adventure takes up 33 pages (pg 74-93). Published by 2CGaming

Cover of An Uneasy Truce
An Uneasy Truce
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
14 pages

The town of Innisfall lives in the shadow of dragons, but has managed to broker a peace with them through the years and avoided outright destruction. Now, a dragon has been murdered and the visiting party of adventurers is accused of perpetrating the deed. Can our heroes prove their innocence and restore the uneasy truce the town has lived under for generations?…

Cover of Tomb of Horrors 5e
Tomb of Horrors 5e
5th Edition
High Level
17 pages

In the far reaches of the world, under a lost and lonely hill, lies the sinister Tomb of Horrors. This labyrinthine crypt is filled with terrible traps, strange and ferocious monsters, rich and magical treasures, and somewhere within rests the demilich. Remake of the original AD&D adventure.

Cover of Test of the Smoking Eye
Test of the Smoking Eye
3.5 Edition
Level 10
34 pages

The Cagewrights continue their manipulations of the city of Cauldron, making the PCs their latest pawns in a gambit that leads all the way to the Abyss. The heroes must complete the test of a deposed demon lord to ensure the safety of Cauldron and all its citizens. The 5th adventure in The Shackled City Adventure Path. Pgs. 38-71

Cover of Funeral Procession
Funeral Procession
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–5
15 pages

For months, the brutal serial killer Crimson stalked the streets of Saltmarsh, preying on dozens of men and women. Now the murderer lies dead, but although justice has been done, the danger has not yet passed. A soul as wicked and deprived as Crimson's does not rest quietly, and the local cult of Graz'zt has plans for the coming monstrosity. A D&D adventure for 1st-level characters.

Cover of Manthrak's Malicious Steamroller
Manthrak's Malicious Steamroller
5th Edition
Level 4
13 pages

Manthrak's Malicious Steamroller After an experiment with a teapot goes wrong, a wizard's tower rolls through the forest, crushing all beneath it. Its owner, Manthrak the Meticulous wants it back. It's up to you and your companions to stop the tower's rampage before something even worse happens. Manthrak’s Malicious Steamroller is a short, high-octane one-shot adventure module for a party of four or five 4th level characters. With no setting specific details, it can be easily dropped into any campaign, or run on by itself for an action-packed escapade. Included: Full-color 13-page PDF Virtual tabletop maps - Gridded & Non-gridded Accessible & print-friendly PDF A fun, unforgettable experience

Cover of Curse of the Rusty Walrus
Curse of the Rusty Walrus
3.5 Edition
Level 8
7 pages

A "web Enhancement" adventure for the D&D 3.5 Frostburn supplement. Arctic / Frostfell / Cold Several decades ago, a down-on-his-luck half-elf known as Captain Kerakes lost his ship after a run of bad luck in a game of dice. So when an investor approached him with an offer of a new ship and three-month mission, he jumped at the chance. His new employer was a rich but somewhat miserly nobleman named Jarren Skein. Having heard rumors of the glacier dwarves and their amazing weaponcraft, he had become obsessed with obtaining some of their weapons as trophies. Skein made Kerakes the captain of a ship called the Rusty Walrus and promised him a sizeable commission upon his return with the desired glacier dwarf weapons. The PCs must board the wreck of the Rusty Walrus and defeat the undead that infest it. Later, the ghost of Captain Kerakes begins to wreak vengeance on Jarren Skein s heirs. The PCs must determine the reason for the string of murders and track down the perpetrator.

Cover of Escape from Meenlock Prison
Escape from Meenlock Prison
3.5 Edition
Level 1
12 pages

What was supposed to be a simple prisoner transfer grows complicated when the PCs arrive at a prison that’s recently come under new management.

Cover of The Arcanist Lock
The Arcanist Lock
5th Edition
Level 5
8 pages

You hear rumours of an unclaimed wizard's tower, a worthy prize for any practitioner of the arcane arts! Do you have what it takes to face its challenges and claim it as your own? This is a one-to-one adventure designed for one player of the wizard class and one DM.

Cover of SPA1: Mad Mage's Mansion
SPA1: Mad Mage's Mansion
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
36 pages

Who could know what is hidden within the secluded mansion of the crazed mage? Well, now, when nobody has seen him here for more than a year, it’s the best time to find out! A 4-hour adventure for two 1st–2nd level characters. Small Party Adventure: Though the party size of 3–5 characters is considered optimal in D&D, there are times when you can only gather one or two players at most. This adventure is designed exactly for such occasions.

Cover of Against the Giants 5e
Against the Giants 5e
5th Edition
Level 11
45 pages

Giants have been raiding civilized lands in bands, with giants of different sorts in these marauding group. Death and destruction have been laid heavily upon every place these monster have visited. This has caused great anger in high places, for life and property loss means failure of the vows of noble rulers to protect the life and goods of each and every subject--and possible lean times for the rulers as well as the ruled. Therefore, a party of the bravest and most powerful adventurers has been assembled and given the charge to punish the miscreant giants. Remake of the original series of AD&D adventure.

Cover of The Dark Tower of Cabilar
The Dark Tower of Cabilar
Levels 4–7
15 pages

The prince's godmother commissions you to retrieve the prince's jade crown, held in the tower of the vampire! The vampire's tower has three levels, and the three-level dungeon below 45 rooms. The party must be wary! Lethal traps abound. Marching order is important. A straight-forward dungeon crawl with many Gygaxian rooms and encounters. No roleplaying to speak of. Pgs. 4-18

Cover of Far4 - Smuggler's Den
Far4 - Smuggler's Den
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

Smuggler’s Den takes your group of adventurers above and below the city of Phoenix! After seeing wanted posters aka employment opportunities, you begin to sift around the marketplace for information (and deals). After finding a hint or two you go into the sewers below town to find a group of smugglers that will increase your fame and the size of your coin purses!

Cover of Screams at Sunset
Screams at Sunset
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
19 pages

Your party has just spent the better part of the day travelling in dismal weather and you've just located an appropriate place to camp when, out of the drizzle filled sunset, the terrifying screams of a woman can be heard through the patter of rain through the trees. Great! You're cold, miserable, and now you have the moralistic compulsion to investigate and render assistance to a damsel in distress. What you don't realize is that morals and damsels always means more trouble than what you may be willing to pay. Will your party survive long enough to see the dawn through the Screams at Sunset?

Cover of Ghost Town
Ghost Town
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
8 pages

Ghost Town is a one-shot-adventure for 3-5 players of level 1-3. It is set around the small town of Stone Village, but the adventure is easy to adapt into your own world or campaiign. A disease has broken out in the small town of Stone Village. Only a mage who lives deep in the Old Forest can safe the town. But there are heroes needed to get to the mage and bring him the news.

Cover of Beneath the Maelstrom
Beneath the Maelstrom
5th Edition
Level 8
7 pages

Far from shore, in the cold depths of the ocean, lies a legendary whirlpool, five fathoms wide, hungry for sailors, their ships, and their goods. By its side sits a man-eating monster, many-headed and hungry for any who escape the maelstrom. But beneath these perils are the ruins of a palace, rumored to be filled with treasure beyond imagining and, maybe, a history of secrets lost to time beneath the waves. In the midst of a storm, the party’s ship is caught in a strong current. The whirlpool traps them inside of the ruins of an underwater palace, which was once home to a group of nymphs and now is the last vestige of the story of how the nymph Scylla was transformed into the infamous peril she is today. Pgs. 165-171

Cover of Against Tsathogga
Against Tsathogga
Level 16
15 pages

Deep in the heart of a forsaken and filthy mire, a great amphibious foe awaits. Led by an ancient evil from the world's history, can you stop thesummoning of the Demon Frog- God? If not, you may face the Devourer of Life! Also available as 5E and Swords & Wizardry.