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251 adventures found
Dry Spell
3.5 Edition
Level 3
7 pages

An unusually severe drought in a remote area recently worsened dramatically when three lakes dried up almost simultaneously. The locals suspect foul play, and the foulest player they know is a bugbear named Relgore -- the leader of a highly successful group of humanoid bandits. Could he be seeking revenge for the militia attacks that recently dispersed his band?

Cover of Glaive of the Revenant King
Glaive of the Revenant King
5th Edition
Level 3
40 pages

Deep within the dark recesses of the Tomb of Nihalar, the final resting place of elven kings, the weapon of the wood elves of Imfe Aiqua stirs. Two individuals are drawn to the weapon—but only one can accept it. Who will take up the glaive of the revenant king and become the ruler of the forgotten elven city? Glaive of the Revenant King is a 3rd-level Fifth Edition adventure for 3-5 characters. Characters who survive the adventure should reach the 4th level by the adventure's conclusion. This is the major side quest in the Hand of Eight adventure path. It can be played as the kickoff for the larger adventure setting or as a one-shot adventure for your players. The campaign is intended to be set in the DMDave crowdsourced campaign world of Omeria. However, it can just as easily be inserted into any other mysterious, untamed wilderness. The adventure is written by renown Fifth Edition author, DMDave Hamrick. It's 40 pages of fast-paced fantasy adventure that includes zombie hordes, horrible monsters in dark forests, battles with orcs, and tombs filled with dangerous traps.

Cover of The Sea Demon's Gold
The Sea Demon's Gold
5th Edition
Level 1
34 pages

The Heart of the Haunted Sea e adventurers are on a storm-wracked ship, seeking the island of a long-forgotten, abandoned temple to the Sea Demon. In the temple, an extinct people sacrificed their wealth, their criminals, and their kings to quell the demon’s wrath. Untold treasure is said to just be lying there. Are your heroes bold or ruthless enough to claim it? Written by Shane Ivey and illustrated by Kurt Komoda, “The Sea Demon’s Gold” is an adventure for the Fi h Edition of the world’s most popular fantasy role-playing game. It can be played in any fantasy world you choose. It also makes the perfect introduction to the Broken Empire, a world of ancient mysteries, perils, power, and corruption featured in the Swords & Sorceries adventure line by Arc Dream Publishing.

Cover of Wyvernseeker Rock
Wyvernseeker Rock
Levels 2–5
6 pages

A Gritty OSR Fantasy Setting by Travis Legge The mortal lands are divided. A dozen kingdoms lie scattered across the world, separated by dangerous wilds filled with bandits and monsters. The bravest mortals act as adventurers, guiding travelers between the kingdoms, killing monsters to thin their numbers, and plundering ruins in search of the lost treasures of the golden age. This is the world of Odysseys & Overlords! The party are traveling west through the Untamed Gauntlet, on their way to somewhere else and using a stream to guide their steps. They step out from under the eaves of the forest to spy looming before them a cliff, a tall wall of stone which stretches away to either side as far as they can see. A waterfall cascades onto sharp rocks into a pool from which pours the stream they were following. The sheer cliff is easily 100 feet high, and too wet and slick to climb safely, though it can be tried. Atop the cliff is a bare stone hill which looks like it was at one time worked by intelligent hands; a look-out post of sorts has been carved into its southernmost peak. The map says it’s called “Wyvernseeker Rock,” but it doesn’t say why. The hill appears deserted. A long age ago, beyond mortal memory, a forgotten people built a watching post and refuge atop and within Wyvernseeker Rock. A hundred years ago, an adventurer named Olaf Wyvernseeker claimed the Rock for his own and set out with companions to clear the lands thereabouts. They were never heard from again. The upper chambers of the Rock are a convenient lair for a Giant Rhadogessa and its spider servants. Still, it’s got to be safer than climbing the cliff. Right? Published by Aegis Studios

Cover of The Anthropophagi of Xambaala
The Anthropophagi of Xambaala
Levels 1–3
66 pages

Ancient port city on the edge of a desert. The city is stratified by social class and some of the slaves have formed a cannibal cult to Kthulhu. City + hexcrawl + dungeon. The Anthropophagi of Xambaala™ takes players into an action-packed realm of adventure: the mythical world of Hyperborea, a sword-and-sorcery campaign setting inspired by the fantastic fiction of Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, and others. This adventure is inspired by Robert E. Howard’s “The Man-Eaters of Zamboula” and by various short tales of H.P. Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith. It is designed for use with Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea ™(AS&SH™), a role-playing game descended from the original 1974 fantasy wargame and miniatures campaign rules as conceived by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. AS&SH is compatible with most traditional fantasy role-playing games (c. 1974 to 1999) and their modern simulacra, such as OSRIC™ and Swords & Wizardry™. This work is both a setting and an adventure. The setting describes the town of Xambaala, noting key people, locations, and local lore. The adventure proper provides players with a variety of environments and the several factions fighting over them for their own goals. With a bit of skill and luck, stalwart adventurers may emerge richer and maybe wiser. The situation that will develop in Xambaala will be determined by the players’ choices.

Cover of The Golden Bowl of Ashu H'San
The Golden Bowl of Ashu H'San
Levels 2–4
9 pages

What angers the spirits? You don't have long to find out. An angry spirit can even steal the rain. The characters must appease a spirit that has brought drought to the area. Before they can summon him, however, they'll need to collect magical water from three shrines.

Cover of Ragged Hollow Nightmare
Ragged Hollow Nightmare
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
47 pages

Yesterday, young Tobias went to investigate an old tomb by himself. Everyone told him it was a bad idea. Everyone was right. Today, you and your companions awaken to a town in chaos. Why is the temple sealed behind a divine shield? Why are children and worshippers trapped within? How do we get inside? What did Tobias do?! Ragged Hollow is a full-service starting town, full of classic creatures and challenges all updated and brought together for newbies and nostalgia-lovers alike. There are goblins and witches in the woods, a house full of traps, a basement of vermin, kobolds in a cave, bandits on the road, riddling ravens, a 50-room temple dungeon, nursery-rhyme monsters, living nightmares, Lovecraftian horrors, and tons of unique items to find. This is a mystery with lots of relevant side-quests around the town. The heroes can investigate the situation, get into the temple, save the innocents, and stop the monsters. And get some loot! ADVENTURE TYPE: Medium Dungeon / Town / Wilderness Adventure DESIGN NOTES This adventure is intended for characters levels 1 to 4. It includes several wilderness areas (forest, hills, mountain), a bustling town, several local mini-dungeons, and one 50-room temple dungeon. Each area contains various encounters and unique items. There are many opportunities for combat, but it is possible for players to explore most areas and complete many interactions without any combat at all, depending on their choices. INCLUDES: Story hooks, dialogue prompts, random encounters, stat blocks, original creatures and treasures, and maps. KEYWORDS: town, village, forest, goblins, goblin market, witches, hags, hills, bandits, ogres, mountain, kobolds, caves, dwarves, temple, clerics, nightmares, demons, riddles, traps, ghosts, fairy tales, Lovecraft, mutant

Cover of The Siege of Grimm Iron Peaks
The Siege of Grimm Iron Peaks
5th Edition
Level 5
31 pages

This adventure has been designed as a one shot adventure for 4-8 players, pregen 5th level characters included, in 4-6 hours. It tells a classic story of the "good" races oppressing the "dark" races, with their warlike expansionist ways.

Cover of Zeitgeist: The Gears of Revolution - Act One: The Investigation Begins
Zeitgeist: The Gears of Revolution - Act One: The Investigation Begins
Levels 1–3
557 pages

557 pages - five adventures! The first act of the critically acclaimed ZEITGEIST: The Gears of Revolution Adventure Path now compiled into a gorgeous hardcover book! These five adventures are the first act of a steam & spell campaign for the Pathfinder RPG (also available for Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition). Steam and soot darken the skies above the city of Flint, and the choking products of its industrial forges sweep from the majestic harbor to the fey rainforests that dot its knife-toothed mountains. The Unseen Court, the Great Hunt, and the many spirits of the land no longer receive tribute, but they cannot enter these new domains of steam and steel to demand their tithe. The impoverished workers who huddle in factory slums fear monsters of a different breed, shadowy children of this bleak urban labyrinth. Times are turning. The skyseers – Risurs folk prophets since their homeland’s birth – witness omens in the starry wheels of heaven, and they warn that a new era is nigh. But what they cannot foresee, hidden beyond the smog of the night sky, is the face of this coming era, the spirit of the age. The zeitgeist. This tome contains Act One of ZEITGEIST: The Gears of Revolution, a cinematic adventure path designed for experienced Game Masters. These five 'steam and spell' adventures will take your party - members of the Royal Homeland Constabulary - from 1st to 8th level as they solve murders, engage in magical spycraft, and unearth villainous conspiracies. Take a step away from traditional fantasy, and play a part in shaping the coming age!

Cover of DC01: Drow Necromancy
DC01: Drow Necromancy
5th Edition
Level 1
9 pages

A peaceful isolated village has hosted its share of superstitions, but something real is poised to plague the citizens of the community. Can heroes rise to prevent the destruction of the village? What drives some to leave the safety of their communities and start along the path of adventure. Maybe it is something in their background that compels them; maybe it is the lure of treasure; maybe it is just a curious map. It is the first episode in the Drow Conspiracy. Published by Dan Hass Endeavors.

Cover of The Pyramid of Amra
The Pyramid of Amra
5th Edition
Level 12
17 pages

The Pyramid of Amra is a challenging adventure designed for characters of at least 12th level. Due to the nature and numbers of undead enemies (vampires), having a cleric on hand with the ability to cast raise dead and greater restoration is advisable. The PCs should be rounded out with a wizard or sorcerer and a pair of front-line fighters. In this adventure, the PCs travel to the Pyramid of Amra and the ancient Monastery of Night, where they face one of the most dangerous of opponents they are likely to meet, C’nosretep the Champion of Set.

Tower of the Ascendants
4th Edition
Levels 1–3
35 pages

A ten-part, fourthcore megadungeon designed to take a party of 4-6 players from level 1 to level 10. The Voice of All spoke three times before falling into silence. The first time to give shape to the Ancients. The second to give them the world as their domain. The third to build the TOWER for the war that was to come. And war did come. The Ancients, primordial warriors charged with protecting the world, were subverted by three great crusaders, vindictive and powerful. The Ancients were stripped of immortality and cast from the heavens to serve and suffer with the rest of humanity. The crusaders claimed new bodies for themselves, and became the Triumvirate, god-tyrants of all realms. The long line of descendants of the Ancients is dwindling, along with humanity’s last hope. What few remain have gathered to enter the TOWER OF THE ASCENDANTS. Crumbling stone tablets of ages forgotten say that a mortal who ascends the TOWER that pierces the heavens and slays the gods who dwell in its highest bower will reclaim lost immortality.

Cover of The Palace of Pain's Pleasures
The Palace of Pain's Pleasures
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
21 pages

A galvanice weird has torn apart an Izzet laboratory in the Blistercoils. The weird’s path of destruction leads to Tin Street where the weird was spotted being subdued and taken aboard the notorious Palace of Pain’s Pleasures, a mobile Cult of Rakdos performance stage. To return the weird to its proper owner and discover the mystery behind its bizarre behavior the party must brave The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures! The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures is a 2-hour Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica adventure for 2nd - 3rd level characters. Picking up where Off to a Weird Start left off, this adventure is designed to be part of an ongoing campaign. For Dungeon Masters who wish to incorporate The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures independently from the ongoing story, 20 Adventure Hooks (two for each guild) are included, giving The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures flexibility for one-shot play or for inclusion in your own campaign! The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures contains: A new location that is also a magical construct. New trinket tables for the Cult of Rakdos. A new NPC antagonist (or contact), Ophyira, the star performer of the Palace! Two new magic items. One new spell. Discover the secrets of The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures TODAY!

Cover of OA6 Ronin Challenge
OA6 Ronin Challenge
Levels 5–8
96 pages

It begins as a simple martial arts tournament. Sure, your skills are tested and you might even win a trophy - or learn a lesson or two. But it's still just a tournament.... Until someone starts playing for keeps. When a traitor to the empire is revealed, His Excellency calls loyal and heroic citizens to follow the trail of deception. The scale of the treachery is grand - it seems that an entire army has turned its back on its rightful liege! The trail leads through trackless (or seemingly trackless) mountains, into peaceful (or seemingly peaceful) valleys. The emperor has promised great rewards to heroes who can solve his mystery, but as the journey progresses the heroes find their own reasons for continuing. As a sinister suspicion grow in the minds, the adventure reaches its climax in the ruins of an ancient civilization. Finally, our heroes are faced with an ultimate choice - between success and failure, loyalty and betrayal, even good and evil. On their choice rests the future of nations. TSR 9257

SM13 The Tomb of Firkin
Levels 3–5
44 pages

The Tomb of Firkin is a challenging and varied Dungeon Tomb-Raid from Dunromin University Press Designed for 6 to 10 adventurers of 3rd to 5thlevel, this is a Tomb dungeon scenario with a more to it than just Undead. Suitable for any OSR flavour and 1st and 2nd Edition D&D. Thelkor Boghammer and his band of Dwarven murder-hobos opened up the tomb of the Gnomish Firkin family a few months ago. They had a bad time of it and the sole survivor, Tutlin, is drowning his sorrows and desperate to sell the map he made of the tomb to any eager adventurers he comes across. His map contains a clue to a secret way he never realised was there – can any more noble adventurers decipher the clue and find the riches without being slaughtered by the Undead guardians? Or, failing that, could your characters do it? ;-) The Tomb of Firkin is more than just another tomb; hidden in the depths are a humanoid tribe and a secret cult based on geometry. The adventure is 44 pages with quality maps and illustrations to help you visualise the encounters. The style is based on minimal set-up, total carnage, maximum fun - the Tomb of Firkin would also work as SOLO PLAY! SM13 The Tomb of Firkin is available in pdf, softback or hardback Print On Demand at amazing value for such a quality product! But the best quality playing aids at the best possible prices is what we do at Dunromin University Press...

Cover of Creaking in the Dark
Creaking in the Dark
5th Edition
24 pages

When an injured child collapses in the street, will you venture into the cellar he fled from to discover what hides, creaking in the dark? Published by Nord Games

Cover of Don't Leave the Path
Don't Leave the Path
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
13 pages

The companions find adventure outside Lake-town and are given the chance to discover why even the hardiest of adventurers shun the forest of Mirkwood and its depths. In the process, they go and see Elves, meet a crazed hermit, and stumble into a wood of ancient and angry trees. Published by Cubicle7

Cover of M1: Gallery of the Hate Blossom
M1: Gallery of the Hate Blossom
4th Edition
Level 14
5 pages

A half-marilith, half-medusa druidess lich known as the Hate Blossom lairs in this dungeon, having been run out of mortal society and shunned by demonkind. She possesses the petrified-yet-still-living body of Melenkir, the first human arch-mage and the single creature to remember a ritual that may save the realm from an extraplanar threat. Only slaying Hate Blossom or convincing her to lift the curse will revive Melenkir. Published by Defy Danger and Save Verses Death

Cover of The Staff and the Secret Shrine
The Staff and the Secret Shrine
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
14 pages

A Scarred Lands Adventure. Maghiel has learned the location of the staff of Zuvys and has devised a way to use its power to aid her in summoning some strange fiends known as the “Mouths of Vangal”. What purpose she has in mind, what part this plays in her plan, only she can say. She has sent her henchman, a twisted wizard named Anuzor Okalis, to fetch the staff of Zuvys by whatever means necessary. Anuzor has used his magic to charm, disable, or destroy the Order of Silver guardians, and has penetrated the inner sanctum of the shrine. A Vengeance of the Shunned Side Quest The Staff and the Secret Shrine is a side quest that can be played standalone or used with the Vengeance of the Shunned campaign. Over 20 community content creators have banded together to bring a full-length campaign to the Slarecian Vault! Vengeance of the Shunned takes your adventurers across Ghelspad on a quest to end the greatest threat to the world since the Titanswar! This campaign offers adventures from levels 1-15, and will be releasing new content weekly ALL SUMMER LONG! Vengeance of the Shunned continues with A Titanic Feast by Jeremy Hochhalter! Published by Onyx Path Publishing

Cover of A Zib For Your Thoughts
A Zib For Your Thoughts
5th Edition
Level 2
17 pages

One person's trash is sometimes another's treasure. In this case, it’s also an opportunity for you to go on an excursion across the Tenth District, tracking down a client's very specific request… in thoughts. A 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure for 2nd-level characters, set in Ravnica. Pre-generated characters are also included.