A community for lazy dungeon masters
146 adventures found
Cover of NQ17 - Bloodreaver Blade
NQ17 - Bloodreaver Blade
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
20 pages

When old ruins are discovered, rumors swirl about the lost owner's magical blade. This scenario involves an overland crossing and a dungeon delve and none of it will be easy for the players.

Cover of FT - Corsair Bay
FT - Corsair Bay
Levels 1–6
17 pages

Clover Island is home to one of the wildest towns in the world of Filbar. While the town of Corsair Bay is recognized as the home of the Pirate Kingdom it is a fully functional town. This location sits at the midway point for those crossing the Newmack Sea and is a resupply stop for most commercial traffic pirate and otherwise. The ruler of Corsair Bay is the legendary, and somewhat retired, pirate named Hannibal the Black. This fearsome pirate now enjoys ruling the community and most of the explored areas on the island but his ship still waits in port for him should he decide to set sail again

Cover of FT - Andju Village
FT - Andju Village
Levels 1–5
15 pages

With your adventurers growing up it only makes sense that their surroundings should also grow. Such is the case of Andju Village which is being controlled by the newly created Viscount of Andju, Sir Dimek of Rastinstein. Sir Dimek has launched an ambitious building project with the intent to make his village a trading powerhouse. This area can be utilized as a base of operations near the frontier and be a safe haven for a party of explorers.

Cover of FT - Barony of Civille
FT - Barony of Civille
Levels 1–5
21 pages

Sitting at the mouth of the Saint Torgoth’s Causeway leading to the Newmack Sea is the port city of Civille and home to the baron of the land. This former fishing settlement has grown in the last century to be a stronghold for the Baron Philostratos de Civille as well as a financial boon for the entire area. In growing itself into a small seaport this city has been able to increase income by a factor of five. While the port itself brings in a significant amount of goods it also acts as a travel point for the Caravan Masters. This location is one of the main areas for the FD series and can be used as a base of operations

Cover of FC7 - Yellowbeard's Vein
FC7 - Yellowbeard's Vein
Levels 5–7
24 pages

With several adventures under your belts your party arrives at the small settlement of Goshen seeking a warm bed and full bellies. As you begin to satisfy both you hear rumors of some overdue mining Dwarves. These miners have been quite consistent about coming to town to move their gemstones to market and with recent sightings of humanoids the townspeople are concerned. Is your party ready for a well-being check?

Cover of C17-3  York Towers
C17-3 York Towers
Level 6
100 pages

After handling a bit of diplomacy for the York Republic, the ruling council has asked for more assistance from you. Years before the western edge was not where it is now. A series to protective towers stretched out securing the land. Unfortunately for the country, those towers were taken by Giants of the region and pushed the York-ians to their current border. The council feels that your party is strong enough to go scout out the area and see if the land can be retaken. This adventure setting was designed for both 5th Edition rules AND 1st/2nd Edition D&D for the Filbar Campaign for six, sixth level adventurers and DM. This adventure is easily adaptable to most any game and system. Save yourself some time and utilize it for a one shot adventure or a continuing campaign.

Cover of FS11 - Wedding Daze
FS11 - Wedding Daze
Levels 1–2
20 pages

As a future hero, your master has given you one last task to complete before releasing you from your training - delivering a message. Knowing that you are about to start your career on your own is exciting and this task should be a simple one. A two day trip to congratulate Lord Siklos on the wedding of his daughter and you will control your own destiny. Little do you realize that something has gone terribly wrong at the ceremony! This adventure setting was designed for 1st/2nd Edition AD&D for the Filbar Campaign for a solo/low level adventurer and DM.

Cover of OP13 - Pursuit of Jessy Jane
OP13 - Pursuit of Jessy Jane
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
2 pages

Your time at the Riverside Cafe is cut short as you witness the wanted criminal Jessy Jane tearing through the area. As the guards fumble the pursuit you recall a hefty reward for this nefarious woman. What the hell, the Etharia Tea was too hot anyway. Rising from your seat, you head off after the woman!

Cover of FP13 - Odie's Staff
FP13 - Odie's Staff
Levels 7–10
26 pages

This adventure has it all for an upper level group of players. With the rumor of a lost wizards staff on an island, the chase is on to find this powerful piece of magic. Arrival on the island leads off in over three directions and each path has a different set of challenges and rewards. Can your party locate the staff?

Cover of FVC13 - Plunder of North Port
FVC13 - Plunder of North Port
5th Edition
Levels 12–14
19 pages

You and your cohorts have pulled into Free Haven, a port city in the northern reaches to settle down for the season. Your respite is short lived as word reaches the city that a small community further north has been attacked by humanoid raiders! Refugees from North Port have arrived and report their community has been sacked. There is little hope of survivors and the fear is that Free Haven may be next. With little else to do, it is time for the party to put on their “hero caps” and save the day!

Cover of NQ2 - Oversight Pass
NQ2 - Oversight Pass
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
18 pages

NQ2 - Oversight Pass picks up where Meteor Mystery left off. The citizens have honored the party with a banquet when a group of Worgs crashes the party. The simple people have requested your party to investigate to see if more problems will be forthcoming. A hero's life is always busy...

Cover of FD4 - Hunt for Charon
FD4 - Hunt for Charon
Levels 2–4
19 pages

The fourth installment of the Filbar Dual (FD) series is The Hunt for Charon and picks up where the FD3 - Crisis at Marstan left off. Your pair of intrepid adventurers is off to find out who orchestrated the attack at Marstan. When the previous adventure concluded they discovered a note mentioning a “Charon” as behind the attack and the humanoid raiders. This adventure will see if the pair can find and defeat this person/humanoid and protect the area once and for all.

Cover of FD8 - Mask of Vexicon
FD8 - Mask of Vexicon
Levels 3–6
20 pages

After checking local pawn shops and the library you have discovered information on an old Adurite noblewoman who possessed a magical mask. The woman had suffered a facial injury and commissioned a magical face shield to hide her wound. Having never heard of the item you believe it is probably in the ruins near Ugus Horrus where she lived. With no other leads at the moment you gear up and decide to embark on the search for this item!

Cover of TW2 - Path to Windy Peak
TW2 - Path to Windy Peak
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
21 pages

With their first adventure under their belts, the newfound associate Gelbo Green, needs to get his alchemist shop back in order AND find some needed supplies for his potion business. As he can’t do both he has asked the party that saved his shop if they would be interested in an ingredient search. He has offered a comfortable sum and has described the items he is need of. Will your party help the Gnome out?

Cover of FN11 – The Amulet of Dorian Beldor
FN11 – The Amulet of Dorian Beldor
Levels 6–9
42 pages

FN11 – The Amulet of Dorian Beldor begins as a race to catch a fugitive from justice and quickly escalates into a much larger problem. With over 40 pages and 8 different maps this adventure has your party stumbling onto a former city covered by a rock slide now inhabited by a large group of humanoids. Buried deep within the complex is the ancient relic that controls elementals and will be quite useful as the Filbar North series winds down.

Cover of TS1 - Heart of Darkness
TS1 - Heart of Darkness
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
32 pages

With your last adventure complete you head to town to sell off loot, replenish supplies and to find a bard to tell your tale to so that your fame can increase. As the group goes their separate ways you are wandering through the muddy streets when a shriek is heard. You see a man stab a merchant and attempt to escape. With no time to gather your associates you call for your mount (or borrow one) and give pursuit! This scenario is a true solo meaning you don’t need a DM to officiate. It is suggested that a 4th level be used for “meatier” characters or 5th for those of less daunting stats.

Cover of FVS5 - Penchant for Adventure 4
FVS5 - Penchant for Adventure 4
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
15 pages

Penchant for Adventure – 4 is the solo adventure for a 4th level character. This scenario can be used for the PC to obtain a ‘special’ item that they want. Originally used for a paladin to get his warhorse, the adventure can be tailored to suit the needs/wants of a specific PC. Like all the Penchant for Adventure settings the adventure takes place around the small community of Penchant. Not all of the businesses are in focus for the adventure although details can be feathered in as you need.

Cover of FT - East Crystal Shores
FT - East Crystal Shores
Levels 1–4
17 pages

The small town of East Crystal Shores sits opposite the lake where Zombie Curse occurred. If the party participated in that adventure and the Crypt of Kendal Furfoot they will be quite familiar with the area. In the Filbar campaign this area was used as a go between for different adventures. This offering allows a safe haven for the party while still being close enough to excitement. Several small encounters are available just outside of town.

Cover of FN14 - Myric's Elemental Maze
FN14 - Myric's Elemental Maze
Levels 8–12
20 pages

The conclusion of the Filbar North series this adventure puts the party in front of a large and dangerous maze and home to the power of the Elementals! Each section has a riddle that the party must solve in order to obtain a key and continue to the center of the maze where the party will face off with a very special adversary. This adventure is not for those with little experience and will require the ability to solve riddles!

Cover of FA7 - North Sordack Valley
FA7 - North Sordack Valley
Levels 4–7
29 pages

North Sordack Valley is set northeast of Commerstance and was originally slated for the Filbar Dual series but the players didn’t go in that direction. This area is filled with individual challenges synonymous with the Filbar Area series. This ‘sandbox’ style adventure has multiple different encounters can be used in a variety of ways. The general setting allows you to customize it for your own campaign! This adventure setting was designed for 1st/2nd Edition AD&D for the Filbar Dual Campaign for various level groups of adventurers. This adventure is easily adaptable to most any game and system. Save yourself some time and utilize it for several one shot adventures or a continuing campaign setting! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @FilbarRPG for extra information.