A community for lazy dungeon masters
46 adventures found
Cover of FT - Village of Tomore
FT - Village of Tomore
Levels 1–5
7 pages

When adventurers are in the same area its nice to have a base of operations. The Village of Tomore rests between adventures pertaining to two different campaigns in the Filbar region. The quaint village has a caravan stop and will allow PCs to come into contact with a wide variety of personages and rumors for exploration. This area can be utilized as a base of operations near the areas of the FN or F series campaigns or just as a rest stop for the party.

Cover of FT - Cappadocia
FT - Cappadocia
Levels 1–6
17 pages

Welcome to Cappadocia! This ruined ancient city is home to a group of shipwrecked Gnome adventurers. For the past several years they have tried to make the best of their situation and are starting to feel at home. This is also a side adventure to FP13 - Odie's Staff. Oh yea and two more words.....Gnome Airship!

Cover of Expanded Environments and Additional Actions
Expanded Environments and Additional Actions
5th Edition
Any Level
26 pages

Give your game’s locations a character all their own! Build encounter themes, emphasize magic places, and connect it all to the monsters living there with Expanded Environments and Additional Actions. Use traits to make creatures stand out and enhance their bond with the land, then add lair actions to reinforce the connection and escalate the fight. New interactions encourage a race between players and monsters to gain the upper hand using the environment around them with additional options in combat. In non-combat encounters, regional effects keep the feel of magic heightened in the surrounding area. Grab characters’ attention, and limbs, in the clutches of fallen armies on the ancient battlefield. Apply library traits and lair actions to a dragon to create an encounter with a bookwyrm. Tempt characters with the allure of enchanted gold in the treasure hoard. Bend fire itself to your will in the heart of a volcano. With Expanded Environments and Additional Actions ties “where you are” to “what & how you fight” with 21 environment templates for attributes and abilities you can apply to existing monsters and places that include all of the following: 80 lair actions that give the terrain a role, and often a roll, in the fight. 75 traits so familiar monsters gain new tricks and special features. 73 regional effects to add to the wonder of the world between combats 64 interactions for players or monsters to make the most of their surroundings This supplement was designed for dungeon masters who want more dynamic combat and more magical encounters. The collection started as my own expansion of the environments found in MCDM’s Flee, Mortals! but can be used on its own (along with the existing D&D 5e rules).

Cover of Operation Unfathomable
Operation Unfathomable
Level 1
108 pages

Part megadungeon, part underground expedition, Operation Unfathomable serves as both a one-shot adventure and a campaign framework. PCs are (optionally) drafted at swordpoint to recover the Nul Rod, a priceless artifact that was recently lost in a local prince's foolhardy attempt to destroy the Chaos Gods of the Underworld. The PCs have been drafted as an expendable set of pawns to venture into the vast and bewildering Underworld and retrieve the Nul Rod. With the Underworld's innumerable beasties being on high alert after the prince's expedition, the PCs must sneak through the incredibly dangerous Underworld. Fighting is not as important as stealth, fast-talking, and running away rapidly. This is the expansion from Sholtis's original Operation Unfathomable, released in Knockspell #5 (2011).

Cover of Cupid's Sparrow
Cupid's Sparrow
5th Edition
Level 1
14 pages

Cupid's Sparrow is a Valentine's Day-themed adventure for pairs and parties that allows one or more players and their DM to take part in a Sune's Day celebration filled with fun, flirting, and random tables. Ready to be incorporated into any campaign or setting, Cupid’s Sparrow invites chance and creative role-playing to join hand-in-hand in tribute to the goddess of love and beauty. Characters of any level can take part and enjoy the revelry, first experiencing and then investigating the strange and surprising occurrences taking place in and around town and at the romantic forest-side inn, The Lovers’ Nook. Whether two characters in your party have struck up a romance, you’ve finally convinced your partner to play, or you’re looking for a fun way to celebrate Valentine’s Day with friends, a loved one, or your entire gaming party, this adventure is for you! This product includes: -1-3 hour adventure adaptable to any setting or party size -All necessary stat blocks for NPCs and descriptions of NPCs and their motivations -A menu and map for The Lovers’ Nook Inn and town map to aid exploration and gift-getting

Cover of Challenge of Champions
Challenge of Champions
Levels 1–20
14 pages

Step right up ... You too can be a contestant on … Adventuring Gladiators? A set of challenges meant to test the resolve of the party. Pgs. 32-45

Cover of AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn
AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn
Any Level
32 pages

The Shady Dragon Inn is a set of pre-generated characters for use with the Dungeons & Dragons game. This player's aid comes in two parts: each character appears first in a section devoted to his or her character class. They appear again in the second section as members of a party. As a DM or as a player, you may use either or both sections; over a hundred characters await you! Each character has a brief biography that will help you to create backgrounds for PCs or NPCs as needed. Also included is a rough physical description, and a list of items owned by each character. The Shady Dragon Inn also contains the D&D statistics for those special characters who are presented by figures in the D&D and AD&D toy line, and provides a tavern setting from which players may start adventures or gather party members. TSR 9100

Cover of FT - Barony of the Knolls
FT - Barony of the Knolls
Levels 1–6
63 pages

The Knolls is the second largest city in the Duchy of Bast and a frequent spot for the adventurers going through the Filbar Quest (FQ) series. At over 60 pages this setting can easily appear in any campaign. Welcome to the city that Baron Tamar Wizzel rules and is a safe haven for adventurers of any level.

Cover of The Travelling Salesman
The Travelling Salesman
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
44 pages

A magic shop, The Travelling Salesman, has appeared in town just in time for the party's arrival. This shop specialises in being in the right place, at the right time, with the right equipment, for the right adventurers. Its wisteria-covered frontage adorns any old blank wall space, and immediately looks like it's been there for decades. Large paned windows are smeared with age-old dirt and hint at the vast array of interesting objects inside. The shop belongs to Yannik Willowbough, an exhausted-but-jovial halfling with a passion for helping others. At least, it belongs to Yannik now. It was once home to a lich, Verdenia Siskin, who has recently concocted the perfect way to exact her revenge. She just needs a party of adventurer's to turn to her point of view. This adventure contains: - A (hungry) planes-travelling magic shop and former home of a powerful lich. - A lich who takes particular delight in winding adventurers around her little finger to do her bidding. - A planar tear that threatens to pull the whole town (or more!) into the Shadowfell. - A spooky house of delights. - NPCs whose motives will be thoroughly questioned by the party. - A 3—10 hour adventure for a party of any level and composition - Depending on the outcome the party may also benefit from: - A planes-travelling base of operations - A recurrent NPC quest-giver and/or helper - A devious, and eternally patient, antagonist. - Four original hand-drawn maps to support combat and exploration, with seperate versions suitable for VTTs. - Advice for new DMs to run this adventure smoothly. - A separate accessible adventure pdf. This adventure was written as part of the Storytelling Collective's Write Your First Adventure workshop. Content warnings: Horror, gore

Cover of Tree Maze of the Twisted Druid
Tree Maze of the Twisted Druid
Any Level
9 pages

Straight from the garage of Chris's mom—and 1981—comes this homegrown, truly old school adventure of malign druids, twisted tree demons, evil blink dogs, arboreal gelatinous cubes, magical pecans and certain death. Though sadly missing half its original key, the release has been painstakingly recreated by the author as a grown man. More or less.

Cover of HOF3 - Grand Bazaar
HOF3 - Grand Bazaar
5th Edition
Levels 1–7
18 pages

Almost every larger city has one...a Grand Bazaar! This supplement spells out a large group of booths available at a standard open market. Three different sizes of marketplaces have also been included for various metropolitian areas. While this product isn't an adventure it doesn't mean that information FOR adventures can't be located here...This supplement was designed with role players in mind that enjoy the banter!

Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #11: Unbound Adventures
1 on 1 Adventures #11: Unbound Adventures
Any Level
21 pages

Rules for playing any level with any number of players without a GM! Have you and your friends ever sat around the gaming table wanting an exciting, perilous dungeon adventure but no one wanted to be the Gamemaster? Do you find yourself with little time to read through lengthy adventure modules and memorize them? Do you want to get down into the dungeon as quickly as possible and start killing monsters and finding treasure? Then look no farther than “Unbound Adventures”! In this rules supplement, players will find the information necessary for using the 3.5 d20 core rules without a Gamemaster. Players will form a party, find an adventure, travel to the dungeon (which will be generated for them as they explore) and fight the monsters they find there.

Cover of FA9 - Festival Experience
FA9 - Festival Experience
Levels 1–7
12 pages

Throughout the course of a campaign there are some sessions when you just don’t have enough players and need a “side trek” to salvage the day. While many times it’s a throw away session this adventure brings in the underused festival experience. From royalty to commoners everyone likes a good break from the daily grind. This packet lays out a basic festival experience with vendor options and actors. While no “adventure” is present it provides a good base with which to work with. In one of the Filbar Campaigns this festival gave the PCs an opportunity to come face to face with one of the nemeses without knowing until it was over. It also gave them rumors from the carnival staff of the location of a much sought after item. Just two of the possibilities for a successful one-shot adventure!

Cover of FVS7 - Arena of the Gods
FVS7 - Arena of the Gods
5th Edition
Levels 1–8
19 pages

FVS7 - Arena of the Gods is a special and non-traditional setting that has dual uses. This scenario brings a single PC to the grand coliseum and pits them against an enemy or enemies in front of a crowd. The danger is high with no one to help and this offering can be quite deadly. A couple of ideas have been outlined for the adventure for its usefulness and, while written as a solo, multiple players could be used in a team formation with an increase in opponents. Take a peek at this special offering that is also free!

Cover of FT - Antioch - Kingdom of Nirack
FT - Antioch - Kingdom of Nirack
Levels 1–7
16 pages

Welcome to the Port City of Antioch! This sprawling community is the seat of power for the Kingdom of Nirack and has more than a few sights to see! This setting was created for a desert (fore coming) series and was used as a base of operations for the adventurers. Many strange sights await those wishing to visit the area. Note in the player testing version there was a language barrier until a Dwarven slave was located to translate for the party! This is of course optional. Welcome to the exotic world on the southern shores of the Newmack Sea!

Cover of Penance For Sin
Penance For Sin
5th Edition
Any Level
11 pages

This horror mystery adventure scenario takes the players to a small village just behind the fog. In a last month, three people went missing from Dormay village and they still haven't been found. The concerned villagers want the players to find the missing folk or at least shed some light on their disappearance. Through investigative work the players will discover that the village has a 100 year old secret, a secret which punishes the wicked. While the villain died over a century ago, he left behind a dreadful design that torments the people to this day. Players' heart and soul will be put to the test as they are ultimately faced with the creature born of sin. Penance for Sin features a short horror mystery adventure scenario. It introduces a new fiendish monster. The adventure favors invastigation and roleplay over combat encounters. "The horror element" section in the adventure gives advice how to make your gaming sessions more frightening.

Cover of FT - Phillipsburg
FT - Phillipsburg
Levels 1–6
17 pages

The northwest corner of the Duchy of Bast is ruled by Sir Elwin of Monoth the 4th Earl of Kawall. This pudgy ruler sits in his tower in the small city of Phillipsburg which is a hub of the Caravan trade. The town is rather dirty and mostly considered a backwater area for good reasons. This city is a stopping point on the upcoming release of “FQ4 In the Caravan Service” Get a jump on the next adventure by getting used to one of the main settings. Phillipsburg, along with the Barony of the Knolls are point “A” and point “B” in the next adventure!

Cover of FT - Havendale
FT - Havendale
Levels 1–5
14 pages

A medium sized city is situated between Challenge of the Minotaur and Hall of the Dwarf Lords and is centered on the edge of frontier near the Border Hills. The town is walled and populated my mostly Mountain Dwarves although most races are present and welcome. This area provides an excellent respite for those fresh off the trail of adventure!

Cover of FT - Kettlespit
FT - Kettlespit
5th Edition
Levels 1–9
16 pages

Home to a variety of merchants, malcontents, and adventures this city has something for everyone. A group favorite for one-shot adventures my players all enjoy a visit to this city located in the Principality of Lockerbie. This city has a both generalized encounters and open challenges for any numbers of players. The open challenges (City adventure hooks) have been left to assign challenge ratings depending upon the characters encountering the issue. The vast sprawl of the city gives the players a multitude of businesses to shop in but gives the DM the flexibility to make it “fit” their campaign. I hope your characters enjoy Kettlespit as much as mine do!

Cover of FT - Bixatel
FT - Bixatel
Levels 1–7
16 pages

Set in the Plains of Dorack the large, frontier town of Bixatel offers an oasis in the land of the Plains people. This community offers a safe haven for all travelers including multiple tribe members as long as they maintain the peace. The residents of Bixatel have decreed that the town itself is a neutral location and no tribal hostilities are permitted within the town walls. This town rests between between the Imperial Realm and the bulk of the plains.