None know from where the Heresiarch first came, but all remember the night that it did. It rode down from the bleeding stars on a great serpent, hurling bolts of obsidian lightning that shattered the monuments and capitols of every nation. Its infernal army swept aside the defenses of the mortal empires in a single hour, decimating legions once thought to be the invincible fist of humanity's god-kings. Faceless priests - each bearing the symbol of the trident - drifted through the fallen cities and scorched villages on a frigid wind, and when they rose to greet the huddled men and women ringed by their festering, bloated dead, they spoke a single, simple offer: worship the Heresiarch or die. Thousands of crusaders fell tonight so that you might be given this chance. In a last stand that, for the first time, united all of the empires of humanity as brothers and sisters, a way was cleared into an infernal stronghold said to contain a gate to the Heresiarch’s fane. All is silent save for the clangor of distant battle. Surrounded by grim-faced knights and teary-eyed peasants – their hands clasped in desperate hope – you step through the glowing, churning doorway, knowing there will be no help and likely no return. Published by Defy Danger and Save Versus Death
The Golem Master, creator of pricey artificial servants, hasn’t been seen around for some time. His house stands dark and silent. Dare you enter?
The final installment of the three-part Rock Con ’17 convention is here! Can the heroes enter the stronghold of the brazen thief and recover the final tome? The challenge is high but the stakes are much higher for failure!
The Fate of Faerûn Lies in Shadowy Darkness! Daggerdale is reeling from a sudden series of murderous drow raids. As a grave threat to the entire surface world develops in the war-torn dark elf city of Maerimydra, intrepid heroes must discover its source and destroy it, if they can.
Only You can prevent forest curses! The population of a small town have been disappearing and its up to the party to save them and the town from a looming disaster.
After spending a little time going through dusty old tomes and documents your group has discovered a tapestry offering you clues to a long dead and buried king. Since kings are usually buried with their riches and no information shows that his tomb has been located perhaps a little grave robbing may be in order! This adventure has several wilderness spots for exploration as well as an old burial cairn with several levels. The only problem is that the king isn’t really “dead” in the normal sense.
Your expedition to the wastelands proved fruitless until you came across a group of Bedouins. The locals report that they may have found a tomb hidden below the swirling desert sands. Intrigued, you and your group examine the site unaware that you are about to stumble into the deadly Gonnagetcha Tomb!
More than a millennium has passed since the "machine mage" Karamoss's failed siege of Absalom, and for years the Pathfinder Society has used upper reaches of his subterranean siege tower as a training ground for initiates. During a routine drill, the once-dormant dungeon springs to life, and it will take all the PCs' resourcefulness and skill to make it out alive.
The noble dwarf Wulfstan vom Meer seeks adventurers to travel on his one remaining ship to the clan’s village, and to protect his vessel against any threats at sea. When they meet the White Worg Reavers, he wants the party to negotiate for the loan of two longships and their crew. Vom Meer offers 500 gp to anyone willing to undertake this task. It seems like easy money. However, the Wolfheim clan has troubles of its own—a group of trollkin bandits known as the Mossback Raiders have been competing with the White Worgs for territory west of Wolfheim. Their rivalry is coming to a head. When the PCs arrive at the White Worg homestead, they learn that the reaver dwarves are recovering from a recent attack. Their homestead has been sacked and vom Meer’s kinsman, Knud Stoneson, has been slain. Without a family connection, the clan’s chief will agree to vom Meer’s proposal only if the PCs will help rid them of that troublesome band of trollkin. If the PCs are to succeed in their task and help vom Meer, then a reavin’ they must go! This adventure for the 5th Edition of the world’s first RPG is meant for four 2nd and 3rd-level characters. Designed by Lou Anders, with cartography by Dyson Logos and cover art by Phil Stone.
Inspired by the campaigns featured in the Critical Role podcast, this adventure takes place in the land of Exandria, with players tasked with uncovering the secret behind an ancient underwater realm known as the Netherdeep. The campaign itself is designed to take characters from Level 3-12 and also explores a large area of the continent of Wildemount.
AL19 – Junket to the Southlands has the PCs enjoying a little R&R in southern Allatrama when a caravan comes into town. Scuttlebutt has it that some famous Bard came in with them and is giving a performance later. With nothing else to do you opt to take a listen. After hearing the tales recited by the incredible poet you opt to visit the location of her stories. Saddle up folks, you’re heading into the frozen land to the south!
Not every journey follows a simple road, and some groups find themselves needing to take the path entirely untraveled to reach their next destination. There are rumors of a treasure deep within the forest, but no one has made it out alive to recount their tales. Compelled by the prospect of a quick journey and the chance of treasure, the party decides to risk a journey through the forest. Little do they know that their chosen route is ruled by a trio of lilitu, who are eager to play with the new toys walking willingly into their grasp. Wits, wiles, and wind hide in the forest, and the lilitu are eager for amusement. This adventure is intended for 5th level characters but can be scaled up or down. It is setting-neutral, and can fit into any published or homebrew location. This is intended as a puzzle-based adventure but could be used as a combat encounter. Pgs. 129-135
This sequel to issue #87’s ”Raiders of Galath’s Roost” takes the PCs back to the Dales region, where they must uncover a plot to destabilize the region. Zhentarim agents from Zhentil keep are disrupting trade along the Moonsea Ride, while drow from the forests are slaughtering merchants and taking their goods to sow discord between the humans of Misteldale and the elves of Cormanthor. The PCs must embark on a convoluted investigation to uncover the mystery behind the attacks. Pgs. 48-68
The ancient forest known as the Wildering Woods has a reputation for confounding those who dare venture through it. When a series of unusual events befall a nearby lumber camp, the player characters are asked to seek out a mysterious wizard rumored to reside within. As the adventure unfolds, it soon becomes apparent that big trouble awaits them inside the forest. What's included: 1 fanciful adventure divided into single-page sections for easy running 2 fully-colored maps with unlabeled versions for players (made with assets from 2-minute Tabletop) 3 custom creature statblocks with clickable links for quick access Content Warning: Violence, death, abduction around the Wildering Woods, a fey-inhabited forest whose residents are being terrorized by a delusional hill giant who believes he is a wizard.
Candon Shaman of the Dark Fen is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding prior to the core adventure found in Folio #14 (WS1 Isle of Jade). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure that will help characters gain a degree of experience before setting out into the interior of the Isle of Jade. After moving into the swamps of the southern coast the party becomes aware of a threat to the native village that now repairs their vessel. A Candon shaman, roused by the corruptive magic of the Necrotic Pearl, is raising a force to destroy the town and only the players have a chance of stopping the Candon before his forces grows to a size they cannot handle. The islanders fear some dark power has corrupted the Candon lizardmen of the lowland fens. If their shaman leader has fallen to the side of darkness, it is only a matter of time before his calls for war are answered by the fern goblins. Can the adventurers stop the shaman before his summons can be answered? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
A desperate father, a missing girl, and a simple investigation - but nothing is ever simple. As you peel back the layers of mystery, you uncover a dark god, vile sorcery, and a malevolent cult set to unleash horror upon the land... Horror in the House of Dagon is an enthralling and exciting adventure, with lots of role-playing, exploration, and horrifying combat encounters! This adventure is designed for 1st-4th level characters, and will take 3-6 hours to complete.
Centuries ago, a powerful wizard locked himself in his inner sanctum to dedicate his life to the pursuit of knowledge. His discoveries and magic remain sealed inside to this very day. Solve his riddle and unravel the fate of the wizard Maalzinabar and the sinister evil lurking in the depths. A 2-3 hour adventure for 5th-12th level characters
The town of Canticle Bay has long been dependent on ocean fishing for its economy, and as demand has grown, the town has increased its efforts to supply the inland cities with the best seafood. Recently, however, the men who go out on the boats haven’t been coming back. A newly formed group of adventurers have been sent by the guild to investigate the missing men. Where are they? Those that are still alive can be found in the watery depths amongst the Sirens sworn to protect the ocean. Faced with the truth, whose side will the party take?
Adventure in the world of Greyhawk! Powerful forces are set in motion as your party searches for the legendary Blades of Corusk. Take them on the perilous journey from Rookroost to the Lair of the Shadow Dragon in the frozen northlands. Will they survive the ramifications of events that they have initiated? Those who hold the magical blades will not easily give them up. Plucking them from the grasp of a jealous dragon or stealing them from the center of the subterranean City of the Ore Horde will strain your adventurers to their limits! TSR 9317
Step into the nightmarish bog where there are only two options: fight for your freedom... or be doomed to wander endlessly in through these dreadful wastes until your death. Do you have what it takes to defeat the vengeful hag and break free from this prison?