This adventure is an exploration in creativity for the GM as the players are invited by a stranger in the center of town to play a board game called Ij’Namuj. With a devilish smile he promises a grand reward if they can complete it successfully. Unfortunately, the game unleashes chaos onto the world around it, causing terrifying weather phenomena, death knights to appear and hunt players, or even causing all of the chickens in town to go rabid and attack. The only way to return things to as they were is to complete the game, so best get to rolling those dice!
Set in the Plains of Dorack the large, frontier town of Bixatel offers an oasis in the land of the Plains people. This community offers a safe haven for all travelers including multiple tribe members as long as they maintain the peace. The residents of Bixatel have decreed that the town itself is a neutral location and no tribal hostilities are permitted within the town walls. This town rests between between the Imperial Realm and the bulk of the plains.
Welcome to the seat of power in the Duchy of Starryshade! This large city is where the Archduke Meldor Gantrius IV rules his land. A walled city on the bay, Vandosia is bustling with activity. A busy seaport sits down the road from the fortified city with regional farmers coming into town every day. Many former adventurers call the city home and training guilds are available for those levelling up. While “mostly” safe this city is not without adventure, especially with the massive sewer system below the streets.
Wherein the Heroes learn that the Coils of Love wrap 'round Fiends and Friends alike, and may undertake to aid in a secret Correspondence. Chapter III of the "Well of Worlds" adventure anthology.
A medium sized city is perfect for adventurers who are adventuring in or near a large plains environment where natives/barbarians can be found. Landos is set in a vast plains where natives simliar to American Indians would be from. The city itself is seeking to "civilize" itself by giving more space to upscale businesses as the native population moves back out to the plains. Landos is run by the Caravan Masters who are responsible for trade throughout the civilized lands. See also F6 - Euriduis of Santos. Landos is also the setting for the murder mystery Butchery of the Geldamore.
Welcome to Cappadocia! This ruined ancient city is home to a group of shipwrecked Gnome adventurers. For the past several years they have tried to make the best of their situation and are starting to feel at home. This is also a side adventure to FP13 - Odie's Staff. Oh yea and two more words.....Gnome Airship!
Untamed by the laws of man, the Giantdowns region remains a buffer zone between the ruined empire of Anuire and its northern neighbor, the Rjurik Highlands. The Great Downs themselves are the stuff of legend: Giants, they say, are buried beneath the mounds, awaiting some call to rise and battle once more. But in the meantime, other forces threaten the Downs. A new awnshegh, the humanoid known as Ghuralli, strives to make his small kingdom a rival to the neighboring Gorgon's Crown. His armies of humanoids, giant-kin, and monsters stand ready to strike at the few human settlers brave enough to live in the shadow of the Great Downs. The Rjurik settlers need a leader, someone who can defeat Ghuralli and forge a kingdom out of their scattered clans. They need someone to step forth and become King of the Giantdowns. This 64-page adventure accessory contains detailed information on the Giantdowns region, the people, monsters, and places that can be found within, and several adventures for beginning and experienced characters alike TSR 3142
The adventure text was written by a neural network (Talk to Transformer) and compiled by a human editor. It is surprisingly usable. The adventure is centered upon the dangerous and thoroughly weird Tomb of the Daughter, the burial place and temple of an ancient Goddess. Explore several rooms connected by teleport systems, fight strange creatures, and perhaps thwart a demon summoning.
This tower is said to be as old as time itself. It is also said to be sentient, ready to challenge any group that passes through its doors to determine if they are worthy. While brute strength is enough for some floors, others require a bit more elegance and cleverness, so a diversity is as much a strength as anything else. The spiraling top of this tower looms high in the sky, waiting for the right group of adventurers to climb to the top and claim victory. This dungeons contains alternating floors of combat challenges and puzzle challenges, so if your players are fans of such challenged then this is the dungeon for you! Note: This dungeons uses lots of puzzles included in the book. The monsters will have to be adjusted according to the party's levels.
Welcome to the Port City of Antioch! This sprawling community is the seat of power for the Kingdom of Nirack and has more than a few sights to see! This setting was created for a desert (fore coming) series and was used as a base of operations for the adventurers. Many strange sights await those wishing to visit the area. Note in the player testing version there was a language barrier until a Dwarven slave was located to translate for the party! This is of course optional. Welcome to the exotic world on the southern shores of the Newmack Sea!
Avast me hearties! FT33 – Port Plunder is our first offering of March and, as always, free! This pirate haven is one of two home bases for the Pirate Lords. The community is everything you would expect from corsairs complete with an active tavern district! If your campaign is in need of an island retreat, look no further…grab it, rename it, use it, and enjoy it!
When adventurers are in the same area its nice to have a base of operations. The Village of Tomore rests between adventures pertaining to two different campaigns in the Filbar region. The quaint village has a caravan stop and will allow PCs to come into contact with a wide variety of personages and rumors for exploration. This area can be utilized as a base of operations near the areas of the FN or F series campaigns or just as a rest stop for the party.
Haunted House Fun House Dungeon. Tegel Manor, a great manor-fortress on the seacoast, is rumored to be left over from ancient days when a charm was placed over it protecting it from most of the ravages of time and human occupation. The hereditary owners, whos family name is Rump, have been amiss in their traditional duty of providing protection for the market village to the west. Some have said tha this failing and their bizarre eccentricities have led to their corruption. Many have found the manor and area to be a dangerous place to visit! A huge haunted house with a 17"x22" Judges map and a 11"x17 Players map, printed on both sides, brown on high-quality tan stock. Each map has the manor printed on one side and the surrounding wildernes on the other. Enclosed in the product is a 32-page booklet with room and monster descriptions. Over 240 rooms and chambers include a hall of magic portraits and four secret dungeon levels beneatht the manor. The booklet also has tables to create magic statues, ghostly encounters, resurrection results, and more. Tegal Manor has always been one of our more popular playing aids, and has been a lot of fun for Judges and players all over the country. This is an officially approved playing aid for use with D&D. This edition was published by Gamescience.
Rules for playing any level with any number of players without a GM! Have you and your friends ever sat around the gaming table wanting an exciting, perilous dungeon adventure but no one wanted to be the Gamemaster? Do you find yourself with little time to read through lengthy adventure modules and memorize them? Do you want to get down into the dungeon as quickly as possible and start killing monsters and finding treasure? Then look no farther than “Unbound Adventures”! In this rules supplement, players will find the information necessary for using the 3.5 d20 core rules without a Gamemaster. Players will form a party, find an adventure, travel to the dungeon (which will be generated for them as they explore) and fight the monsters they find there.
Home to a variety of merchants, malcontents, and adventures this city has something for everyone. A group favorite for one-shot adventures my players all enjoy a visit to this city located in the Principality of Lockerbie. This city has a both generalized encounters and open challenges for any numbers of players. The open challenges (City adventure hooks) have been left to assign challenge ratings depending upon the characters encountering the issue. The vast sprawl of the city gives the players a multitude of businesses to shop in but gives the DM the flexibility to make it “fit” their campaign. I hope your characters enjoy Kettlespit as much as mine do!
FT32 – Borgusburg is our first offering of November and, as always, free! This is a larger, walled village suitable for any campaign. While no scenarios are included, a variety of opportunities abound in this community. Feel free to use it for depth in your own campaign!
Give your game’s locations a character all their own! Build encounter themes, emphasize magic places, and connect it all to the monsters living there with Expanded Environments and Additional Actions. Use traits to make creatures stand out and enhance their bond with the land, then add lair actions to reinforce the connection and escalate the fight. New interactions encourage a race between players and monsters to gain the upper hand using the environment around them with additional options in combat. In non-combat encounters, regional effects keep the feel of magic heightened in the surrounding area. Grab characters’ attention, and limbs, in the clutches of fallen armies on the ancient battlefield. Apply library traits and lair actions to a dragon to create an encounter with a bookwyrm. Tempt characters with the allure of enchanted gold in the treasure hoard. Bend fire itself to your will in the heart of a volcano. With Expanded Environments and Additional Actions ties “where you are” to “what & how you fight” with 21 environment templates for attributes and abilities you can apply to existing monsters and places that include all of the following: 80 lair actions that give the terrain a role, and often a roll, in the fight. 75 traits so familiar monsters gain new tricks and special features. 73 regional effects to add to the wonder of the world between combats 64 interactions for players or monsters to make the most of their surroundings This supplement was designed for dungeon masters who want more dynamic combat and more magical encounters. The collection started as my own expansion of the environments found in MCDM’s Flee, Mortals! but can be used on its own (along with the existing D&D 5e rules).
Wherein the Heroes step through a Portal to find themselves in a Location Most Foul, from which they make their Entrance into the infinite Planes of Adventure. Chapter I of the "Well of Worlds" adventure anthology.
"Dreams Within Dreams" provides a group of heroes with the first hints that ther eis something more to dreams and nightmares than images caused by eating a big meal right before bedtime. It brings them into contact with the first level of reality. One here who experiences a nightmare also catches the interest of Hypnos, a member of the Nightmare Court. This leads to another revelation - dreams can have profound and even dangerous affect on the waking world. Adventure I: Dreams Within Dreams From Book Three: Book of Nightmares: TSR 1124
While searching for a series of missing people in the Galago Hills, the party comes across a cave decorated with disturbingly life-like statues. What lurks in the cave isn’t anything as simple as a monstrous basilisk, however. After all, what evil could possibly be as dark and dangerous as that which lurks in the heart of mortal men?