What’s Included Escape from Mt. Balefor is a self-contained 8-10 hour adventure for three to five 5th level characters. This premium module contains a full three-part story, battle maps, and NPC stat blocks. Your Mission Your party of Wood Elves will start in the mines and have to sneak and backstab their way to freedom. There are a number of chances to choose your path, whether you plan to avoid fighting or want to kill every last High Elf in the mines. There will also be a number of ways to affect the world around you if you choose to continue the story after the party escapes from the mines.
"Can you solve the Labyrinth within 13 hours and get back what was stolen from you?" A 4-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 characters optimized for APL 3 taking place in the Feywild Domain of Delight, Labyrinth, where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems. This adventure takes place when the characters have been abruptly teleported into the Feywild Domain of Delight, Labyrinth. The Kobold King has given the characters thirteen hours to solve the labyrinth, or they will lose what he stole from them forever. "It's only forever, not long at all..." Pillars of Play: Skill challenges and exploration. Minimal/optional combat. Content warning: Non-consensual theft Adventure Inspiration: Jim Henson's Labyrinth (1986)
For centuries, the volcano now called Mount Zulgar was the battlefield of a conflict between red dragons and frost giants. The final battle saw the extinction of the dragons and only a handful of living giants. The dwarves of the Frostblood clan used this opportunity to drive out the giants and take the mountain as their own for its rich deposits of gold. 100 have passed, and now the volcano bubbles to life once more, bringing with it all manner of fiery creatures. Miners have been killed, and implike monsters assault the citizens of the mountain. The master of the goldsmith's guild has called upon your party to snuff out the Fire in the Frostblood Mine. Fire in the Frostblood Mine is a 4-5 hour adventure for 4 3rd-level characters. It can be used as either a one-shot or as part of an ongoing campaign. This module includes a single-session adventure to introduce your players to the strange creatures of the inner planes, maps of the two levels of Frostblood Mine, and a unique sentient magic item.
The City of Sands adventure module starts where the Domes of Ishaq-Zahur leaves off, sending a party of heroes from the peril of the desert tombs to the streets of the sandy metropolis, Archensheen. There the players will find themselves caught in the middle of a fierce struggle for political power and ancient artifacts as factions from all across the city vie for control of relics from the Nartheneen's glory days. Choosing a side may make more enemies than it does friends, but can the heroes survive if they choose to stand alone? Part 2 of 6 in the Fate of the Forebears series.
Rumors of faceless demonic creatures have been steadily rising in the Hillsfar region, and it is said that far below the surface of Faerun, nestled in the bowels of the Underdark, ancient terrors are stirring. The imperiled drow of Szith Morcane have extended an intriguing offer, but can the drow be trusted, and for how long? An eight-hour adventure for 11th-16th level characters.
The Brotherhood is a league of paladins dedicated to truth, justice, and the defense of the kingdom. The guard the borders. Recently, one of the more remote Brotherhood outposts has reported that one of their patrols did not return. The PC must investigate, and determine what has become of the missing paladins.
The tomb of an ancient hero, lost in the tangled depths of the woods. A ring of standing stones, warded by the sinister Drune cult. A fairy princess who watches with timeless patience from beyond the veil of the mortal. A forgotten treasure that holds the key to her heart. Winter's Daughter is a romantic fairy-tale dungeon adventure set in the creepy old forest of Dolmenwood. Published by Necrotic Gnome
Zhentarim traders. Shadowy figures roaming the fields near Hillsfar. How do these all relate? Everything traces back to the recently unearthed grave-barrows. Rescuing a caravan from undead attackers, the adventurers learn of an ancient danger. An Adventurer's League Four-Hour Adventure for 5th-10th Level Characters.
A barroom brawl at a country inn causes the destruction of a priceless relic and the heroes are responsible. Now they must chase down a host of ancient artifacts, lost in a haunted wood, to repay their debt. While the heroes search for the items to clear their name, another group of scoundrels plots their downfall from the depths of the mysterious forest. Only one group will emerge victorious. The Forest King is long dead and no one has seen his priceless regalia in many years, lost as it is to the depths of his haunted domain. Now the objects must be found if justice is to be served, but an eternal guardian stands watch, ready to deal with all intruders.
Katha is a fully built city with nearly a hundred NPCs, dozens of shops, and many different factions all vying for power over this growing city. Katha is a growing city-state that can expand (or regress) in any direction depending on the choices of your group. It can easily suit any party of any size or level but is designed for mid-level parties with money to spend. The city will grow (or shrink) and change at the party's every move, making it a city full of potential. The document also includes a map and key for the city, four stat blocks for two major NPCs, a new monster, a boss fight, and a dungeon map. Katha is designed to be placed into any setting with only minor alterations. Advice for how to fit Katha into your setting is provided throughout the document. Included is also a plotline that can span anywhere between four and ten sessions. The Cult of the Storm, a mysterious and millenarian cult, hopes to bring about the end of the world so that it may be reborn. Several of the groups and NPCs in Katha are secretly working for the Cult. Will your party realize that they are accidentally helping them in time to stop the Cult from assembling the four parts of the weather control artifact and starting The Storm? The plot will also develop the city and reward your party not with wealth, but with property and the ability to build what they want and invest their time and energy into growing Katha.
Deep in the forest, an ancient pyramid was constructed many millennia ago for an unknown purpose as part of a forgotten modron war. Within it is a labyrinth of strange traps, taxing puzzles, and some unwelcome troglodytes. This adventure for 1st-3rd level characters can be played as the first part of the Legacy of Zandrax campaign or as a standalone one-shot.
What elder evils lurk in the depths of the freezing mountain ruins? Find out in The Stoneheart Ruin! The adventure features: An adventure set in a desolate, wintry mountain landscape. 16 pages full of intrigue and mystery, containing full color maps, plus 2 unique monster stat blocks. Provides a great introduction to Mind Flayer lore and mythos for Tier 1 players. Can easily be set in the Spine of the World for use in Rime of the Frostmaiden. Let your characters test their mettle as they climb and face the ancient dangers lurking in the cracks of The Stoneheart Ruin! “I have no explanation for any of these finds. We heard disturbing noises coming from further within the mountain; thunderous and growling.” Excerpt from a pamphlet, signed: “Koralia Meadring, Anthropologist Extraordinaire” Koralia needs you to investigate her most recent discovery: a ruined cavern deep in the mountains. Her small team of academics did a cursory walk-through and think they've found a big breakthrough! However, they left in a hurry after being frightened by the horrors they heard coming from deeper in the mountain. They escaped and found one of their team was missing - a goliath named Marek. You must climb the mountains and locate the ruin, make certain that it is safe for study by Koralia’s team, and if possible, find and rescue Marek, whose fate is uncertain. Made during the November 2020 RPG Writer's Workshop.
For centuries, the dragon Storm has ‘peacefully’ lived off the eastern coast of the Klavek Kingdom, sinking or collecting any ship that ventured into her territory and eating sailors and sea-creatures alike. Now, however, she has moved inland and invited a host of problems, devastating trade and nearly blasting the city of Cherr’s Landing from the map. The PCs have to save the city, and re-open trade along the Klavek Kingdom’s eastern coast, or the mysterious forces gathering in the background will only gain more of an upper hand! Also included in “Storm’s Wake”: A new template for Titanic creatures, larger and more powerful than any of their kind A new type of dragon, the Swampscale, whose dragon eggs can be captured in this adventure and trained Two new magic items, the fleetmaster’s compass, and the spade of excavation A new deity, Perenna, the god of spring and vanity Maps and Illustrations by 3x ENnie Award winning Cartographer Todd Gamble
A ship captain, Alyse Carl, double crossed the Thieves Guild Ebonclad in the past. Alyse and her ship, the Spearhead, has recently returned to port in Kintalla. Seeing an opportunity, the guild sends out a crew of its newer members to settle the debt. The mission has three major objectives: to discredit the reputation of the trader captain Alyse Carl, to turn the goodwill of her crew against her, and to relieve her of ownership of her longship, the Spearhead. The party can use whatever resources it desires to complete the mission, but is under orders not to kill Alyse Carl.
You are a Dragon Wing captain aboard the Storm Chaser, a huge levitating Skycastle fueled by powerful arcane forces and electrical energy harnessed from storms. When a hostile castle appears from behind a large cloud bank, you are tasked to lead a team to infiltrate the enemy stronghold and take it down from the inside. The forces aboard the fast-approaching threat would overwhelm the combatants and defenses of the Storm Chaser; failure is not an option. Dragon Wing is a battle focused one-shot designed for 3-5 players of roughly 10th level. With beautifully designed maps and a fully guided sequence of rooms and areas, your players will infiltrate the giant stronghold, tackle intricate puzzles and tough combat scenarios with an array of monsters.
For centuries, Ma’at’s temple sat peacefully in silent beauty; a great symbol of justice and harmony. The gems of its glistening ceiling glitter and fade with each rising sun as Ra lights the daytime sky. Isfet, the god of chaos, Ma’at’s greatest enemy, has grown restless. Some have rumored that he tore out Ma’at’s heart out of jealousy of her power. The bravest of adventurers must face the challenges of Duat and keep up with the determined Ma’at.
This quest is for a party whose members all perished in the same encounter. The loss of an entire party is hard to recover from and often spells the end of an adventure. However, with the assistance of the enigmatic Raven Queen, the party’s tale might not be over just yet. The characters must wander through the Fortress of Memories; confront their pasts, present selves, and possible futures to return to life. Includes a quest-related NPC that a player can control if they're waiting for their character to be resurrected.
Lowharbor’s residents vanish when they die. A cloud of sour black smoke chokes their corpses and, when it clears, all that remains is a dusting of salt. Something or someone is stealing bodies through magic ritual, and the townsfolk won't stand for it! Send your party into the dank sewers below their feet to root out the necromancer's den of swirling filth! Why should you get this module? Skulking horrors and excitable clerics! Seven brand new monsters, including a low level mythic statblock! New disease rules! A mysterious threat! Six hours of play! Lavish presentation! A fantastic adventure for 5th-level players! Dead Ends is best for 5th-level players. It might be a little tough, but still winnable, for 4th-level, and should be fine for anything up to 8th-level.
In ruins since the eruption of Mt. Hotenow, Thundertree is finally being rebuilt. The Lords’ Alliance is particularly interested in restarting a lucrative logging trade, but the bureaucratic wood-elf ambassador of Neverwinter Wood isn’t convinced. A mission to check on construction at New Thundertree and help with diplomacy quickly turns into an exciting dungeon delve as the entrance to an ancient temple is discovered! Can your party survive long enough to learn the mystical secrets of Thundertree’s past and claim its riches? Includes maps and a new magic item! The Lost Temple of New Thundertree one-shot is designed for 5th-7th level characters. This thrilling adventure is well-suited for parties who have completed Lost Mine of Phandelver or are roaming the Sword Coast region (ie: Neverwinter, Phandalin, Helm's Hold, Port Llast, Triboar, etc.) as part of Dragon of Icespire Peak or Storm King’s Thunder, but these campaigns are certainly not required. Though it takes place in Thundertree, the adventure can easily be moved to other settings. Content warning: undead; water hazards; tentacles
Recent earthquakes have unearthed a small section of a lost dwarven fortress. The dwarves are long gone, but rumors suggest they might have left treasure or weapons behind. After a journey into the Underdark, the characters find a barred iron door bearing the names of several ancient dwarven clans. Pgs. 90-95