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575 adventures found
Cover of DDAL05-02 The Black Road
DDAL05-02 The Black Road
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
45 pages

Caravans are having a difficult time getting through to Parnast via the Black Road. Organized attacks by orcs and other monstrous humanoids working in concert with one another have folks baffled. Little do they know that an unusually intelligent hill giant, going by the name of Bad Fruul is to blame. SEER has sent her emissary Hsing, to task your group to accompany a caravan with a very special cargo destined for the Shrine of Axes in Parnast, and to figure out who is responsible. A Two Hour Adventure for 1st-4th Level Characters

Cover of Myriad, City of Tiers
Myriad, City of Tiers
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
105 pages

Myriad, a city originally devoted to magical research, has been hidden and isolated for nearly a thousand years. Now, it has rejoined the world and an unseen struggle is taking place within its walls. A party of adventurers has been invited to enter the city and assist in its reintegration. Myriad's secrets, however, run deep and dangerous.

Cover of Factions of Phandalin - Mount Hotenow
Factions of Phandalin - Mount Hotenow
5th Edition
Level 5
23 pages

This book goes over the various rules around the faction of the Emerald Enclave in Phandalin and the Forgotten Realms, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate it more into the core stories being told, and making the faction feel more useful for the players that choose to join. In the adventure, characters are sent to climb a volcano and stop a band of Orcs from allying with Fire Elementals.

Cover of Dead In The Eye
Dead In The Eye
4th Edition
Levels 8–10
16 pages

"The Keepers of the Celestian Order, valiant defenders dedicated to destroying horrors from the Far Realm, have trapped a beholder in its lair. However, the evil aberration has proven far more dangerous than expected, and the Keepers need the help of adventurers to end the threat of Omaranthax once and for all. This Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game adventure, created for Free RPG Day 2012, pits player characters against a mutated beholder and its vile underlings. Although set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, the adventure can be easily adapted to any* D&D world." *: The adventure mentions that it is suitable for any setting touched by the Spellplague.

Cover of DDAL07-07 Rotting Roots
DDAL07-07 Rotting Roots
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
9 pages

The sudden appearance of the undead within Port Nyanzaru doesn’t appear to be the only thing on the horizon. A vast horde of skeletons and zombies is moving towards the city and while those of means are safe within the city’s walls, those in the Old City and Malar’s Throat are forced to contend with the problem. Where did they come from? More importantly, what are you going to do to find out? Part Two of The Rot from Within Trilogy.

Cover of The King's Evil
The King's Evil
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
17 pages

Delbert's friend Thordyn has been wrongfully arrested and placed in quarantine inside the Lazar's Walls, where all those who have contracted King's Evil are banished to. It is your missing to infiltrate the settlement, and free Thordyn. The task will not be simple, as a crime syndicate rules the Lazar's Walls with an iron fist.

Cover of Sarah of Yellowcrest Manor
Sarah of Yellowcrest Manor
5th Edition
Level 7
13 pages

In 1492 DR, a group of adventurers are approached by a ghost in Candlekeep who urges them to investigate the unsolved, grisly murder of the Yellowcrest family in Waterdeep five years prior. The investigation leads the adventurers to the nearby village of Greenfast, which is plagued by a secretive cult.

Cover of The Watcher in the Attic (DC-POA-PND-3)
The Watcher in the Attic (DC-POA-PND-3)
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

DC-POA-PND-3 The Watcher in the Attic (Part 2 of the Strange Case of Erland Forsk) Strange lights have been appearing in the topmost windows of the Forsk estate, and local cats have been going missing. Will you find out what lurks in the attic? A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3. Using the DungeonCraft seed Awake and Afraid Don’t go into the Attic! The Strange Case of Erland Forsk is a four part series of DungeonCraft adventures, each 2-hours long. DC-POA-PND-2 What Skitters Beneath? (tier 1) DC-POA-PND-3 The Watcher in the Attic (tier 1) DC-POA-PND-4 Eateat Go Home? (tier 2) DC-POA-PND-5 What Stalks the Night? (tier 2) ``` Unworkable inventions? Lost or shattered Nothing is perfect Nothing is worthless Unloved, dusty, rusty, dirty Here at the top Where the things that are lost find a home in my attic —Professor Elemental, The Attic ```

Cover of CCC-UK-2 The Wayward Wives
CCC-UK-2 The Wayward Wives
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
18 pages

Ill winds blow over Wayward. The men drink apart from their wives, while a mysterious traveler sows discontent between married couples. The Wayward wives have had enough and are plotting revenge. Part 2 of the Evenflow Saga.

5th Edition
Levels 5–7
306 pages

Dragonbowl is a setting and pulp action adventure in one. It plunges a party into a rich festival scenario that revolves around a deadly gladiatorial contest, where the dangers they face in the arena are almost secondary to those they encounter in the murky criminal underworld they find themselves in: a world that stinks of corruption, human trafficking, illegal dinosaur-trading, necromancy, blood sacrifice and unnatural arcane experiments. The action takes place in a vast cavern in Mount Waterdeep, known as the Underbelly, where not only Dragonbowl Arena, but also an entire festival grounds – consisting of temples, bars, casinos, funfairs and markets - has been constructed to host this grand sporting extravaganza. With Xanathar, Jarlaxle, Davil, Volo and the Black Viper all in attendance, and scores of 'entanglements' (faction missions) to keep players busy, Dragonbowl can be played as a sequel to Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, or as a first step towards the Undermountain and the Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Equally, it can be played as a stand alone adventure, or easily transported into other settings. The adventure is written for a party of four 6th level adventurers, and easily customisable for three to five players, of any mid-tier level (the adventure contains maps and handouts adapted for both 4 and 5 player tables). The adventure is designed to last around ten to fifteen 4-hour sessions, but can very easily be shortened or lengthened according to the DM's desire. The adventure features all three pillars of play: combat (in and out of the arena), social interaction (a succession of parties and parades, where players can get entangled in NPC business) and exploration (30+ locations in the festival grounds alone).

Cover of The Crypts of Kelemvor
The Crypts of Kelemvor
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
15 pages

This scenario sees the adventuring party given an important quest to collect a number of broken magical seals and to light a number of magical braziers, all of which once protected the crypts of Kelemvor. In so doing, they can help to quell a devastating uprising of undead — organized by a powerful lich named Idris bent on destroying the city of Neverwinter. “The Crypts of Kelemvor” is a one-shot Dungeons & Dragons adventure for characters of levels 3 to 5, adapted from a quest in Neverwinter online.

Cover of DDAL08-12 The Vampire of Skullport
DDAL08-12 The Vampire of Skullport
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
29 pages

Something is wrong in the endless gloom of Skullport, and the Baron of Blood has tasked you with setting things right. The vampire Masked Lord of Waterdeep, Artor Morlin, has found a temporary home in Skullport. After having his home frequented by treasure hunters, he has employed adventurers to find him a new home. Part One of the Undying Threat trilogy.

Cover of DDEX01-10 Tyranny in Phlan
DDEX01-10 Tyranny in Phlan
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
40 pages

The Maimed Virulence has come. The future of the Cinnabar Throne and the lives of the denizens of Phlan are in jeopardy. The Cult of the Dragon rejoices, and the Black Fist is powerless to stop them. How will the factions of the city respond to this threat? Can Phlan be saved this time? Part One of Under Emerald Claws. An adventure for 5th-10th level characters.

Cover of Sleeping Giant Mountain
Sleeping Giant Mountain
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
17 pages

An original one-shot adventure designed for 3-6 level 3 characters. SUMMARY: A recent archaeological expedition in Icewind Dale has uncovered a remarkable discovery: the Spine of the World mountain range is, in fact, the actual spine of a great giant. The discovery confirms an ancient legend, that giants as tall as mountains once roamed the Forgotten Realms. Lead archaeologist Silja Stengravar knows the truth. Centuries ago, a lich, threatened by the giants’ ancient elemental power, banished their race to an abandoned planet known as Kaiva. The lich was defeated, but its curse remains, protected by its minions in the heart of Garagai Mountain. Held captive to the curse, the giants are suspended in time, unable to roam free and claim Kaiva as their own. Silja’s discovery has summoned the portal to Kaiva. Will adventurers brave the perilous journey through the hostile and awe-inspiring planet to destroy the curse and reawaken the giants? DETAILS: 2-4 hour session for 3-6 players Play-tested material Unique items and mechanics Printable cards 16-page campaign guide Enjoy the adventure? Share your experiences with me! Hashtags: #SleepingGiantMountain #GiantsOfKaiva

Cover of Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
5th Edition
Levels 5–20
320 pages

In the city of Waterdeep rests a tavern called the Yawning Portal, named after the gaping pit in its common room. At the bottom of this crumbling shaft is a labyrinthine dungeon shunned by all but the most daring adventurers. Known as Undermountain, this dungeon is the domain of the mad wizard Halaster Blackcloak. Long has the Mad Mage dwelt in these forlorn depths, seeding his lair with monsters, traps, and mysteries—to what end is a constant source of speculation and concern. This adventure picks up where Waterdeep: Dragon Heist leaves off, taking characters of 5th level or higher all the way to 20th level should they explore the entirety of Halaster’s home. Twenty-three levels of Undermountain are detailed herein, along with the subterranean refuge of Skullport. Treasures and secrets abound, but tread with care!

Cover of The Beast Within
The Beast Within
Levels 1–3
4 pages

Lambs to the slaughter. A lonely cottage hides a dreadful secret. While searching for a place to make camp for the night, the party is drawn to a clearing by sound of bleating lambs and the smell of a wood fire. In the clearing is a rustic cottage and tethered around it are a dozen lambs, forming a ring around the house. The owner is a reclusive cleric who contracted lycanthropy about a year ago when his camp was attacked by a marauding werewolf. Though he recovered from his injuries, on the next full moon he transformed and attacked his companions. In the aftermath he resigned himself to a life of isolation, believing that his faith will cure the curse. This is a short adventure, just a single combat encounter where the werewolf attacks the party. If the werewolf isn't killed outright there is a roleplaying opportunity and the potential for the party to seek a cure. Although the adventure is set in the Forgotten Realms campaign, it can be readily adapted to any setting. Pgs. 66-69

Cover of City of the Spider Queen
City of the Spider Queen
3rd Edition
Level 10
186 pages

The Fate of Faerûn Lies in Shadowy Darkness! Daggerdale is reeling from a sudden series of murderous drow raids. As a grave threat to the entire surface world develops in the war-torn dark elf city of Maerimydra, intrepid heroes must discover its source and destroy it, if they can.

Cover of CCC-LINKS-02 The Secrets We Keep
CCC-LINKS-02 The Secrets We Keep
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
32 pages

As winter releases its grip on the region surrounding the town of Phlan, secrets are revealed within Glumpen Swamp. Strange landscapes and sigils have been found beneath the mud, and the wildlife around the swamp has become greatly agitated. At times a spectral figure can be seen in the distance, only to disappear upon approach. Can you discover what is happening in the muck and gloom?

Cover of Scraps of Divinity: Book 1 The Festival of Light
Scraps of Divinity: Book 1 The Festival of Light
5th Edition
Level 1
22 pages

People come from all over the Forgotten Realms to view the Light of Two Forks; a miraculous window into another plane. Among this crush of revelers are princes and paupers, sinners and saints, warriors and pacifists all looking to the sky in wonder. From the light comes a storm. After a massive explosion above showers the world with fire and death, a brave few must rise up as Heroes in order to save the people of Two Forks and, perhaps, all of the Forgotten Realms from the ravages of the Undead, a Mechanical menace and something far worse. This 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure is designed for 1st level characters, and is set in the Forgotten Realms.

Cover of Spears of Glip Dak: Four Adventures
Spears of Glip Dak: Four Adventures
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
124 pages

Inside this full-color, 124-page anthology you’ll find four best-selling Adventurer’s League quests for level 1-10 characters set in the hobgoblin fortress of Glip Dak. Also included are instructions on how to weave these adventures into an ongoing story arc as part of your campaign. Tier 1 (Level 1-4): Glip Dak (CCC_GLIP-01-01) The Kroth Magg hobgoblins run the trade city of Glip Dak in the Troll Hills of Thar. From there they have taken control of the trade routes along the northern Moonsea. A young noble has been captured for refusing to pay their tariffs and his house looks to hire adventurers to rescue him. Beneath Glip Dak (CCC_GLIP-01-02) A series of unusual heists has both the thieves’ guild and city guard scrambling to uncover the culprits before the burglaries destabilize the thriving trade within the city, threatening the budding kingdom the Kroth Magg have fought and died to forge. Citadel of Vlaakith (CCC_GLIP-01-03) The adventurers are tasked with rescuing a group of heroes who vanished in the pearlescent fortress that manifested on the border between the Kroth Magg kingdom and the Varkonin empire in the Steppes of Thar. Tier 2 (Level 5-10): Blue Scales (CCC_GLIP-02-01) A behir has been hired to destroy the herds of aurochs necessary to feed the hobgoblin city of Glip Dak. Patrols and scouts continue to go missing, forcing the hobgoblins to hire mercenaries to track this behir as they recall their troops to the capital to maintain order as food riots break out.