A community for lazy dungeon masters
1429 adventures found
Cover of The Vault of Iptiz
The Vault of Iptiz
5th Edition
Level 5
9 pages

There is the well-known regional legend of Iptiz, a spirit naga whose greed was remarkable even among its own kind. Murderous raids and relentless pillaging yielded a hoard so valuable that the creature needed some place to store and protect it. Thus was the Vault conceived: an underground complex custom built to destroy anyone who is not its creator. Years ago, Iptiz's campaign of terror suddenly ended without precursor or cause. The location of the Vault was never discovered. Until now. The ring-city of Sulindal, built upon the shores of a mile-wide desert oasis, has come under martial law by an invading army of yuan-ti. They intend to exploit the resources in this renowned city of knowledge to locate the third and final Beacon of Selune. ...but for what purpose? A four to six hour adventure for four 5th level players.

Cover of Infernal Machine Rebuild
Infernal Machine Rebuild
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
111 pages

A fallen clock tower holds components from an ancient artifact. Upon discovery of the components, competing agents look to launch expeditions to uncover additional components scattered across distant places—and times. The now-lost Temple of Moloch and the construction site of the legendary Tomb of Horrors are two of those locations. However great the risks, finding the components demands the effort, for whoever does so can reassemble the fabled Infernal Machine of Lum the Mad!

Cover of Can Seapoint Be Saved?
Can Seapoint Be Saved?
Levels 4–7
8 pages

Can Seapoint Be Saved?” is an adventure designed for use with the AD&D rule system. To be able to answer that question, a party of adventurers should consist of 4-8 player characters, each of 4th-7th level. The group may also include henchmen and hirelings. To have the best chance for success, the party should include as many different character classes as possible, with emphasis on fighter-types.

Cover of Meltdown in the Mire
Meltdown in the Mire
5th Edition
Levels 5–12
14 pages

The Dysmal Swamp is a coastal wetland that stretches over 100 square miles. Devoid of any urbanization, the ecosystem enjoyed its dank sanctuary. A community of bullywugs called the swamp home for generations, hunting and maintaining the balance of the land. The land also appealed to the Belange Company, a wicked fey-run enterprise making cheap magic items, who needed a secluded location far from both thieves and oversight. When the Belange Company established their magical workshop in the swamp, the bullywugs attempted to drive them off. However, the Belange Company’s supply of magical items provided enough firepower to protect their endeavor, and many bullywugs fell in the initial conflicts. The Belange Company began crafting scores of magical items to be sold across the region, using a cheap alchemical process that produced a nasty liquid byproduct glowing with chaotic magical energies. Rather than devise a new process, the Director decided to discharge the waste into the swamp. As production increased, so did the pollution, and the sludge began to warp the wetland. The region’s typically reclusive bungisngis population became aggressive. It is only a matter of time before these mutated swamp giants lay waste to bullywugs.

Cover of SD6 - Gonnagetcha Tomb
SD6 - Gonnagetcha Tomb
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
24 pages

Your expedition to the wastelands proved fruitless until you came across a group of Bedouins. The locals report that they may have found a tomb hidden below the swirling desert sands. Intrigued, you and your group examine the site unaware that you are about to stumble into the deadly Gonnagetcha Tomb!

Cover of Dungeon of the Fire Opal
Dungeon of the Fire Opal
3rd Edition
Level 3
19 pages

Was it destiny or something worse that destroyed the Order of the Opal Fist? A dungeon crawl designed for four 3rd level characters. The original article has a sidebar for scaling the adventure up or down. Pgs. 106-124

Cover of The Singing Stones
The Singing Stones
Levels 3–5
26 pages

"Investigate a mystical valley where stones can speak and monsters roam." "The Singing Stones" is a wilderness, point-crawl adventure for characters levels 3-5. It is set in a mystical valley known as Opera Valley, which is filled with sentient, speaking stones. It emphasizes exploration, interaction with unique environmental features, and solving mysteries through dialogue and puzzle-solving rather than straightforward combat. 23 keyed locations Written for the Old-School Essentials (OSE) rule system

Cover of Dragon's Delve
Dragon's Delve
Levels 3–6
24 pages

Chip off the old block. The dwarves of Underduin and Thunderdelve have made some new friends … and enemies. A stronghold of dwarfs has been takin hostage and its up to the part to save them and return the stronghold to its former glory. XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain may act as a prequel. Pgs. 8-31

Cover of The Horn of Plenty
The Horn of Plenty
5th Edition
Level 4
6 pages

Enter the world of Dungeons & Dragons without spending a penny! This fourth-level adventure is designed to work with the free basic rules offered by Wizards of the Coast. You and your friends can explore, battle and roleplay without having to buy anything other than snacks, drinks and maybe some pizza for the DM! Will You Right a Wrong? When a powerful magic item is stolen from a wealthy farming association, the leaders turn to a band of reliable and - most importantly - discrete adventurers to retrieve it. Their journey takes them into a cave system filled with sickness and rot, and thrusts them into a debate over applying magical solutions to practical problems. Where will their loyalties fall when forced to make a tough choice? Includes: Hi-res copy of dungeon map Print-friendly version Continue the path to adventure!

Cover of Imperial Ghoul Outpost
Imperial Ghoul Outpost
5th Edition
Level 10
4 pages

"Imperial Ghoul Outpost" is an iron ghoul lair suitable for four or five 10th-level characters. This adventure can be completed in a single session. When a clan of duergar prospectors unearthed caverns not on the their maps, they were particularly excited about a strange new iron orc they found there. not long after mining began, undead horrors emerged to attack the dwarves. Only one duergar escaped, his mind shattered by the experience. The Ghoul Imperium continues to explore the area, and it has its own plans for the newly discovered one.

Cover of The Desert Vault
The Desert Vault
5th Edition
Level 1
5 pages

The adventurers are asked to search for a local temple official who has not returned after leaving to search for a hidden treasure vault. On their way, they are attacked by some Kobolds and chase the fleeing monsters to the hidden entrance. The adventurers explore the ruins and discover what has become of the missing temple official.

Cover of Difficult Circumstances: A Prologue Adventure for What Lies Beyond Reason
Difficult Circumstances: A Prologue Adventure for What Lies Beyond Reason
5th Edition
Level 1
65 pages

Sometimes you can just be in the wrong place at the wrong time... Sheltering from a savage storm, a group of fledgling adventurers find themselves trapped by circumstances and powerful forces from a bygone age. Escaping from dark and dismal caverns, the heroes must brave a nightmarish trek through haunted and hostile terrain, pursued by an mysterious assailant to the very walls of Anduria – home of the greatest civilisation in the world. On the edge between madness and salvation, they must broker a deal with shadowy cults and political powers to determine not only their own fate, but potentially that of the Eternal City itself.

Cover of The Airship Incident
The Airship Incident
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
4 pages

The party starts this one-shot falling from the sky aboard an airship. It lands atop a dense cluster of trees, unable to fly, but not destroyed. Now it is up to them to traverse the nearby wilds in search for the parts that fell loose so they can get back to the skies and continue their journey. Unfortunately, they will have to face ogres, apes, bears, blights, and more to retrieve these missing mechanisms.

Cover of Greenskin Diplomacy
Greenskin Diplomacy
5th Edition
Level 1
24 pages

When a band of orcs attacks the town of West Fork, will you and your party bravely defend the townsfolk, and strike back? This adventure is intended to be used in any campaign setting and at any party level (see ‘Instructions’). This particular adventure takes place in a medium-sized village or small town. Most of the NPCs within this adventure are human, but they can easily be substituted for other common races to best suit your campaign. Published by Nord Games

Cover of Outfitted with Artifice
Outfitted with Artifice
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
7 pages

This adventure can be used in any setting that features landowning nobility as a social class. It focuses on the Firebird, a mythical creature from Slavic folklore similar to the phoenix. The characters begin inside a tailor’s shop where they’ve been gathered by Pero Toporov, the best tailor in the city of Krylo. The city is ruled by the confident and insensitive Baron Yuri, who commissioned Pero to create a beautiful cloak woven with the feathers of the Firebird, a creature known for its healing powers. Pero agreed on the condition that their work would be used to aid Yuri's citizens, who have been sick and ailing under Yuri's restrictive rule. Instead, the Baron took the cloak for himself. Pero is hiring the adventurers to help them break into the Baron’s fortress and steal the cloak back without being caught. The characters find a way inside the fortress and break into the dungeon, where the cloak is supposedly hidden away. Within the dungeon, the party finds the Firebird itself locked in a golden cage where Baron Yuri—wearing the magic cloak—is antagonizing it. Baron Yuri attacks them to protect his treasure and is not open to negotiation. However, the characters may try to befriend or capture the Firebird. If they sway the bird to their side it may help them fight the Baron. Once Baron Yuri is defeated, the characters can take the cloak for themselves or return it to Pero. Dethroning the Baron earns them the gratitude of the city’s people. If they return the cloak, Pero pays the adventurers and assures them that the cloak will be used for good from now on. Pgs. 173-179

Cover of Mother Haggle's Noticeboard - The Magic Cow
Mother Haggle's Noticeboard - The Magic Cow
5th Edition
Level 1
9 pages

Mother Haggle is an elderly crone who runs a Lost & Found Emporium on the edge of the Misty Forest. The old lady pays her mercenaries well, and attracts all kinds of talent to send on her various errands. Mother Haggle doesn't deal in world shaking problems, but it's uncanny how often simple tasks like "fetch that cow" or "bring me a boggle" end in embarrassment, grievous injury or death. As she always says, it really can't be helped. Using the streamlined Plausible Complications and Unlikely Disasters layout, Mother Haggle's adventures are one-sheet wonders ready to pick up and play with groups of the specified level. Mother Haggle wants her cow back. It seems to get lost a lot, but she doesn't care how much she has to spend as long as her darling gets home safe. Included in Mother Haggles's Notice Board - The Missing Cow are six standalone bovine adventure seeds in which Mother Haggle's cow needs rescuing. She should really keep that cow in a better pen, or lock the gate or something, but who needs common sense when you have money and mercenaries?

Cover of Mind Prison
Mind Prison
5th Edition
Level 10
19 pages

Infiltration of a ruined archive; the players--beseeched by a mysterious psionic calling--work to uncover the machinations of the Nalar and hopefully free their captive held far below...

Cover of FVC8 - Youngblood Keep
FVC8 - Youngblood Keep
5th Edition
High Level
30 pages

FVC8 – Youngblood Keep has a seasoned party meeting with Lady Enorra, a noblewoman at the northern frontier. She has requested the party by name to help her recover a valuable artifact called the Eggstone. After accepting the job you find yourself at a locale known as the Chapel of Ancients and that is when things really get strange! Youngblood Keep used to be a fortress in the area but was ripped from this plane of existence to another. Who’s up for a quick trip to Hell and back?

Cover of LP-5 The Lost Places: Black Cliff Lighthouse
LP-5 The Lost Places: Black Cliff Lighthouse
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
26 pages

The water pounds the base of the cliff with the relentless power of time. Jagged rocks appearing and disappearing in the foam of the sea like gnashing teeth. Above it all on the top of the black cliff sits a small house and the dark light tower. The magistrate has sent your party to investigate why the light has gone dark.

Cover of The Lair of Sarkt
The Lair of Sarkt
3.5 Edition
Medium Level
7 pages

Sarkt is an illithid sorcerer. It was cast out of its community for its heretical studies (Sarkt was in fact, lucky to escape alive). It didn't take the cunning creature long to pick up a few thralls and find a new place to live, safe from the murderous intentions of its companions. Sarkt dwells in the subterranean ruins of an ancient shrine to Blibdoolpoolp, the crustacean-headed deity of the kuo-toas. This shrine lies on the fringe of a region controlled by kuo-toas, but since Sarkt's arrival, the fishmen avoid the area. A few unfortunate kuo-toas now serve Sarkt as thralls and maintain the illusion that the shrine serves Blibdoolpoolp.