A community for lazy dungeon masters
181 adventures found
Cover of FT - Andju Village
FT - Andju Village
Levels 1–5
15 pages

With your adventurers growing up it only makes sense that their surroundings should also grow. Such is the case of Andju Village which is being controlled by the newly created Viscount of Andju, Sir Dimek of Rastinstein. Sir Dimek has launched an ambitious building project with the intent to make his village a trading powerhouse. This area can be utilized as a base of operations near the frontier and be a safe haven for a party of explorers.

Cover of CM5 Mystery of the Snow Pearls
CM5 Mystery of the Snow Pearls
Level 10
32 pages

One of four magical, snow white pearls protecting Tarylon has been stolen! And you, a Companion level elf, are responsible for its safe keeping. Now the very existence of your beautiful village is threatened unless you can find the powerful pearl. Milgor, the evil wizard with an evil sense fo fun, challenges you to find the pearl, and return it to Tarylon. This adventure uses a "Magic Viewer" - a piece of colored film - to reveal the hidden results of the player's choices. This includes encounters, puzzles, and traps. TSR 9128

Cover of OP9 - Phaegor's Manor
OP9 - Phaegor's Manor
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
2 pages

Everyone starts out their career with big dreams ready to take on the world. As you head out towards your fame you discover an abandoned manor house. With hope your in your heart you wonder if anything of value is left in the ruined building. Cautiously you enter...

Cover of The Lair of Glaucous
The Lair of Glaucous
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
32 pages

Includes a Multiplayer version and a Dungeon Master + 1 Player version. A village on the outskirts of the Glimmerwood hires a brave adventurer(s) to destroy the eggs of a green dragon who has taken root in the forest. Although this sounds like a bold and unwise move, the village elders have a second agenda: implicate a menacing band of orcs who also dwell in the forest. There are several ways to use this adventure: •Introduce a new player to the world of Dungeons & Dragons •DM an experienced player through a single character adventure •As a one-shot adventure while DMing a group of new or experienced players

Cover of The Horrors Beneath Hopen'er Asylum
The Horrors Beneath Hopen'er Asylum
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
27 pages

The corrupt town guard of the Styes refuse to help when a mysterious monster begins to slaughter the residents of Hopen'er Asylum, an old decrepit mental aslyum. A call is put out for any adventurers willing to defeat this mosnter and save Hopen'er before it falls any further into madness... From the author of Murder on the Primewater Pleasure comes The Horrors Beneath Hopen'er Asylum. If you enjoyed that adventure then you will love this! This horror adventure takes place in and below Hopen'er Asylum. Originally designed to serve as an introduction to the location known as The Styes frorm the Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign book, this adventure can be easily transferred to any setting (advice is given on how to do this). The characters will explore an abandoned underground wing of the mental asylum, before delving into a forgotten cave system to face an unknown enemy, a Dubh. The adventure is designed for 6th - 7th level characters and takes anywhere between 4 - 6 hours to finish. The adventure contains full colour maps, as well as VTT versions of the maps.

Cover of OP2 - Cupid's Arrows
OP2 - Cupid's Arrows
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
2 pages

Today's offering is a one-page adventure built for a solo 3rd level character. While in between normal adventures you have been tracking an escapee known as Johan Cupid and believe to have picked up a lead in Jakestown. With the bandit hiding out in an old manor house you see a payday coming. Not a traditional "Valentine's" theme this adventure reminds you that sometimes Cupid's arrows sting!

Cover of Ambushers of the Splitrock pass
Ambushers of the Splitrock pass
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
14 pages

Detailed encounter, easily convertible into an adventure. Starts from investigating ambushes on the mountain pass and quickly escalated into a more twisted story about duergars, alhoons, and treasure vaults. Setting-agnostic (classic fantasy - best)

Cover of Jackal's Rift
Jackal's Rift
Levels 1–10
1 pages

A unique skill-challenge focused adventure on a perilous cliff wall! A rift descending adventure where certain doom is mere inches away at any given moment.

Cover of A1 The Goblins Lair
A1 The Goblins Lair
Levels 1–3
10 pages

Constant attacks have been carried out in the forest region near Holyrock. The small town of Taveiro Village was raided by a group of Goblins that are plundering the agricultural region near the city. There is suspicion that there is a lair of these beings near the village, but so far, no one has been able to find the place. The mayor of the city is hiring adventurers to discover and eliminate this band of Goblins. It offers a big reward, in addition to allowing the booty found with these beings to own the heroes. Are you ready for the challenge? ” Goblins Lair is a “One Shot” style adventure, one that you can play in an afternoon or fit into your larger campaign. This adventure is designed for up to 4 players from level 1 to 3. We recommend using the basic BX books or the old D&D books. Have Fun! Published by Voxelhouse

Cover of Beyond the Vale of Madness
Beyond the Vale of Madness
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
? pages

"It was already a freezing morning when you set out for the legendary Castle of Madness – the mysterious castle that is said to emerge from blizzards once every seven winters. " In this short treasure hunt for one 2nd level player, you'll brave an frigid mountain, an icy cave, and a haunted castle to bring home a pile of loot. Written as a digital gamebook, you will keep track of your character's hit points, spells, and inventory on your character sheet, and keep track of enemies using your own scratch paper. The game will play GM and all enemies.

The Mysterious Theatre of Macabre (english) / Das Mysteriöse Makeberitäten Theater (Deutsch)
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
15 pages

This is an adventure for one or two sessions with a group of 3-5 players from the level 3rd-5th. In this adventure you will be getting into a story full of humor and horror that will lead up to a big and marvelous theatre performance. The beloved local bard was kidnapped by a mad theatre nerd of a necromancer, which uses the bard in his grotesque production. It is on your party to save him! To run this adventure you need a Monster Manual 5e from Wizards of the Coast. Included: 3 adventure hooks to choose from Quick-start to get you right into the game A full script for the final play for you to perform 3 battlemaps with and without grid (included as JPG) Map of the town also usable as a starting town for your campaign (included as JPG) Custom monsters “Actor Skeleton”, “Broom Skeleton”, “Reginald van Fare” (Necromancer) _________________________________________ Dies ist ein Abenteuer für ein bis zwei Spielabende für eine Abenteuergruppe der 3. - 5. Stufe. Dieses Abenteuer ist eine lachhaft schaurige und furchterregend lustige Erzählung von einem Barden, welcher in einer feuchtfröhlichen Nacht von einem wahnsinnigen Dramaturg-Nekromanten in sein Theater entführt wird. Das ganze endet schließlich in einer pompösen Aufführung. Um das Abenteuer zu leiten, benötigt man ein Monsterhandbuch, vorzugsweise in englischer Fassung, da die Referenzen sich auf die englische Version beziehen. Inkludiert: 3 Abenteuereinstiege von denen man auswählen kann. Einen „Schnellstart“ um dich schnell zu Recht zu finden. Ein komplettes Drehbuch für die Aufführung. 3 Battlemaps mit und ohne Gitternetzlinien. Eine Karte für SpielleiterInnen und eine für SpielerInnen vom Dorf Höttingheim, welches auch gut als Startdorf für eine Kampagne verwendet werden kann. In Höttingheim gibt es einiges zu entdecken und NSCs kennen zu lernen. 4 eigene Monster die im Stück vorkommen. Deutsche Version hier: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/278151/Das-Mysteriose-Makeberitaten-Theater?src=by_author_of_product

Cover of FT - Earldom of Curwood
FT - Earldom of Curwood
Levels 1–6
15 pages

FT – Earldom of Curwood is a companion to Filbar offering FQ8 – Uprising of the Undead! This supplement gives an overview of one of the major cities in the Duchy of Bast and is the starting place for FQ8. The community is known for its diverse economic structure and makes for a nice respite for weary adventures!

Cover of The Tortured Land
The Tortured Land
5th Edition
Level 4
132 pages

5e Solo Gamebooks presents The Tortured Land, the fourth in our series of solo adventures set in the Forgotten Realms. With this adventure, we take off the gloves and throw your PC into the thick of some serious danger in the frigid north of Faerun. Only the most hardened adventurers will make it through this adventure in one piece, and with several different paths available, replayability is assured. The Tortured Land will provide you with hours of enjoyable, challenging play time. Arriving in a lonely village in the middle of the northern plain known as The Ride, your hero is soon drawn into a quest to retrieve a precious artifact. From there they will journey even further north, towards the barren waste known as the Tortured Land, in search of an unknown enemy. There are items to collect, codewords to activate and perils to avoid. And of course, many combat encounters! As always, hyperlinks are included in the text to facilitate easy navigation, removing the need for scrolling between entries.

Cover of Tyrant of Zhentil Keep
Tyrant of Zhentil Keep
5th Edition
Level 3
167 pages

5e Solo Gamebooks presents Tyrant of Zhentil Keep by Paul Bimler, a 160+ page solo adventure for Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition. This adventure is designed for one 3rd-level PC of any race or class, without a DM. Tyrant of Zhentil Keep continues the narrative of The Death Knight’s Squire (the first solo adventure in this series) but can be played as a standalone also. It follows the story of your PC as they continue their journey across Faerun, a lone adventurer wandering wherever the wind takes them. Eventually, it takes them to Zhentil Keep in the Moonsea Region, a strange city, full of secrets. There they begin a quest which takes place over two books, this being the first one, part 2 being Citadel of the Raven. Tyrant of Zhentil Keep is a mini-sandbox in gamebook form, with multiple sidequests and locations to explore. Everything leads towards a central story arc that becomes clearer as the book progresses. Where Death Knight’s Squire had a clear-cut mission at its core, this adventure is pure exploration at first, similar to how a game with a Dungeon Master might commence. The nature of your quest becomes clearer as you advance, collecting snippets of information and encountering various NPCs and locations. The adventure builds upon The Death Knight's Squire in several ways, introducing new combat sheets, sidequests and even audio sound FX embedded in the PDF! You have two ways to approach playing this adventure. You could print out the maps booklet and use actual tokens or miniatures (you’ll need access to a printer for this), or you can load individual .png files of the maps (included) into Roll20 or similar applications and place and move tokens on your device.

Cover of Jacob's Well
Jacob's Well
Levels 2–4
16 pages

Some ports are more dangerous than the storm. It's alive, it's hungry, it's growing. And you're on the menu. Alone, out in the wilds with a savage winter storm bearing down on you, you need shelter to survive. You stumble through the trees and smell wood-smoke. Ahead you spot the small fortified trading outpost known as Jacob's well. You're not the only traveller to find themselves stranded here in the teeth of the storm. The only problem, someone has bought something with them, it's alive, it's growing, it's voracious and you are all on the menu. Think Aliens and The Thing and you're on the right track. Has potential to be scaled to suit a group of adventurers. Pgs. 8-23

Cover of Phandelver and Below:: Phandalin Werewolves: Beasts of Her Moon
Phandelver and Below:: Phandalin Werewolves: Beasts of Her Moon
5th Edition
Levels 3–7
10 pages

In a village shrouded in mystery, a tale unfolds that will linger in your memory. Cattle mutilations, sacred stone circles, and dark rituals intertwine as werewolves prowl through this gothic tragedy. Venture with us south of Neverwinter, to the village of Phandalin, for an adventure tailored for characters anywhere from levels 3 to 6. This one-shot episode is perfect for a group of friends seeking an immersive experience or as an intriguing addition to the "Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk" campaign. You can easily adapt this module to most any campaign setting. Featuring five maps crafted by the esteemed Tessa Presents Maps, this game includes a sprawling 120 x 120 premium battle map of Phandalin, maps for wilderness encounters, and custom tokens. Welcome to the party!

Cover of The Ballad of the Dark Maiden
The Ballad of the Dark Maiden
5th Edition
Levels 1–8
30 pages

Over a millennium ago, a clan of dark elves broke away from their evil kin and fled from the city of Menzoberranzan. Though many lives were lost in the initial exodus, the large numbers of the renegade band ensured that they were more successful than any could have hoped. And yet, the drow that finally arrived into the surface world found themselves shunned at every turn by those unable to see past their appearances. Just as their hope was beginning to wane, a song rang out through the night, beckoning the way to the sea and to a silver ship waiting amidst the dark waves. Many years have passed, and little knowledge remains of the strange island that the dark elves came to call their home, but the wicked Lolth forgets nothing. Evil magic converges upon El’tara and begins to steal away the light of hope. Whether through fate, mere coincidence or perhaps divine intervention, a band of adventurers find themselves standing at the shores of this land in the time of its greatest need. This adventure should run for approximately four to five hours and may be played either as a one-shot or as part of an ongoing campaign. It contains guidelines for running the adventure at any level from 1st to 8th and for a variety of group sizes.

Cover of A Miner Problem
A Miner Problem
5th Edition
Level 2
? pages

You are hired by a mine operator to retrieve the mine's gnomish engineer who has barricaded himself in the mine's lower reaches. But there's more going on than just a crazy gnome and his robots sabotaging the mine. You'll need to explore the forest, build alliances, and brave a rollercoaster ride on a mine cart to get to the bottom of this adventure (pun intended). This is a gamebook-style solo adventure that you can play in your browser. You make a 2nd level character sheet, roll your own dice, keep up with your inventory, spells, and HP, and are on your honor to be honest. It's all text-based with some public domain illustrations, and you click on options as you make decisions and roll the dice.

Cover of Longwinter
Low Level
114 pages

From Exalted Funeral: The snows are alive. A soft, cold spirit courses through them. Her lace threads the world; watching, drinking, listening, stroking, soothing, killing. Her touch is soft and icy. She is Winterwhite, the daughter of the Waterdrinker and the Northwind, and she is a terrible god. An avatar of ice and hunger, of visions and death. Dooms and devastations to visit upon a cosy roleplaying setting. Longwinter is the RPG sandbox of a realm that has broken its vows to Winterwhite and will now pay the cold price. This book contains secret knowledge and mechanics for the referee. The setting is profoundly close to that of Witchburner (by the same author and artist). This sandbox includes: ~110 pages of content. some colour illustrations. 3 variations of the Brezim map to represent changes as Winterwhite's curse bites harder. faction trackers for the 5 key factions and over 40 events to represent different groups growing or waning in strength depending on player actions. detailed weather and event tables to simulate a living setting. detailed encounter tables for night and day, which grow harsher as Winterwhite's curse grows stronger. several more tables to generate corpses, caches, vaults, and memories of summer. optional playing card-based escape mechanic with 54 different locations, challenges and characters encountered in each location. alternatively, the escape section serves as a resource to mine for winter locations, challenges, and characters. Be aware: This is a book of factions and winter encounters for the full-fledged mini-setting detailed in the Longwinter: Visitor's Book. The content is mostly system-neutral. It references some 5E or d20-style conventions, but should work with most low-power systems easily. Many of the encounters, and particularly the escape, will not work with characters resistant to cold, capable of flight, or otherwise able to avoid the environmental challenges. Finally, thank you for considering running Longwinter for your players. It is a bit of a tribute to the mountains and myths I've walked and heard over many years, and I hope you will find fuel for many adventures and good memories herein. It has also been a challenging project to prepare. Many people helped make it as good as it is. The fault for all errors and typos is my own. —Luka, December 2020

Cover of FS11 - Wedding Daze
FS11 - Wedding Daze
Levels 1–2
20 pages

As a future hero, your master has given you one last task to complete before releasing you from your training - delivering a message. Knowing that you are about to start your career on your own is exciting and this task should be a simple one. A two day trip to congratulate Lord Siklos on the wedding of his daughter and you will control your own destiny. Little do you realize that something has gone terribly wrong at the ceremony! This adventure setting was designed for 1st/2nd Edition AD&D for the Filbar Campaign for a solo/low level adventurer and DM.