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3288 adventures found
Cover of The Dark Forest (BoL)
The Dark Forest (BoL)
5th Edition
Level 8
4 pages

"The Dark Forest" is an elder shadow drake lair suitable for four 8th-level characters. This adventure can be completed in one session. A hidden grove within a dark forest has been home to a tribe of alseids for generations. The tribe's most recent leader and spiritual heart was an alseid shaman called Riatha the Raven. Within the grove lies an ancient ring of standing stones atop a burial mount. Here, Riatha conducted sacred nature rites to honor and bless the forest and the tribe. During one of these ceremonies, the ground rumbled and a column of dense black energy shot straight up from the burial mound and into the night sky. Thick darkness enveloped the area, and the suddenly blinded alseids heard terrible roars. An instant later, the darkness dissipated to reveal a mysterious pool ringed with skulls among the standing stones. Two large, dragon-like creatures with black scales and burning red eyes glared at the confused alseids. One the ground lay the body of Riatha, deathly still. Terror and chaos followed as the creatures brought swift and sudden death, killing most of the alseid tribe members with razor-sharp teeth and deadly, black breath. The alseids that survived the inital, bloody attack fled into the forest. They counterattacked a few hours later, desperate to reclaim their grove and recover the body of their beloved leader, but the attempt was a fiasco and they were quickly driven off. Now, the few remaining alseids hide in the forest, frightened and unsure of what to do next.

Cover of The Perfumer's Daughter
The Perfumer's Daughter
5th Edition
Levels 1–18
540 pages

When her father goes missing, a young adventurer has no other choice than to gather her friends and head for the city of Loudwater. Soon after she gets swept away in an obscure design threatening to drag the entire region into chaos and war. At the heart of this mystery, lies not only her father, but the long-forgotten history of her once-despised family and a primordial beast influencing events from the shadows, moving her family like pieces on a chess board. Visit www.perfumersdaughter.com for more information. You can also address me directly on The Perfumer's Daughter Q&A on Facebook. All battlemaps and dungeons are free to download for use in digital platforms (such as roll20) on the aforementioned site.

Cover of Waxing Moon
Waxing Moon
5th Edition
Level 5
20 pages

Somewhere in the region of Thesk, at the small village of Amaranth, a despicable night hag has taken residence in the farmstead of a native family. There, she devised a malicious magical disease called Lungsprout and intends to infect the unsuspecting villagers with it, using her deceptively aromatic candles. As if that wasn’t enough, she has created a powerful servant, a cross between a golem and a homunculus. She aims to slowly but steadily wipe out the entire village, and use the villagers as fuel for her hideous experiments. The players will have to rush against time and investigate the village, finding clues that will eventually lead them to the night hag herself. Will they be able to save the villagers and destroy the hag and her abominable creations?

Cover of PS6 - Furrier's Tale
PS6 - Furrier's Tale
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
17 pages

Your time in Queen’s Point has been productive and your level training is complete. As you relax in the Frothy Goblet Tavern & Inn you enjoy catching up with your compatriots over a steaming mug of mead! While you enjoy your time together you can’t help but overhear an interesting conversation at the next table over. A mountain man from his appearance is regaling a group of drunks about a foray into the wilderness and discovery of some old ruins. Those listening chime in with their thoughts on the potential for lost treasure…perhaps this guy may lead you to your next adventure?

Cover of The Demon Within
The Demon Within
Level 11
34 pages

For years, the knights of Mendev have held back the evil locked inside the Worldwound, a vast, demon-tainted landscape. Every few years, they anoint a new protector, a sacred guardian charged with pitting his will against the teeming hordes bent on devouring the very souls of the living. This year, something has gone horribly wrong, and now a bloodthirsty demonic army has overrun the ancient fortress, and threatens to pour into the surrounding countryside.

Cover of An Artist's Errand
An Artist's Errand
Levels 6–8
23 pages

To a reigar, art doesn't imitate life, it is life. "An Artist's Errand" is an AD&D Spelljammer adventure for 4-6 good-aligned characters of level 6-8 (about 35 levels total). The module assumes the party is familiar with spelljamming. The party should include at least one spell-caster, preferably a wizard, but a party of resourceful (and powerful) fighters and rogues should be able to complete the adventure. PCs with an understanding of navigation, elvish, and engineering will come in handy as well. The party need not own a spelljamming ship to complete this adventure. Pgs. 8-31

Cover of FT - Walled City of Vandosia
FT - Walled City of Vandosia
5th Edition
Levels 1–8
14 pages

Welcome to the seat of power in the Duchy of Starryshade! This large city is where the Archduke Meldor Gantrius IV rules his land. A walled city on the bay, Vandosia is bustling with activity. A busy seaport sits down the road from the fortified city with regional farmers coming into town every day. Many former adventurers call the city home and training guilds are available for those levelling up. While “mostly” safe this city is not without adventure, especially with the massive sewer system below the streets.

Cover of X9 The Savage Coast
X9 The Savage Coast
Levels 4–10
32 pages

What sends you adventuring deep into unknown lands, across dark waters, around The Savage Coast? Adventure? The sincere desire to help others? Or greed? Cartographers Guild members tell of lost cities and hidden treasures. Sailors tell of menacing beasts and cannibals to the west. They tell of savages along the shores who use gold nuggets for fishing weights. They also tell of great mounds of gold that collect at river mouths. You must decide the grater lure; the safety of Slagovich or the glimmer of gold along The Savage Coast. This adventure includes a map which expands the D&D game world, and a special expanded monsters section. TSR 9129

Cover of The Comet That Time Forgot
The Comet That Time Forgot
Level 9
20 pages

A level 9+ hex-crawl adventure by D. M. Wilson and Sarah Brunt. A portal leads adventurers to a comet of fire and ice hurtling through the void of space. Can they survive prehistoric beasts, warring factions, and the comet’s impending doom, to find priceless treasures and a way home? For Old-School Essentials (OSE) Included as one of four adventures in "Old-School Essentials Adventure Anthology 1"

Cover of The Haunt 2
The Haunt 2
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
34 pages

Just when you thought it was safe to take a long rest. She's Back! The terrifying SEQUEL to the PLATINUM bestselling, and Dragon+ Magazine featured horror adventure: The Haunt. The Haunt 2 is both a one-shot, and a sequel that can be run as either. Long, long ago St. Greycastle’s Hospital served the city through the years, mainly treating the wounded and sick among the militia. Over time, the lower basement was converted into a sanatorium, housing those who became maddened from enduring the violent, brutal orcs raids which plagued the region during that time. This was the place where Gertrude, the night hag, tormented patients, and created her masterpiece, the Evil Doll. Now, after all of these years, Montarthas Manor has finally fallen, and the Evil Doll has been wounded. She has returned to the only familiar and safe place she remembers, to lick her wounds and plot her next move. Her presence in the hospital awakens the evil inside, creating a nightmarish charnel house of terror. In addition, the hospital itself feeds on fear. Do your players have what it takes to enter the haunted and evil hospital, to finally end the haunt and terror of the Evil Doll?! Published by P.B. Publishing.

Cover of Ravager part 1 The Darkcrypt
Ravager part 1 The Darkcrypt
Levels 5–7
12 pages

An army has appeared from the desert wastes led by a sorcerer said to be immortal. Fearing imminent attack, the Border Kingdoms have sent assassins to slay this so called Ravager and find this terrible rumor is true. You are tasked with discovering the secret to the sorcerer's immortality, hidden amidst an ancient crypt.

Cover of Sharn I, The Missing Schema
Sharn I, The Missing Schema
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
52 pages

This is an introductory adventure to Eberron and Sharn. It is written for 3-6 characters of levels 1 to 5. This adventure showcases the versatility of urban adventures in Sharn. The adventure takes a party of characters from the lowest and more dangerous parts of the city, the lower wards and The Depths, to the highest and most exclusive neighborhoods in the upper wards and the Skyway. This adventure has it all. There are roleplaying opportunities, underground exploration, interesting NPC's, a flying chase scene on flying vessels, and a BBEG with enough charisma to captivate any player.

Cover of N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God
N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Levels 1–3
28 pages
17  0

"Terror by night! The village of Orlane is dying. Once a small and thriving community, Orlane has become a maze of locked doors and frightened faces. Strangers are shunned, trade has withered. Rumors flourish, growing wilder with each retelling. Terrified peasants flee their homes, abandoning their farms with no explanation. Others simply disappear. . . No one seems to know the cause of the decay -- why are there no clues? Who skulks through the twisted shadows of the night? Who or what is behind the doom that has overtaken the village? It will take a brave and skillful band of adventurers to solve the dark riddle of Orlane!" TSR 9063

Cover of Taarks Tomb
Taarks Tomb
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
6 pages

A generic tomb usable for one off adventures or unexpected exploration discovery. An abandoned dwarven tomb has been taken over by goblins.

Cover of Fires of Dis
Fires of Dis
Levels 5–9
74 pages

In the Outer Planes, a holy sword can be a fiend's best friend, especially when the owner wants it back? Sneaking into the second layer of foul Bagtor ain't easy, but with a little help from the right high-up men, it can be done. 'Course, exactly who the right high-up men are can give a basher pause, so it's often best not to ask. But there's a sword to be found, and bloods needed to find it. Truth is, those who don't end up lost are sure to find out that no good deed goes unpunished! Fires of Dis is a Planescape adventure for four to six characters of 5th to 9th levels. From Sigil, the City of Doors, the heroes plunge head-first into a dangerous journey across the Outer Planes. Their quest for a stolen sword leads them to the hostile gate-town or Ribcage, the treacherous plane of Baator, and the disciplined burg of Fortitiude - a gate-town teetering between two planes, just waiting for something to tip the scales. Your player characters need wits as keen as their steel to brave the fires of Dis and survive!

Cover of DDAL05-07 Chelimber's Descent
DDAL05-07 Chelimber's Descent
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
33 pages

Deep in the Marsh of Chelimber lie the ruins of a great wizard’s tower. SEER has received intelligence, which she imparts via her emissary Hsing, that deep beneath the marsh in the remains of an old tower is knowledge of older magics. This could be just what Parnast needs to resist the onslaught of Bad Fruul and his armies!

Cover of WBW-DC-FEN-01 Tiddy Mun and the Stranger Stone
WBW-DC-FEN-01 Tiddy Mun and the Stranger Stone
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
20 pages

Gnomish denizens of Berribury are terrorized by flooding. Their only hope is for adventurers to summon the archfey of their domain; Tiddy Mun, to take the waters away. A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3

Cover of F7 - Challenge of the Minotaur
F7 - Challenge of the Minotaur
Levels 4–6
8 pages

Near the Southern end of the Border Hills between Gortelburg and Havendale is an area rumored to be the home of a Minotaur. Recent reports have begun to surface in Havendale of the surrounding farms and villages that a huge Minotaur has begun to disrupt life in the area. The governing board of Havendale has offered a bounty on the beast to anyone who can track it, kill it, and return proof of its demise. Quite a few parties of adventurers have taken up the task but none have returned for the reward.

Cover of The Black Tar Rises
The Black Tar Rises
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
8 pages

This is an adventure for a party of level 4-6 designed to showcase a number of newly created Oozes in the Beyond the Black Pudding compendium. The party is brought in to help figure out what to do about a giant ooze that is threatening to engulf a small town. They discover that it is being called by a magical beacon somewhere nearby, and by following a small ooze they are able to find where the signal is coming from. It turns out to have been set off by The Visionary, an intelligent Vitreous Humor (a kind of ooze beholder) with dreams of power who discovered it in an ancient temple to Juiblex. Unfortunately, having turned it on, The Visionary had no idea how to turn it off again and is now barricaded in the depths of the temple, assaulted by oozes on all sides.

Cover of Diamond Dash
Diamond Dash
5th Edition
Levels 9–19
6 pages

This quest is for a party looking to acquire diamonds to use as components for higher-level resurrection spells. To gather what they need, the characters embark on a brief expedition to the Elemental Plane of Earth where diamonds are fairly abundant. However, the party only has an hour to gather as many diamonds as they can before the portal—and the entire cave area—collapses. Includes a quest-related NPC that a player can control if they're waiting for their character to be resurrected.