A community for lazy dungeon masters
306 adventures found
Cover of SQ1 – Yearning for Adventure
SQ1 – Yearning for Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
32 pages

A religious festival in the nearby town of Saratoga is the spot your introductory level PCs have opted to begin their careers. With so many people coming to the festival the group anticipates finding information on adventures they can start their budding careers with. Action begins sooner than expected as the celebration is interrupted by a group of Stirges bothering some of the revelers and it quickly gets worse…

Cover of FP12 - Raiders at Fargone
FP12 - Raiders at Fargone
Levels 5–8
20 pages

Coming off the Plains of Dorack, you enter the Glockenspiel Mountains, where the remote village of Fargone is located. A merchant caravan you encountered a few days ago mentioned that Fargone residents have discovered a pass through the mountains to the sea; and a new trade route is opening up. This sounds like a nice place to stop before venturing to the sea! As you approach the area where Fargone is said to be, large billowing smoke clouds can be seen….this could be problematic…..

Cover of FVC10 - Lofty Pursuits
FVC10 - Lofty Pursuits
5th Edition
10 pages

After a series of successful exploits you and your associates decide it is time for a nice vacation. You pull into the large city of Breckengarden to take a few weeks off when you are approached by a courier. After a clandestine meeting you are informed that several well-known adventurers have been disappearing and the party has been asked to resolve the issue. The bigger problem is the likely source of the kidnappings is the master of the Cloud Giant kingdom that floats above the ground!

Cover of FA5 - Gortelburg Pass
FA5 - Gortelburg Pass
Medium Level
16 pages

This setting was used in the F series and was used as an area for multiple adventure opportunities as a separate crossing of the Border Mountains. This mountain area has several travel sections to get from the civilized area to the frontier. With a multitude of side adventures this area helps mid-level adventurers increase their experience point base. In the Filbar campaign it was commonly used to get from Havendale to Arcanum College and Cordicstown.

Cover of AS4 - Simian's Gate
AS4 - Simian's Gate
5th Edition
Levels 14–16
22 pages

This high level adventure returns the PCs to Helvana. A recent adventure has netted the party some Adamant, a rare ore in Filbar that is excellent for constructing weapons of amazing quality. As you arrive in Vorshmorgan to locate a smith you quickly discover there are problems in town. The scenario was designed to give upper level players a challenge and pits them against one of the most feared creatures in the land!

Cover of F13 - Necropolis of Sutama
F13 - Necropolis of Sutama
Levels 6–10
29 pages

A cemetery is nice but an entire city of the dead.....THAT'S an adventure. At 29 pages this adventure a large number of challenges for a party of higher levels. Set in the famed Adurite city of the dead this adventure offers many challenges to a party. What lies within? What treasures may be found? This adventure is not for the faint of heart. With over ten area maps and multiple pictures of areas the party may find, this is a full adventure. Are your players ready for a big adventure?

Cover of OP14 - Mission from Mars
OP14 - Mission from Mars
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
2 pages

An older man named Mars Barz approaches you and your associate as you wander the small town of Senja. He is a local alchemist and purveyor of elixirs and has a delivery mission he needs fulfilled. You’ve got time to kill…why not!

Cover of FVS3 - Jail of Gundavold
FVS3 - Jail of Gundavold
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
14 pages

The Jail of Gundavold is a scenario designed for a solo player but adjustable enough for a party size if needed. After a foray into the wilderness Ruins of Borgdell, you found yourself ambushed with a bag tossed over your head. After a grueling trek across uncertain terrain you find yourself in jail. Are you smart enough to get yourself out of this mess?

Cover of NQ20 - Merchant's Mission
NQ20 - Merchant's Mission
5th Edition
High Level
29 pages

This higher level adventure takes the group on a survey mission for the Merchant’s Guild. The party will be asked to go through Uvarno, home of the Horselords, and attempt to locate a suitable passage for a merchant caravan into The Melcore. The party’s previous dealings with one of the Horselords, as well as they proven abilities to resolve “problems” has made them a natural choice for the mission. Built as a hex crawl, this scenario will require the party to map the wilderness as well as clearing out any “hostiles”.

Cover of F1 - Zombie Curse
F1 - Zombie Curse
Levels 1–3
26 pages

As you begin your travels to fame and glory you have discovered the road is actually paved mostly with dirt and boredom. You have heard of the caravan attacks at Feastelburg and have begun to make your way to fame and fortune. As light begins to fade from the sky you have come upon a sign welcoming you to the small lake community of Crystal Shores. What appears to be a smoldering funeral pyre is near the lake’s edge and a small group of children play near the road. Your journey to the caravan raiders is halfway there. A few more days and you will begin your life as adventurers!

Cover of FP14 - Dominion of Sophicles the Virulent
FP14 - Dominion of Sophicles the Virulent
Levels 7–10
34 pages

The Plains series wraps up with 150th Filbar offering Dominion of Sophicles the Virulent! This adventure starts with the PCs hearing of a town in trouble. After learning of trouble in the Village of Ardeth the PCs arrive via boat and quickly discover the community has been attacked by humanoid forces. A successful track will lead the party to one of the toughest adversaries in the land….Sophicles, the Green Dragon!

Cover of NC6 - Uncharted Territory
NC6 - Uncharted Territory
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
21 pages

Your time on the mainland of Calentria has come to an end and with an appropriated ship you find yourself approaching a collection of island in the middle of the ocean. Some of the sailors that have ventured into this area before report there may be a language barrier. As you approach a large land mass a dark shape in the sky seems to take notice of you…

Cover of PL3 - Fane of the Oralites
PL3 - Fane of the Oralites
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
24 pages

After your last adventure you had the opportunity to explore the surrounding countryside including the Ravines of Bedic where you discovered the entrance to an old section of forgotten lands of the Abalore. A quick sketch and you return back to town to do a little research. The hidden trail in the ravines appears to have led you to your next adventure with untold riches!

Cover of FC8 - Epistle to the Pasha of Poncetalla
FC8 - Epistle to the Pasha of Poncetalla
Levels 5–7
20 pages

The newly ordained Bishop Martin has called upon your group to deliver a message across the sea. While somewhat beneath your status, the new bishop was a former adventurer of some renown. Along the way to the southern reaches the party will find themselves dropped off at the wrong port and unable to speak to the locals…and that’s just the beginning! The party will need to find the pasha, get valuable information from him to assist the new bishop, and finally get back home. This adventure goes with FT – Antioch – Kingdom of Nirack.

Cover of FQ2 - Poisoning of the Elba River
FQ2 - Poisoning of the Elba River
Levels 2–4
29 pages

Your group of adventurers has come together from a successful adventure in the old ruins seeking more fame and glory. As they travel they come upon the small community of Kamortha. Recently a problem occurred when the Witch of Margrove Swamp cursed the community as she left. Now the people have developed some strange facial malady and they want a cure. Can your party of adventurers discover the secret of the plague and resolve it for the fine people of Kamortha?

Cover of AS2 - Vibrations from the Sea
AS2 - Vibrations from the Sea
5th Edition
Levels 8–12
21 pages

This adventure picks up where AS1 – Artifact of Gegios left off. You return to the city of Gegios to divide treasure and determine what the strange wand is. Your return trip may have given you a clue in that travel to the east causes it to vibrate less while moving in a western direction causes it to shake more. What is the significance of this anomaly? Is your party ready to find out? Bring your water wings folks you’re probably going for a swim!

Cover of FT - Port Plunder
FT - Port Plunder
5th Edition
Levels 1–9
16 pages

Avast me hearties! FT33 – Port Plunder is our first offering of March and, as always, free! This pirate haven is one of two home bases for the Pirate Lords. The community is everything you would expect from corsairs complete with an active tavern district! If your campaign is in need of an island retreat, look no further…grab it, rename it, use it, and enjoy it!

Cover of FS10 - Utopian Tower
FS10 - Utopian Tower
Levels 1–3
15 pages

Utopian Tower is a solo adventure which brings a new PC/player to the small Halfling village of Phebus on their way to a job opportunity. While the PC has time to spare they learn of a haunted tower that has the villagers on edge and is asked to investigate for a reward! While in town the PC meets a bard also headed to a job opportunity leading to a potential fellowship…if they survive! An excellent setting to teach a player new to the game on the basic mechanics. The adventure ties in roleplaying in a town environment, overland and dungeon movement, as well as combat encounters!

Cover of FT - Feastelburg
FT - Feastelburg
Levels 1–6
20 pages

A moderate sized town perfect for adventurers to relax in and pick up extra supplies and lift a pint or two. This particuliar town is a focal point in several adventures in Filbar including FN6 - Sunken Temple of Bulu and F3 - Adventure in Skull Pass. A larger settlement than Xer, Feastelburg offers a variety of different shops for the well-heeled and 'healed' adventurer. As the Mayor of Feastelburg says "Oy, pull out a stool and drop a coin or two for something that suits your fancy"

Cover of FV7 - Shipwreck Cove
FV7 - Shipwreck Cove
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
20 pages

After leaving a successful venture on Xodus Island you find yourselves being pursued by Captain Gabriel Angel and his pirates! Your escape sends both ships into a hurricane causing you to become lost at sea with waves threatening your ship. Choking on water the next morning you and your fellow adventurers find yourselves at Shipwreck Cove!