Located at the division of land between the Duchy of Starryshade and the famed Horselords is the historic Mystic Wood. Home to the site where the peace treaty was signed between the two countries this area is rumored to have a strange effect on magic. Information has reached the local thane that a gathering, or conclave, of humanoids is to occur this weekend. He has dispatched his military but they are too far to be of use. He has heard of your growing fame and asked your party to investigate this rumor and take appropriate action.
Putting a Krampus in the Holiday is a tongue in cheek adventure for a group of low level PCs. This scenario takes place during the Filbar holiday of “Giftus” a ten day celebration that culminates in a gift exchange. This year’s holiday is threatened when a jolly Gnome finds a few items that turn a happy holiday into a potential nightmare! A short little adventure that can be played after your own holiday celebration!
This setting was used in the F series and was used as an area for multiple adventure opportunities as a separate crossing of the Border Mountains. This mountain area has several travel sections to get from the civilized area to the frontier. With a multitude of side adventures this area helps mid-level adventurers increase their experience point base. In the Filbar campaign it was commonly used to get from Havendale to Arcanum College and Cordicstown.
FVS7 - Arena of the Gods is a special and non-traditional setting that has dual uses. This scenario brings a single PC to the grand coliseum and pits them against an enemy or enemies in front of a crowd. The danger is high with no one to help and this offering can be quite deadly. A couple of ideas have been outlined for the adventure for its usefulness and, while written as a solo, multiple players could be used in a team formation with an increase in opponents. Take a peek at this special offering that is also free!
Playing a Paladin can be an enjoyable experience especially with their vast array of powers and special abilities. One of their most overlooked abilities is their calling for a bonded mount at 4th level. Several scenarios are available for this "calling" including dreams, quests, etc. in the books but I have yet to run across any published adventures for it. This adventure provides one such option for gaining the mount and utilizing the Paladin's recent ability to turn undead as well. While this is a short adventure, it gives the DM an option to go one on one with a Paladin PC and challenge him/her in order to win their steed and a little glory as well.
The quest continues…kind of! After enjoying the accolades of your previous successes in the Barony of the Knolls, your group begins to get that adventuring itch and finds a job opportunity and will allow you to see more of the Duchy of Bast at the same time. The local caravan service is in need of a few hearty individuals that can handle themselves in a fight. A quick trip to Phillipsburg should give you an idea of where you would like to go next right?
Welcome to the Port City of Antioch! This sprawling community is the seat of power for the Kingdom of Nirack and has more than a few sights to see! This setting was created for a desert (fore coming) series and was used as a base of operations for the adventurers. Many strange sights await those wishing to visit the area. Note in the player testing version there was a language barrier until a Dwarven slave was located to translate for the party! This is of course optional. Welcome to the exotic world on the southern shores of the Newmack Sea!
After enjoying a bit of free time in Cullifield while some members of your party finish their training, you hear word of a quick trip out to sea. Further investigation leads you to understand a certain list needs fulfilled and a drunken sea captain is willing to split the profits. Well, no need to sit around on your hands…let’s hit the waves!
For years the Count of Durwall Keep ruled over the land fairly and with justice. That ended during the Bloodrayne Conflict when the castle was felled by troops loyal to General Bloodrayne. In the many years that followed the triangular keep has fallen into a sordid state of disrepair. The keep used to hold mighty coffers of treasure for the Count and for the Emperor as well. A stronghold was built under the keep to secure said treasure and perhaps some treasure may still remain in the depths of its dungeons. Recently it’s been said that the Snaggletooth tribe of kobolds has seized the fortress and is using it as their home. It is also rumored that there may still be undiscovered treasure located in the dungeon of the keep. Faint echoes of the missing Orb of Ruler ship are still heard.
The Adurite Empire ruled most of the area centuries ago due in no small part to its chain of mighty fortresses. Chief among these bastions was the formidable Castle Modum. This ancient refuge was said to hold mighty magic which may or may not have been the downfall to the castle. Long abandoned the area has always been rumored to house spectral forces and evil creatures. Recently strange lights have been spotted over the keep and the citizens are concerned that an ancient magic has been awakened. The call has come to your ears that adventure awaits….are you ready?
Your party has finally made it to Queen’s Point only to discover that the military was already aware of the approaching humanoid army and dealt with them. After a rest and training period in the large city you now have to decide what to do next. The large seaport has plenty of options but a curious problem has been brought to your attention. A large giant north and west of the city is harassing the shipping lanes with random boulder tossing. Word has it that a nice reward is available to anyone able to solve this problem. Did I mention a Medusa also has a proposition for the party?
You have been sent to be an envoy for your country to a desert nation recently created. The area is known as a bandit haven and the new ruler ascended due to his overthrow of the others. As you open dialogue, Frito, the new leader, is willing to accept a trade agreement if the party resolves a few renegade issues for him. Designed for four, fourth level PCs!
This scenario puts a new but experienced adventure back into harm’s way. After arriving at the small community of Penchant for a festival, the PC quickly discovers that there is danger afoot! The citizens are reporting a bloodthirsty creature roaming the area threatening the festival. If this problem can be resolved a second and more dangerous challenge awaits them in a nearby cemetery. As with all adventures in the Penchant series it can be difficult and not for the faint of heart!
After visiting a friend in a nearby town you head to the tavern to get some food. A recent storm has wreaked havoc and the residents are busy making repairs. Despite your offer to help the citizens politely refuse. After sitting down for your meal you quickly learned that some children found a ship that has run aground. The father tells you that the children are prone to exaggerate but you obtain directions to the supposed site anyway. Sure you’re alone, but you’ve got tons of experience already…
Hanging out in the city of Acre has gotten mundane and the old adventuring itch is flaring up. Your fruitless search for jobs quickly changes as a farmer locates you. He indicates that he has a minor farming problem with a land shark that the party can deal with. Once this job is completed, the party is approached by more opportunities!
A message delivery? That's your first "adventure"? Oh well, a quick trip to the woods and drop off a missive to an Elven Bard and you can do real hero stuff! Upon your arrival problems present themselves because, well you are in Filbar afterall!
After a successful mission for Earl Phenwick you return to receive your accolades. Upon your arrival it is discovered that the earl's child is missing. His daughter was last seen around a mirror of unknown power and an advisor believes that she may have made her way into a different world via the magical portal. Time to put on your hero hats!
In FQ13 – Future Past our brave adventurers are summoned by the Duke of Bast to the capital city. You quickly learn that your exploits have earned you a celebration in Bast and are to be honored by all! Prior to the festivities, the duke’s advisor Thril Galia requests to meet you and makes a unique proposal and shows you an arcane piece of the historic book…what have you gotten yourselves into now?
Your party ventures towards the small town of Stoneridge to procure some of the ale reputed to be the finest in the area. As you near the community you meet a caravan group and learn of a problem ahead. A group of miscreants has been creating mayhem in Stoneridge and the party will discover that the brigands are in possession of a strange artifact and are seeking out the Temple of Theasn. Perhaps interviewing some of the captured warriors will reveal more information.
The fourth installment of the Filbar Dual (FD) series is The Hunt for Charon and picks up where the FD3 - Crisis at Marstan left off. Your pair of intrepid adventurers is off to find out who orchestrated the attack at Marstan. When the previous adventure concluded they discovered a note mentioning a “Charon” as behind the attack and the humanoid raiders. This adventure will see if the pair can find and defeat this person/humanoid and protect the area once and for all.