A community for lazy dungeon masters
161 adventures found
Cover of DDEX01-04 Dues for the Dead
DDEX01-04 Dues for the Dead
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
25 pages

For years, the Most Solemn Order of the Silent Shroud has tended the dead at Valinghen graveyard, providing them a peaceful eternal rest. Now, that rest has been disturbed by a necromancer seeking out a key to re-activate the Pool of Radiance.

Cover of Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff
Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff
Level 8
96 pages

A Ravaged Land... Villains that really are larger than life... A time for heroes... A decade ago, the land of Geoff was overrun by a horde of giants, ogres, and evil humanoids, its people either slain, enslaved, or driven into exile. Now at last the tide has turned. The time to free the people of Geoff from their servitude to the giantish tyrants has come! But don't forget to watch your step when you confront the true masters behind the giant Clans! Contains the full text of three classic adventures by Gary Gygax: G1, Steading of the Hill Giant Chief; G2, The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl; and G3, Hall of the Fire GIant King. Details Eighteen new encounter sites in the war-torn land of Geoff, linked together to form a grand campaign. Provides dozens of hours of gameplay as the heroes struggle to free an entire country from the grasp of giant overlords. TSR 11413

Cover of UK2 The Sentinel
UK2 The Sentinel
Levels 2–5
38 pages

Not even memories of past glory live on in the gentle hills around the village of Kusnir. Today its people have more concern for commonplace things, like the harvest, trade, and the threat of death in the night! Kusnir is beset by a skulk. The attentions of such a creature are a curse on any community. Streets and alleys which ring to the voices of children by day become fearful, shadowy places by night. Men go abroad armed and in groups, while women and children stay behind locked doors and even there are not safe. But life goes on. The lot of the peasant is always hard, what cannot be prevented must be endured and, of course, things could be worse. Much worse. The skulk has begun to visit the village more and more often. Sometimes it kills, yet just as often it spares a victim, leaving clear signs of what it might have done had it wished. Its visits are now marked by strange and illegible symbols scrawled in blood on the walls of the buildings. The people are worried, helpless, and desperate. Desperate enough to welcome adventurers. UK2: "The Sentinel" (1983) is the second UK-series adventure, the fifth TSR UK adventure overall, the first solo effort by Morris, and the first half of the two-part Adlerweg series (whew!). It was run as a tournament at the GamesFair '83 Open, then published later in 1983. TSR 9101

Cover of DDEX02-07 Bounty in the Bog
DDEX02-07 Bounty in the Bog
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
27 pages

The Soldiery has grown weary of dealing with a particularly nettlesome band of miscreants who have holed up in the Flooded Forest to the south. And so, you have been called upon to quell their activities so that trade along the North Road can resume unmolested. However, in so doing, the truth behind their activities reveal that much more than simple banditry is at hand. Will you be able to stop it?

Cover of Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow
Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow
Level 1
80 pages

A new, expanded, OSR-ised, prettified edition of Joseph R. Lewis’ Ragged Hollow Nightmare which was rated among The Best by Tenfootpole. Joseph Lewis hit a perfect balance between the classics of dungeonverse fantasy and the whimsy of the folk tales we love so much (as testified by our Folklore Bestiary. we released last year), adding a dash of dreamworld strangeness and a pinch of body horror to spice up his brew. We did our best to respect his recipe when adding our extra material (about 30 pages of it). We worked with Joe and Li-An (the perfect artist to give life to spooky Ragged Hollow and its strange surroundings) to make the best module we could: a solid introduction to old-school gaming for both players and gamemasters. And for the veterans among us, it also makes an excellent, full-fledged campaign starter. Nightmare over Ragged Hollow is a sandbox adventure centred around a quaint town at the edge of the kingdom. But however quiet life in Ragged Hollow is, the town lies between places where you shouldn’t be traveling alone. Places like Gloam Wood (“A witch or two lurk there!”), the Bleak Mountains (“I’m told there are bugbears…”) and their infamous Mount Mourn (“Home, they say, to cursed Dwarven ruins”), not to forget the Wailing Hills (“Bandits on every road!”). There’s even a haunted house by the river (“That mad inventor riddled it with traps!”). But only when an impenetrable dome of golden light materialises around the Temple of Halcyon (“Hey, my kids go to school there!”) do things really get out of hand. Some selfless heroes (or, failing that, a bunch of greedy ne’er-do-wells) should really get involved. One town with three adventure mini-sites Three small dungeons One 50-room dungeon Three hexes with 16 detailed locations Two groups of potential allies or rivals Sixteen pre-generated characters One deadly countdown! Written for the Old-School Essentials (OSE) rule system

Cover of Lore of Aetherra: The Lost Druid
Lore of Aetherra: The Lost Druid
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
265 pages

Lore of Aetherra: The Lost Druid is an award-winning 5th Edition adventure designed to bring characters from level one to five, and is the first in an expansive 4-book saga of science-fantasy adventures that will take your players to level 20. Fano. Things here haven't always been so grim. Time and chance have conspired to transform this once magnificent city upon the lake into a run-down sanctum for the destitute and depraved alike. Those who would see Fano renewed seek a lost druid who brings with him the hope to restore the city to its former glory and awaken the ancient technology hidden deep within its constructs. Could Fano's awakening usher in a new era of peace and prosperity, or will it unearth a conspiracy lurking in the shadows? Lore of Aetherra: The Lost Druid is a 5th Edition adventure designed to bring characters from level one to five, and is the first in an expansive 4-book saga of science-fantasy adventures that will take your players to level 20. A uniquely immersive RPG experience, The Lost Druid employs a myriad of digital content that can be experienced using the Alchemy RPG platform. Enjoy a cinematic storytelling structure, breaking chapters into scenes supplemented by expansive soundscapes, dynamic musical scores, voice-acted flavor text, and environmental motion graphics. 2023 IPPY Awards Winner: GOLD in Reference Product Contents: Over 250 Pages Over 2 hours of Audio Content 5 Premade Player Characters 6 Side Quests 7 Tavern Mini Games 35 New NPCs and Monsters Maps: 8 area, 1 city, and 1 region New Backgrounds, Spells, and Magic Items Over 60 NPC Profile Blocks AI Combat Tactics for Every Encounter Published by HITPOINT Press

Cover of Tomb of the Dragon's Heart
Tomb of the Dragon's Heart
Levels 1–3
20 pages

In the deep, it has awoken. Hidden in the ruins of an old dwarven kingdom awaits a powerful relic, and an army kobolds are on the march to retrieve it. Dare the heroes enter this ancient place, and will they find the relic before the army arrives. In a race against time the adventures may unleash the greatest evil, while trying to save the world from a grim fate. Tomb of the Dragon's Heart is a low-level OSR adventure suited for Labyrinth Lord and other oldschool retro clones. The adventure was originally written for the Danish Living Campaign The Hinterlands, and it is for the first time presented in English. The adventure introduces the players to a different tradition of adventures, and it one with a focus on exploration and encountering the unknown. The adventure contains new magical items and relics and new monsters to challenge your players. Tomb of the Dragon's Heart also functions as a prequel to The Flooded Temple and to Grave of the Heartless. Published by Greis Games.

Cover of DDAL08-01 The Map With No Names
DDAL08-01 The Map With No Names
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
14 pages

Part One of the Umbral Aristocracy Trilogy. Rumors abound of a map that leads to a treasure of unimaginable value. When chance drops the map into your hands, you have the chance to become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. But you’re not the only ones with that dream. The chase is on. A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters.

Cover of The Dread of Dynwel
The Dread of Dynwel
5th Edition
Levels 2–8
241 pages

The Dread of Dynwel is an adventure set in the Forgotten Realms and optimized for 4-5 players. The characters start as a down on their luck but somewhat experienced crew of adventurers with a wanted poster which pays a much-needed gold reward. Soon, events in the Sunset Vale are revealed as more dangerous than they seem, sweeping the characters along with them. From the heights of the Sunset Mountains, the alleyways of Scornubel, and depths of the Reaching Wood: The Dread of Dynwel covers levels 2 through 8 and features material which can be played as a full campaign or dropped into an ongoing one.

Cover of Kingdom In the Swamp
Kingdom In the Swamp
Levels 6–9
12 pages

Follow a crazy halfling into a vampire’s castle. Kingdom in the Swamp is an AD&D adventure for higher-level characters; 6th to 9th level would be suitable. While it is necessary to have strong combatant characters and at least one cleric, it is more important that the players be ready to find solutions beyond the sword or spell book. Adventure Background A few days ago, Candor Pletten, a halfling thief known more for his urban exploits, returned from a journey to the southern jungles and rain forests (or so he says). Few people have believed him in the past -- usually they have been too busy taking inventory of their possessions to even listen to him — but some are guessing that he may actually be telling the truth (certainly, he’s got a good story). Candor left town a couple of months ago with some other adventurers, but has come back alone. Most tavern patrons are of the opinion that he took his companions’ purses and ran, but why would he come back to town? And why, then, aren’t his former companions hot on his trail? Candor may be a thief, but he’s not a murderer. He even gets nauseated by cockfighting. Maybe the halfling's tale is worth hearing...

Cover of DDEX02-01 City of Danger
DDEX02-01 City of Danger
5th Edition
Level 1
41 pages

On the southern shores of the Moonsea, the residents of Mulmaster have eked out a living where others would likely have given up long ago—in a bleak city where corruption is rampant and the Church of Bane holds sway. In these five short, introductory adventures, you will travel the breadth of the City of Danger, meet its people, see its sights, and witness firsthand how the city truly has earned its ominous moniker. An introductory adventure for 1st-2nd level characters. City of Danger is broken into five mini-adventures, each designed for one to two hours of play. Therefore if you are attempting to run all five missions in one session you need a minimum of five hours to do so (and probably more). If running this adventure as part of an event that cycles players through quickly, the DM should be familiar with the mini-adventures that he or she is going to run. At public events, time is often the most important factor. Get the players into the mini adventure as quickly as possible, keep an eye on the clock, and take whatever shortcuts are necessary to stay on schedule. If time is not an issue, let the characters spend more time interacting with the non player characters within the mini-adventures. It is not required that the mission be played in order.

Cover of Fifth Edition Funnel
Fifth Edition Funnel
5th Edition
Level 0
20 pages

Ever wanted to face the cold, dark, and dangerous unknown without the advantages of a fantasy hero? This is your chance! Fifth Edition Funnel puts a spin on character creation. In the Funnel, each participating player quickly generates several 0-level characters blessed with the abilities and low survivability of your average commoner. Those that survive will be promoted to 1st-level heroines and heroes. The Funnel bonds characters over common challenges they meet and (hopefully) overcome. The surviving 1st-level characters share a common origin as adventurers. Instead of merely rolling dice, there is a trial by fire where average people succeed against the odds to do something heroic (or hide under a table in a tavern).

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #34: Blood for Blood (Kingmaker 4 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #34: Blood for Blood (Kingmaker 4 of 6)
Level 10
96 pages

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 10th-level characters, this volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path is part 4 of 6 of the Kingmaker Adventure Path, in which the heroes win and defend a small kingdom from threats foreign and domestic. PCs should advance to 13th level by the end of this adventure. “Blood for Blood” begins with the PCs having returned home from solving the mystery of the Varnhold Vanishing. Shortly after their arrival, they learn that new problems have developed during their absence—there are rumors of an army marching toward their nation!The PCs race to the village of Tatzlford, where they help defend the village from an attack by a small but earnest force of bandits, barbarians, and several lumbering trolls after being warned in advance by a troubled woman who has fled from Fort Drelev to the west. Following the skirmish, she pleads with the PCs to save her father and sister from peril.From there, the PCs strike out into the swamplands of the Slough to the west, exploring new lands and finding opportunities to make new allies and eliminate long-term threats to the region. Their initial goal, though, should be infiltrating Fort Drelev, where they’ll have a chance to confront the traitor Drelev with his crimes and rescue the Fort’s beleaguered settlers. During this time, the PCs learn where Armag’s tribe has been holding the daughters of Drelev’s senior officers hostage. Arriving at the ancient site, the PCs attack Armag’s barbarian encampment and overcome the sinister powers of the Black Sisters to free the girls. Then, entering the tomb, they face deadly traps, ancient undead horrors from a war-torn age, and the trials of the tomb’s immortal, divine guardian. In the final chamber, the PCs encounter Armag himself, armed with the ancient sword of his namesake.

Cover of Ransom at Falcon's Crest
Ransom at Falcon's Crest
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
29 pages

Bandits have kidnapped the eldest child of one of Timbertown’s prominent citizens, who is secretly being manipulated by shadowy forces. You are tasked to get her back. But there are questions. Is she his real daughter? Does she want to be found? Who is behind the kidnapping in the first place? If you bring Evi home alive, your rewards will be great, and your standing in the town will increase. But if you fail, or if the demon worshippers of the Fraternity of Tharos gain a further foothold for their secret society, Timbertown's future may be in jeopardy. This adventure can be played in any frontier campaign area, but is set in the author's home campaign setting of Timbertown, a barony in Impiltur, a kingdom on the Sea of Fallen Stars in the Forgotten Realms, also available from the Guild.

Cover of Escape From The Tower of Midnight
Escape From The Tower of Midnight
Levels 2–4
12 pages

Run silently; the Midnight Stalkers are after you. Escape from the Tower of Midnight is an AD&D* game module for 2-6 thieves of 2nd-4th level. The Dungeon Master may change the names of the thieves’ guilds, countries, deities, and so forth to fit the individual campaign. Note that all player characters are assumed to have been imprisoned at the start of the adventure; little or no equipment will be available at first. This module is well suited for tournament use. Adventure Background It must be assumed, for the sake of the adventure to follow, that the PCs have no way of avoiding capture by the Midnight Stalkers. However, the DM may find a way to play out this adventure and have some or all of the PCs captured, allowing any who escape to attempt to rescue their comrades.

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #31: Stolen Land (Kingmaker 1 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #31: Stolen Land (Kingmaker 1 of 6)
Level 1
100 pages

A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 1st-level characters, this volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path kicks off the highly anticipated Kingmaker Adventure Path, in which the heroes win and defend a small kingdom from threats foreign and domestic. PCs should advance to 4th level by the end of this adventure. This volume also includes a gazetteer of Brevoy and extensive rules for exploring, taming, and holding wildlands in preparation for founding a new nation. The Pathfinder Bestiary section introduces five all-new monsters perfect for Kingmaker adventuring. James L. Sutter brings a lighter side to the Pathfinder Adventure Path with the first installment of a new fiction arc for the Pathfinder's Journal. The adventure begins with the PCs, each bearing a charter from the Lord Mayor of Restov granting license to explore and map the section of the Stolen Lands known as the Greenbelt, arriving at a small, remote trading post at the southern edge of rural Rostland. There, the PCs help defend the post from bandits before setting out to survey the wilderness.The rate at which the PCs explore the Greenbelt, and the paths they take, are up to them—many wonders and dangers await discovery, and as their explorations take them deeper into the Narlmarches and the Kamelands, the PCs begin to learn that the bandits in the region are far more organized than anyone thought—and find that they even have a leader, a mysterious figure called the “Stag Lord.” If allowed to continue building his army of bandits, the Stag Lord could well become a great danger to Rostland—that, and the reward on his head for his capture or death, should be all the new adventurers need to spur them onward.

Cover of Bad Moon Rising
Bad Moon Rising
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
13 pages

"A legend has circulated through the Barony of Loup-Montagne for hundreds of years concerning the order of inheritance for the title of baron. The legend holds that if the title is passed to someone who is not the eldest heir, the spirits of the forest will lash out against the people of the barony." Players will find themselves investigating a mystery in the small, superstitious town of Roulune. "As is normal in a gothic horror tale, the true situation in Roulune is different from what it seems. Figuring out the real story and the real connections between people will be key to the player characters’ success in this adventure." "This adventure is meant for characters of levels 4 to 6. The default setting is the Barony of Loup-Montagne, but any remote, heavily wooded principality with highly superstitious residents will do."

Cover of The Demonplague Part 1: The Frozen Necromancer
The Demonplague Part 1: The Frozen Necromancer
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
162 pages

The Frozen Necromancer is a three-part adventure for Fifth Edition that takes player characters from levels 1 to 4. This adventure is the first in a storyline of four modules called The Demonplague that can be used as an entire campaign that takes characters from level 1 to 20. The entire adventure (or just pieces, characters, or encounters from The Frozen Necromancer) can be dropped into any fantasy setting with minimal changes

Cover of CCC-UK-1 Call of the Elvenflow
CCC-UK-1 Call of the Elvenflow
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
17 pages

Folk tales warn of strange noises from the Cormanthor Forest when winter fogs are thickest and the black of night has no shadows to cast. When such noises are heard on a late summer’s afternoon, perhaps it’s time to turn once again to the old stories? Part 1 of the Evenflow Saga

Cover of Tangled Braids
Tangled Braids
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
7 pages

A spirit is attacking a town — no one knows why, but they’re determined to be rid of her. The adventuring party is recruited to investigate. However, what appears to be a simple haunting turns into a story of justice. Pgs. 43-59