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48 adventures found
Fait Accompli
3.5 Edition
Level 12
14 pages

The white dragon Hinterbite has kept the barony of Icenvale ruler-less and poor for centuries. But now his power and that of his secret supporters is threatened by the popularity of an heir who hopes to make a change for the betterment of the people. Can the PCs take on the dragon and his minions and restore power to the barony's rightful ruling line? Download this new adventure by Owen K.C. Stephens and let your PCs face the dangers of the dragon lair! Fait Accompli is suitable for 12th-level characters. At its most basic level of use, Fate Accompli is a straightforward quest to clear a dungeon and slay some dragons in an arctic climate. However, it also includes political elements that you may either may play down or use to expand the scenario into a mini-campaign, as you wish. Fait Accompli is a short adventure for four 12th-level characters. It is set in the wilderness north of a minor border barony that has at best an arms-length relationship with any larger nation. Though the adventure requires all these elements to work, it can be set on the outer edge of any kingdom near an arctic region. As always, feel free to adapt the material presented here as you see fit to make it work with your campaign.

Cover of CM7 The Tree of Life
CM7 The Tree of Life
Levels 8–10
32 pages

This module is especially for a party of elven PCs, level 8+. The Feadiel clan's Tree of Life is dying. As the bravest and strongest elves in the clan, you must undertake the challenge of the elders: seek out the source of the disease and destroy it. If you fail, the Tree of Life will surely perish, and all your family with it. The quest is great and you may die on the journey, never to find the cause of the disease. The journey will take you to the deepest part of ancient Selinar, Elvenhome, to find the guarded grave of the first Treekeeper... TSR 9166

Cover of Pit of the Fire Lord
Pit of the Fire Lord
3.5 Edition
Level 8
12 pages

A madman hidden deep below Sharn plans to tear open a portal to the Sea of Fire. Can a band of heroes reach him in time to save the city from conflagration? The city of Sharn bakes in the grip of an intense heat wave. For most citizens, the temperature is nothing more than an annoyance. The scholars of the city know the heat is a sign of something more -- Fernia, the plane of fire, has drawn near. For one insane sorcerer, the heat is a sign that his revenge is at hand as he prepares to drown the city in a lake of fire. "Pit of the Fire Lord" is part three of the three-part Shards of Eberron Campaign Arc. Pgs. 48-59

Cover of Dwellers Amid Bones
Dwellers Amid Bones
Level 5
21 pages

Lurking in the watery depths of a fallen orc tribe's sacred burial cairn amid the bleached, broken bones of savage warriors, honored champions and mighty warlords the forest drakes Arduthal and Ingeirmaugh have made themselves a comfortable, safe home. Periodically emerging to ravage the surrounding countryside their depredations have reached such a level that Baron Liofa Othen begs the PC's to slay the foul beasts. The cairn's remote location, inundated, bone‐choked passageways and the vengeful, possessive ghost of the orc champion Gork Shattershield, not to mention the drakes' mistaken identity as green dragons, all stand in the way of the PCs' victory. A short Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for four 5th‐level characters by Creighton Broadhurst.

Cover of Year of Rogue Dragons
Year of Rogue Dragons
5th Edition
Levels 5–12
100 pages

Year of Rogue Dragons is an adventure designed for four players who take the roles of newly hatched evil chromatic dragons. The story will introduce a specific section of the Forgotten Realms along with its prominent individuals, organizations and a segment of its history. The adventure will draw the players into a conflict between three local factions, and a mystery, which they must solve and use to their advantage in order to eliminate every menace that threatens their life from the onset.

Cover of DL2 Dragons of Flame
DL2 Dragons of Flame
Levels 5–7
32 pages

The dragonmen have taken Solace. Its beautiful tree houses lie black and battered amid the stumps of great vallenwood trees. Kapak Draconians, armed with poisoned weapons, enforce a brutal martial law on the survivors. And Solace is only one outpost: the dragon armies control the plains. Only the elven kingdom of Qualinesti stands unconquered. The rest of the plainsmen suffer the most: a long slave caravan hauls hundreds of them to the fortress prison of Pax Tharkas. "Dragons of Flame" is the second in TSR's series of Dragonlance adventures for use with the AD&D game system. Your players will adventure in the world of Krynn and visit strange places such as Qualinost or the Sla-Mori, encountering bizarre draconians and disgusting Aghar. They can play the modules as a set of separate adventures or as a great quest that spans the entire Dragonlance story. Art by Jeff Easley. TSR 9132

Cover of A Dungeon and a Dragon
A Dungeon and a Dragon
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
26 pages

A Four to Six Hour Adventure for 11th-16th Level Characters in Dungeons and Dragons 5E The Adult Green Dragon Valturnax has attacked the nearby village of Hartsvale, threatening to destroy them completely if they do not submit to his rule by nightfall. To save the town, adventurers must ascend the mountain by climbing through the caves housing the dragon’s minions and face him in his lair – and they need to do so before the sun sets. This adventure is meant to be quite challenging. Enemies know the adventurers are coming and have had time to prepare, and they do so intelligently. This adventure draws some inspiration from Tucker's kobolds. As an added bonus, this adventure is available completely for free.

Cover of EX1 Dungeonland
EX1 Dungeonland
Levels 9–12
35 pages

As adventurers, you may think you have seen everything: certainly your skills have brought you through unimaginable dangers. But now you suddenly find yourself in a place unlike any through which you have traveled: astounding, dangerous, and even amusing things confront you as you journey, both indoors and outdoors, through unique and wondrous realm of Dungeonland. This adventure was first conceived by E. Gary Gygax as part of the Greyhawk Castle dungeon complex and has been the source of challenge and fun for many skilled players of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game. It is finally available to all players and can be added to your existing campaign with ease. "Dungeonland" is also designed so that it may be used along with its companion scenario, EX2: "The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror." Still, "Dungeonland" may easily be played on its own, and should offer hours of excitement in its strange landscape! TSR #9072

Cover of The Burning Goblins
The Burning Goblins
5th Edition
Level 1
61 pages

The quiet village of Greenfork is in a state of uproar, scarred twisted looking goblins raided the village during the night and kidnapped the miller’s daughter. The Mayor has put out a call for adventurers to bring the girl back safely and end the goblins threat once and for all. This adventure starts just outside the village of Greenfork and thrusts players straight into the action. This book contains a full length tabletop roleplaying fantasy adventure: Advancing players from one to three. Sixteen monsters and characters. New Games Masters advice and guides. A fantastic first adventure for new players, but more importantly this adventure was designed with first time Games Masters in mind, giving you as many tools as possible to help run the game. Published by Blue Sword Games

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #82.5: Dragora’s Dungeon
Dungeon Crawl Classics #82.5: Dragora’s Dungeon
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 1
28 pages

Eons past the fabled sorcerer-kings of Parhok perished in a rain of eldritch fire. But legends hold that one tribe survived the apocalypse, fleeing with their slaves to a hidden city, where the greatest enchanters of all time could sleep away the centuries, and awaken in a future age as rulers of a ruined land. Now once more the forbidden spells of the Parhok threaten the good folk of the Known Realms. A kingdom lies ensorcelled, a royal family ensnared by the forgotten dweomers of a long-dead race. When the best attempts of seers and diviners have failed, it falls to the heroes to save the kingdom. Have the sorcerer-kings risen to reclaim their bejeweled thrones? Or has a more sinister power bent their ancient magics to its sinister will? Only the most courageous and cunning of heroes will emerge victorious from Dragora’s Dungeon.

Cover of Journey Through the Center of the Underdark 2 - The Darklake Strikes Back
Journey Through the Center of the Underdark 2 - The Darklake Strikes Back
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
27 pages

Are your player's going fishing in the Underdark? Booked a ride with the Kua Toa Travel Agency? Taking a cruise on the Darklake? Well then Journey Through the Center of the Underdark 2 - The Darklake Strikes Back is just what the Leemooggoogon ordered! Like the first Journey, The Darklake Strikes Back contains several encounters designed with Out of the Abyss traveling days in mind, but easily inserted into any 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Underdark setting. Unlike the first Journey, The Darklake Strikes Back has a mid sized three level dynamically defended dungeon, complete with a dragon at the bottom! This complex is right at home on the Darklake but could also readily be inserted into your Tyranny of Dragons campaign as well. Written for a party of characters levels 4-6 with notes included for adjusting encounter difficulties for lower or higher level groups Journey Through the Center of the Underdark 2 - The Darklake Strikes Back should provide 6-10 hours of gameplay excitement!

Cover of Red Gold
Red Gold
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
12 pages

On the world’s first offshore rig Captain Seaslick and his crew are drilling for dragon essence - a rare and valuable substance often called Red Gold. They’re about to be filthy rich, but not everyone’s happy for them. Dragon cultists have infiltrated the rig and are trying to steal a stash of the precious essence for their rites. In their eagerness they’ve magically sped the drill up to a perilous rate. With the rig rattling and falling apart around them, will Seaslick and his enterprising ex-pirates team up with nature worshipping tribes folk to defeat their shared enemy? And will they escape with their liquid hoard, or will the sea have her revenge for their greed?

Cover of So, a Cleric and a Vampire Walk into a Tavern
So, a Cleric and a Vampire Walk into a Tavern
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
18 pages

A series of short encounters and story hooks that may cause your party to question the safety of their local tavern… Designed for characters of all levels

Cover of Castle of the Mad Archmage
Castle of the Mad Archmage
152 pages

A vast, sprawling mega-dungeon beneath the ruins of a nearby castle. Reports have surfaced of stockpiles of wealth within the passages. Regions previously devoid of monsters are reported to teem with renewed activity. Magical and mundane traps have brought foolhardy explorers to their doom. Changes within the passages and chambers have rendered old maps and knowledge dangerously unreliable if not outright useless. To the bold and daring, only one message needs to be heard: the castle and its dungeons are once more ripe for exploration, and new legends are ready to be made. Note: This adventure requires three books for it to be complete (sold as a package): Adventure Book, Map Book, and Illustration Book. Published by BRW Games

Cover of The Toxic Wood
The Toxic Wood
Low, Medium Level
32 pages

The Toxic Wood is a deadly wilderness adventure for Old School Essentials This hexcrawl adventure focuses on game-able content and being easy to use at the table. It is graphic and art heavy and utilizes a lot of random tables to make it easier for GMs to run with minimal prep. "You have been hired by a secretive council of wizards, who refuse to meet in person with you, to rescue the survivors of Mugwort - a town which was thought to have been destroyed and lies deep within The Toxic Wood. The Wood is corrosive and the air is not safe to breath there, so the wizards have given you a magical orb which will create a safe dome of air around you. The orb must be fed with fuel containing life force to continue operating properly. They have also gifted each of you a less effective necklace which will create a temporary small bubble of clean air around your head as an emergency measure. The Wood became noxious a couple of years ago after a dragon known as Ion moved in. You will have to navigate to Mugwort without Ion noticing if you are to conduct a successful evacuation." The toxic wood is home to many strange entities; spiteful mutated horrors, ancient insectoid witch sisters, bloodthirsty redcaps, a mushroom witch and a corrosive dragon cult. Noxious gases produced by alien plants slowly coil through the air creating an endless red haze. Anything that is not part of the woods lethal eco-system is rapidly corroded, with all evidence of its existence erased within days. Details: 32 pages Single column text 8.5 x 5.5 aspect Black & White Bookmarks Hyperlinks Random tables Hooks and rumors for your players Rules for surviving in the toxic wood using the orb and other means 16 keyed hex locations Backgrounds for characters to aid roleplay New monsters Key NPCs A timeline of events for the DM to structure their sessions around Flora of the wood Random treasure tables Prompts and resolutions for what happens if players take different actions Cursed Items and Powerful Artifacts: Scattered throughout the wood, offering potent abilities but often with dangerous drawbacks.

Cover of Out of the Abyss
Out of the Abyss
5th Edition
Levels 1–15
256 pages

The Underdark is a subterranean wonderland, a vast and twisted labyrinth where fear reigns. It is the home of horrific monsters that have never seen the light of day. It is here that the dark elf Gromph Baenre, Archmage of Menzoberranzan, casts a foul spell meant to ignite a magical energy that suffuses the Underdark and tears open portals to the demonic Abyss. What steps through surprises even him, and from that moment on, the insanity that pervades the Underdark escalates and threatens to shake the Forgotten Realms to its foundations. Stop the madness before it consumes you! Note for DMs: This adventure is not for the faint of hearted, to run or to play. The module starts with 10 NPCs traveling with the party through the grueling Underdark. This number can grow. The encounters within the book are often incredibly deadly for the characters that would be going through it. This is because the module expects them to run or talk their way through the events, or, in some cases, the module expects them to lose. If your players aren't the kind of party to run, talk, or surrender, do not get this adventure. The module almost requires that you use milestone leveling because the experience provided does not commonly get players to the levels they should be once they get to certain milestones in the story (7th when they leave the underdark, 15th when they face the demon lords.) Good luck and happy questing.

Cover of H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth
4th Edition
Levels 4–6
96 pages

A slaver gang known as the Bloodreavers are terrorizing the countryside from their base deep in the labyrinth under Thunderspire Mountain. But these slavers are only the symptom of a larger threat in the bowels of Thunderspire.

Cover of Curse of the Riven Sky
Curse of the Riven Sky
Level 10
32 pages

The black clouds of war are gathering, and evil flocks to their thundering call! While seeking the legendary expertise of a cloud giant skymage, the PCs interrupt an attack on his lair by well-armed and magically augmented hill giants. To obtain the cloud giant's arcane knowledge, the PCs must seek out and eliminate the source of the hill giant threat, yet the brutes have little information other than the name of their employer—a mysterious giant calling herself the Storm Queen, whose anger and hatred have transformed over the course of years into a murderous plan that could cost hundreds of innocent lives.

Cover of I2 Tomb of the Lizard King
I2 Tomb of the Lizard King
Levels 5–7
32 pages

"The southlands of Eor are being despoiled. Merchants will no longer run their caravans on the main highway past the quiet village of Waycombe. The peasants are fleeing their lands, and all are demanding protection from the powerful Count of Eor. The goodly count has sent a troop of his trusted fighters to exterminate the brigands believed responsible for these outrages, but weeks have passed, and still there is no word from this force. Now John Brunis, Count of Eor, has turned to you for aid. After taking counsel with the High Priest of Eor, he believes that a small party of cunning, bold adventurers may succeed where armed might has failed. You find yourselves faced with many mysteries! Why has robbery suddenly erupted in the peaceful southlands? How could mere brigands be as powerful as the foes described to you by their numerous victims? Is this really mere robbery? Or is there some truth to the rumors, told only in hushed whispers, about the beginnings of a hideous plot being hatched by an ancient, vile, and evil foe of all mankind?" Eor is beset by marauders and lizardmen of a boldness not seen in years. Hired by the Count of Eor, the party is tasked with tracing the source of these foes and eliminating them for the safety of the realm. After a set piece combat in Count Brunis's castle, the party must trek across Eor's wilderness, eventually coming to the Great Southern Swamp beyond the village of Waycombe. With further exploration they can locate the Ancient Temple which serves as the tomb and stronghold of Sakathas, the vampiric LIZARD KING! TSR 9055

Cover of Temple of the Scorpion God
Temple of the Scorpion God
3.5 Edition
Level 7
10 pages

An insane villain plots ruin deep beneath the city of Sharn. In order to save the city, the PCs must find the one thing that can stop him, an enormous Siberys dragonshard hidden somewhere in the jungles of the lost continent of Xen'drik. "Temple of the Scorpion God" is part two of the three-part Shards of Eberron Campaign Arc. Pgs. 66-75