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164 adventures found
Cover of Hell in Freeport
Hell in Freeport
3.5 Edition
Levels 8–11
90 pages

This module is designed for characters who have made their way through the Freeport Trilogy. Characters new to Freeport are at disadvantadge, however. Hell in Freeport sends the characters to the depths of the Hell as pawns of an undead duke. When they discover the truth of their mission, they must race against a sinister clock to save two cities. Act 1 kicks off with a battle against a cornugon on the Freeport docks. The characters are hailed as heroes for defeating the fiend, and are summoned to the Church of Retribution to help in the battle against Hell. Tee old inquisitor who greets them is actually Jalie Squarefoot, an infernal lich who took this form to search for the perfect cat's-paw. Squarefoot wants to take the souls of Freetown, a city in Hell, but must first get around a contract poin: he can't take the city until the Tyre tower clock-now stopped- strikes midnight. He sends the party to Devil's Cry, an inslan off the coast of Freeport, with instructions to close the gate to Hell hidden inside. In truth, he knows the party will be transported straight to the Third Circle when they try. Inside Devil's Cry the party finds the remnants of a great battle fought between an invading devil's army and the Church of Retribution, and battle their way past undead defenders until they reach the gate itself and unwittingly trigger it. Act 2 begins with the party in a twin of the complex they explored in Devil's Cry, but now they are deep in Hell. They fight their way back to the cavern entrance, only to find that they are not on the Prime anymore. When they voyage back their homeport, they instead find themselves in Freetown, a city of scaped slaves in a dark mirror image of Freeport. Once in Freetown, they make the acquaintance of the city's mayor Wycleffe-a servant of Jalie Squarefoot-who persuades them to go on a quest to Tyre to restart the tower clock. They travel the Styx to the Eight Circle and fight their way into a long-buried vity, and then into the tower clock itself. They restart the clock and begin the trip home, but are waylaid by devils and taken prisioner. Act 3 opens with the party naked and in chains in the infernal prison called the Forge. They learn that Jalie Squarefoot and Wycleffe have duped them, and that the supposed rebels of Freetown are actually its protectors. The characters must escape or win their freedom in the gladiator pits before the tower clock they restarted destroys both Freetown and their home city of Freeport. They battle back to Freetown, taking revenge on their captors in the process, and capture the city from Wycleffe with the help of the rebels. Finally it falls to the PCs to enter the tower clock and stop it and Jalie Squarefoot before the fiend's plan can come to fruition. After being tricked and manipulated throughout the adventure, the party finally has their revenge on the duke and his minions.

Cover of Murder in Velen
Murder in Velen
5th Edition
Level 10
18 pages

The duchy of Velen is a bastion of law and order in an otherwise untamed land. Its ruler, Duke Calchais, holds his citizens and visitors to his city to a high standard of conduct. When Velen's harbormaster is murdered, the duke enlists the aid of adventurers to see that justice is served. Was the harbormaster a victim of larceny gone awry, or is something more sinister afoot in Velen? Murder in Velen is a 4-hour standalone adventure set in and around the port city of Velen, which is located in the peninsula nation of the same name in southwestern Faerûn. Velen is designed for a party of five 10th-level player characters, but it can easily be scaled by adding or removing creatures.

Cover of Flood Season
Flood Season
3.5 Edition
Levels 4–6
28 pages

Wherein a solid plan to ransom captured wands turns sour for three friends and their employees, and a local luminary loses his tongue.

Cover of The Return of Randal Morn
The Return of Randal Morn
Levels 1–4
32 pages

In part one of the Randal Morn Trilogy, "The Sword of the Dales," the legendary leader of Daggerdale, Randal Morn, was captured by unknown assailants as he sought to regain the great weapon for which that adventure was named. A stalwart band of enthusiastic heroes was recruited to ride to his aid, yet all they recovered was the Sword itself and a message: "Seek me in Spiderhaunt Wood." In the second part of the trilogy, "The Secret of Spiderhaunt," those same adventurers found Randal and freed him briefly, yet he was almost as quickly torn from their grasp by an agent of the evil Zhentarim, seeking to end the threat of Randal Morn's return to power. In this final episode, the heroes must follow the kidnapper's trail and rescue Randal Morn again before the Zhentarim finish interrogating him and the axe falls upon his neck. Armed with the Sword of the Dales and aided by a powerful spirit that lives within the weapon, the heroes must march into the heart of Zhent-occupied Dagger Falls, free Randal Morn, and save the city from utter destruction. The job is dangerous - perhaps more than the heroes can handle - yet those who would live in songs and legends cannot concern themselves with living to a ripe old age! This is the final part of a trilogy of modules that began with "The Sword of the Dales" and "The Secret of Spiderhaunt." TSR 9488

Cover of The Siege of Grimm Iron Peaks
The Siege of Grimm Iron Peaks
5th Edition
Level 5
31 pages

This adventure has been designed as a one shot adventure for 4-8 players, pregen 5th level characters included, in 4-6 hours. It tells a classic story of the "good" races oppressing the "dark" races, with their warlike expansionist ways.

Cover of Unmerciful
5th Edition
Medium Level
10 pages

Unmerciful is a detective scenario that focuses on roleplay and investigation. It is an event based quest, meaning that things will happen with or without PCs interaction. The DM receives a list with all the murders and details about them, a list of NPCs that are relevant to the case and how, and one of the ways players could track the killer down. A party of any level can be challanged with this scenario and it can be played in any (low) fantasy setting. Adventure Synopsis: The players are hired to find out who has brutally killed Father Marius. After inspecting the murder scene, players can be sure that killer is driven with revenge and that this is only the first murder. Good old detective work brings them closer to the killer, but also to the fact that everything isn’t like it seems. As the body count rises, players must decide whom to aid in the final confrontation, the Church or the Punisher.

Cover of The Lost Treasure of Atlantis
The Lost Treasure of Atlantis
Levels 6–8
? pages

An adventure in Hyperborea designed for from four to six characters of 6th through 8th level In the far reaches of Hyperborea’s Crab Archipelago lies a small, mountainous island known as Crystal Point. Passing sailors recently have witnessed a crimson glow in Crystal Point’s waters and beams of russet light shining up from its steep cliffs. Too, unusually frequent lightning storms in the area have torn the sky in blinding flashes, shattering the air with their awesome sound. The seedy wharf taverns of Khromarium and elsewhere buzz with these strange tales—some even speculate that Crystal Point may hold the lost treasure of Atlantis! The Lost Treasure of Atlantis takes players into an action-packed realm of adventure: the mythical world of Hyperborea, a sword-and-sorcery campaign setting inspired by the fantastic fiction of Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, and others. This adventure is designed for Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea™ (AS&SH™), a role-playing game descended from the original 1974 fantasy wargame and miniatures campaign rules as conceived by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Therefore, AS&SH is compatible with most traditional fantasy role-playing games (c. 1974 to 1999) and their modern simulacra, such as OSRIC™ and Swords & Wizardry™.

Cover of Siege of Bordrin's Watch
Siege of Bordrin's Watch
4th Edition
Level 3
52 pages

“Siege of Bordrin’s Watch” is the sequel to “Rescue at Rivenroar,” continuing the unfolding story of the Scales of War campaign. This adventure features exploration, roleplaying opportunities, and combats in dynamic environments. In this adventure, a new threat looms to the west: A vast horde of orcs and their despicable kin emerge from the barren lands bent on plunder and conquest. While the Elsir Vale and other lands mobilize their meager forces to respond to the danger, a call has gone out to those heroes of the Vale to join forces and help to push back this new evil before it’s too late. Pgs. 4-55

Cover of Weave of the Dread Mythal
Weave of the Dread Mythal
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
117 pages

Weave of the Dread Mythal is a 1st-6th level Dungeons and Dragons 5e campaign that takes players on a journey of peril and intrigue across the Evermoor. Part story driven campaign, part sandbox, this adventure will give you tools to make the Evermoors come to life and a brutal and unique campaign to run within it. Your players will face the ire of hostile factions and their conflicting desires, the excitement and danger of ancient Netherese ruins and artifacts, and inevitably, the undead army of the Weaver, a wicked necromancer obsessed with becoming the new demi-god of undeath. This campaign also includes separate, full-size battlemaps that are made for use with Roll20 and other VTTs.

Cover of Gravefillers
5th Edition
Level 3
9 pages

The Thieves Guild Ebonclad has assigned to party a mission to find the missing Ebonclad Seeker, Osme Sunshadow, as well as investigate the prospective thief Korina Ren. The mission’s conclusion takes the party on a “traditional” dungeon dive in search of a missing guild member, however, how they get there will depend on the work they do in the city. Finally, the mission gives you, the GM, multiple scenarios to choose from that will affect its outcome.

Cover of The Passenger
The Passenger
5th Edition
Levels 10–12
18 pages

Mr. P has a job for you. You must investigate three robberies that took place in Waterdeep in the past few days, and connect them to whoever is responsible. All clues lead you to a certain mansion, but it is certain that the raid will not be easy, as they are always watching, always one step ahead... Who's watching you ask? What do you mean? No one is watching.

Cover of Cursed Scroll 1: The Hideous Halls of Mugdulblub
Cursed Scroll 1: The Hideous Halls of Mugdulblub
Level 1
18 pages

A 1st-level dungeon crawl heavy on exploration, factions, and sorcerous wonder for Shadowdark RPG! Go below the dripping ruins of Bittermold Keep to hunt for legendary treasures and face off against three competing factions that want to claim the Hideous Halls: the degenerate Bittermold family, the wild halfling Howlers, and the disgruntled mutant catfish. The characters might even encounter the abominable god-ooze, Mugdulblub! Winner of "The Best" rating from tenfootpole.org! View the adventure walkthrough video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVJ-t7qMjPo This adventure is part of Cursed Scroll Zine 1: Diablerie! Inside the zine, you'll find cursed knights channeling demonic power, mist-addled forests where witches and warlocks stalk the trees, and crumbling castles housing ancient, eldritch creatures. Shadowdark RPG is what classic, old-school fantasy gaming would look like after being redesigned with 50 years of innovation. It's the world's greatest roleplaying game in a whole new light! Learn more and download the free rules here: https://www.thearcanelibrary.com/pages/shadowdark

Cover of Pit of the Fire Lord
Pit of the Fire Lord
3.5 Edition
Level 8
12 pages

A madman hidden deep below Sharn plans to tear open a portal to the Sea of Fire. Can a band of heroes reach him in time to save the city from conflagration? The city of Sharn bakes in the grip of an intense heat wave. For most citizens, the temperature is nothing more than an annoyance. The scholars of the city know the heat is a sign of something more -- Fernia, the plane of fire, has drawn near. For one insane sorcerer, the heat is a sign that his revenge is at hand as he prepares to drown the city in a lake of fire. "Pit of the Fire Lord" is part three of the three-part Shards of Eberron Campaign Arc. Pgs. 48-59

Cover of How the Mighty Are Fallen
How the Mighty Are Fallen
Levels 11–14
64 pages

As the floating cities of Netheril hover peacefully in the air, the winds of intrigue boil all around them. The phaerimm continue to plot the downfall of the Netherese even as Karsus prepares for the casting of his greatest spell. Undead walk the land, driving orcs and humans before them. And somewhere below the greatest nation of Faerûn, the Tarrasque awakens from a long slumber. How the Mighty Are Fallen, is an adventure designed for use with the Netheril: Empire of magic boxed campaign setting (which is required to play this adventure). Within these pages, the final heroes of Netheril can : Gather the spell components, that Karsus requires for casting his "most wondrous" spell, the only 12th level spell ever known. He just needs a few body parts from two creatures - A gold dragon and the Tarrasque. Reuinte lost lovers after they have been separated by death. Nopheu's wife was killed in a magical explosions, and now he's finally saved enough money for her to be resurrected. Certainly a dead body couldn't pose a threat to a band of stalwart heroes?! Follow the winds of fate to wherever Tyche delivers them. Numerous side adventures allow players to take their characters to a variety of different locations. Some heroes might want to follow the trail of the missing nether scrolls, while others might want to join the resistance and fight Karsus and the other archwizards. But only the bravest hearts can take the first step... TSR 9540

Cover of The Anthropophagi of Xambaala
The Anthropophagi of Xambaala
Levels 1–3
66 pages

Ancient port city on the edge of a desert. The city is stratified by social class and some of the slaves have formed a cannibal cult to Kthulhu. City + hexcrawl + dungeon. The Anthropophagi of Xambaala™ takes players into an action-packed realm of adventure: the mythical world of Hyperborea, a sword-and-sorcery campaign setting inspired by the fantastic fiction of Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, and others. This adventure is inspired by Robert E. Howard’s “The Man-Eaters of Zamboula” and by various short tales of H.P. Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith. It is designed for use with Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea ™(AS&SH™), a role-playing game descended from the original 1974 fantasy wargame and miniatures campaign rules as conceived by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. AS&SH is compatible with most traditional fantasy role-playing games (c. 1974 to 1999) and their modern simulacra, such as OSRIC™ and Swords & Wizardry™. This work is both a setting and an adventure. The setting describes the town of Xambaala, noting key people, locations, and local lore. The adventure proper provides players with a variety of environments and the several factions fighting over them for their own goals. With a bit of skill and luck, stalwart adventurers may emerge richer and maybe wiser. The situation that will develop in Xambaala will be determined by the players’ choices.

Cover of The Murder of Maury Miller
The Murder of Maury Miller
Level 1
14 pages

Death and taxes. Only two things in life are certain. The PCs must deal with a corrupt tax collector and his band of thugs in order to save a small village. Pgs. 48-61 & 66

Cover of Tortles of the Purple Sage - Part 1
Tortles of the Purple Sage - Part 1
Levels 4–10
23 pages

Part 1 of an Expert-level quest into a hostile wilderness. This adventure takes place in the Known World of the D&D game, as outlined throughout the D&D game rule books and modules. The DM may find it useful to consult the Companion and Masters Sets, as well as most of the X-series of Expert Set modules. D&D Expert Set module X9, The Savage Coast, would be especially helpful, as Tortles of the Purple Sage could easily serve and continue that module's direction and plot like, adding a previously undescribed area (the Great Northway) to the Known World. The DM may also place the areas and events of this adventure within an existing campaign setting, as long as the geographical areas of the campaign match those set forth here. Pgs. 40-62

Cover of Precious Cargo
Precious Cargo
5th Edition
Level 2
6 pages

A ship captain, Alyse Carl, double crossed the Thieves Guild Ebonclad in the past. Alyse and her ship, the Spearhead, has recently returned to port in Kintalla. Seeing an opportunity, the guild sends out a crew of its newer members to settle the debt. The mission has three major objectives: to discredit the reputation of the trader captain Alyse Carl, to turn the goodwill of her crew against her, and to relieve her of ownership of her longship, the Spearhead. The party can use whatever resources it desires to complete the mission, but is under orders not to kill Alyse Carl.

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #85: Fires of Creation (Iron Gods 1 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #85: Fires of Creation (Iron Gods 1 of 6)
Level 1
96 pages

The Iron Gods Adventure Path begins with "Fires of Creation," an exciting new adventure set in Numeria, land of barbarians and super-science! In the town of Torch, the settlement's unignorable tower of violet flame has gone out. The only clue to its disappearance is a newly discovered cave dug nearby. Are the heroes bold enough to unearth the otherworldly secrets that sleep beneath the city and reignite the fires of Torch? Or will their first foray into Numeria's ancient mysteries be their last?

Cover of Last Stand at Outpost Three
Last Stand at Outpost Three
3.5 Edition
Level 4
19 pages

The PCs find themselves besieged by marauding elves in a wilderness trading outpost. Can they organize a defense of Outpost Three against the elves and their sinister allies—and figure out why the elves attack night after night? Pgs. 32-50