A community for lazy dungeon masters
119 adventures found
Cover of S2 White Plume Mountain
S2 White Plume Mountain
Levels 5–10
16 pages

A traditional "funhouse" dungeon, White Plume Mountain begins with the archmage Keraptis stealing three artifacts and leaving cryptic poems with their former owners. The players are hired to recover the items, and find a bizarre dungeon in the side of the eponymous volcano. TSR 9027

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #15: Lost Tomb of the Sphinx Queen
Dungeon Crawl Classics #15: Lost Tomb of the Sphinx Queen
3rd Edition
Levels 14–15
48 pages

Legend tells of a long-dead empire of sphinxes, ruled over for millennia by a great queen named Ankharet. She fell into darkness and her empire was shattered, as her subjects rebelled and cast her down. Unable to kill her, it is said that they bound her with great magic and buried her in a tomb, to wait for the foretold heroes who would be able to slay her and end her evil forever. Their empire in ashes, the sphinxes scattered to roam the world in bitter freedom, save a single great androsphinx. On the edge of the mysterious Barren Hills, between the mountains and the Great Desert, there is a gigantic statue of a crowned gynosphinx, ancient beyond reckoning. At its feet, a great androsphinx known as Khubsheth the Prophet has dispensed counsel and prophecy to all who come to him for longer than mortal records can tell. The heroes have come to visit Khubsheth, whether for counsel, prophecy or out of curiosity, but as soon as he lays eyes on them, he attacks! Upon his defeat, he tells them that they are the heroes foretold by the legend of Ankharet. Ankharet ruled over a long-dead empire of sphinxes, but she fell into darkness. Her subjects rebelled and cast her down, but were unable to kill her. It is said that they bound her with great magic and buried her in a tomb, to wait for the foretold heroes who would be able to slay her and end her evil forever. Kubsheth the Prophet tells the heroes that they must enter the tomb of the long-dead sphinx queen, kill her, and destroy her cursed crown, an artifact of tremendously evil power. As his blood seeps into the sands, a doorway opens at the base of the statue, leading down into darkness…

Cover of DDAL08-14 Rescue From Vanrakdoom
DDAL08-14 Rescue From Vanrakdoom
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
23 pages

Vampires in service to Shar, the Mistress of Night, are somewhere in Vanrakdoom. You must locate them without drawing the attention of the other residents of this dangerous place. Part Two of the Undying Threat trilogy. A 4-6 Hour Adventure for Tier 3 Characters. Optimized For: APL 13

Cover of HWA1 Nightwail
HWA1 Nightwail
Levels 6–8
64 pages

Introductory module for the Hollow World setting. First Adventure in the Blood Brethren Trilogy. Into the Depths! Under the ruins of Barleycorn Monastery, a tunnel leads one thousand miles downward. Through it, a rescue mission into the Broken Lands turns much stranger. Much more Serious. For the trail leads to the Hollow World. Launch your D&D game players into fabulous lost-worlds adventure across the Hollow World! Travel the Azcan Empire. Explore the secret labyrinth of the Great Pyramid in Chitlacan. Fly to the core of the world and enter the Smoking Mirror, before the monstrous Prince Kano enacts his devastating scheme - a scheme called: NIGHTWAIL! Nightwail is the first adventure for the D&D Hollow World Campaign Set. (The Hollow World boxed set is required to play.) This 64-page adventure fits easily into your existing campaign, either as a stand-alone adventure or as part of the continent-spanning Blood Brethren trilogy. These three linked modules can be played in any order - but the adventure starts here! Easily adaptable to the AD&D game! TSR 9303

Cover of The Cauldron of Plenty
The Cauldron of Plenty
Levels 2–4
11 pages

From the magazine: "'That's right," said the druid. "You must steal the giant's cauldron - without harming him in the slightest.'" The adventurers are sent on a mission to reclaim the legendary Cauldron of Plenty for a celtic inspired kingdom. This magic item is kept by an intelligent Verbeeg called the Bolg Mor. A secondary goal is to discover the command words for the cauldron in the cave system. There is a curse on the cauldron, stating that violence breeds violence; he who slays the owner of the cauldron and steals the device will also fall prey to acts of violence. Players are encouraged to attempt to roleplay and negotiate with the villain to gain the cauldron.

Cover of My Lady's Mirror
My Lady's Mirror
Levels 6–8
23 pages

The heroes have spent the last several days in the quiet, secluded town of Relvaunt. Relvaunt's vineyards, wines, and scenic beauty are the subject of bards's songs, and many travelers journey long miles to visit them. Another site receives far fewer visitors--several miles east of town, partially obscured by woods and hills, stands the wondrous Castle Freitstein. As the heroes depart the town in search of adventure, an elderly couple approaches them. The woman suddenly clutches her chest and collapses in the street and the old man calls out to the heroes for help. Includes castle random encounter chart, a map of castle grounds and isometric castle level maps (four main levels, a tower level and a cellar level).

Cover of The Bonegarden
The Bonegarden
3.5 Edition
Levels 12–14
128 pages

Ages of Buried Evil The Bonegarden is a small nation ruled by the dead, a circular cemetery 1 mile in diameter, surrounded by a magical containment field that keeps its denizens from spilling into the innocent world beyond. Within the gate lies one of the true blights of the Domain of Hawkmoon, an immense graveyard that serves as the prison for the doomed spirits of thousands of history's most awful criminals. Those inside are determined to escape, and one of them may have found a way... An Endless Forum of Adventure The cemetery is a self-contained battlefield that abounds with undead of types the heroes have never seen, each with its own special plan for escaping its eternal confinement. The Bonegarden contains dozens of new spells, feats, monsters, and magic items. All the action takes place inside a mile-wide arena where the dead are the majority and the living are hunted like wild game. The heroes have come to the cemetery in search of adventure. The only question is... can they get out?

Cover of Horror's Harvest
Horror's Harvest
Levels 2–4
21 pages

Never try to catch a falling star. A bad seed has been planted in the dark soil of Ravenloft, and now it's time to harvest the crops. A comet has fallen from the sky outside of the town of Delmunster, and the people of this sleepy little village are changing in ways their families cannot explain. The players are on the clock to find the comet and stop its influence on the town. For every day the players take to solve the mystery, another townsperson falls under the sway of the comet. A story heavy influenced by a certain horror movie about pod people. Pgs. 48-68

Cover of The Temple of the Silent Ones
The Temple of the Silent Ones
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
18 pages

Step into a world of ancient mysteries and divine secrets with "The Temple of the Silent Ones," an enthralling Dungeons & Dragons adventure designed for characters of levels 5-7. This immersive quest takes players on a journey deep into an enchanted forest, where a long-lost temple conceals the key to an unparalleled power. As the adventurers unravel the hidden secrets of the Silent Ones, divine beings who once guided the fate of the world, they must face a series of trials that will test their senses, abilities, and resolve to their very limits. In this captivating adventure, the players will venture into the heart of a primeval woodland, shrouded in an aura of mystique and otherworldliness. Within the temple's hallowed halls, they will encounter four enigmatic chambers, each designed to test a different aspect of their abilities: sight, hearing, speech, and mobility. As they overcome these trials, they will uncover the storied past of the Silent Ones and their connection to the elemental planes, primordial forces of creation, and the shaping of the world's many cultures. The ultimate goal lies in discovering a powerful artifact, a crystalline object that grants its wielder the ability to commune with the Silent Ones themselves, unlocking the secrets of the universe and commanding the forces of nature. "The Temple of the Silent Ones" is a versatile and engaging adventure, perfect for Dungeon Masters seeking a unique experience that combines elements of suspense, intrigue, and awe-inspiring challenges. Compatible with any setting in the Dungeons & Dragons universe, this quest can be seamlessly integrated into your ongoing campaign or used as a stand-alone one-shot or 2-3 session long adventure. Rich in lore and history, the temple's enigmatic chambers and the trials within offer an unforgettable experience that will leave players eager to explore further. Don't miss the opportunity to bring this enthralling adventure to life at your gaming table. Available exclusively on Etsy, "The Temple of the Silent Ones" is a must-have for any Dungeon Master seeking an exceptional addition to their collection. Immerse your players in a world of divine wisdom, ancient magic, and hidden secrets, and let the legend of the Silent Ones weave its spell around your gaming table.

Cover of A Rose for Talakara
A Rose for Talakara
Levels 8–12
26 pages

Red for love, white for purity, black for death. He was thoughtful, obedient, and trustworthy - the epitome of a traitor. All he needed were some heroes. A powerful undead knight, Agrovale, wants to be released from a necromancer named Talakara. He sets in motion an elaborate plan to get the players involved in overthrowing Talakara in her bid to become a goddess. He frames the necromancer for a kidnapping and murder and leaves a trail of clues to lead the players to her stronghold. The party travels through an extensive stronghold filled with many different monsters, finishing with a fight with the demigod Talakara and subsequently the freedom-seeking Agrovale. Pgs. 38-63

Cover of Vampire Church
Vampire Church
5th Edition
Levels 5–14
? pages

Vampire Church is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 5, 8, 11, or 14. This document offers details for each level and makes adjustments accordingly. A small church hides a dark secret: all of its priests are vampires. As a plug-in adventure, the adventure content serves as drop-in material for game masters who wish to add a dungeon to a preexisting campaign or need a side quest. If you need a hook for this adventure or already have a similar hook, the Vampire Church Hooks table offers details for introducing this adventure to your players.

Cover of The Vault of Pallon the Pious
The Vault of Pallon the Pious
5th Edition
Level 2
2 pages

The Vault of Pallon the Pious is an adventure for four 2nd level PCs. A famous pirate captain came to worship a lawful god in his final years. After a lifetime of plundering, pillaging, scuttling, and murdering along the coastline, the fear-inspiring Pallon the Merciless rebranded himself as Pallon the Pious. But, a history of violence is a hard thing to reconcile, and the salty old dog slowly succumbed to madness. His most precious possession was a set of scales that reflected perfectly his own inner conflict. The Scales of Misjudgement are buried deep in the treasure room of his crazed rock-island vault.

Cover of Death Triumphant
Death Triumphant
Levels 6–10
64 pages

"At midnight everyone will die..." Azalin the lich lord is launching another diabolical plan. He has allied himself with the entity known as Death, and together they plan to raze the domain of Darkon. From the ashes of the once-mighty land will rise a new domain - Necropolis, the land of the dead! For the citizens of Darkon, death has been an everyday companion, and sometimes a yearned-for end to suffering. However, now the cold comfort of the grave is forever denied these good men and women as they find themselves walking the land after their breath has left them. Heroes have always considered the undead to be mere monsters, legions of mindless evil to be slain with no second thought. Now the heroes will learn the agony of actually being one of the living dead. They become monsters, and the entire world becomes their enemy. Death Triumphant: A 64-page adventure that puts the heroes in the middle of Lord Azalin's ultimate scheme to escape from Ravenloft. Death Triumphant can be played as a stand-alone adventure or as the final chapter in the Grim Harvest series. Part of TSR 1146 Requiem - The Grim Harvest

Cover of Die Vecna Die
Die Vecna Die
Levels 10–13
160 pages

The End of the World Is at Hand! A hideous death cult has seized control of an ancient artifact-monument known as Tovag Baragu. The power behind the cult is the Old One himself, Iuz the Evil, demonic master of an empire. He's on an all-or-nothing quest for supremacy over the world—and the heavens beyond. To stop him, heroes must face horrors never dreamed of, journeying to a shadowed city where Death rules and the living cower. Here, Iuz will achieve his mad dream by destroying the imprisoned master of that alien citadel: Vecna, the mightiest lich, an immortal demigod. Two items exist with the power to stop Iuz—the Eye and the Hand of Vecna—but using them carries fantastic risks. Not even the gods know what will be unleashed when these items are fully activated. Die Vecna Die! takes the heroes from the Greyhawk campaign to the demiplane of Ravenloft and then to the Planescape city of Sigil. However, none of the material from those settings is required for play. TSR 11662

Cover of Base of Operations
Base of Operations
3rd Edition
Level 5
7 pages

Base of Operations is a short adventure intended for four 5th-level characters. DMs can easily modify the adventure to suit higher- or lower-level adventurers, or larger or smaller parties of adventurers. Simply adding a few monsters to every encounter area makes the adventure more challenging for larger parties, and adding levels to any of the humanoids can make them more of a threat to high-level groups. For low-level adventurers, make the relationship between the two factions within Brightstone Keep more strained, and take away a few monsters from each group. You can remove levels from some of the humanoids in the adventure to make it a lower-level challenge, but it is important that the orc cleric (described in encounter area 8) still have the ability to animate the dead. Still, he can have fewer minions around him when encountered, and that makes him less of a challenge for a lowlevel party.

Cover of AT1 The Subtle Revenant
AT1 The Subtle Revenant
Levels 5–7
16 pages

Join the adventure in the free city of Taux! Written as a narrative piece to help incorporate game play into the shared world anthology series Tales of the Emerald Serpent, this adventure for semi-experienced characters will put you on the run from the most powerful and notorious family in Taux. Can the characters write their own story and join the legends of Black Gate with the help of iconic personas made famous in Tales of the Emerald Serpent and A Knight in the Silk Purse. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of Palace of the Vampire Queen
Palace of the Vampire Queen
24 pages

Dungeon Masters Kit - Number 1 Palace of the Vampire Queen For three centuries the peasants of the Dwarvish island of Baylor have feared the raids of the Vampire Queen and her minions. Sweeping down at night from the palace in the shrowded peaks of the island, they range even further in their search for blood. And not only blood - the children of dwarf peasants often disappear if they are so unfortunate as to be out at night. Even the cities are no longer safe. The most recent victim was the Princess of Baylor, daughter of King Arman, who was taken in a midnight raid on the capitol city of At Toe within past weeks. King Arman has offered fabulous riches and land holdings with titles to the person or persons who can brave the stronghold of the Vampire Queen and return his daughter to him alive and well. But, in truth, he holds little hope. For even King Arman, Ruler of Baylor, Defeater of the Ten Orc Tribes, is afraid in his heart to face the Vampire Queen. Published by Wee Warriors, Distributed by TSR

Cover of The Test of Darkness
The Test of Darkness
Low Level
32 pages

The PCs are looking to gain entry to the Glantri School of Magic, after the initial admission tests they are drawn into a commotion where one of the other students is being attacked by an evil sorceress. He tries to flee but but is killed, and the PCs are framed for the murder. The authorities are called and bribed to just kill the PCs, they flee and are chased and taunted by the evil sorceress. Eventually, during one of her attacks, she opens a weak spot in the ground and the heroes are dropped into the warrens under the school. They must navigate the warrens, which are shrouded in magical darkness, defend against further attacks, and find escape where they can prove their innocence.

Cover of How the Mighty Are Fallen
How the Mighty Are Fallen
Levels 11–14
64 pages

As the floating cities of Netheril hover peacefully in the air, the winds of intrigue boil all around them. The phaerimm continue to plot the downfall of the Netherese even as Karsus prepares for the casting of his greatest spell. Undead walk the land, driving orcs and humans before them. And somewhere below the greatest nation of Faerûn, the Tarrasque awakens from a long slumber. How the Mighty Are Fallen, is an adventure designed for use with the Netheril: Empire of magic boxed campaign setting (which is required to play this adventure). Within these pages, the final heroes of Netheril can : Gather the spell components, that Karsus requires for casting his "most wondrous" spell, the only 12th level spell ever known. He just needs a few body parts from two creatures - A gold dragon and the Tarrasque. Reuinte lost lovers after they have been separated by death. Nopheu's wife was killed in a magical explosions, and now he's finally saved enough money for her to be resurrected. Certainly a dead body couldn't pose a threat to a band of stalwart heroes?! Follow the winds of fate to wherever Tyche delivers them. Numerous side adventures allow players to take their characters to a variety of different locations. Some heroes might want to follow the trail of the missing nether scrolls, while others might want to join the resistance and fight Karsus and the other archwizards. But only the bravest hearts can take the first step... TSR 9540

Cover of The Dark Conventicle
The Dark Conventicle
Levels 8–12
17 pages

Rescuing maidens is a dirty job, but - you know the rest. On the road, the PCs encounter the aftermath of an attack on a small merchant caravan. The PCs must find and return Zenobia, the merchant's daughter. To do this, they must track, locate, and confront the unknown raiders while keeping the Zenobia's safety in mind.