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1669 adventures found
Cover of C17 - 1 - Rituals
C17 - 1 - Rituals
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
32 pages

You and your cohorts have their first adventure under their belts and are now recognized heroes of the realm! You plan on building your reputations but one of your henchmen has promised his love that he would marry her. You and your group are happy to attend and quickly discover that danger lurks everywhere as bandits crash the celebration.

Cover of Insidious Experiments
Insidious Experiments
5th Edition
Level 4
27 pages

Haedirn Lastlight is a respected elven wizard and sage. After the death of his lover Lyonthel, the elf has been overcome with grief and has locked himself away in his study- a small manor on the cliffs of Wailing Crag. Haedirn has not been seen for over a year now, and those that knew him are beginning to worry. Worse still, a band of ogres has been terrorizing the nearby town, slaughtering the town folk and haughtily boasting the elf wizard is dead. The PCs must put a stop to the ogres' attacks, make way to Wailing Crag to root out the rest of their gang, and lay Haedirn Lastlight's tortured remains to rest.

Cover of Among Them - A Barghest Hunt
Among Them - A Barghest Hunt
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
17 pages

A fiend lurks among the Black Blade goblins. A shapeshifting barghest fashioned by the General of Gehenna to exact revenge on all goblin-kind. It’s aim: to kill as many goblin leaders as possible… A masked goblin approaches the party asking for help. Two tribe leaders are dead. But a rival for chief has control of the crime scene. Will the party discover the barghest among the goblin ranks? Can they stop this imposter before it strikes again? Adventure Overview The adventure’s story is spread over 4 parts and takes approximately 4 hours to play. The adventure begins with a Call to Action scene. Part 1: Goblin Politics. Krill sends his emissaries to implore help from any strong intermediary. The party is asked to investigate the murder of Thrawn in Dringly’s lair. This is Story Objective A. Part 2: The Opposition. Gain entry into Dringly’s lair and investigate the murder of Thrawn. Gather enough evidence to find the killer. This is Story Objective B. Part 3: To The Lair! Now that the players have determined the barghest (Yeep) is to blame, they need to get to Krill’s lair quickly as he is in imminent danger. This is Story Objective C. Part 4: The Barghest.When the players arrive at the lair, they need to get to Krill and expose and defeat the barghest. This is Story Objective D. Adventure Background A barghest named Yeep has begun its onslaught of attacks against the Black Blade goblins. Starting with Chief Gnar, then his second in command Thrawn, the barghest is moving methodically down the line of command. Krill is now chief. But he has some problems: Two leaders of the Black Blades are dead. Who killed them and why? Is he next? Dringly, the next in command, has decided to take his lair for himself, declaring himself Chief of the Black Blades. Who are the Black Blades? The Black Blades are a tribe of goblins in the local area. They are known for dipping their blades in a dark black substance. It is rumored these blades are poisonous. The Black Blades regularly attack passersby on the road to rob them. The Black Blades have two lairs, one run by a chief who leads the whole tribe, and another overseen by a boss lieutenant. The Black Blades have a well-established pecking order which is how Krill stands to become chief. The next in line is Dringly, who has also declared himself chief and wants Krill dead. Krill suspects that there is something suspicious about two leaders being killed within a day of each other, but he has already burned Gnar’s body without any investigation. He needs to investigate the body of Thrawn, but it is in Dringly’s lair. Krill wishes to avoid direct confrontation with Dringly at the present for three reasons: 1) Any violence would only kill his own tribe members and further divide the lairs. 2) He believes there is still hope for negotiation to reunite the Black Blades. 3) He believes that if he were to attempt negotiations himself, Dringly would kill him. This adventure features: Two maps. Ready for your favorite Virtual Tabletop. A full color pdf. A black and white pdf. One custom monster, a reprint of barghest, all others available in the Monster Manual. Four hours of entertainment involving: roll playing a goblin bard, investigating a murder scene, tracking down a barghest before it strikes again. Applicable to any setting.

Cover of Fifth Edition Fantasy
Fifth Edition Fantasy
5th Edition
Level 10
? pages

Fifth Edition Fantasy is here! This adventure module is fully compatible with the fifth edition of the world’s first fantasy RPG, and is ready to play in your home campaign! Fighting against the biting winds and relentless snow to reach the other side of the mountain range known as the Demon’s Teeth, a team of adventurers passes the evenings around the campfire listening to your guide’s folktales of horrific beasts, bottomless ice pits, and a forgotten temple and its corrupted priestess. And now, with temperatures dropping and a legendary beast in pursuit, these heroes must decide whether to push on or take shelter and fight against an awakened evil that demands worship or delivers death.

Cover of The Elven Guild
The Elven Guild
5th Edition
Level 2
14 pages

A short adventure that can be used as part of a larger campaign or run as a one shot for 3-4 Tier I or II characters. An all elven guild has taken on a large job for an unknown character. They are doing everything they can to fulfil the contract regardless of who gets hurt in the process. On this short adventure the characters will run into and a foul of the Elven Guild. Can they stop them from finalizing their plan. This adventure includes hooks for additional adventures that can be run after this adventure is completed.

Cover of Nettles in the Fey
Nettles in the Fey
5th Edition
Tier 1 Level
50 pages

An inexperienced eladrin leader leaves herself dangerously exposed to her enemies. An exiled hag schemes to rebuild her army. A bog troll conspires to overthrow. A child is kidnapped. PCs find themselves in the middle of a power struggle between competing forces, each seeking to dominate the feywild territory known as the Unbound Regions. Trapped in the feywild until they complete the quest, the adventurers must deal with the curious culture of the fey by striking deals, battling opponents, and ultimately deciding which competitor they will support.

Cover of The Secret of Karnov Mansion
The Secret of Karnov Mansion
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
24 pages

What happens when you are invited to a dinner party at the Karnov Mansion during a full moon? Certainly nothing good. The wonderful dinner party, complete with excellent food, drink, and company, soon evolves into a 'cat & mouse' game that has the adventurers fighting for their lives. Will they survive? And will they uncover the secret of the Karnov Mansion? Although the adventure is set in a non-specific location and can be dropped into any campaign, it feels right at home as a Curse of Strahd or Ravenloft one-shot adventure.

Cover of Crypt of the Green Shadows
Crypt of the Green Shadows
5th Edition
Level 5
6 pages

Rennie and Linde are in search of their father, Petring, who they saw disappear into the crypts beneath town. The crypt is thick with supernatural shadow. Torches can be lit from a brazier of green faerie fire in the entrance that cuts through magical darkness. The torches burn rapidly, and the PCs must travel quickly to preserve their light until they reach the funeral pyre in the heart of the crypt. There they can learn the way to the Carrion Shrine of Qorgeth.

Cover of WBW-DC-FEN-02 Tiddy Mun and the Burrow of Bandits
WBW-DC-FEN-02 Tiddy Mun and the Burrow of Bandits
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

The Stranger Stone, a rock that is to be used in a ritual to save the town of Berribury, has been stolen. The characters must track down the thieves and retrieve the Stone. A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3

Secrets of the Greenwold: Caravan of Peril
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
22 pages

Caravan of Peril takes place on the unprotected roads and trails of the wilderness between cities. Merchants, pilgrims, and wanderers have long banded together in wagon caravans for safety when setting off into the wild -- yet a caravan is only as safe as its hired guards. There's plenty of coin to be had on the road for those with a swords (or spell book), a steady will, and a taste for adventure. This adventure begins assuming the characters have all signed on as caravan guards. Their motivation may be money, wanderlust, or a hasty need to get out of town. Whatever the case, payment is 25gp each, paid upon safe arrival in the next city. Along the way, the characters will brave the dangers of the wilds, make some unusual acquaintances, and be ambushed by crafty goblins.

Invasion of House Tor
5th Edition
Level 1
6 pages

The party has been contracted by House Tor to provide 'extra security' during a ball. Unbeknownst to the players or House Tor, a spy from another house of an attending noble is going to try to sabotage the night in an attempt to ruin the evening. Can the party stop the spy? Will the nobles finally snap?

Cover of Be All My Sins Remember'd
Be All My Sins Remember'd
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
10 pages

The kuo-toa are a piscine race with a psychic affliction that makes them behave erratically and invent gods when feeling threatened. That same affliction gives them the power to bring those gods to life. Blibdoolpoolp is the most widely worshipped, and thus most powerful, of their gods. Blibdoolpoolp views the kuo-toa as her children despite having been born after them. Like all good mothers, she nurtures and protects. One of her chief concerns is understanding the kuo-toa’s psychic affliction, which causes them to undermine themselves whenever they strive for greatness. She discovers that a corrupted elder brain deep in the Underdark has a connection to the race; though the connection gives them psychic powers, it also turns them into powerless thralls, explaining their self destructive behaviors. Constrained by the same leash on her children, Blibdoolpoolp seeks adventurers to destroy the elder brain. Its death would free the kuo-toa, but potentially at great cost: if the kuo-toa lose their powers, will Blibdoolpoolp die?

Cover of To Hell and Back Again
To Hell and Back Again
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
81 pages

To Hell and Back Again is the perfect adventure for new players and veterans looking to experience Dungeons & Dragons in a new way! It's written as a solo adventure, where choices have gigantic consequences, but it also provides balanced rules to play with a group or a Dungeon Master as well! This 80 page adventure features: - A heart-pounding origins story that fits perfectly as either a prequel to Descent Into Avernus, a stand-alone adventure, or into your ongoing fantasy campaign. - Beloved characters like Lulu the hollyphant, Mad Maggie and her redcap gang, the archdevil Zariel, and many others brand new to this adventure. - Infernal War Machines, and exciting encounters with unique stat blocks. - Innovative Destiny and Traits mechanics that make your choices really matter. - A ton of possible outcomes that will fuel your character's many adventures to come! - Four gorgeous sample characters, with interactive character sheets designed to be new-player friendly so that you can jump right into the story if you'd like. - A community survey when you finish so that you can see how your outcomes and choices compared to other players!

Cover of MHI - 17 Transport Detail
MHI - 17 Transport Detail
5th Edition
Level 4
18 pages

After capturing the Notorious TNY, a female bandit leader, you have been offered a substantial bonus if you can take her, alive, to the capital for trial. The coin is hard to turn down and you accept the mission. You caught her already, what could possibly go wrong on a transport? This offering was a fantastic time for the Murder Hobo Inc. podcast show on Twitch. The series features a rotating cast for a two hour game every week. They also offer a "talk show" format every Tuesday. We urge you to check us out: twitch.com/mhoboinc and don't forget to follow!

Cover of Horror in the House of Dagon
Horror in the House of Dagon
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

A desperate father, a missing girl, and a simple investigation - but nothing is ever simple. As you peel back the layers of mystery, you uncover a dark god, vile sorcery, and a malevolent cult set to unleash horror upon the land... Horror in the House of Dagon is an enthralling and exciting adventure, with lots of role-playing, exploration, and horrifying combat encounters! This adventure is designed for 1st-4th level characters, and will take 3-6 hours to complete.

Cover of When the Stars Align - A Tome of Foes Adventure
When the Stars Align - A Tome of Foes Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
14 pages

Evil is stirring in the tiny village of Akeley - an evil that reaches out to minds that drift through the inky void between the stars. However, not all that comes from the skies comes with malice. A band of rather unusual warriors have are resolved to deal with the infestation before it can spread, though they cannot conquer it alone. Perhaps it’s blind chance that brings together the players in this strange and terrible drama, or perhaps it was written in the stars long, long ago. Note: This adventure is intended to work with Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, and requires a copy of the book to run succesfully.

Cover of TS2 - Doughty Princess
TS2 - Doughty Princess
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
19 pages

After visiting a friend in a nearby town you head to the tavern to get some food. A recent storm has wreaked havoc and the residents are busy making repairs. Despite your offer to help the citizens politely refuse. After sitting down for your meal you quickly learned that some children found a ship that has run aground. The father tells you that the children are prone to exaggerate but you obtain directions to the supposed site anyway. Sure you’re alone, but you’ve got tons of experience already…

Cover of Pudding Faire
Pudding Faire
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

BREAK A CURSE THAT ECHOES THROUGH TIME! You awaken on the morning of the Pudding Faire: just as you did yesterday… and the day before that… and the day before that! To escape the loop, you must break a curse that strikes to the heart of halfling and gnome lore. Pudding Faire is a 3-4 hour Dungeons & Dragons module for character levels 1-4. It is part of a series of adventures that expands upon the material presented in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes™. It can be played on its own or as a part of any D&D campaign. This product is a DMs Guild Adepts adventure! The Dungeon Masters Guild Adept program brings highly talented individuals together for creative development. Guild Adept products are identified with the golden ampersand and logo. Pudding Faire is legal for play in the D&D Adventurers League and has the following code: DDHC-MORD-04

Cover of March of Madness
March of Madness
5th Edition
Level 5
32 pages

Millennia ago, aberrations from Xoriat, the Realm of Madness, were driven from Eberron. The Gatekeeper druids–mostly orcs–placed powerful dimensional seals throughout Khorvaire to prevent the creatures of Xoriat from returning. To repair a breach in one of the seals at a settlement called Tjorda, a Sealguard Complex was built. An immortal guardian ws tasked with attending to the repaired crack in the seal. Thousands of years later, the Gatekeeper druids rediscovered the sealed complex. Even without knowing its precise history, they ascertained its sacred nature and have guarded it from then on. Being sealed in to protect the site and commune with the inner guardian is considered a great honor. Much of this history has long-since been forgotten. But 10 years prior to the adventure’s start, Vilda Karrte–a relic hunter with her own agenda–tracks a Xoriat artifact called the Spiral Well to the complex. Turned away by the Gatekeeper, she forces her way inside, grievously injuring them. Having discovered Vilda’s journals, Provost Nigel Faurious, through the Clifftop Adventurers’ Guild Handler Lhara, tasks the adventurers with recovering the Spiral Well.

Cover of PS3 - Queen's Road Adventure
PS3 - Queen's Road Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
19 pages

The main road from the prior government is known as the Queen’s Road and spans the north-south axis of the land. While it has fallen into disrepair it is still used to get to the largest city in Provincia, Queen’s Point. This community sits on the Golleck’s Bay and is filled with opportunities for young adventurers…they just have to get there!