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1650 adventures found
Cover of DDAL04-13 The Horseman
DDAL04-13 The Horseman
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
16 pages

An unknown force is inciting the people and creatures of the idyllic Greenwood to commit horrific acts of murder and carnage. Can the adventurers quell the towering rage of the rampaging Horseman? Part Thirteen of Misty Fortunes and Empty Hearts.

Cover of SQ5 - Oracle of Nyo
SQ5 - Oracle of Nyo
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
16 pages

As you begin your path to adventuring fame, fate brings you a gift. The military is attacking a humanoid army not too far away but their powerful force has splintered the insurgents. Different groups of aggressive humanoids are now off on their own and the military is overwhelmed trying to track them down. Word has it that one such group is headed to the revered Oracle at Nyo! Your time has come and fame is within reach!

A Second in Time
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
5 pages

A dispute erupts between a trade ambassador and a wealthy merchant and the players are hired as champions only to learn that they face a brutal and savvy opponent. Will the players be a second in time? "A Second in Time" is a two-hour adventure for 3-6 players. It is written for characters 1st-3rd level. The players act as a champions in a harsh blood sport that is as much the court of a river city as it is entertainment. This module includes a new poison, a new type of item and a rudimentary rule for addiction. The river city of Lotian is a rough place, where might often means right and the thirst for blood is nigh unquenchable. Gold may be the currency of the realm but justice is paid for in blood...

Cover of Quests of Doom: Volume 1 (5e)
Quests of Doom: Volume 1 (5e)
5th Edition
194 pages

Quests of Doom Volume 1: 12 Adventures for Fifth Edition Rules, First Edition Feel! Necromancer Games is back: are you ready to rock the new edition old-school style? We put together a team of some of the best adventure-writers in RPG history to ring in the new fifth edition rules with a host of adventures you’ve never seen before (and a couple that you have, but probably didn’t survive anyway). Volume 1 of Quests of Doom contains 12 adventures in almost 200 pages, by Ed Greenwood (Emeralds of Highfang), Bill Webb (Ra’s Evil Grin, Sorcerer’s Citadel, Hidden Oasis, Pyramid of Amra, Sewers of the Underguild), Matt Finch (Hidden Oasis-Temple of Thoth), Jim Ward (Deep in the Vale), J. Collura (Noble Rot), Michael Curtis (The Dead from Above), Casey Christofferson (Ra’s Evil Grin, Sorcerer’s Citadel, Irtep’s Dish), Skip Williams(Death in Dyrgalas), and Steve Winter (Bad Moon Rising).

Cover of Gate of the Lens Wizards
Gate of the Lens Wizards
5th Edition
Level 15
28 pages

A world unseen lies beyond a twisted, metal gate in a remote field of the Dhalpurna Mountains. Will the characters brave the alien monstrosities, technologies, and magic inside to learn the secrets that have been brooding in this strange place for millennia? Gate of the Lens Wizard is a science-fantasy exploration adventure and includes: -A gate that leads to the tunnels beneath a distant jungle moon -Intelligent spiders at war with glass-skulled astronomy wizards -An unfathomable artifact that can rewrite time itself -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of Shore Leave
Shore Leave
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
22 pages

A 4 hour adventure on the high seas and in the Shadowfell optimised for 8th level characters A dangerous fugitive is on the run from the Lords Alliance and the Order of the Gauntlet. As the net closes in on the fugitive, the heroes are deputized by the order and boards a departing ship to flush out the target of the manhunt. Shore Leave is a product of the ENNIE 2020 Silver Winner RPG Writers Workshop. The first half of the adventure takes place on the high seas where the characters search for a dangerous fugitive hiding onboard a ship. When sahuagins board the ship and a kraken appears from a maelstrom, things get desperate. The second half of the adventure starts when the characters are shipwrecked in the Shadowfell where the manhunt continues through a dangerous bog. This adventure can be used as a: * Stand-alone one-shot adventure * Starting point for a Shadowfell campaign * Filler adventure to transport characters across vast distances via Shadowfell or dilate time

Cover of KN3 - Fraternity of the Dragon
KN3 - Fraternity of the Dragon
5th Edition
Medium Level
23 pages

The Triad Series comes to a head with the party be called upon to again save the land. While successes against both the Goat and Lion branches of the triad have been successful, the toughest group, the Dragons, has formed the army and is moving against the forces of good. Can your party meet the force that General Barsoon has assembled?

Cover of DDAL07-11 A Lesson in Love
DDAL07-11 A Lesson in Love
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
31 pages

An old elf has wandered into the city from the jungle--prattling on about his long-lost daughter to anyone whose ear he can bend. Though most in Port Nyanzaru dismiss him as mad, he speaks the truth. Can you find and save his daughter?

Cover of White Plume Mountain 5e
White Plume Mountain 5e
5th Edition
Level 8
14 pages

Three artifact weapons have gone missing and you adventurers have been sent after them. Going only by the riddle left on the thief's note, part ransom part guide, You stand before White Plume Mountain, stronghold of the supposedly long dead Wizard Keraptis.

Cover of DDAL04-12 The Raven
DDAL04-12 The Raven
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
17 pages

The Bloodhand orcs have a prisoner that may hold the answers to the strange goings on and the key to stopping the enemy. What can you do to convince them to hand the prisoner over? Part Twelve of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

Cover of A09: Rogue Wizard
A09: Rogue Wizard
5th Edition
Levels 9–12
? pages

We all dream; sometimes we remember them, sometimes we even understand them, but always we’re fascinated by them. As to their worth, how many brave adventurers, skilled traders and successful leaders achieved because they were told by a mentor, “Follow your dreams!” But what happens when those dreams constantly play on your mind? When those dreams begin to take over all your waking hours as well as those dedicated to sleep? When those dreams begin to change your very being with their alternative take on the world around you? The party have a straightforward charge; bring in a rogue wizard! In a kingdom where unregulated and unobserved magic is frowned upon, this could mean anything and anyone, so how do you prepare for the unknown? And what do you do when you don’t like the sound of what you find out when what is known by others comes to the surface? Murder, theft and unstinting self-sacrifice make strange and unsettling bedfellows, and one mage is accused of them all. Yet the person in question seemed such a charming and intelligent child, one you’d want to protect as a parent if you met them as a youngster. Has all that charm gone, all that cleverness been wasted? Surely not? Perhaps the support and encouragement of a guardian is all that is needed. Also included in ""Rogue Wizard"": One of the most bizzare adventures you will ever run Maps by 3x ENnie Award winning Cartographer Todd Gamble Illustrations by renowned graphic novel artist Tim Tyler High Resolution Maps of all Tower Levels and interior New Monster: Undead Ogre Guards New Monster: Grizzly Bear Rug New Monster: Sentinel New Monster: NITNAM New Monster: Tormented Flesh Golem (made of halfling corpses and fully illustrated) New Monster: Black Pudding Knight (fully illustrated) New Spells: Taxidermy Swarm (lesser and greater) Over 10 fully illustrated and in-depth puzzles for your players to solve! Multiple New Traps! New Machine: Bone Grinding Machine New Material: Bonedust

Cover of Hell Comes a' Glittering
Hell Comes a' Glittering
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
3 pages

Bodies are turning up in a city (or large town). The organs of the victims appear to have been turned to solid crystal; in a gruesome twist, the hearts of the victims have been carefully removed. The mayor and the guard captain have hit an impasse in their investigation. Agreeing to assist in finding the murderer, the party find themselves under attack by infernal assassins as they follow the clues to a gemcutter's workshop. In this rich and devilish adventure, the party must find and face a murderer and a charming devil.

Cover of DDAL04-05 The Seer
DDAL04-05 The Seer
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
15 pages

The time has come to venture beyond the village of Orașnou and explore the realm of Barovia. However, in your travels, you happen across an unusual tribe of peopl —distrusted denizens of the Demiplane of Dread. Do the Vistani truly possess the ability to see the future, or is it simple parlor tricks and deceit? Part Five of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

Cover of Above and Below
Above and Below
5th Edition
Level 3
12 pages

Haggofik the dwarven prospector has a nose for ore. And he believes he's found a vein of rare metal up in the mountains. The only problem is that this territory is claimed by a tribe of birdmen. A two-hour adventure for 3rd level characters,. Includes the 5th edition writeup of the thoqqua.

Cover of The Tomb of Mercy
The Tomb of Mercy
5th Edition
Level 8
12 pages

The players and the DM compete in a race against time to see if all humanity can be saved, or if the fiendish servants of the Hells can corrupt the world for their own nefarious purposes. Special time-keeping and resurrection mechanics are included to keep the pace exciting and the plot moving. Prepare to delve into the long-forgotten Tomb of Mercy!

Cover of A Dark Veil Falls
A Dark Veil Falls
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
14 pages

While exploring for hints of the Kobolds lair, an unexpected plea changes everything. This is the fourth and final adventure in a miniseries with the following adventures being: A Chance Encounter The Mystic Circle An Urgent Rescue In addition to the adventure, there are a few of maps of the adventure area as separate jpeg files. There is also a printer friendly version of the adventure.

Cover of Cave of Six Seals
Cave of Six Seals
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
18 pages

Do you dare delve into the depths of an ancient demon's prison? Designed to be a fun 5E challenge-dungeon. Delve into a cave where an ancient evil was once sealed away... but be wary, as over the ages, the seals upon the Demon have begun to weaken... This is the one-shot featured in my larger adventure, Tower of the Chronomancer, but more polished and slightly expanded to allow it to stand on its own. (Originally it was the Tower's "6th floor.") I'm making this Pay What You Want, hoping people will enjoy this content -- and maybe seek the larger adventures I've already written. The Cave. Mostly hidden behind a nondescript hill in a crowded wood, forgotten by almost everyone not of the nearest town, and even they have forgotten why the cave was originally created. What it contains -- what it seals in. Marked only by a broken, rotten sign, now it's viewed as a prank spot. Sometimes it's a hideout for unsuspecting bandits. Generally, it's a place no one goes on purpose due to the lingering "wrongness" that any who enter seem to feel. Any that pass through the perfectly-rectangular entrance will find that it's much more than meets the eye. Especially if they are able to find their way down to the Trials! The Story. Long ago, a shapeshifting demon called "Umbraeus, the Defiler" sought dominion over the world. It clawed its way out of the Hells and took control of the region through a mixture of trickery (empowering people it could use) and destruction (raining fire, destroying crops and rivals, etc.). Umbraeus reigned for many years... until it was betrayed by a rival, which allowed a group of adventurers and mages to defeat and trap it in a magical green gemstone. The gem was then buried deep underground, protected by a set of Trials that allowed only those pure of heart and capable of handling its influence to visit it. But a long time has passed. The seals that held Umbraeus at bay have begun to weaken. And the demon has found a way to crack the gemstone. Its malevolent influence has begun to seep out into the world above. If nothing is done, it may manage to fully escape! Includes: A 5e one-shot adventure for 5th-6th level adventurers (4-6 hours long) Combat, roleplaying, puzzles, discovery, randomness, and loot! A chalenging demon encounter with variable difficulty levels 6 original enemy statblocks, including an evil shadow-boss 2 original magic items. Keywords You Can Expect: High fantasy, cave dungeon, combat, evil demon, shadow dragon, puzzles, discovery, randomness, gelatinous cubes, constructs, moral quandries, and lots of loot.

The Second Black Dawn
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
55 pages

Hi! I am pleased to present the official English-language release of the Italian best-selling adventure: La Seconda Alba Nera – The Second Black Dawn! If anyone is looking for a good starter adventure for 5th edition but wants something a bit grittier and darker may I recommend it. The Second Black Dawn is coming ... The king is missing. Hordes of undead spread across the kingdom like a plague. Outlaws attack and pillage defenseless villages. A party of adventurers is called upon to explore the region and investigate the mysterious disappearance of the king. Main Features: - A compelling, dark adventure estimated to last over 30 hours of gameplay and bring the characters from 1st to 5th level. - Five new monsters and one new weapon - Random encounters designed specifically to integrate with the tone of the adventure. - A list of music suitable for use as a soundtrack to accompany the adventure, to engage the players and emphasize the adventure's atmosphere. - Four pre-generated characters usable for the adventure. - Hypertext links in both the index and the text and bookmarks included. - An optimized PDF also available in a printer-friendly version. Find out what is bringing the kingdom to its knees... before it’s too late! Thanks to Marco Fossati for the translation and Simon Collins for the English-language editing. Any questions, please ask!

Cover of DDAL05-06 Beneath the Fetid Chelimber
DDAL05-06 Beneath the Fetid Chelimber
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
20 pages

The ruined wizard tower in the Marsh of Chelimber may hold a clue to defeating the super-intelligent hill giant, Bad Fruul, and prevent him troubling the town of Parnast. To find the tower, adventurers must overcome the watery magic of the fetid marsh and discover or clear a route to the ruins of a previously lost tower.

Cover of Encounters in the Savage Jungles
Encounters in the Savage Jungles
5th Edition
Levels 1–17
80 pages

This 80-page supplement contains 38 encounters written by many of the Dungeon Masters Guild’s best-selling writers. Encounters in the Savage Jungles includes 23 encounters / mini-adventures of various difficulty that can be used while the adventuring party braves the uncharted and savage jungles. It also includes 15 Quick Encounters, and additional resources. Although inspired by the Tomb of Annihilation, these encounters can be used with any official D&D campaign, or in your own home campaign. Many could even be used in forest, wilderness, or swamp settings. These encounters are location generic and are designed to be easily added to any campaign. Use them to introduce new players, as inspiration for a new campaign, as a one-shot, or whatever else you can think of.