A community for lazy dungeon masters
1673 adventures found
Cover of OP22 - Monster Falls
OP22 - Monster Falls
5th Edition
Level 1
2 pages

You and your associates dreamed of being big shot heroes but all you've managed to do was run afoul with a group of humanoids. Your speed has managed to distance yourself out of spear range and reached the river. The pounding waterfall matches the blood rushing in your ears and you try to move across the waterway only to find a cave system behind the water.Leaping in, you take a fortified position against the "horde"!

Cover of The Tales of the Haunted Ravine
The Tales of the Haunted Ravine
5th Edition
46 pages

The Tale of The Haunted Ravine is a Hex Crawl Adventure of Exploration that can be used for any game system but was designed for use with D&D 5e. A Hex crawl map and random roll tables are used to create surprising encounters and mysteries for your players to interact with. Wild necrotic magic, magical mutations, undead, lost souls, and demons all cloaked in a fog fog-choked landscape; forsaken by the gods and scarred by the battle fought here long ago. Will your adventurers survive and escape the Haunted Ravine? Or will they join the legions of cursed souls imprisoned in this corrupted land?

Cover of Midwinter Maleficence
Midwinter Maleficence
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
17 pages

The adventurers are called to the village of Pinecrest where all but one of the children have gone missing. Can they find the lost babes in the wood before the children meet their grisly fate?

Cover of Chalk Hill - Honeymoon at the Eight Maidens
Chalk Hill - Honeymoon at the Eight Maidens
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
26 pages

Synopsis: Chalk Hill is a lonely village on the edge of the Downs. Nearby barrows contain remains of long-dead kings. As is the local custom, a pair of young newlyweds went to the ancient standing stones for the druids to bless their union. They never came back. The heroes must find and return the couple, who have been taken into the grave of Eorl Wulfstan. The undead Eorl saw the new-wife in a dream, and she is the spit of his long-lost beloved, so he had his servants bring her to him. They slew the young man, who rose as undead under the Eorl’s control. Can the heroes find the survivor and put the dead back to rest? A 4 to 6 hour adventure for 4 to 6 Tier 1 characters—optimized for 5 characters of 3rd level. This adventure came about thanks to the generosity and encouragement of Dyson Logos, cartographer of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. In it you'll find maps never before seen in a Guild adventure! "Chalk Hill" is an Old School "out and down" dungeon crawl, where brave adventurers venture into the wilderness and pit themselves against horrors which would set a-quiver the flesh of honest folk. It's proof you can have an OSR experience using the 5e rules!

Cover of DDEX01-08 Tales Trees Tell
DDEX01-08 Tales Trees Tell
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

Despite the shaky alliance that exists with the elves of the Quivering Forest, they do not suffer trespass in their realm lightly, especially from common folk from nearby Phlan. A woodworker's recent blunder into the forest might set off a diplomatic incident. Can you help find him and mollify the aggravated elves?

Cover of MAR3 - Banshee of Whitestone
MAR3 - Banshee of Whitestone
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
15 pages

Today we kick off offerings from Margou Campaign. This scenario takes a group of 3rd level PCs that come upon, with help, an abandoned manor home. Perhaps they will find treasure or maybe death is about to find them!

Cover of A Gallop through the Wizard's Tower
A Gallop through the Wizard's Tower
5th Edition
Level 6
26 pages

A quick-paced exploration of the magic tower, home to the great Solomon, the Master Conjurer, an expert in fiendology. Adventurers have to find Control Orbs to disable the tower's security system before it destroys them, and discover the secrets of the tower in the process. Their progress will be ushered by a seemingly helpful entity with nefarious intent - Zarloxar, the blue Abishai. The success of adventurers could also finally spell freedom to the fiend... or not if players, under stress, will realize the trickery in time. Part of "Detailed Encounter" series - each "Detailed Encounter" - features new monsters with unique stat blocks, new magic items, a custom battle map, and detailed NPCs. It also has story hooks and advice enough, to quickly turn it into a separate adventure!

Cover of DDEX02-05 Flames of Kythorn
DDEX02-05 Flames of Kythorn
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
30 pages

During a summer drought, Mulmaster is threatened by a series of arson attacks. As the populace riots, accusations fly blaming Thayans, residents of the ghettos, rowdy sailors, the refugees from Phlan and dozens of others. Can you solve the mystery before the city burns?

Cover of Ghostlight
5th Edition
Level 1
22 pages

A mysterious ship emerges from the dark ocean mist, its lantern-lit deck silent and empty. When invisible hands cast lines and ropes over to the characters, will they accept the invitation to board and enter the secret afterlife of departed sailors? Ghostlight is a nautical sword-and-sorcery adventure and includes: -A haunting foray into the afterlife for good and evil sailors -A mad witch, a dashing rat pirate, and a tavern full of departed souls -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of DDAL07-07 Rotting Roots
DDAL07-07 Rotting Roots
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
9 pages

The sudden appearance of the undead within Port Nyanzaru doesn’t appear to be the only thing on the horizon. A vast horde of skeletons and zombies is moving towards the city and while those of means are safe within the city’s walls, those in the Old City and Malar’s Throat are forced to contend with the problem. Where did they come from? More importantly, what are you going to do to find out? Part Two of The Rot from Within Trilogy.

Cover of OP4 - Leprechaun's Luck
OP4 - Leprechaun's Luck
5th Edition
Level 1
2 pages

This single page, single player adventure introduces a new adventurer to the exploration life! Despite reservations by their family, the young PC opts to head to a nearby town to begin their career. The road to Remus is blocked thanks to a raging river but there was a shortcut that could be taken…

Cover of The Midnight Revelry
The Midnight Revelry
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
19 pages

The village of Farleigh's Well is the target of a vindicative fey noble. The villagers have been seen parading through the Misty Forest, leaving their crops to rot in the field. The characters must contend with powerful fey creatures on their home plane in this action-packed adventure. What's Inside: A highly adaptable single session adventure. Two original NPCs with full stat blocks. Two original magic items. Detailed combat tactics and roleplaying hints for novice and experienced DMs alike. Two brilliant maps to help you bring the adventure to life. Choose from either the Full version with art and page design or the Lite version for easy printing.

Cover of The Vault of Pallon the Pious
The Vault of Pallon the Pious
5th Edition
Level 2
2 pages

The Vault of Pallon the Pious is an adventure for four 2nd level PCs. A famous pirate captain came to worship a lawful god in his final years. After a lifetime of plundering, pillaging, scuttling, and murdering along the coastline, the fear-inspiring Pallon the Merciless rebranded himself as Pallon the Pious. But, a history of violence is a hard thing to reconcile, and the salty old dog slowly succumbed to madness. His most precious possession was a set of scales that reflected perfectly his own inner conflict. The Scales of Misjudgement are buried deep in the treasure room of his crazed rock-island vault.

Cover of A6-Bear Trouble
A6-Bear Trouble
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
? pages

It’s said that “Two’s company, three’s a crowd”, but what happens to those who make their living from adventuring if work begins to dry up and their only rivals are doing a better job than they are? Even heroes have to eat, so when their source of income is taken by others, they have to make some tough decisions. But if those around you don’t much care for you any more, what then; surely those tough decisions are easier to make? From being the stars of the show to last on the bill, the PCs find themselves caught up in skulduggery at every turn and having to decide just who is on their side. Friend becomes foe and those the PCs have counted as rivals may suddenly be their best allies. And in all of this confusion an exiled dwarf challenges their true loyalties; which way will the PCs turn?

Cover of SPA1: Mad Mage's Mansion
SPA1: Mad Mage's Mansion
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
36 pages

Who could know what is hidden within the secluded mansion of the crazed mage? Well, now, when nobody has seen him here for more than a year, it’s the best time to find out! A 4-hour adventure for two 1st–2nd level characters. Small Party Adventure: Though the party size of 3–5 characters is considered optimal in D&D, there are times when you can only gather one or two players at most. This adventure is designed exactly for such occasions.

Cover of The Coveted Gemstone
The Coveted Gemstone
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
6 pages

This adventure is designed as a side quest that can be inserted into an ongoing adventure or campaign. It involves a series of three linking scenes (and an optional fourth research scene between the others) that can be placed in between the action of whatever other event the party is undertaking. Ideally the scenes of this side adventure should be spread out and inserted into the game over several sessions of play.

Cult of Desire: Shadows of Oath-Iron
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
64 pages

Famous hunter and Resident Hero Task of Alivast welcomes you on your journey to becoming an adventurer.However, when his son Tarusk is kidnapped he will need your help to get him back. Yet something stale is on the wind. A cult following an evil Demi-god stands in your way and help may come from an unlikely place. Thus begins the quest of a lifetime for you and your fellow adventures. travel through forests, cold mountains, and even a trip beyond. Meet NPCs of original creation and some you may know of. But be ready, for sometimes... You may need to peer beyond what is before you to live. This is the first of a series of fan modules I'm working on. SO ENJOY! I have 6 planned so I hope you will be patient with me. Either way, I'm sure this small adventure will entertain you. Thank you to the Unexpectables Crew (Monty, Connor, Zito, Gaijin, Taka, Ed) For inspiring me with a world and characters I want to write about. Thank you to my Beta Readers (Tixdixl, Magologue, and KingKiwi). You were a great help. Thank you to the fans who allowed the show to go on for so long.

Cover of Rappan Athuk - The Dungeon of Graves (5E)
Rappan Athuk - The Dungeon of Graves (5E)
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
662 pages

The Dungeon of Graves, is nothing more and nothing less than a good, old–fashioned, First Edition dungeon crawl updated for the 5th Edition Roleplaying Game. Very difficult, it should strike fear into the hearts of the most stalwart adventurers. It offers an abundance of traps, tricks, and monsters. We hope that you find this module as fun and exciting as those thousands of players who have ventured into (and not as often out of) the endless caverns and mazes of Rappan Athuk—The Dungeon of Graves. Rappan Athuk is a difficult dungeon. Even the upper dungeon levels should not be attempted by a party of less than six mid-level characters.

Cover of Ghost Farm
Ghost Farm
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
12 pages

Have you ever considered how hard it would be to fight a tractor with a sword or greataxe? Your players deserve to find out! This adventure traps the player characters in a small pocket plane set up by nefarious forces. They must explore a small modern farm and deal with its hazards to end the curse placed on the farmer. There are, of course, a few complications to deal with, like animated farm equipment trying to kill them, and the innumerable horde of ghoulish chickens penned up in one of the chicken houses... The adventure is balanced for the way 5e is structured, meaning Long Resting is very risky, so they will have to conserve resources, and was designed and tested for 4 Level 6 players. It should take 3-6 hours to complete. It includes map images scaled for Roll20 and Fantasygrounds.

Cover of The Summer Games: A Feywild Adventure
The Summer Games: A Feywild Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
7 pages

There are many entrances to the Feywild, but none so grand as appearing before the throne of seelie fey, the Summer Court. The Summer Games, a bestselling mini-arc intended for 5th level characters, introduces a party to court intrigue in the Feywild, headed by Queen Titania with King Oberon at her side. In the tourney the party must navigate unknown dangers, asked by the Summer Queen "How will you win? With skill? With truth? With wit? With wager? Or without? These five tasks lie before you, and you must complete them all to continue." In the hunt your characters must quest for a magical, talking beast. But in the end, will they catch the White Hare, or will they wish they had? In the maze players must navigate a shifting labyrinth riddled with pit traps and Feywild nasties. At the feast the party is presented with their reward for their trials, the payment for being the entertainment at this courtly gathering… or perhaps they’re on the menu. This mini-arc references stat blocks presented in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes and the Monster Manual. Also provided within the PDF: download links to VTT and tabletop compatible maps relevant to scenes presented in the Summer Games.