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1673 adventures found
Cover of Escape from Wheloon
Escape from Wheloon
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
21 pages

The walled city of Wheloon holds the criminal population of Cormyr. The residents of that place are bound to it forever and cut off from the outside world. Inside, plans are made and malcontents pool their resources – and outside, forces influence the innocent to ensure that a dire plot can be realized without interference from the knights and mages that guard the realm. Now you’re here with no memory of what brought you to Wheloon, and all you can think of is finding out why!

Cover of FC10 - Crone's Pursuit
FC10 - Crone's Pursuit
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
14 pages

As fledgling adventurers, your group is looking for anything to increase their fame and line their pockets with gold. Upon crossing the countryside your group comes to Creedo’s Trail a small thorp in the Duchy of Starryshade. Upon arrival in town you find an inn to stay indoors finally and a job opportunity hanging at the Bagel Inn purporting an “easy job” for a “big reward”. The poster is reputedly a crone or witch who has need for some components for an experiment she is currently working on. Easy job AND big reward…what’s not to like!

A Stolen Song
5th Edition
Level 4
1 pages

The astronomer monks of Farsky failed for decades to tell the future by the stars. Desperate, they found a promising seer, and passed off her predictions as their own… until deadly illness struck. Unable to give up their lucrative scam, they trapped her spirit, which became a thing of evil: a banshee, whose howls foretold their doom. The party have heard rumors of a ruin, where once sages could answer any question… Notes by @Demian: Winner of One Page Dungeon Contest (OPDC) 2015. The adventure consists of a single small dungeon with 13 rooms and an exploration/time-based random Silence spell mechanic. It is themed around music and sound. Designed as a one-shot to be played in one 4–7 hour session.

Cover of Dragonlance: Quest for the Horn of Kiri-Jolith
Dragonlance: Quest for the Horn of Kiri-Jolith
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
15 pages

A loyal band of adventurers must find the Horn of Kiri-Jolith, a powerful artifact that could help turn the tide of the War of the Lance before the forces of the Blue Dragonarmy claim it. They must delve into the ruins of Castle di Garinoc - the home of Lord Kiril Garinoc, a Knight of Solamnia who perished 300 years ago in the Cataclysm - and recover the horn before the Blue Dragonarmy arrives and claims it for their own! Dragonlance: Quest for the Horn of Kiri-Jolith is a 5-7 hour adventure for 5th level characters. Inside Quest for the Horn of Kiri-Jolith you'll find: A multi-chapter adventure heavily-researched to fit neatly with previous canon and into the larger story of the War of the Lance. Exploration through a ruined castle from before the Cataclysm. Encounters with draconians, goblins, the ghostly lady that haunts the castle, and a final siege battle with the Blue Dragon, Swiftbolt! Unique versions of classic enemies and magic items to use in your own campaign. A foundational adventure designed to start a larger Dragonlance campaign.

Cover of Creaking in the Dark
Creaking in the Dark
5th Edition
24 pages

When an injured child collapses in the street, will you venture into the cellar he fled from to discover what hides, creaking in the dark? Published by Nord Games

Cover of Emeralds of Highfang
Emeralds of Highfang
5th Edition
High Level
16 pages

Wise rogues join the government, where their larceny has the cover of “legality” and the cash comes in heaps and piles from deceitful receipts and pocketed procurements rather than in small, bloodstained purses from breaking windows, scaling walls, and risking traps and long-fanged guard dogs. Wise rogues do not, by choice, go up against towering giants armed with clubs larger than the tallest rogue in the guild. Nor do they try to nick treasure from dragons without a group of powerful fellow adventurers behind them, who can hurl mighty spells, hack and hew toe to toe with an angry wyrm, heal the injured, and (when things go as they usually do), resurrect the dead. There are wise rogues, and then there are player characters. Emeralds of Highfang awaits them with open arms, offering special challenges and rewards to rogue characters—but as always, the prospects are much better for a party of adventurers from a variety of classes, with wide skills and experience, and of high level. Some might find that a broad base of experience is not only helpful, but essential for survival.

Cover of WE-1: Red Dawn
WE-1: Red Dawn
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
67 pages

WE-1: Red Dawn: An Eberron adventure about the end of the world. The year is 1019 YK, and the world is ending. Twenty-three years ago, the nations that were once Galifar signed the Treaty of Thronehold and ended the Last War. Now, the drums of war rumble once again. The peace that lasted a generation is threatened, and Eberron may go to war once again. As a member of the Scions of the Second Dawn, a secretive order dedicated to studying the Draconic Prophecy, this is merely background to you. Or, it was, until the eve of your initiation as full Scions. You emerged from the rite to find your monastery destroyed, bandits looting it, and all your friends and allies slain. You are the last survivors of your order, and the world is ending. You cannot stop the end of the world. But you can rebuild it. Can you escape the wreck of your secret order’s monastery, journey across the mountains in winter, search the mountain valley to unlock the cipher, and discover how to rebuild the world? Or will your frozen bodies join those of your fellows? Will you fall to fatalism and ennui, or will you fight to save what can be saved and rebuild what can be rebuilt? Find out, in the light of this RED DAWN.

Cover of CCC-SCAR01-02 Glister By Light
CCC-SCAR01-02 Glister By Light
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
32 pages

The mining town of Glister has a problem. The latest caravan only arrived with a part of its supplies. Orcs waylaid them, took much needed goods, and are now making demands that the town return an artifact that is theirs, but the town is unfamiliar with. Help track down information about this artifact and possibly defend the city from an orc invasion! A 4-hour Adventure for 1st-4th Level Characters Part 2 of Kossuth's Kiss

Cover of The Wayward Daughter
The Wayward Daughter
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
4 pages

Mary Seagrain is looking for her daughter who went missing during the last big storm. She is distraught and losing hope

Cover of Goblin Defense
Goblin Defense
5th Edition
Level 1
47 pages

Player characters attacking the lair of monsters that have been menacing the local village is a common D&D trope. This adventure turns the trope on its head. In Goblin Defense, the players create goblin PCs, and have to fight off repeated attacks by adventurers who are stronger and better equipped than they are. Starting at level 1 and running until level 7, this module encompasses 16 battles against unique and typically themed groups of adventurers built using player character classes and rules. The module is designed for 3 players, each of whom takes on an individual role within the tribe, granting unique bonuses or options for actions outside of combat. Goblin Defense can also be played with 4 players, but is not recommended for 5 or more players without substantial revision. The players aren't alone. Each commands a squad of goblin minions who can help in combat... but goblins are fragile, and adventurers hit hard. Life as a goblin is often brief and violent. Many will die, but as long as some survive, the tribe will carry on. A simple ruleset is provided for managing actions during the downtime between each attack. During this time, players can work to train their minions to use better gear, hunt for food for their tribe, recruit replacement warriors, brew potions, and - most importantly - improve their lair and its defenses by adding walls, traps, tunnels, doors, alarms, and anything else their creative minds can come up with. As the exact layout and placement of defensive features is critical, this is designed to be played on a grid. A PDF is included with the map scaled to print on 24"x36" (Arch D) size paper, available at most print shops. DMs may enjoy the chance to briefly try out many different character class and subclass combinations as they attack and eventually fall to the goblin pests they're trying to eliminate. Page count: Information for the DM only 6 Information for the players 4 Adventurer statblocks 37

Cover of FVS9 - Penchant for Adventure - 5
FVS9 - Penchant for Adventure - 5
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
17 pages

Penchant for Adventure – 5 takes a single PC and DM back to a popular ‘haunt’. With the normal group taking a little time off your PC hears of a gambling tourney in Penchant which coincides with the annual Reaping Festival. Give your player a chance to “howl at the moon” in this quick but dangerous adventure! Remember, Penchant is not for the faint of heart…but have no fear, the adventure is free so no risk in that regard.

Cover of Bitter Feast
Bitter Feast
5th Edition
Levels 19–20
29 pages

Bitter Feast is a 5e-compatible adventure for 20th-level characters. It focuses on role-playing and storytelling. The heroes are invited to the hall of King Kark to celebrate the Winter Solstice and, secretly, the winter of his own life. The journey there is set on a ship in a frigid ocean where the party can fill the space with tales of their past adventures, from times when their power was not so great. Suddenly they find themselves beset by a Kraken, smashing their boat and threatening their lives before skulking back into the deep. It is in this state that they meet the first guest of King Kark, Ardur Albain and his eleven knights.

Cover of A25: Flute of the Four Winds
A25: Flute of the Four Winds
5th Edition
Level 4
? pages

The majestic tree of the Four Winds grew in the forest west of the village of Rybalka, revered by the Vikmordere druids of the Snoqua tribe for its power to control the weather and hold balance with nature. When the Klavek Kingdom invaded the area, a powerful druid named Manahzo transferred the essence of the tree into a magi­cal flute to keep its power safe from the threat of the militaristic Empire. Entrusted with the flute by the Snoqua, he and his wife sought to hide the flute from the reach of the invaders. As they fought the Klavek military they found themselves forced into an old cave system in the mountains of the Vikmordere Valley where they faced not only the Klavek soldiers, but ancient primal horrors. While Manahzo kept the flute out of the invaders hands, he lost his wife in the battle. Manahzo now seeks revenge on the Klavek Kingdom and its citizens located in the village of Rybalka. The PCs find themselves in the midst of an attack on Rybalka by Manahzo and a group of rogue Snoqua warriors. They must fight beside the citizens of Rybalka to repel the attack, and then seek out the Snoqua to find a means to deal with Manahzo and his rogue companions. In the forests outside Rybalka they will face a demonic wolf ally of Manahzo’s before finally engaging him in a direct battle as he executes a final attack on Rybalka. Even if the PCs succeed in defeating Manahzo, the threat does not end as his thirst for vengeance continues even after his passing in the form of haunt on the village. Directed by the Snoqua on how to end the haunt, the PCs must venture to the caves where Manahzo’s wife died to confront the ancient horrors that were responsible for her demise and recover her body in order to give her a proper burial to calm Manahzo’s vengeful spirit once and for all and bring peace to the village of Rybalka. Also included in “Flute of the Four Winds”: Roleplaying opportunities to interact with various NPCs in Rybalka, the heart of the Aventyr campaign setting Two new monsters – The hive-minded Tunnel Horrors and their carnivorous primal kin, the Anglers High resolution encounter maps in a new location, the coal mines north of Rybalka

Cover of AS4 - Simian's Gate
AS4 - Simian's Gate
5th Edition
Levels 14–16
22 pages

This high level adventure returns the PCs to Helvana. A recent adventure has netted the party some Adamant, a rare ore in Filbar that is excellent for constructing weapons of amazing quality. As you arrive in Vorshmorgan to locate a smith you quickly discover there are problems in town. The scenario was designed to give upper level players a challenge and pits them against one of the most feared creatures in the land!

Cover of Penance For Sin
Penance For Sin
5th Edition
Any Level
11 pages

This horror mystery adventure scenario takes the players to a small village just behind the fog. In a last month, three people went missing from Dormay village and they still haven't been found. The concerned villagers want the players to find the missing folk or at least shed some light on their disappearance. Through investigative work the players will discover that the village has a 100 year old secret, a secret which punishes the wicked. While the villain died over a century ago, he left behind a dreadful design that torments the people to this day. Players' heart and soul will be put to the test as they are ultimately faced with the creature born of sin. Penance for Sin features a short horror mystery adventure scenario. It introduces a new fiendish monster. The adventure favors invastigation and roleplay over combat encounters. "The horror element" section in the adventure gives advice how to make your gaming sessions more frightening.

Cover of Tentacles. Very Dangerous. You Go First.
Tentacles. Very Dangerous. You Go First.
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
14 pages

TENTACLES. VERY DANGEROUS. YOU GO FIRST. Adventure in the Underdark, Part Two The colony of svirfneblin, while grateful for the adventurers’ deeds, is still in need of a reliable source of drinking water. The kuo-toa hold the lake, and there is the matter of the tentacled menace the party faced previously… This adventure is a continuation of Tentacles. Why Did It Have to Be Tentacles?, but can be run by itself as well. It is designed to easily fit into any standard fantasy setting. A 4-hour adventure for 6th-8th level characters

Cover of TB1: The Crooked Nail
TB1: The Crooked Nail
5th Edition
Level 1
38 pages

For decades, Theatre Infernalis offered shocking and frightful entertainment to customers who entered its gaping demonic facade and saw a frightful portrait of the eternal torments that await all sinners. Now rumours tell of the aging and supposedly-cursed proprietor's deteriorating health and the theatre's impending sale, and the Artist's Quarter has been abuzz with those seeking one final fright with a walk through the crucible-licked walls of the infernal house of the macabre before its final curtain call. But are the theatre's smoke-and-mirrors and cheap scares hiding a truly wicked secret? What is the nature of the curse and illness that afflict the owner? And did foul and profane rites once take place between its walls that outside forces now seek to exploit? What happens when the spookshow's fun and games transform into a terrifying reality, threatening to spill forth an infernal malevolence onto the streets of the Blight?

Cover of Guilds' Town: The Cult War
Guilds' Town: The Cult War
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
20 pages

Guilds Town is in the middle of Dravens, a province of the realm of Shrave. 50 years ago, the neighboring dwarven province of Kiernard rebelled and tried to overthrow the green dragon Shrave who rules the realm. They failed and their province was dissolved. Dwarves who left the province mostly fled to Dravens, and are called Nards as both a racial slur and a stigma of their people’s dishonor. Guilds Town are the ones really in control of the province and are the current opposition of the Dravens nobility. In recent times, corruption and crime in the city have risen to new heights as 4 cults compete for control of the city and their citizens. Published by NaturalCrit

Cover of FT - Kettlespit
FT - Kettlespit
5th Edition
Levels 1–9
16 pages

Home to a variety of merchants, malcontents, and adventures this city has something for everyone. A group favorite for one-shot adventures my players all enjoy a visit to this city located in the Principality of Lockerbie. This city has a both generalized encounters and open challenges for any numbers of players. The open challenges (City adventure hooks) have been left to assign challenge ratings depending upon the characters encountering the issue. The vast sprawl of the city gives the players a multitude of businesses to shop in but gives the DM the flexibility to make it “fit” their campaign. I hope your characters enjoy Kettlespit as much as mine do!

Cover of From The Forest They Fled
From The Forest They Fled
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
7 pages

Ashvale is a simple village, full of people who live their simple lives without knowing anything about the world outside their simple valley. But there is one thing that they know: animals can sense danger. And, for the last few days, animals have been running out of the woods. Characters are hired to investigate and must venture into the forest. But the culprit, a dryad, may have a good reason for chasing all of those animals away.