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1712 adventures found
Cover of Fierce Tempers
Fierce Tempers
5th Edition
Level 8
25 pages

A duergar mining expedition has led to a curious find - the entrance to the mythical Forge of Creation, where the first dwarves supposedly created the tools that brought civilization to the world. Their discovery has not gone unnoticed though, as their toiling within the forge has activated a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire, drawing the attention of the efreeti Camus, Eyes of Midnight. The PCs are caught in a clash between the efreeti sultan and the meddlesome duergar, and must survive threats from each faction and the dangers that lurk within the forge itself!

Cover of Of Ants and Men
Of Ants and Men
5th Edition
Levels 4–8
12 pages

"Sometimes bugs are just bugs, and sometimes they are organized into a hive mind that is just as smart as humans. Ants are just that. In battle, the ants become a horde of raging combatants that form a blur on all sides. While ants are typically peaceful, they respond to a threat against the hive with a scale of violence that’s almost impossible to imagine. Utterly devoted to duty, ants never retreat from a confrontation—even in the face of certain death. Their engagements are brief and brutal. Working in teams, ants grab enemies, holding them in place until one of the warriors rips into the captive’s body, leaving it smashed and oozing." "Of Ants and Men begins as a quest to recover (e.g., steal) eggs from a giant anthill near the town of Endhome." "This adventure is designed for characters of levels 4 to 8." "The adventure can also be played (perhaps more effectively) by smaller groups. In response to many requests from our fans, the main encounters are designed to work well with groups of two to three characters of levels 6 to 8. Even a solo adventurer could do reasonably well, if the individual character had very good climbing, trap finding, and stealth skills. Druids, barbarians, and rogues will fare best in cases where the groups are limited in size." "While there’s plenty of opportunity for combat here, characters who think through a situation before drawing their swords are likely to do best. Hacking one’s way through is likely to result in character deaths."

Cover of DDEX03-08 The Malady of Elventree
DDEX03-08 The Malady of Elventree
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
34 pages

An escaped duergar slave stumbles into the village of Elventree. With her she brings a malady that grips the small settlement in a bout of madness that seems unshakable. Can you find the source of the madness and save yourself and the village’s inhabitants? A four-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters.

Cover of Maidens of the Weave
Maidens of the Weave
5th Edition
Level 7
9 pages

After a drow girl goes missing, characters must delve into the depths of the Underdark to bring her back. As they journey through the dark, characters discover not all monsters are monstrous and webs are capable of restraining all manner of creatures; in fact, they can capture magic itself.

Cover of Ashes of Evensong
Ashes of Evensong
5th Edition
Levels 11–13
50 pages

They say the legendary Ashes of Evensong have been found! In the year 689 DR, the song dragon Evensong was incinerated by Kallurous, a red dragon. In the wake of her death, Evensong’s ashes were gathered into a hundred urns by members of the Harpers. Originally intended as mere relics, the urns fell out of the Harpers’ possession when the caravan transporting them was ambushed. They were thereafter lost to history. Three months ago, stories began to circulate that at least one of the urns has been found. An artificer from the city of Elskar claims to have acquired some of Evensong’s ashes. According to his story the ashes are more potently magical than even residuum, created as they were from the mortal remains of a powerful magical creature burned to ash in the fires of an even more powerful dragon’s breath. This tale is dismissed by most, but certain factions and private interests aren’t willing to reject the possibility without investigation. If true, the artificer may be in possession of a highly dangerous and unfathomably valuable substance. More importantly, he may be in possession of the knowledge of where it came from, and the secret of what happened to the Ashes of Evensong all those centuries ago. In search of the truth behind a rumour that some of the Ashes of Evensong have been found, the player characters find that the Ashes are ultimately incidental to a far more worrying development. The trail of the Ashes leads them to the discovery of a fiend pact warlock operating among the ruling class of the city, a vault of forbidden magics the secrets of which have been breached, and a diabolic artefact about to be reclaimed in the name of a Duchess of Hell. With a focus on investigation, puzzles, and dangerous traps, Ashes of Evensong rewards players for caution and cleverness. Published by Spilled Ale Studios

Cover of The Feystone Shards
The Feystone Shards
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
39 pages

The Feystone Shards is an adventure for characters from levels 5-8, optimized for 4-6 player characters. This moderate length campaign should have 20+ hours of gaming, all focused around the Forgotten realms area of Red Larch. The Heroes are tasked to find five fragments of a shattered Orb, once worshipped by a faction of Elves. The search will take the party to a haunted Citadel, as they seek the scattered remnants of the Feystone. From a city of Stone Golems, to an alchemist's underground lair - the players will face obstacles and enemies that will challenge their very resolve. The Heroes will need to discover the secrets of the bauble's fey magic, finding the lost Elvin city where the Orb was once worshiped as a God. Join in the hunt for the Feystone Shards, and see if your characters are ready to transcend common Heroes...and become Legends.

Cover of King of the Cats
King of the Cats
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
13 pages

A whimsical, urban romp inspired by the works of HP Lovecraft, Neil Gaiman and TS Eliot. Meet a host of strange and new characters such as the Worg Lord and the Wayside Oracle, while exploring Neverwinter's famous Clockwork Carnival and the notorious Sideshow Alley.

Cover of Snowbolds & Snowmen
Snowbolds & Snowmen
5th Edition
Level 1
6 pages

You have travelled to the legendarily festive town of Hamlet Court for the world famous Midwinter festival. You’re not in town long before you discover that the previous night, the annual Villager vs. Kobold snowball fight turned violent, putting a dampener on the festive mood. Madam Mayor looks solemn as she asks you to investigate exactly what has turned the long peaceful Snowbolds violent. She suggests you head to their Snow Cavern and fix the issue before it ruins Midwinter

Cover of Scraps of Divinity: Book 1 The Festival of Light
Scraps of Divinity: Book 1 The Festival of Light
5th Edition
Level 1
22 pages

People come from all over the Forgotten Realms to view the Light of Two Forks; a miraculous window into another plane. Among this crush of revelers are princes and paupers, sinners and saints, warriors and pacifists all looking to the sky in wonder. From the light comes a storm. After a massive explosion above showers the world with fire and death, a brave few must rise up as Heroes in order to save the people of Two Forks and, perhaps, all of the Forgotten Realms from the ravages of the Undead, a Mechanical menace and something far worse. This 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure is designed for 1st level characters, and is set in the Forgotten Realms.

Cover of Goblin Heist
Goblin Heist
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
16 pages

Ever feel like you just want to snatch all the blankets and pillows you can find and hide in your own warm little nest? Goblin Heist is a chaotic Tier 1 adventure where 1-6 players take control of goblin characters on a mission to steal as many cozy things as they can from the sleepy winter village of Little Humbleton. But be wary... the town has hired an adventurer to stop you! Can you and your goblin gang survive the cold, sneak into houses, steal the cozies, and escape before daybreak all without being caught? Goblin Heist is highly replayable, and features: - A choice of four adventurers protecting the town, each adding their own difficulty and flavour to the game - Variable weather conditions - Pursuit mechanics - Randomly generated challenges - Cozies - Stuffing sweets in your face

Cover of The Zombie Goblin Occurrence
The Zombie Goblin Occurrence
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
4 pages

The party finds themselves in a town being plagued by goblins, but not ordinary goblins - these goblins are zombified. Many of them are missing limbs and dripping with rot, but they still march to town with powerful intent. The party must help track down the origin of this plague - a Necromancer whose Blight Stone has been stolen by a group of mischievous kids who thought it would be fun to mess with the strange old man out in the woods.

Cover of The Silver Knight
The Silver Knight
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
17 pages

Even bad guys have heroes they look up to. The Silver Knight is a champion among the orcs, a title that is passed from orc to orc. As one falls in battle another rises, and the lineage continues. Forged of an ancient compact between deities of fate and heroism, the secret to the Silver Knight’s immortality lies in the signet ring worn by every Silver Knight. Tyrants and Hellions is a Dungeon Master's aide, containing fifteen villains complete with schemes, lairs, backstories, and everything else you need to drop them into your own 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Within its 400 pages you'll also find the methods, both mechanical and thematic, used to create villains that spark the imaginations of your players. The Silver Knight is one of these villains, and their adventure takes up 17 pages (pg 180-197). Published by 2CGaming

Cover of A Wyvern's Return
A Wyvern's Return
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
12 pages

Whilst spending time in Doorstep, the settlement that has grown up around the gates of Gauntlgrym, the town is attacked by an overwhelming force of orcs and you are pushed back into the city. You and your companions are offered an opportunity to escape the mountain through the trap laden, kobold infested, Red Wing Warrens and get help for the besieged city.

Cover of CCC-STORM-02 Swamp of Sorrow: Bloodpurge Village
CCC-STORM-02 Swamp of Sorrow: Bloodpurge Village
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
28 pages

Bloodpurge, a bayou village in the Flooded Forest, has come under siege by malevolent powers. Many hunters in this shanty-town have gone missing. Desperate folk murmur rumors of evil lurking in the willow groves.

Cover of Mystery of the Myconid Mausoleum
Mystery of the Myconid Mausoleum
5th Edition
Level 3
1 pages

Several days ago, a colony of myconids were born from the gloom and rot of a swamp near a small fishing town. They found a place to form their new colony, and settled on a crumbling mausoleum in a long-forgotten graveyard. Their rapport spores have been spreading unchecked, and have begun to infect the dead buried underneath the marsh. These dead have risen as spore servants, which the myconids are using as watchdogs to protect their new home from unwelcome intruders—like the adventurers. In this encounter, the characters stumble upon an old country graveyard in the middle of a swamp. When they investigate, they fall under attack by the living dead! Once they fend off their undead assailants, an investigation of the mausoleum reveals the true villain behind the attack: a group of mycanoids that infested the corpses with their spores, turning them into telepathically controlled puppets. From here, the characters can either negotiate with the mycanoids or kill them. This encounter’s three acts are: The Discovery: the characters find an abandoned graveyard. The Trial: the characters are attacked by undead. The Revelation: the characters learn that the zombies are really mycanoid spore servants, and can try to reason with the mushroom-people or destroy them. Either way, there’s treasure!

Cover of Cruel Summer
Cruel Summer
5th Edition
Level 5
41 pages

Cruel Summer expands on the summer arc of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, adding two new factions, several colorful new NPCs and four new mapped locations. After the Cassalanter's Founders' Day celebration ends in death and destruction, their twin children are found to be missing. Waterdeep is in an uproar, the Cassalanters aren't talking and it falls to the party to solve the mystery of the childrens disappearance. Could it be connected to the sinister new faction taking root in the city? Who is the stranger whose corpse was left behind in the twins' bedroom? Is there a link to the surprisingly vicious Noble Council of Soapmakers? With this supplement, the PCs will have a chance to save the Cassalanter children from the terrible fate outlined in Dragon Heist, avoiding the "Trolley Dilemma" situation some players might not enjoy. It also incorporates elements of the Spring, Fall and Winter arcs, allowing the players to rub shoulders with Jarlaxle, Manshoon and the Xanathar.

Cover of A12: When the Ship Goes Down
A12: When the Ship Goes Down
5th Edition
Levels 8–11
? pages

The PCs are asked by a friend, Captain Erfaran Honamatros, to find out what has caused the death of one of her fellow captains. After weeks of storms and bad weather, ships from Mohkba haven’t been arriving, but a body has floated in. Captain Honamatros is so concerned that she offers her ship, her crew and even to pay for the journey if the PCs come along, as well as everything they find unless it is a keepsake. The captains that sail the Serpent Lake are experienced women and men and the loss of a ship and its complement is a rare event outside of war. What starts out as a journey to discover what sank a ship quickly becomes more involved. Former companion creatures of a giant appear, telling of a floating island causing chaos, and when the PCs find this island, they discover it holds new occupants who have no wish to leave and a weather machine that has been damaged and is malfunctioning! The task is now to decommission the machine and make the sailing route safe once again. But where do you start when a violent storm is raging around the island and the giant’s former home is now upside down? Also included in ""When the Ship Goes Down”: Choice of crowd control rules to deal with a riot A minor artifact weather machine and its extreme weather table New Monster: the Elektrohydra New Monster variation: the Lightning Mephit (3.5E), Snow Roc and Incorporeal Giant 4 new Magical Items, including a Weather Machine in need of repair! 3 new Traps! Suggestions to adjust the encounters for parties of different levels and hooks to continue the adventure"

Cover of Horror in the House of Dagon
Horror in the House of Dagon
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
23 pages

A desperate father, a missing girl, and a simple investigation - but nothing is ever simple. As you peel back the layers of mystery, you uncover a dark god, vile sorcery, and a malevolent cult set to unleash horror upon the land... Horror in the House of Dagon is an enthralling and exciting adventure, with lots of role-playing, exploration, and horrifying combat encounters! This adventure is designed for 1st-4th level characters, and will take 3-6 hours to complete.

Cover of The Horrors Beneath Hopen'er Asylum
The Horrors Beneath Hopen'er Asylum
5th Edition
Levels 6–7
27 pages

The corrupt town guard of the Styes refuse to help when a mysterious monster begins to slaughter the residents of Hopen'er Asylum, an old decrepit mental aslyum. A call is put out for any adventurers willing to defeat this mosnter and save Hopen'er before it falls any further into madness... From the author of Murder on the Primewater Pleasure comes The Horrors Beneath Hopen'er Asylum. If you enjoyed that adventure then you will love this! This horror adventure takes place in and below Hopen'er Asylum. Originally designed to serve as an introduction to the location known as The Styes frorm the Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign book, this adventure can be easily transferred to any setting (advice is given on how to do this). The characters will explore an abandoned underground wing of the mental asylum, before delving into a forgotten cave system to face an unknown enemy, a Dubh. The adventure is designed for 6th - 7th level characters and takes anywhere between 4 - 6 hours to finish. The adventure contains full colour maps, as well as VTT versions of the maps.

Cover of Greenhouse of Nightmares
Greenhouse of Nightmares
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
32 pages

The natural world is dying and Thymia Scarletscale has had enough. It's time to destroy civilization and pluck the humanoid parasites from the face of this world. And honestly, is she wrong? Will the players succeed in infiltrating Thymia's lair The Verdant Phronstistery and bring an end to her schemes? Or will Thymia & her team of yuan-ti research assistants create an army of monstrous insects to wipe humanoids from the face of the world? Greenhouse of Nightmares is the first installment in Pretty Little Liches: a trilogy of adventures centered around three unique liches and their lairs designed for high-level play. These three lairs and the surrounding regions can be run independently as individual adventures or tied together into a mini-campaign that centers on the destruction of the Green Hand, an organization of dangerous liches. A 3-5 hour Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure for Tier 4 (level 17-20) characters. This adventure includes: 6 Random Encounters for a Deadly Swamp, Battle Tactics for a 3-Stage Boss Fight, a CR 26 Medusa Lich with New Legendary Actions, 7 New Monsters, & 2 New Magic Items!