A community for lazy dungeon masters
661 adventures found
Cover of The Leopard Men
The Leopard Men
Levels 8–10
15 pages

A deadly rumble in the jungle. The wicked Leopard Men might have loads of treasure - but no one has ever met one and lived to talk about it. The Leopard Men are a tribal cult in the jungle who worship the wicked leopard god. They stalk at night looking for suitable sacrifices to their god. A merchant asks the PCs to destroy the Leopard Men to improve his trade agreements with other jungle tribes. Their reward for doing so is all the accumulated wealth of this tribe. The party will investigate the cult by travelling through several tribal villages. The cult members are hidden in these villages, watching for future sacrifice victims. The adventure ends with a battle with the leader of the Leopard Men and a spirit of the leopard god that is summoned. Pgs. 13-27

Cover of Death Triumphant
Death Triumphant
Levels 6–10
64 pages

"At midnight everyone will die..." Azalin the lich lord is launching another diabolical plan. He has allied himself with the entity known as Death, and together they plan to raze the domain of Darkon. From the ashes of the once-mighty land will rise a new domain - Necropolis, the land of the dead! For the citizens of Darkon, death has been an everyday companion, and sometimes a yearned-for end to suffering. However, now the cold comfort of the grave is forever denied these good men and women as they find themselves walking the land after their breath has left them. Heroes have always considered the undead to be mere monsters, legions of mindless evil to be slain with no second thought. Now the heroes will learn the agony of actually being one of the living dead. They become monsters, and the entire world becomes their enemy. Death Triumphant: A 64-page adventure that puts the heroes in the middle of Lord Azalin's ultimate scheme to escape from Ravenloft. Death Triumphant can be played as a stand-alone adventure or as the final chapter in the Grim Harvest series. Part of TSR 1146 Requiem - The Grim Harvest

Cover of Necropolis
Levels 2–4
5 pages

"The dead just want a little respect." The village of Wargrave's only claim to significance is as the resting place of soldiers from a long-ago battle. Now it seems that the dead are stirring. Roleplaying of forces at cross-purposes, with sentient undead. Set nominally in the Forgotten Realms, but the adventure is essentially generic.

Cover of House of Cards
House of Cards
Levels 9–12
26 pages

The fate of a city lies within a dungeon whose doors are sealed with - cards It's up to you to bring it tumbling down. “House of Cards” combined dungeon exploration with the Deck of Many Things to create an adventure experience unlike anything seen before. The deck is both a treasure and a trap, guarding a tomb complex that’s being used by the Night Masks thieves’ guild as a lair. If the PCs want the deck for themselves, they must first gather all the cards, which is easier said than done. - Christopher Perkins Pgs. 38-64

Cover of Moonless Night: The Defense of Goblin’s Tooth part I
Moonless Night: The Defense of Goblin’s Tooth part I
Levels 1–3
44 pages

Moonless Night is an adventure module composed of short adventures which are compatible with both the first and second editions of the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game. The adventures are designed with novice players and dungeon masters (DMs) in mind; more experienced gamers may find the action too scripted, the dangers too forgiving, and the plot too linear for their tastes. In such a case, the DM is encouraged to expand, revise, and delete as necessary.

Cover of FS2 - Tabernacle of the Ka-Sik-Fal
FS2 - Tabernacle of the Ka-Sik-Fal
Levels 1–3
35 pages

SPECIAL DOUBLE ISSUE! The Tabernacle of Ka-Sik-Fal is a 2 in 1 adventure including a TRUE SOLO adventure. This double adventure is actually the same adventure in two formats, one DM & PC, and the other a true do it yourself adventure. This adventure is for a PC of 1-3 level . It follows the Filbar Campaign setting but can be placed in any campaign setting. This adventure takes a single PC into a deserted shrine to discover the whereabouts of missing villagers. At 35 pages this adventure will keep your PC busy. Did I mention a true 1 person solo adventure?

Cover of The Return of Randal Morn
The Return of Randal Morn
Levels 1–4
32 pages

In part one of the Randal Morn Trilogy, "The Sword of the Dales," the legendary leader of Daggerdale, Randal Morn, was captured by unknown assailants as he sought to regain the great weapon for which that adventure was named. A stalwart band of enthusiastic heroes was recruited to ride to his aid, yet all they recovered was the Sword itself and a message: "Seek me in Spiderhaunt Wood." In the second part of the trilogy, "The Secret of Spiderhaunt," those same adventurers found Randal and freed him briefly, yet he was almost as quickly torn from their grasp by an agent of the evil Zhentarim, seeking to end the threat of Randal Morn's return to power. In this final episode, the heroes must follow the kidnapper's trail and rescue Randal Morn again before the Zhentarim finish interrogating him and the axe falls upon his neck. Armed with the Sword of the Dales and aided by a powerful spirit that lives within the weapon, the heroes must march into the heart of Zhent-occupied Dagger Falls, free Randal Morn, and save the city from utter destruction. The job is dangerous - perhaps more than the heroes can handle - yet those who would live in songs and legends cannot concern themselves with living to a ripe old age! This is the final part of a trilogy of modules that began with "The Sword of the Dales" and "The Secret of Spiderhaunt." TSR 9488

Cover of The White Boar of Kilfay
The White Boar of Kilfay
Levels 3–7
16 pages

A dangerous beast - but one with a mission. Even the gods slip up now and then, but few dare remind them of it. Ri Conn's son was killed by the white boar of Kilfay, and he has passed sentence of death upon it! What starts as a hunting expedition for the PCs ends up being a grand adventure through the forest. Several interesting set pieces on the path of the boar's rampage are included in the adventure. The path of destruction leads through a goblin camp and ends in the tower of a now-dead mage (which still holds the target of the boar's ire, a mutated bulette that the mage bred). Will the party help the boar kill the bulette mutation, or let it free? Pgs. 32-47

Cover of FT - Corsair Bay
FT - Corsair Bay
Levels 1–6
17 pages

Clover Island is home to one of the wildest towns in the world of Filbar. While the town of Corsair Bay is recognized as the home of the Pirate Kingdom it is a fully functional town. This location sits at the midway point for those crossing the Newmack Sea and is a resupply stop for most commercial traffic pirate and otherwise. The ruler of Corsair Bay is the legendary, and somewhat retired, pirate named Hannibal the Black. This fearsome pirate now enjoys ruling the community and most of the explored areas on the island but his ship still waits in port for him should he decide to set sail again

Cover of Ssscaly Thingsss
Ssscaly Thingsss
Levels 3–6
14 pages

Second in the Mere of Dead Men series, your Patron, Sir Justin sends you to investigate Mornhaven Towers and the rumors that Lizard Men are plundering travelers on the High Road. Set in the Mere of Dead Men region of the Forgotten Realms.

Cover of WS3 Distant Turtle City
WS3 Distant Turtle City
Levels 5–7
20 pages

The journey continues on the high seas as the ship crosses the equatorial reach and heads into waters rarely visited by the children of the North. While plying the trades far off the coast of the mysterious T'ung Empire, the characters encounter a derelict ship caught in a thick seaweed sargasso. The ruins of the craft point to Molo and his deadly plot, and the chase continues to a new port of call, that of Distant Turtle City. Can the city be freed of Molo's dark influence? Do the brave adventurers have what it takes to challenge shade ninjas, ogre magi, bushido goblins, and even a rumored eye tyrant? Only time and dice will tell! This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of FN6 - Sunken Temple of Bulu
FN6 - Sunken Temple of Bulu
Levels 4–6
15 pages

Tillius Morganstein aka the Mad Mage has selected your group to investigate an ancient temple hidden below the peaceful waters of Lake Springwood. The wizard is too old to investigate the area himself and has enlisted your help. While he has studied the ancient texts dedicated to "Bulu" he cannot define what dangers may lurk or what treasures may await those brave enough to delve into the submerged halls but surely the rewards will be great!

Cover of The Standing Stones of Sundown
The Standing Stones of Sundown
Levels 4–9
13 pages

The door to the Abyss can be opened with good intentions. An act of mercy released a creature of unspeakable evil. Now, only you have a chance to stop it. A vrock has been trapped inside a stone circle outside the village of Sundown. This stone circle remained untouched for thousands of years, until an unwitting mage decided to depetrify one of the standing stones that he mistakenly thought was a helpless farmer. This released the vrock, who killed the mage and has been trying to regain enough power to plane shift back to its home. This module primarily is based on investigation and problem solving, with a final fight with the vrock at the end. Roleplaying should be emphasized. The town of Sundown is fleshed out with NPCs and stores for player exploration. Pgs. 4-16

Cover of Axe of the Dwarvish Lords
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords
Levels 13–15
192 pages

The Dwarven clans are in chaos, and a powerful host of goblins stand poised to sweep over the land in a wave of death and terror. Only the Axe of the Dwarvish Lords- one of the most powerful weapons ever created by the dwarven race- holds the key to ultimate victory against the massing humanoids. Can the PCs brave the labyrinth of an abandoned dwarven stronghold to find the Axe? TSR 11347

Cover of WG6 - Isle of the Ape
WG6 - Isle of the Ape
Levels 18–20
48 pages

Isle of the Ape is an adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game World of Greyhawk campaign setting, in which the events occur in a magical demiplane of the same name created by the mad archmage Zagyg Yragerne TSR 9153

Cover of Adam's Wrath
Adam's Wrath
Levels 5–7
68 pages

There are some things that mere mortals were never meant to know. . . . In the domain of Lamordia, Doctor Victor Mordenheim created Adam?cobbling the creature together from parts of human corpses. Now, years later, Adam wants revenge. Adam wants Elise, Victor's wife. Adam wants Victor dead. The player characters' ship founders on the coast of the domain of Lamordia. A vicious storm leaves them washed ashore, cold and hungry on the ice-bound Isle of Agony. . . . Then the terror begins. The adventurers embark on a journey of fear that leads from certain doom on the frozen island to a strange new life a Schloss Mordenheim. To return home they must challenge Adam himself and discover a portal?a gate that might lead homeward. TSR 9439 Adam's Wrath is intended for a party of four to eight characters of 5th to 7th level. Carefully designed to allow a Dungeon Master to launch from any campaign world or Ravenloft domain, Adam's Wrath is an adventure your characters will never forget?if they survive!

Cover of Easy Money
Easy Money
Levels 4–6
6 pages

Jack Mooney owner of the "Jack Mooney & Sons" Circus. Wants to hire the PCs to capture a great cave bear with a brilliant golden coat.

Cover of FS11 - Wedding Daze
FS11 - Wedding Daze
Levels 1–2
20 pages

As a future hero, your master has given you one last task to complete before releasing you from your training - delivering a message. Knowing that you are about to start your career on your own is exciting and this task should be a simple one. A two day trip to congratulate Lord Siklos on the wedding of his daughter and you will control your own destiny. Little do you realize that something has gone terribly wrong at the ceremony! This adventure setting was designed for 1st/2nd Edition AD&D for the Filbar Campaign for a solo/low level adventurer and DM.

Cover of Twilights Last Gleaming
Twilights Last Gleaming
Levels 8–10
18 pages

Where shadows reign, darkness follows. You'll be lucky if you live to see the dawn's early light. The player characters are charged with entering a portal the demiplane of shadows to retrieve a magical staff that can close the portal. Roleplaying and betrayal. This adventure features many creatures native to and associated with the demiplane of shadow, often as random encounters. Pgs. 8-25

Cover of The Lurkers in the Library
The Lurkers in the Library
Levels 1–3
6 pages

Some monsters don't have any class. The quest for knowledge can be as dangerous as any other. The heroes investigate a library after one of the locals claims to have seen a librarian be attacked by a tentacled creature. In reality, a group of orcs found a secret entrance into the library and the "tentacle" is merely the whip that the leader wields. The party must make their way through a labyrinth hidden underneath the library and rescue the hostages. Pgs. 4-9