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661 adventures found
Cover of Caermor
Levels 2–4
11 pages

Why would a town refuse to be rescued? A highland town faces a greater danger than can be imagined - and no one wants your help against it. In a remote village in the desolate north, a spate of murders and kidnappings has the town on edge. A woman named Gwendolyn goes missing and it is suspected that Albee is the perpetrator. However there is a conspiracy in the village that the heroes must unravel, to which they discover is actually the sinister plot of a devil worshiping cult. Pgs. 33-43

Cover of WG7 Castle Greyhawk
WG7 Castle Greyhawk
Levels 0–2
130 pages

Deep beneath the keep of Castle Greyhawk, a really nasty device is creating mutated, unpleasant monsters that are running wild throughout the castle and the twelve-level dungeon beneath. The call has gone out for heroic, fearless, and perhaps foolish adventures to out-hack, out-slash, and sometimes even out-think hordes of doughmen, headless mice, manic bee queens, really bad dead things, burgermen, crazed chefs, and movie moguls. If they survive these and much odder obstacles, the characters still have to find the nasty monster creator and put it out of business. Castle Greyhawkcontains 13 detailed levels for adventuring and exploration. Each is a separate adventure written by different author and each has its own unique brand of baffling weirdness. Some levels involve solving puzzles and some require good old hacking and slashing. The adventure can be played separately or all together as a grand quest to free Castle Greyhawk from the evil, rotten hordes that are plaguing it. The common theme of this dungeon is that no joke is so old, no pun so bad, and no schtick so obvious that it can't be used to confuse and trip up PCs! 13 Adventures for Character Levels 0 to 25. TSR 9222

Cover of In the Black Hours part 1
In the Black Hours part 1
Levels 6–9
8 pages

You are hired by a merchant to protect a rare item, a crystal crown, for one night against the attempts of the city's thieves guild. The arrogant guildmaster has informed the merchant that he will steal the crown and he cannot be stopped. Continues in Part 2 in Polyhedron #23 Pgs. 13-20

Cover of DS1 Freedom
DS1 Freedom
Level 3
120 pages

Enter the ancient and corrupt city of Tyr, whose tyrannical sorcerer king has ruled for a millennium. As you wander the city, from the wreck of the Elven warrens to the sanguine splendor of the arena, you realize that the citizens of Tyr thirst less for water than they do for freedom. Now, after a century of slave labor, sorcerer king Kalak's great ziggurat nears completion. He has promised the city a grand celebration when the monument is done, complete with the most brutal arena spectacle in Tyr's long history. Rumors abound as to the nature of the spectacle: some believe it will bring with it the longed for manumission of countless slaves: others fear the annihilation of Tyr and her people as a sacrifice to Kalak's hunger for power; and a secret few believe it will be a day of revolution - a day of freedom. The adventure that introduces the Dark Sun setting as well as part of its metaplot. The adventure starts with the PCs being enslaved and forced to work on Tyr's ziggurat, where they make various connections that can affect things both in this adventure and the next in the series (Road to Urik). The finale takes place simultaneously with the finale of the Verdant Passage novel, and has something of a disaster movie feel - major events are happening, and the PCs are trying to survive in their shadow and (hopefully) save some people as well. Like many other Dark Sun modules, this adventure comes with a flip-book full of handouts as well as a few pre-generated starting-level characters. TSR 2401

Cover of Uzaglu of the Underdark
Uzaglu of the Underdark
Levels 5–10
4 pages

"The module takes place in a large cavern that is part of an extensive underground cave network. It can be used as a side-trek encounter in the Undermountain or Night Below campaign." -- from the adventure. Includes a small keyed map of the cavern.

Cover of The Titan's Dream
The Titan's Dream
Levels 5–9
11 pages

A bizarre journey into the realm of sleep. A casual visit to a living, nightmare theater. The King sends the party to speak to the Oracle, a Titan named Andromicus and ask about the fate of the kingdom. But the titan is asleep and sleeping he draws the heroes into his dream! This very weird adventure imagines the titan is dreaming three different five act plays whose stories intertwine and intermix randomly. The heroes find themselves in a random act of a random play and must "solve" the central tension of the act to put the Titan's mind at ease and move on to the next Act. Once they solved five different acts (which may happen out of order and each be from different stories) they exit the dream and the Titan wakes, allowing the players to ask the Titan Oracle a question. Some acts are short roleplaying encounters, some are full on combat scenarios. While the players can earn experience, and might get some cash, any magic items they find are illusory! A unique adventure with a lot of promise for an open-minded DM. Seems very like a classic Star Trek episode and in fact follows many of the same rules about Gods and Dreams. Pgs. 5-15

Cover of FP11 - Johan's Lost Vault
FP11 - Johan's Lost Vault
Levels 7–10
35 pages

At one time the City of Tygos was a bustling metropolis located in the southeastern portion of the Plains of Dorack. Sitting in the shadow of the Dorack Mountains this city flourished as a trading metropolis. Decades ago the leaders of the city, the Serpentine Cultists, began a racially charged campaign against certain factions of the Plainsmen tribes. The resulting response of the Plainsmen was devastating to Tygos and the city was levelled for the most part and the water supply was poisoned. The city was also home to a group of adventurers called JOHAN and their fortress was said to contain powerful ancient magic that was never recovered. If these items can be located the resulting power can bring continued success to your party’s wealth and fame.

Cover of The Defiler's Gambit
The Defiler's Gambit
Levels 7–12
5 pages

A short adventure to tie player characters into the events of the climax of the Prism of Pentad series. Terrible cataclysmic occurrences herald the end of one Athasian age and the beginning of another. As the Great Earthquake rattled the Tablelands huge storm of lightning and torrential rain appeared over the distant edge of the Sea of Silt, a powerful defiler named Malignor watched for a sign from his master, Tithian, King of Tyr... The relentless passage of time sweeps across the burning plains, and the world beneath the crimson sun changes in its wake... The Dragon of Tyr is gone, his evil scattered on the scalding winds. Torrential rains fall over the Sea of Silt, spinning off deadly storms that can strike anywhere in the Tablelands with only a moment's notice. Violent upheaval rocks the city-states of Raam, Draj, and Balic after the deaths of their sorceror-kings. A new age has dawned on Athas, but will it be an age of restoration - or of destruction?

Cover of FT - Silvantri
FT - Silvantri
Levels 1–6
11 pages

Tucked away in the Springwood Forest is the Elven settlement of Silvantri. The town is filled with those Elves who left their ancestral home in the Treetop Forest. The community is elevated and suspension bridges link the buildings together. This setting will allow those enjoy Elven backgrounds to further their joy.

Cover of Huddle Farm
Huddle Farm
Levels 1–4
15 pages

A family feud - with green cows? A barn is burned, a field is trampled, and halfling tempers flare. Can you prevent a family feud? Pgs. 48-62

Cover of FA1 Halls of the High King
FA1 Halls of the High King
Levels 6–8
71 pages

Someone in the misty, wooded Moonshae isles needs hundreds of brand new swords taken under guard from Sword Coast smiths to a certain place on the Isles. The swords are needed so badly, and their safe arrival is considered so unlikely, that someone is willing to pay adventurers a lot of gold - someone fairly important. Adventures foolish enough to take assignments too good to be true (or merely desperate for coins) will soon find themselves embroiled in a dark and mysterious struggle against evil that will take them into sacred groves, crumbling castles, and through ancient magical gates to the halls of the High King - and beyond -- An adventure that takes place on the Moonshae Isles, in which a mid-to-high level party fights against the encroaching darkness of The Cult of Bane. Although helped by the Harpers, players will have to uncover the plans of the cult, and thwart them where possible. Preventing the summoning of the "Godson", a manifestation of Bane's evil. Part of the "Forgotten Realms Adventure" series, this is FA1 - Halls of the High King. FA2 is "Nightmare Keep" TSR 9301

Cover of ROS6 Realms of Madness and Despair!
ROS6 Realms of Madness and Despair!
Levels 10–12
32 pages

The final fate of Roslof Keep and the Company of the Ivory Scimitar hangs in the balance. With five levels conquered, the party must finally face the ultimate challenge of the sixth and final floor. Can the stalward adventures overcome the last defense of the Infernal Machine? Will Roslof Keep be freed from the violet corruption? What unforeseen plot twists still await those willing to brave the challenges presented in The Realms of Madness and Despair? This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of Circle of Darkness
Circle of Darkness
Levels 5–7
64 pages

The Mists of Ravenloft lead to G'Henna, land of famine and zealous devotion to Yagno Petrovna, high priest of the Beast-God, Zhakata. In the cities of G'Hanna, worshipers starve themselves to prove their faith; in the Outlands, twisted mongrelmen struggle to survive in a land of unforgiving windstorms and bleak plains. No domain in the Demiplane of Dread has been in greater need of change?and the subtle agents of the Circle of Darkness wish for nothing less than the overthrow their oppressive leader and create a new order lead by Zhakata himself. They should be careful what they wish for. Circle of Darkness is a dangerous adventure for heroes willing to face not only the Dark Lord of G'Henna, but also the greater evil which threatens to overcome him. The fate of an entire domain is in the heroes' hands! For 4 to 6 characters of levels 5 to 7. TSR 9493

Cover of FP1 - Yasmine's Tower
FP1 - Yasmine's Tower
Levels 1–3
20 pages

Deep in a secluded vale is a place known to the locals as Yasmine's Tower. It is said that she is an evil witch who uses magic to bend lost travellers to her will. Can your party put an end to this evil?

Cover of Avenging Murik
Avenging Murik
Levels 4–6
2 pages

Nothing's more dangerous than a vengeful dwarf except, perhaps, a greedy one. En route somewhere in a barren wilderness, the PCs find a couple of dwarves--one is burying his brother who was killed by a stone giant; but not all is as it seems. "The module can be placed in any temperate wilderness setting. Players who excel at role playing may find the adventure more rewarding than hack-and-slash types. At least one character should possess a silver or magical weapon." Pgs. 16-17

Cover of S1 Tomb of Horrors
S1 Tomb of Horrors
Levels 10–14
12 pages

Somewhere under a lost and lonely hill of grim and foreboding aspect lies a labyrinthine crypt. It is filled with terrible traps and not a few strange and ferocious monsters to slay the unwary. It is filled with rich treasures both precious and magical, but in addition to the aforementioned guardians, there is said to be a demilich who still wards his final haunt (Be warned that tales told have it that this being possesses powers which make him nearly undefeatable). Accounts relate that it is quite unlikely that any adventurers will ever find the chamber where the demilich Acererak lingers, for the passages and rooms of the Tomb are fraught with terrible traps, poison gases, and magical protections. Furthermore, the demi-lich has so well hidden his lair, that even those who avoid the pitfalls will not be likely to locale their true goal. In the far reaches of the world, under a lost and lonely hill, lies the sinister TOMB OF HORRORS. This Labyrinthine crypt is filled with terrible traps, strange and ferocious monsters, rich and magical treasures, and somewhere within rests the evil Demi-Lich. TSR 9022

Cover of I5 Lost Tomb of Martek
I5 Lost Tomb of Martek
Levels 7–9
32 pages

Your sleek cloudskate skims across the Skysea. It is midnight. All day long, the glass sea soaked up the scorching desert sunlight. Now, that heat lifts your ship a few inches off the glass and fills its sails. The only sound you hear is the soft swish of the diamond-edged rudder as it cuts a path across the Skysea. One thousand years ago, the wizard Martek knew that you would come to find his Sphere of Power. Now, one of his glowing Star Gems shows you the way. The starlight, reflected in the glass beneath you, flickers peacefully. Suddenly, the Skysea before you bursts up into a thousand shards of splintered glass, showering into the moonlight! A horrible creature is silhouetted against the moon. You strain against the rudder to keep your ship upright. Too late! Your cloudskate tips onto one runner, and then tumbles over, skidding to a stop on the glass. As your companions struggle to right the ship, you turn and face the monster. You must hold the creature back to give them time. Without the ship, none of you can get off the glass before the sun rises in the morning. Martek's prophecy spoke of heroes, tests, and dangers. Are you the heroes? What are the tests? What dangers and riches lie ahead? This adventure can be played by itself, or as the third and final part of the Desert of Desolation series. For character levels 7-9. TSR 9054

Cover of In the Dwarven King's Court
In the Dwarven King's Court
Levels 3–5
17 pages

The game is afoot in the royal palace. A thief prowls the dwarven palace, but even more goes on than meets the eye. Set in in a dwarven kingdom, a peace treaty with an aggressive rival kingdom is to be signed with ceremonial gifts exchanged to mark the occasion. However the treaty is put in jeopardy when the ceremonial sword that was gifted to the kingdom is stolen before the signing. The adventure begins when the characters receive a vision that directs them to help the kingdom. They must investigate the mystery of the missing sword, navigating a diverse cast of palace dwarves in order to preserve peace in the kingdom. A tale of intrigue, can the heroes find the sword before it is too late? Pgs. 16-32

Cover of Jakandor, Land of Legend
Jakandor, Land of Legend
Levels 2–7
144 pages

The battle for Jakandor is joined as two cultures clash - fierce barbarians and powerful wizards who both believe their destiny is to destroy the other! In such struggles legends are forged! Jakandor, Land of Legend brings the epic struggle of the Jakandor ODYSSEY trilogy to its startling climax. The Knorr and the Charonti are embroiled in a blood feud to claim ownership of their island home: Here are the legendary battles that will either unite two nations or destroy them. This product presents an anthology of adventures and the tools to run an exciting campaign in this land of feuding barbarians and wizards. Additional sites, details of Jakandor's wilderness, and expanded random encounter charts are part of the package. A full-color map features the first true view of the island, combining the Knorr east with the Charonti west. The adventures, adaptable to either society, allow players to explore both the Knorrman and the Charonti cultures. Included is a scenario to help DMs add Jakandor to their existing AD&D campaigns, as well as a large adventure that explores an extensive underground ruin. Finally, rules are presented for battles between the gigantic magical constructs of both cultures. Contains 7 adventures: Island of Fire, Island of Death Vengeance at the Great Drum Amid the Ruins Siege of the Magelord Home Again, Home Menu for Adventure When Titans Clash TSR 09472, From 1998

Cover of FC2 - Slaughter at Sengais
FC2 - Slaughter at Sengais
Levels 3–5
20 pages

After a few scrapes with adventure even novice heroes will need a break and such is the case with this challenge. The young group of PCs will find themselves entering a backwater burg in the hopes of a little R&R (rest and relaxation) but as they come close to town a dead body in the road and the smell of burning foreshadows troubling times ahead. The R&R will have to wait as the young adventurers will be challenged yet again.