A community for lazy dungeon masters
661 adventures found
Cover of Eye to Eye
Eye to Eye
Levels 8–12
68 pages

Deep below the surface lies an ancient beholder city called Ilth K'hinax. In times past, hundreds of beholders called it home - until simmering rivalries within their society exploded into warfare. The few survivors fled, leaving the city deserted for hundreds of years. However, the story of Ilth K'hinax's glory was passed down from one generation of beholders to the next. Now, after countless years of self-imposed exile, the beholders are back! After securing the city, the hive mother of Ilth K'hinax implemented a plan to wipe out all the beings living above it. Unfortunately for the beholders, several facets of the hive mother's plan have been revealed through the exploits of a party of adventurers. Now, this group of heroes must meet eye to eye with Ilth K'hinax's newest occupants in an effort to stop the hive mother's pernicious plan! "Eye to Eye" is the last of three adventures featuring the nightmarish beholder. It can be played as an individual mission or as part of the series that began with "Eye of Pain" and continued in "Eye of Doom." TSR 9536

Cover of Rudwilla's Stew
Rudwilla's Stew
Levels 1–2
15 pages

In Mulcrow, food - not music - soothes the savage beast. The adventure begins in the town of Griffondale whre the PCs encounter Jelmark, an emissary of the Duke of Mulcrow. Jelmark hires the party to help the witch Rudwilla prepare a special stew for a cantankerous bugbear chief who lives in the Rockforge Mountains. Bruggh the bugbear demans the stew once a year on his birthday.-- from the adventure. Pgs. 34-48

Cover of FO2 - Forstal's Final Rest
FO2 - Forstal's Final Rest
Levels 2–5
11 pages

Decades ago a group of adventurers saved the town of Logan’s Bluff from a humanoid incursion. While the battle ended in a victory, the cost was high when the party lost a valued member of their group. In his honor his comrades and grateful citizens built a tomb over his final resting spot. In the decades since the battle peace has reigned but has recently waned with the advent of more humanoid sightings. Some have wondered if Forstal’s tomb is drawing the humanoids back for revenge.

Cover of FS1 - Fortitude Dungeon
FS1 - Fortitude Dungeon
Low Level
8 pages

Need to teach a newbie how to play? A young village shepherd has been telling a tale of an opening in the ground near where his flock roams. Timby Poster thinks he has found something of great importance. He has been telling everyone that there are stone stairs leading into the depths. He was going to investigate but his flock was set upon by vile humanoids that have been raiding the area more frequently. As Timby is prone to tell “tales” of monsters and his flock came back intact this may be a hoax thought up by the young boy. This adventure was designed for a beginning character with little RPG experience. Created for one player and one DM this allows a new player to understand basic concepts.

Cover of FD5 - Venture into Sordack Valley
FD5 - Venture into Sordack Valley
Levels 2–5
20 pages

The fifth offering of the Filbar Dual (FD) series is Venture into Sordack Valley and takes the small group of young adventurers and puts them on the border of the frontier. The small town of Commerstance is located on the edge of the Lordek River separating civilization from the wild. Several locales are present for the aspiring group of adventurers including two wanted criminals.

Cover of Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad
Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad
Levels 6–9
48 pages

Lost Tombs, Volume 2 The lich Lyzandred: a madman, an undead archmage, a survivor of the twin cataclysms that destroyed tow great empires. His name invokes fear in the hears of the smallest children, the bravest warriors, and the wisest sages. Like a malicious cat, the lich toys with all who stumble into his maze, tormenting them with strange puzzles and obscure riddles, monsters and demons, weird traps and dangerous magics. All who enter the crypt of Lyzandred find themselves scarred with his rune, proof of their visit -- and their folly. But there is a method to the madness of Lyzandred, a purpose to his twisted games. If you're lucky, you might even live to learn about it. The Lost Tombs series begins with Star Cairns (Volume 1) and concludes with The Doomgrinder (Volume 3). Each adventure is playable separately, or they can be linked to form an epic-length story. TSR 9580

Cover of OA4 Blood of the Yakuza
OA4 Blood of the Yakuza
76 pages

In the port city of Nakamaru, the masks of deceit and treachery embroil the entire city. Plots and counterplots, loyalties, revenge...all can be found in this city of Wa. You have been thrust amidst this cauldron of intrigue. You must pick your loyalties with care. Will you side with one of the yakuza gangs in their secret battle for control of the streets? Will you throw your fate into the political whirlwind that surrounds the powerful families of Nakamaru? Will you sohei battle his rivals for the hearts of the people? Blood of the Yakuza is an adventure for use in your Oriental Adventures campaign. It includes a colorful map of Nakamaru and descriptions of the major NPCs, districts, and factions of the city. All of these make Nakamaru an exciting and dangerous place for adventure! TSR 9203

Cover of Falcon's Peak
Falcon's Peak
Levels 1–3
7 pages

Lord Falcon’s nest holds a new brood of evil. Falcon’s Peak is an AD&D® game adventure for 5-8 characters of 1st-3rd level. The party should include a thief and at least one experienced cleric; a ranger would also be of help. The use of stealth and silvered or magical weapons is advised.

Cover of The Forgotten Terror
The Forgotten Terror
Levels 10–12
64 pages

A knife flashes in the darkness. You never see the face of your attacker. The adventure begins. Their spirits trapped by a cursed magical weapon, the heroes find themselves imprisoned on the surreal domain of Aggarath. Here, they must explore the mind of Chardath Spulzeer, the isane lord of the realm. Somewhere in his shattered dreams and tormented memories lie secrets that may enable the adventurers to escape. This product may be used with the Forgotten Realms Castle Spulzeer game adventure. TSR 9537, from 1997

Cover of C2 The Ghost Tower of Inverness
C2 The Ghost Tower of Inverness
Levels 5–7
36 pages

A shadow from the past, the Ghost Tower of Inverness has loomed ever larger in the mind of the great Seer of Urnst, Now he has convinced the Duke that an expedition should be organized to go to the ancient keep and recover its greatest treasure — the fabled Soul Gem. TSR 9038

Cover of Of Kings Unknown
Of Kings Unknown
Levels 2–4
7 pages

This strange fruit has an unusual aftertaste. That horrible blue, bug-eyed monster you just fought - was it really an orc? An alchemist hires the party to gather as many moonmelons as possible for his own experiements. This strange fruit causes random mutations in the offspring of those that eat it. Unfortunately, it can only be found in the domain of a strange and mutated orc tribe. Pgs. 24-31

Cover of RA3 Touch of Death
RA3 Touch of Death
Levels 3–5
32 pages

You find yourself in the burning wastelands of Har'Akir - where nothing is as it seems. The desert is a powerful foe, but in Har'Akir an ancient evil is awakening and the desert will be the least of your worries. As withered hands cast off ancient shrouds, little can save you from their touch of death. TSR 9338

Cover of ALQ3 A Dozen and One Adventures
ALQ3 A Dozen and One Adventures
Levels 2–10
64 pages

High Adventure is Your Companion Throughout the Land of Fate! There is no escaping Fate in the world of Zakhara, home of caliphs and favored land of the genies. And the Fate of brave adventurers is to travel the wide realms, vanquishing the urnrighteous and protecting the meek. A Dozen and One Adventures leads the characters from bustling Muluk, City of Kings, to the mysterious citadel fo flame, and many points between. They may meet the king who never died, the fish-people of the Great Sea, and other wonders too amazing to mention. This adventuresourcebox contains a 64-page booklet of 13 adventures, a 32-page campaign guide describing Muluk, the northern lands, and several new magical items, a poster map of Muluk and Krakal-Niraan, six map cards, and four MC instert pages featuring NPCs. Recommended for use with the Arabian Adventures rulebook. Contains 13 adventures. TSR 9432

Cover of Blood On the Plow
Blood On the Plow
Levels 4–6
3 pages

Beat your swords into plowshares. "Blood on the Plow" is an "interlude" adventure for a small party. It can be inserted into virtually any campaign world where agriculture is a common way of peasant life, at any time during the late summer months. A small side track adventure for adventures in the country side. A string of accidents have prevented a poor farming couple from harvesting their wheat crop. A party of adventurers could help bring in the crop with a week of hard labour. By the time they finish they'll discover the previous accidents were more than just bad luck. Pgs. 32-33 & 59

Cover of A Blight on the Land
A Blight on the Land
Levels 8–12
15 pages

You say you want a revolution? Monsters are prowling through farmland, people are starving, and the government is on the verge of collapse. But why? The Knights of the Shield have infiltrated the town council of Zazesspur, are are subtly manipulating the countryside around Ithmong by bringing in attacking monsters and making the land unfertile. They hope to make one of their members king of Tethyr! The players are tasked with cleaning up the countryside of Ithmong, finding the source of the increased monsters, and stopping whatever is making the land unfertile. Pgs. 4-18

Cover of FP13 - Odie's Staff
FP13 - Odie's Staff
Levels 7–10
26 pages

This adventure has it all for an upper level group of players. With the rumor of a lost wizards staff on an island, the chase is on to find this powerful piece of magic. Arrival on the island leads off in over three directions and each path has a different set of challenges and rewards. Can your party locate the staff?

Cover of FA6 - Qualtorian's Gap
FA6 - Qualtorian's Gap
Levels 5–8
18 pages

For those seeking high level adventure in the dead lands of the Adurite Empire the trail leads through Qualtorian’s Gap. This area was once a breadbasket of agricultural success that fed a great deal of the empire. Qualtorian, a retired general, knew that the best friend to an army was its filled stomach. After leaving the military he set to creating vast wheat fields and arbors for food and drink needs. Decades after his death and the fall of the empire this land is teaming with humanoids and other creatures to challenge your PCs!

Cover of Hour of the Knife
Hour of the Knife
Levels 4–6
64 pages

A madman stalks the fog-shrouded streets of Paridon, killing with gruesome precision - and always at midnight. A party of brave adventurers witnesses the most recent of these brutal murders. Now that they've seen the killer's face, they're sure to be his next targets. Who can be trusted in this city where the residents are not what they appear to be? Those who dare to track the killer will find strange allies - and even stranger enemies. The adventurers must investigate the ancient mystery behind the murders that take place when the clock strikes the "Hour of the Knife." This 64-page adventure includes a full-color poster-sized map of Paridon. The adventure is based on the popular RPGA Network tournament by Bruce Nesmith. TSR 9456

Cover of FT - Andju Village
FT - Andju Village
Levels 1–5
15 pages

With your adventurers growing up it only makes sense that their surroundings should also grow. Such is the case of Andju Village which is being controlled by the newly created Viscount of Andju, Sir Dimek of Rastinstein. Sir Dimek has launched an ambitious building project with the intent to make his village a trading powerhouse. This area can be utilized as a base of operations near the frontier and be a safe haven for a party of explorers.

Cover of FN2 - Eye of Gruumsh
FN2 - Eye of Gruumsh
Levels 2–4
24 pages

With your first set of adventures firmly under your belt you are relaxing and basking in the glory of a job well done. While at the local tavern imbibing in some well-earned spirits, a commotion can be heard outside. As you step outside the villagers are pampering two children who apparently just rode into town on a very sweaty and tired pony. An arrow is sticking out of the mount’s flank. As the animal is removed the townspeople pepper the children with questions as both are obviously afraid. It would appear the drinks will have to wait.