A little beer, a little trouble, a little party on the rubble. Can't a half-ogre find a little peace in the riverside town full of adventurers, bigots, and thieves? "'Trouble at Grog’s' presented something no one ever expected to see: a sympathetic half-ogre. All Grog wanted to do was settle down as proprietor of the Happy Half-Ogre Inn and Tavern. Little did he know his success would rub the competition the wrong way, leading to some 'inn-fighting' with the owner of the rival Dagger Rock Tavern, Yuri Kineron." - Christopher Perkins Pgs. 41-64
A walk in the woods, a trip to the zoo, a day at the circus - harmless enough, right? Wrong, as players will discover when things are not as they appear to be. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202
The little fishing town of Saltmarsh is threatened! Why are lizard men gathering force nearby and why have they been buying large quantities of weapons? A party of bold adventurers must answer these questions or the people of salt marsh will never live in peace! Danger at Dunwater is the second part in a series of three modules designed and developed in the United Kingdom for beginning adventures with the AD&D rules. Its plot follows direct from that of the first part (Module U1 - The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh.) TSR 9064
At one time the City of Tygos was a bustling metropolis located in the southeastern portion of the Plains of Dorack. Sitting in the shadow of the Dorack Mountains this city flourished as a trading metropolis. Decades ago the leaders of the city, the Serpentine Cultists, began a racially charged campaign against certain factions of the Plainsmen tribes. The resulting response of the Plainsmen was devastating to Tygos and the city was levelled for the most part and the water supply was poisoned. The city was also home to a group of adventurers called JOHAN and their fortress was said to contain powerful ancient magic that was never recovered. If these items can be located the resulting power can bring continued success to your party’s wealth and fame.
Enter the Dwarven Forge world of Mythras with the first part of this new city and miniatures based trilogy, The Hidden Valoria Campaign. Discover the world built to provide tabletop with unique miniature opportunities using Dwarven Forge licensed products. Take on the adventure as newly relocated members of the neighborhood of the Patina Court. Battle gangs, undead, and other threats as you try to make a living inside this ancient and mysterious city. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.
Welcome to Cappadocia! This ruined ancient city is home to a group of shipwrecked Gnome adventurers. For the past several years they have tried to make the best of their situation and are starting to feel at home. This is also a side adventure to FP13 - Odie's Staff. Oh yea and two more words.....Gnome Airship!
"The end times approach. To everything there is a season. Every campaign has to come to an end sometime, so why not go out with a bang? The Apocalypse Stone is an epic adventure to challenge high-level characters, but beware, it will destroy your world. This adventure has it all: gods and devils, plague and pestilence, rains of fire, and world-shattering conflicts. Here is an opportunity for PCs to display undreamt-of heroism. . . or fall to ultimate defeat. The Apocalypse Stone is a tool for Dungeon Masters to present extremely challenging encounters for high-level parties, to wrap up a long-running campaign. . .or both. This adventure is a literal universe-ender. Past a certain point in the campaign, there is nothing the players can do. The world *will* end.
Come: the land of Sri Raji and the ancient rakshasa, evil masters of illusion and shapeshifting, await! The Web of Illusions module is a 64-page adventure featuring an exemplary full-color map. Players travel through the deadly land of Sri Raji, an Eastern Indian domain of jungles, savage tigers, and lost temples. Also depicted in the AD&D™ rulebook, Legends & Lore. TSR 9415
Adventurers who care where their next meal is coming from will enjoy sinking their teeth into this mystery. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202
The most frightening figure ever to stalk the streets of London is on the loose in this 32-page adventure. This time, Jack takes his unique brand of terror to Boston. TSR 1103
Characters strike a blow against evil when they take on orcs and assassins in these scenarios. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202
When the brides of death become the marauders of Nibenay, When the dead must die and the unsleeping must wake, Then the Dragon shall be born anew. For centuries the Veiled Alliance has been a thorn in the side of the mighty sorceror-king Nibenay. Now the stars are right and the mysterious Shadow King has decided to rid himself of his unremitting rivals. But the Veiled Alliance is not easily defeated. They too have been watching the stars, and they know that the history of the great city has reached a crucial juncture. Both sides stand ready for a great battle, but neither is prepared for the disaster that looms over the city. By the time the sun rises again, the city will be in ruins and the task of rebuilding it will fall squarely on the shoulders of a small band of adventurers. The future is theirs to decide, for good or evil.
It is an adventure designed to interrupt a party of adventurers who are going from point A to point B. on a message delivery assignment. While on the mission the party runs into a blizzard, pack of wolves, and a rogue band of humanoids attempting a roadblock! Can your party deal with this growing problem and survive?
For decades, the city of Chala, nestled on the banks of the Leal River, boasted a prosperous fishing business. The community's life revolved around the wide, slowly rolling river that meandered miles northward into the Blackweed Swamp Now the city faces misfortune, pestilence, and decay, because the sacred Tefnut statue has been stolen. All clues suggest that the sacred object was carried into the heart of nearby Blackweed Swamp. But who, or what, would commit such a crime? Whoever is responsible, the statue must be recovered, at any cost. TSR 9424
Sleepwalking can be dangerous in the town of Aberdale. Pgs. 50-51 & 65
The conclusion of the Filbar North series this adventure puts the party in front of a large and dangerous maze and home to the power of the Elementals! Each section has a riddle that the party must solve in order to obtain a key and continue to the center of the maze where the party will face off with a very special adversary. This adventure is not for those with little experience and will require the ability to solve riddles!
A light in the Belfry is the first RAVENLOFT adventure to feature an Interactive Audio CD. As player explore Morgorth's dreadfilled manor, they will actually hear the lamentations of tortured spirits, the clash of swords and thunderous roar of magic. With almost 100 tracks of dialogue, sound effects and mood music, TSR's Interactive Audio CD Adventures add a new dimension to the horror of Ravenloft. TSR 9494
Silent alarm. Who put the dip in diplomat? A small costal town is being attacked by witch's and its up to the party to put a stop to them. Pgs. 58-69
What's waiting for you at the bottom? Adventurers are more than welcome - they're nourishment! Pgs. 4-15
If you but have the will Sonja, you may use your strength to make the world your home. You may become a wanderer, the equal of any man or woman you meet. (The Ring of Ikribu) Red Sonja #1 Steel met steel as Sonja slashed wildly before her. Sparks flew into the air; the mercenary's sword flew to the ground. Her arms vibrated with the contact and her hands grew numb as she tightened her grip on the mighty sword. Still they came - only four in all, but with deadly intent shining deep within theiir hungry eyes. What do these men seek? Why would they rather die than run? TSR 9183