"I AM THE ANCIENT ... I AM THE LAND ..." Your screams still echo in your room. Cold sweat soaks the bedsheets and trickles down your back. It seemed so real! The great towers of a darksome place called Ravenloft ... it's misty vales and the terrible tragedy of a man who had sold his soul to unlife. Now the sunlight streams through the window with the promise of a new day. The dread nightmare at last is over. In the cold sunlight of a dying autumn, you step from your room at the inn and stroll along the friendly streets of Mordentshire. But, from the back of your mind the dream creeps forward to haunt you. Why do the faces of those who have befriended you now seem those of strangers? Why do those who called you here in terror, now seem to dismiss your task as a folly? More .. why are you advised so strongly, to forget about the House on Gryphon Hill ... the domain of the fair haired Count Von Zarovich, a name that cries out from your dark nightmare? You halt, as the swirl of events grow more confusing with every passing minute. Which is the dream ... and which the reality? TSR 9181
Enter the Dwarven Forge world of Mythras with the first part of this new city and miniatures based trilogy, The Hidden Valoria Campaign. Discover the world built to provide tabletop with unique miniature opportunities using Dwarven Forge licensed products. Take on the adventure as newly relocated members of the neighborhood of the Patina Court. Battle gangs, undead, and other threats as you try to make a living inside this ancient and mysterious city. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.
Isle of the Ape is an adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game World of Greyhawk campaign setting, in which the events occur in a magical demiplane of the same name created by the mad archmage Zagyg Yragerne TSR 9153
Looking for a little extra jink and maybe some excitement? It seems the Doomguard lost track of their coveted ship of chaos. It's flying about the abyss, driving the local tanar'ri even more barmy than they already are. Several factions want to get their hands on the Doomguard's stake, so there's bound to be a few job offers for bloods looking for a little action. Every sod's got a tale to tell about the abyss—it's the sinkhole of the multiverse, after all, peopled with every kind of scum a body can imagine and a few he can't. Never been there? Well, there's no time like the present. *** "In the Abyss" is a Planescape adventure for a party of four to six characters of levels 8 to 10. A simple errand to salvage the lost ship of chaos allows the player characters their first opportunity to explore the most notorious plane of them all. Of course, complications are as inevitable as the tanar'ri! The Planescape Campaign Setting and Planes of Chaos boxed sets, as well as the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix, are required to run this adventure. TSR 2605
"Several small wagon trains have recently been overrun by a force of goblins and wolves while the former were camped out at night. Among the attackers was a titanic black beast on which some of the goblins rode, a monster so huge that it crushed whole wagons beneath its feet and flung horses and riders aside with its arms." --from the adventure. Includes an extensive narrative opening to the adventure and a map of the cave system.
A little beer, a little trouble, a little party on the rubble. Can't a half-ogre find a little peace in the riverside town full of adventurers, bigots, and thieves? "'Trouble at Grog’s' presented something no one ever expected to see: a sympathetic half-ogre. All Grog wanted to do was settle down as proprietor of the Happy Half-Ogre Inn and Tavern. Little did he know his success would rub the competition the wrong way, leading to some 'inn-fighting' with the owner of the rival Dagger Rock Tavern, Yuri Kineron." - Christopher Perkins Pgs. 41-64
This is the standard fantasy age of the Nameless Realms, the 5th Age, and the setting can be easily incorporated into any world. Part of a double dungeon adventure that is set in two fantastic time periods. UN3 Dungeons GK3 Descendants This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.
The adventure starts with a prophetic dream and a plea for help. The heroes are asked to recover a cart-load of supplies stolen by a band of savage monsters that have recently moved into the area. A strange fire wiped out everything the villagers had, and the stolen cart contains seeds and tools with which they can replant their crop before the season passes. It is a mundane task for heroes, but it seems simple and the villagers offer a reasonable reward. Adventure II: Dark Harvest from Book Three: Book of Nightmares: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-nightmare-lands Pgs. 9-30 TSR 1124
It is an adventure designed to interrupt a party of adventurers who are going from point A to point B. on a message delivery assignment. While on the mission the party runs into a blizzard, pack of wolves, and a rogue band of humanoids attempting a roadblock! Can your party deal with this growing problem and survive?
Revealed within are the greatest secrets of the genies: their magics, their rulers, and their homelands. From the Citadel of Ice and Steel to the Great Dismal Delve, the works of geniekind are as wondrous as they are magnificent. Tour the City of Brass, from its golden towers to its brazen streets, foil the evil yak men and their dao servants, travel on the desert whirlwinds of the jann. Learn the legends and secret history of the genies, their cities, their foibles, and their feuds. Secrets of the Lamp includes a 64-page sourcebook about genies, a 32-page booklet of adventures set in Zakhara and the City of Brass, a full-color poster map, six cards showing details of the City, and four MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM pages that introduce new genies and other elemental creatures. TSR 9433
Young Bryonna has been judged guilty of consorting with the dark forces of Tepest, and now she will burn at the stake for it. The Inquisitors, priests whose zealousness sometimes stirs whispers of doubt among the people, have condemned her with all the surety that comes with their "holy" power. Heroes of integrity and justice are needed to ferret out the truth. To succeed, they must travel a perilous path that winds through the labyrinthine tunnels of Mount Lament and leads them to the dreaded Hags of Tepest and Tristessa the banshee. Worse still, they must ultimately face the mysterious Prince of Shadows, who manipulates the denizens of the domain for his own evil purposes. When to stand fast? When to run? Only those who survive can say. Servants of Darkness is a stand-alone adventure that can also lead the party to investigate the misty chasm at the center of the Demiplane's Core in The Shadow Rift, the next release for the RAVENLOFT campaign setting. TSR 9541, from 1998
A shadow from the past, the Ghost Tower of Inverness has loomed ever larger in the mind of the great Seer of Urnst, Now he has convinced the Duke that an expedition should be organized to go to the ancient keep and recover its greatest treasure — the fabled Soul Gem. TSR 9038
Moonless Night is an adventure module composed of short adventures which are compatible with both the first and second editions of the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game.
Rescuing maidens is a dirty job, but - you know the rest. On the road, the PCs encounter the aftermath of an attack on a small merchant caravan. The PCs must find and return Zenobia, the merchant's daughter. To do this, they must track, locate, and confront the unknown raiders while keeping the Zenobia's safety in mind.
The party that has made their way along the causeway has arrived on the edge of the sea and has been summoned by the high priest. The party has been asked to help in a mission on Borsk Isle. The group will be providing security to the mountain temple as a relic is going there to be destroyed. The island is home to a variety of creatures, most of which will be aggressive…up for a challenge?
In this adventure, the heroes dreamwalk into the nightmares plaguing Sylus Andropov, captain of the doomed sailing ship Wayfarer. It starts with the heroes arriving in Egertus, searching for the Clinic for the Mentally Distressed. Unfortunately, the members of the Nightmare Court don't want help to reach Dr. Illhousen. They throw a dangerous obstacle in the path of the heroes - a killer who terrorized Nova Vaasa a few years ago as the Kantora Strangler. Adventure III: The Loathsome Deep from Book Three: Book of Nightmares: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-nightmare-lands TSR 1124
A medium sized city is situated between Challenge of the Minotaur and Hall of the Dwarf Lords and is centered on the edge of frontier near the Border Hills. The town is walled and populated my mostly Mountain Dwarves although most races are present and welcome. This area provides an excellent respite for those fresh off the trail of adventure!
After checking local pawn shops and the library you have discovered information on an old Adurite noblewoman who possessed a magical mask. The woman had suffered a facial injury and commissioned a magical face shield to hide her wound. Having never heard of the item you believe it is probably in the ruins near Ugus Horrus where she lived. With no other leads at the moment you gear up and decide to embark on the search for this item!
A family feud - with green cows? A barn is burned, a field is trampled, and halfling tempers flare. Can you prevent a family feud? Pgs. 48-62
In this adventure, the heroes face the sinister Baron Metus, the vampire who took the life of Van Richten's son, Erasmus. Metus, with Daclaud Heinfroth, has been doing the bidding of the ghost of Madame Radanavich in her quest to destroy Rudolph van Richten. But Metus has his own reasons for seeing van Richten destroyed as well. Included in Bleak House: The Death of Rudolph van Richten TSR 1141