A community for lazy dungeon masters
112 adventures found
Cover of M1 Blizzard Pass
M1 Blizzard Pass
Levels 1–3
32 pages

A SOLO adventure for thieves level 1-3 or Group play level 1-3 The storm sweeps off the mountaintops without warning, as if conjured by some supernatural power. Within minutes, huge drifts of snow have halted the caravan, and the snow falls so hard it is impossible to see more than five feet. You huddle next to the sledge, trying to shelter for you numb face from the icy winds. A dozen half-human forms march into view out of the raging blizzard. The little man-things carry wooden spears or long, unsheathed swords in bony, gnarled hands. Their blood-red eyes quickly fall upon your sledge and the ugly creatures turn toward your hiding place. Will you survive to uncover the secret of Blizzard Pass? This module contains all you need to solve the riddle of Blizzard Pass, including 14 maps, an invisible ink marking pen, a complete solo adventure, a pre-rolled character, and an outline for group play! TSR 9067

Cover of Palace of Dread
Palace of Dread
Low Level
16 pages

Agents for the Mayor of Kleine have discovered the stronghold of the Red Hand goblins deep within the Burning Hills. They have also discovered that the goblins are forming an alliance with local hobgoblin and bugbear tribes to sweep the humans out of Thunder Rift forever. The PCs must reach the lair before the hobgoblin and bugbear agents return to their own tribes. if the envoys do not return, the tribes will assume that the goblins murdered them and attack the goblins instead of the human settlements. In this way, the humans of Thunder Rift gain some unexpected allies against the Red Hand goblins. This is the most dangerous and demanding of the three adventures in this set. It is recommended that you play it after Red Hand Trail and Trouble Below. However, it can stand alone as an adventure in its own right if you wish. Part of TSR 1076 The Goblin's Lair

Cover of The Trouble With Mylvin Wimbly
The Trouble With Mylvin Wimbly
Levels 1–3
6 pages

The enemy you hunt may not be the enemy you find. A midnight encounter with a halfling guerilla and a vengeful magic-user. Pgs. 33-38

Cover of The Jade Hare
The Jade Hare
Level 1
8 pages

At just 8 pages, with lots of illustrations, this adventure is much shorter than most TSR-published modules of the era (mid-90s). It is a very simple D&D adventure. It features a macguffin quest that immediately pushes the players into a dungeon crawl through the five-and-a-half-page "Dungeon of the Mad Warlock". The idol of old, The Jade Hare, as been taken from the Dar el-Tamyya, stolen by Goblins, who strangely enough killed no one. Abdullah, the old man who cared for the statuette remembered that about a month ago a stranger has asked if he might purchase the Jade Hare. Though he offered much gold, Abdullah of course refused the offer. Whom Abdullah describes the other villagers recognize as Abu-Ghabar, the mad warlock who lives in the hills. He is rumored to have built a dungeon there. Who knows what strange purposes the mad warlock has for the Jade Hare? In any case, the precious statuette's theft is an intolerable strain on the honor of the village and all the tribe therein. A party must be assembled to confront the warlock. This party may consist of none other than yourselves. Won't you save Dar el-Tamyya's ancient honor, and thwart whatever sinister plans the warlock has? TSR 9259

Cover of CM1 Test of the Warlords
CM1 Test of the Warlords
Levels 15–36
32 pages

The king requests your presence in the honorable kingdom of Norwold. If you're worthy, you may be appointed lord of a dominion filled with friendly villages, sturdy fortresses, and raging band of monsters. Raging bands of monsters? Well, yes, and you may have to lead your forces into a war or two. But you'll be ready for the challenge. You'll be ready for treacherous spies who conspire to steal you land. You'll be ready for a foul band of giants that raids your dominions. And you'll be ready for the inevitable clash of empires, the outcome of which may alter the fate of millions. You'll be ready! Won't you? Test of the Warlords includes a complete campaign setting, several new NPCs, and dungeon and wilderness encounters, and guidelines for running a war between empires. TSR 9117

Cover of Stonefast
Low Level
11 pages

Introductory adventure included with the 1991 "Black Box" edition of D&D

Cover of B6 The Veiled Society
B6 The Veiled Society
Levels 1–3
16 pages

The widow insists there are demons in her house. She hears them at night in her root cellar, and now they call out to her. But she is old and nervous and her mind often plays tricks on her. * * * Two men, their heads fully sheathed in large, black hoods, dig quickly in the darkness of the cellar. The hole grows deeper as their shovels bite into the earth. "This will teach those meddlers their place," laughs the tall, hefty figure. "But it's too bad this was an accident," the shorter, slim figure says haltingly. "But don't you see the advantage?" snapped the tall man. "They will fear us now. They will fear for their lives." Grunting. they heave a sailcloth bundle into the hole. As it falls, a woman's hand dangles lifelessly from the folds. Who is the woman? Why will her death trigger riots and unrest in the city of Specularum? And the assassins: Are they Torenescu, Radu, or Vorloi? Or, curse of curses, the Veiled Society? This special game adventure provides a section of paper buildings and figures to cut out and use, giving you three dimensions to your game play! TSR 9086

Cover of In the Phantom's Wake
In the Phantom's Wake
Levels 3–5
16 pages

Not long age, a magical vortex released into the lands of Thunder Rift a strange and haunted ship from another time and place. A cursed ship, bad luck for those who see it. The party never wanted to see the ship, much less board it. However, the mystical astrolabe they found must have had great power?at least enough to send them here. Too bad it's missing, now. Will the heroes find a way off the haunted ship, or are they doomed to sail strange seas forever? TSR 9436

Cover of M4 Five Coins for a Kingdom
M4 Five Coins for a Kingdom
Levels 28–32
40 pages

This adventure is about a quest to save a city that disappear underneath there feet in a power play by a wizard from another plane. The previous ruling wizards are trapped in magic coins scattered nearby and help defeat the evil wizard on an inverse material plane and end with the players going into the middle of a sun to convince the ruling fire elemental to give the city back. TSR 9204

Cover of DA4 The Duchy of Ten
DA4 The Duchy of Ten
Levels 10–14
48 pages

The Well of Souls. . . That's what Zugzul babe the Afridhi call the evil artifact that he had taught them to make. They must call it the Well of Souls, and they must carry it before them into every battle? and they would be mighty. Thus said the god of the Afridhi, Zugzul the One. So the Afridhi did as they were bade. Seeking the volcano called the Hill of the Hammer in the far Barrens of Karsh, they built in its heart a great forge. There, as Zugzul had promised, efreet came to help them make the mighty artifact. There, amid vile, unholy rites, they bound the souls of men into its very substance, and, for the red-handed work that must surely follow hard upon its completion. Many were the men who guarded the Hill of the Hammer during the days of making? for their foes in hated Blackmoor would try to unmake that which they had wrought. Yet, it was not men that would keep the Well of Souls from destruction, but a prophecy? that the artifact would be unmade only by the hand of one as yet unborn! TSR 9205

Cover of Queen of Bones
Queen of Bones
Levels 12–16
8 pages

Introduction No frills, here. No fancy charts and tables. No art to dazzle your eyes. Just a crawl; that happens to have a bit of a background, and a (group)death-dealing Bad Ass! waiting for the characters. How you run it is your business. What you delete, exchange out/in or modify is up to you. You can be as kind and patient with the players as you like, or let the chips fall (dice roll) where they may. You can allow pre-rolled characters, provide pre-gens yourself, or let the players bring their own, favorite character they have worked hard to get to the levels indicated; remind them, if the latter, that character-death is part of the game! I issue only the following comment: if run as it is laid out , it is nearly certain that at least one character, and as many as all of them, might die during the adventure.

Cover of X6 Quagmire!
X6 Quagmire!
Levels 4–10
32 pages

Swamp creatures! They surround you now as you move slowly through the gurgling muck. How will you reach Quagmire now? Each day, the hungry sea swallows more of the ancient port city. A fierce fever ravages its people, and now - these foul monsters! Their beady eyes glimmer from deep within the tangled vines. Are these the creatures that have blockaded the city, turning away the ships that are the city's lifeline? Are these the scum that are starving the people of Quagmire, threatening an entire race with extinction? These creeps? Let's clean this jungle out! Quagmire includes a large-scale map that expands the D&D world and introduces new areas to explore. The adventure also includes new magic items and a special, expanded monsters section. Hurry! Hoist your colors, saddle your horse - go, before the city by the sea becomes the city beneath the sea! TSR 9081

Cover of CM3 Sabre River
CM3 Sabre River
Levels 18–22
32 pages

You are the guest of the count, one of your allies and the strongest man in the region. Your sojourn has been pleasant, a nice change after weeks of battle. Suddenly the courtyard below your window is filled with the noise of galloping horses. More Guests? You yawn as you look out. But these people arriving look more like tax collectors than guests. You decide to give your attention to something more interesting, like dinner. Relax while you can, friend, because these new arrivals are about to lead you to a crimson sailor, a cozy Tower of Terror, and a river with an aching heart. Sabre River includes a complete campaign setting, new NPCs, dungeon and wilderness encounters, and a mysterious story. TSR 9119

Cover of Assault on Raven's Ruin
Assault on Raven's Ruin
Levels 2–3
16 pages

In the canyon of Thunder Rift, in the village of Kleine, goblins have always been a nuisance, but the natives have dealt with them and continued an otherwise peaceful existence. Now, a valuable magical item, called the scepter of truth, has disappeared! The ingenuity of the crime bears the mark of the goblins' leader, the Master Thief Raven. The scepter must be recovered, but there is no one in Kleine with the strength and courage to penetrate Raven's trap-laden hide-out, deep in goblin territory. A party of stout adventurers might survive the mission, but they will have to be quick, smart, and especially careful. This module has been created especially for the inexperienced Dungeon Master and players who are interested in the exploration of dungeons and ruins. TSR 9350

Cover of B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (green)
B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (green)
Levels 1–3
32 pages

The valley of Haven was a peaceful land. Its crops were abundant, its citizens prosperous. Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, and Humans lived together in harmony. Hidden away in the heart of the Thunder Mountains, Haven was a safe place to live. The rivers were sweet and pure; the weather was pleasant and warm. Something terrible has come to pass in Haven - terrified refugees speak of a fabulous ruby uncovered in the mountains and a catastrophe that befell the palace. Whatever the cause, Haven now lies in chaos. Raiding bands of orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins terrorize the countryside. The disaster happened so suddenly that the citizens are confused and helpless. Without their leaders, who are trapped in the palace, they have no courage to fight back. The situation has become desperate. TSR 9044

Cover of CM9 Legacy of Blood
CM9 Legacy of Blood
Levels 15–19
32 pages

Your cousin Rolph is dead - and while there is cause for sadness, there is also cause for celebration. As his heir, you were willed his dominion: Fenhold. Of course, the Deep Swamp is threatening to engulf all of your new holding. People are seeing ghosts and disappearing mysteriously. Animals die without reason, and crops are suddenly blighted. The farmers don't like the swampdwellers, the swampdwellers don't like the farmers, and no one likes the halflings. The entire civil service of the dominion seems to have either worked for the failure of the dominion or resigned due to actions of the others. It's going to be tough task to make all this ship-shape once again, but you're 15th level now. Isn't it about time you settled down? TSR 9210

Cover of The Vineyard Vales
The Vineyard Vales
Levels 2–4
11 pages

The lizard men are just pining for the fjords. A plague of locusts is bad enough, but when the locusts are each a yard long, the farmers need professional help! A swarm of giant locusts has been eating all the grapes and leaves from the vineyards of Vineyard Vale! In addition, lizard folk have attacked and destroyed several steads in the vale. The farmers are desperate, but what they don't know is that these events are linked! A mage known as Rhungold the Trickster has been orchestrating the attacks and locusts to try to scare the farmers off the land so he can claim it as his own. The players slowly piece the story together by investigating a fairly linear story through a cave, a marsh, and finally to a compound owned by the wizard Rhungold. Pgs. 6-16

Cover of XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain
XS2 Thunderdelve Mountain
Levels 7–9
40 pages

The ancient dwarven kingdom of wonder and fable is no more! Only the tales of it's grandeur remain to entertain the children, or so you thought. Then you met Nimron. Distraught and desperate, you alone can pass the gates sealed so long ago. Within are the lairs of bandits, cutthroats, and worse. The evil that destroyed the dwarven home - the Halls of Paradise - is awakened again. Into this horror ventured the dwarven princess Grona Marblefist to reclaim her kingdom. She, like so many others, has not returned. Now you must face this peril alone. Thunderdelve Mountain is a solitaire adventure for the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Expert game. Players who don't wish to face the fallen Halls of Paradise alone may also use this adventure for group play. TSR 9157

Cover of B1-9 In Search of Adventure
B1-9 In Search of Adventure
Levels 1–3
160 pages

THRESHOLD! The northernmost town in the Duchy - and your last stop before your adventures begin. Threshold, the gateway to mysterious castles, lost temples, deadly caves and caverns. You have heard the stories and legends, now you wish to see for yourself. This product provides a complete campaign adventure that will take beginning characters from 1st all the way to 3rd level and possibly beyond, drawn from the first nine modules of the B-series adventures. See individual adventure entries for Boss, Common Monster and Items lists. TSR 9190

Cover of B2 Keep on the Borderlands
B2 Keep on the Borderlands
Levels 1–3
32 pages

The heroes arrive at the eponymous Keep on the Borderlands, a fortress on the edge of civilization built to stave off the chaos and evil of the wilderness. Using it as a home base, a party can make forays into the surrounding wilderness, encountering monster and marauder alike. The centerpiece of the adventure is certainly the CAVES OF CHAOS, a network of tunnels and caverns found in the walls of a nearby but isolated ravine. It is here that hordes of evil humanoids have made their home. Through combat and negotiation, the players can try to explore and map out these caves, perhaps with the aim of accumulating valuable treasure or even cleansing the land of evil creatures. However, even the Caves are not all they seem. Beyond the goblins and kobolds lurk dark horrors: cults dedicated to fiendish chaos and a Minotaur's enchanted labyrinth await the unprepared adventurer. But for the hero who is brave, clever, and fortunate in equal and sufficient measure, great treasures and glory await in the Caves of Chaos that lie beyond the Keep on the Borderlands! TSR 9034