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1073 adventures found
Cover of Bloodlines
3rd Edition
Levels 4–10
22 pages

The long-forgotten monastery to the Lord of Winds hides a secret of immense evil. The PCs are tasked with delving into the abandoned ruins and discover if two Houses are related in some way. Scales from level 4 to level 10, but originally designed for characters of 7th level. Pgs. 17-39

Cover of DDA2 Legions of Thyatis
DDA2 Legions of Thyatis
Levels 3–4
32 pages

Revolt of the Gladiators! The corrupt Thyatian senator, Helenites Osteropolus, his latest scheme smashed by the adventurers and their gladiator allies, hatches a new plot to destroy the influence of the Order of the Sands (even, perhaps, to attack the Emperor himself!) Yet greater dangers lie ahead. If his plot succeeds, it will remove the guardians that protect the city from the creatures that lurk in the caverns and catacombs below. Can the players block his gambit? Will the wheel of justice grind small, or will the greasy palm of political corruption reach out and save the senator once again? You decide, in the chaotic swirl of the Thyatian capital's politics. This module is designed especially for the DM who wants to sharpen his interactive skills. Recommended for four to six characters, levels 3-4 Includes map of a realistic catacomb complex below Thyatis City Unique role playing climax tests players' integrity and skill New information on the military Legions of Thyatis This module is a stand-alone sequel to DDA1 Arena of Thyatis. TSR 9296

Cover of Queen of Bones
Queen of Bones
Levels 12–16
8 pages

Introduction No frills, here. No fancy charts and tables. No art to dazzle your eyes. Just a crawl; that happens to have a bit of a background, and a (group)death-dealing Bad Ass! waiting for the characters. How you run it is your business. What you delete, exchange out/in or modify is up to you. You can be as kind and patient with the players as you like, or let the chips fall (dice roll) where they may. You can allow pre-rolled characters, provide pre-gens yourself, or let the players bring their own, favorite character they have worked hard to get to the levels indicated; remind them, if the latter, that character-death is part of the game! I issue only the following comment: if run as it is laid out , it is nearly certain that at least one character, and as many as all of them, might die during the adventure.

Cover of Bugbear Fight Pit
Bugbear Fight Pit
3rd Edition
Levels 3–5
3 pages

Bugbear Fight Pit is a mini-adventure with a single main encounter that follow the Bugbear Jeeshank tricking the players into a trap with the challenge of single combat to stop his activities. If the players fall for it, they will be faced with a large number of ranged attacks, and additional clever tactics and use of the terrain. Pgs. 15-17

Cover of S6 Labyrinth of Madness
S6 Labyrinth of Madness
Levels 15–20
64 pages

Sinister, twisting images...Horrific nightmares lurking at the corners of the mind...These are descriptions used to tell the tales of the Labyrinth of Madness. But these tales of the labyrinth are only legends, really, nothing more than stories used to frighten children at night - until a mysterious scepter is found, bearing within its crystal head a visage of insanity and terror, and also delivering a message: "Disturb not the Labyrinth of Madness again, and live a while longer." Now a powerful temple suffers from a tragic curse that is somehow linked to the labyrinth. Does there exist a group of heroes who can penetrate this dark and terrible place to life the curse...and survive? Labyrinth of Madness is a multiple-level, three- dimensional dungeon adventure, a puzzle within a puzzle, that commemorates 20 years of gaming with TSR. TSR 9503

Cover of DDAL00-01 Window to the Past
DDAL00-01 Window to the Past
5th Edition
Levels 5–20
64 pages

When a Thayan research expedition returns from the Glacier of the White Wyrm with only two survivors that are reduced to whispering about an ancient pyramid under the ice, perhaps it is time to discover just what scares the life out of a nation of necromancers. The events of DDEP2 Mulmaster Undone resulted in terrible geographic upheaval all around the southeastern region of the Moonsea. Massive landslides, earthquakes, tidal waves, and gnashing tornados devastated the land and the city of Mulmaster was nearly scrubbed from the face of Faerun. Fortunately, these events also revealed previously hidden artifacts—trinkets, mostly—from the ancient Netherese all around the city. The Thayans have long held an interest in the port city and wasted no time in assisting in the rebuilding efforts. They simply asked that a blind eye be turned to their archaeological interests, and in return they would continue to spend their own resources (at no expense to the Mulmasterites or even the High Blade) to rebuild the city, bigger and better than before. It wasn’t long before their interests paid off with the discovery of a research laboratory beneath the Glacier of the White Worm, far to the east of Mulmaster and nestled in the mountains. The Thayans sent a sizable expeditionary force but only two acolytes returned. The visiting Zulkir has found this particularly troublesome, and with the assistance of Rastol Shan, the head of the Cloaks, has arranged for a mercenary force to perform a more pointed investigation of the area. In return the Thayan noble has promised significant compensation. Upon arrival at the dig site, the characters are quick to discover that the laboratory hides ancient and palpable evil. The purpose of the facility can be discerned with careful investigation, and the effect of the still-active fragment of the Dark Obelisk has empowered (some may say attracted) servants of the Worm that Walks. Danger and death await, certainly, though the characters always have the option of running away and living to fight another day…

Cover of A Dream of Eternal Sleep
A Dream of Eternal Sleep
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
? pages

Dr. Rudolph Van Richten and his network of investigators have hunted and put an end to numerous creatures of the night across the Domains of Dread. But some foes are more elusive than others, and will require the aid of heroes to put an end their reign of terror and close out these open cases. A simple rest turns into a waking nightmare as visions of death haunt the heroes’ dreams. A Dream of Eternal Sleep is the introductory adventure to the ghostly Night Terror, Kazander, and begins within adventurers’ own dreams. It provides the basis for an extended campaign that will take heroes through the cerebral and nightmarish domains of dread as they seek a way to confront this foe in the Nightmare Lands. Content Warning: Near-death Experiences, Recurring Nightmares, Sleep-walking, Possession.

Cover of Escape from the Forge of Dumathoin
Escape from the Forge of Dumathoin
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
21 pages

This 4 hour adventure for 3rd level characters begins in a prison cell where the adventurers must figure out a way to escape, acquire weapons and armor to defend themselves more effectively, and most importantly, escape a repurposed dwarven forge that has been appropriated by a fire giant who uses slave labor and even a captured red dragon wyrmling to smelt ore and forge an arsenal under the volcano Mt. Hotenow.

Cover of GC16 - Legend of Pula Noa
GC16 - Legend of Pula Noa
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
51 pages

After resupplying equipment, health, and morale, you have heard of a job opportunity available at a nearby pub. After first missing out on the chance, your fortunes change and get the job. After boarding the Gnome airship, the “Marietta”, you head off across the sea to locate the captain’s missing brother. You find out you will be going into the jungles of the lost Pula Noa tribe. Rumor and legend surround these natives as having streets and buildings paved in gold, silver, and death! This adventure setting was designed for 5th Edition rules D&D for the Filbar Campaign for mid-level adventurers and DM. This adventure is easily adaptable to most any game and system. Save yourself some time and utilize it for a one shot adventure or a continuing campaign!

Cover of The Corwyn Catacombs
The Corwyn Catacombs
5th Edition
Level 4
36 pages

Delve into ancient ruins of civilizations past in this one-session adventure for 4th level heroes of the world's greatest roleplaying game! The Corwyn Catacombs is a one-shot adventure that sees characters delve into ancient ruins of a precursor civilization to rescue citizens of Corwyn and keep the village safe from harm! Will the heroes succeed in vanquishing the evils that lurk within? Or will they meet a grisly end, to rise again as servants of the undying Chiran Empire? Published by Animancer

Cover of The Flooded Temple
The Flooded Temple
Levels 1–3
17 pages

In the flooded temple is hidden a great treasure, and the adventures are in race to get there first, but the ancient temple is the home of Death's Messenger and several cults each with their own agenda. Will the adventurers survive or be dragged off to the lands of the dead? The Flooded Temple is a low-level OSR adventure based on the greatest RPG ever written as system agnostic and easily adapted to your favorite version. The adventure was originally written for the Danish Living Campaign The Hinterlands, and it is for the first time presented in English. The adventure introduces the players to a different tradition of adventures, and it one with a focus on exploration and encountering the unknown. The adventure contains several new items to entertain your players, and several challenges for them to overcome as they encounter the residents of the abandoned temple. The Flooded Temple also have a prequel, Tomb of the Dragon's Heart, and a sequel, Grave of the Heartless. Published by Greis Games.

Cover of Factions of Phandalin - Old Owl Well
Factions of Phandalin - Old Owl Well
5th Edition
Level 5
29 pages

This book goes over the various rules around the faction of the Order of the Gauntlet in Phandalin and the Forgotten Realms, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate it more into the core stories being told, and making the faction feel more useful for the players that choose to join. In the adventure, the characters are tasked with exploring the depths of the Old Owl Well.

Cover of Bolton's Tomb
Bolton's Tomb
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
7 pages

A generic tomb usable for one off adventures or unplanned exploration discovery.

Cover of Kobold King's Labyrinth (WBW-DC-LAB-01)
Kobold King's Labyrinth (WBW-DC-LAB-01)
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

"Can you solve the Labyrinth within 13 hours and get back what was stolen from you?" A 4-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 characters optimized for APL 3 taking place in the Feywild Domain of Delight, Labyrinth, where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems. This adventure takes place when the characters have been abruptly teleported into the Feywild Domain of Delight, Labyrinth. The Kobold King has given the characters thirteen hours to solve the labyrinth, or they will lose what he stole from them forever. "It's only forever, not long at all..." Pillars of Play: Skill challenges and exploration. Minimal/optional combat. Content warning: Non-consensual theft Adventure Inspiration: Jim Henson's Labyrinth (1986)

Cover of F13 - Necropolis of Sutama
F13 - Necropolis of Sutama
Levels 6–10
29 pages

A cemetery is nice but an entire city of the dead.....THAT'S an adventure. At 29 pages this adventure a large number of challenges for a party of higher levels. Set in the famed Adurite city of the dead this adventure offers many challenges to a party. What lies within? What treasures may be found? This adventure is not for the faint of heart. With over ten area maps and multiple pictures of areas the party may find, this is a full adventure. Are your players ready for a big adventure?

Cover of FVS1 - Zechariah’s Dungeon
FVS1 - Zechariah’s Dungeon
5th Edition
Low Level
32 pages

This dual offering is a true solo (no DM needed), as well as, the same dungeon for a PC/DM setting. The adventure is for new players at the lowest level of experience. It is centered on a recent discovery of an old dungeon that belonged to an arcane wizard. With no one to rely on, is your PC ready for a dangerous delve?

Cover of The Silence of Evil
The Silence of Evil
4th Edition
Level 29
6 pages

Centuries ago, a green dragon terrorized the civilized lands near its lair. As the beast grew in power, countless cult followers gathered. With the help of its worshipers, the dragon transformed into a runescribed dracolich. The dragon and its cult grew larger and more powerful over the centuries. This, of course, led to war with the surrounding nations. After terrible battles and much loss, the cultists were slaughtered and the dragon destroyed, but its phylactery could not be found. The beast reformed, gathered cultists anew, and again was defeated. The phylactery still could not be found. This time, the powers of civilization decided not to destroy the beast, but to trap it, locking it away and setting various guards. Recently, a divination ritual performed by someone the PCs respect revealed that great peril will arise if a creature lairing in Mount Sorrowspire (the dracolich) is not destroyed. Pgs. 180-185

Cover of Raiders of the Serpent Sea
Raiders of the Serpent Sea
5th Edition
Levels 1–18
490 pages

From the lead designer of Dragon Age Origins, in partnership with the creators of Odyssey of the Dragonlords, comes Raiders of the Serpent Sea! Take to the seas of Grimnir and battle against the sinister forces of a forgotten past in an epic campaign for the 5th Edition of the world’s greatest roleplaying game! Guide 4-6 players through tumultuous waters as they become heroes across a campaign that will take them from 1st to 16th level. Raiders of the Serpent Sea is a blend of high fantasy and a darker world of grim seafaring raiders. Grimnir’s clans constantly fight to survive in this doomed world filled with ancient and fantastic creatures - giants, sea serpents, saber-toothed tigers, and the world-devouring Yoten. Nowhere is safe, danger and glory abound! The Raiders of the Serpent Sea Campaign Guide PDF includes almost 500 pages of epic adventure and supplemental material with full-color maps and illustrations that breathe life into the campaign world.

Cover of The Lightless Depths
The Lightless Depths
3.5 Edition
Levels 11–13
39 pages

Deep beneath the Isle of Dread, in a place forgotten by the world of light, an ancient, unfathomable evil festers. Within the desiccated ruin known as Golsimorga, the debased kopru servants of Demogorgon work foul rites, steeping immature shadow pearls in pits of liquid insanity. None from the world above have yet fathomed what terrors lurk beneath the Isle of Dread, nor what mad scheme roils to profane life deep within the city's gangrenous corpse. "The Lightless Depths" is the sixth chapter of the Savage Tides Adventure Path, a complete campaign consisting of 12 adventures appearing in Dungeon magazine. For additional aid in running this campaign, check out Dragon magazine's monthly "Savage Tidings" articles, a series that helps players and DMs prepare for and expand upon the campaign. Issue #353 of Dragon features ways to improve the PCs' vessel, the Sea Wyvern, as they take their adventures back to the seas. When the PCs journey deep under the Isle of Dread to find the source of the shadow pearls, they discover horrors beyond imagining in a haunted underground city perched on sanity's razored edge. Pgs. 28-66

Cover of Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff
Against the Giants: The Liberation of Geoff
Level 8
96 pages

A Ravaged Land... Villains that really are larger than life... A time for heroes... A decade ago, the land of Geoff was overrun by a horde of giants, ogres, and evil humanoids, its people either slain, enslaved, or driven into exile. Now at last the tide has turned. The time to free the people of Geoff from their servitude to the giantish tyrants has come! But don't forget to watch your step when you confront the true masters behind the giant Clans! Contains the full text of three classic adventures by Gary Gygax: G1, Steading of the Hill Giant Chief; G2, The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl; and G3, Hall of the Fire GIant King. Details Eighteen new encounter sites in the war-torn land of Geoff, linked together to form a grand campaign. Provides dozens of hours of gameplay as the heroes struggle to free an entire country from the grasp of giant overlords. TSR 11413