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96 adventures found
Cover of Mists of Akuma: Imperial Matchmaker
Mists of Akuma: Imperial Matchmaker
5th Edition
Level 3
365 pages

An immense urban sandbox and eastern fantasy noir mega adventure for D&D 5E that takes 4–6 characters from 3rd through 12th level! An enmity between the Gekido, Hakaisuru, Kirai, and Namida clans has persisted for ages, the wounds from the Battle of Broken Spears torn open every few years by border skirmishes and trade disputes. Seeking to win the minds of the people by a grand gesture during these dark times, Emperor Hitoshi Masuto has arranged an alliance between the quarreling noble families—20 brides and grooms have been chosen to wed in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the decisive final battle in the rebellion against more than a century of foreign occupation. Imperial Matchmaker Weddings Decree Whether the adventurers seek honor and glory by protecting these fiancees or choose to line their pockets by ensuring the unions never come to pass, opportunity knocks at their door as the bengoshi of several clans sift through the mercenaries and spellswords that walk the streets of Sanbaoshi. To rise above the chaff in the capital of the Imperial Prefecture the PCs must be willing to do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals and survive among their cutthroat competition, the corrupting Mists of Akuma, and any designs of the monstrous forces keen to strike a foothold anew in Soburin. What's to be found in Imperial Matchmaker? Statistics for over 120 monsters and NPCs! No matter where the party goes or who they interact with GMs will quickly be able to provide skill bonuses, hit points, and everything else they might need to populate the world, creating a dynamic and seamless environment around the adventurers. Over 40 maps including an insane 2-page isometric illustration of Sanbaosh by Indi Martin! The urban sandbox where most of the mega adventure takes place has a staggering amount of cartography to make certain GMs are never hard-pressed when figures are needed. 147 pages of material focused on the capital of the Imperial Prefecture! With NPCs and maps galore the detail poured into Sanbaoshi make its chapter a book unto itself, making this an outstanding addition to any GM's collection (whether running the mega adventure or not). New magic items including the sheathe ring and black glass dagger, as well as innovative rules for Absentee & Memorial cards! New character options! Put your allies (or pet) into a frenzy with the College of the Maddening Flute, use a deadly bladed brush to turn painting into reality as a Genjitsugaka fighter, look upon the Kami when making a pact to gain a spiritual companion, or become a warlock of Ancestors to pierce through the veil of time. A unique adventure unlike any you've played before! There are 10 high profile matrimonies set to take place in this gigantic module but so very much more awaiting the PCs as they walk the streets of Sanbaoshi: specialized sidequests for the Mists of Akuma Iconics, unexpected trials like Nobukai Bamboo Grove, and virtually endless intrigues amongst the gangs, criminal organizations, noble clans, and other folk that make their homes in the capital of the Imperial Prefecture.

Cover of X Marks the Spot
X Marks the Spot
5th Edition
Level 4
28 pages

A prison escape for an unlikely group of heroes turns into a race for an ancient relic sought by the Legion of Dusk. Can you brave the unknown and capture the treasure before the enemy does? This Dungeons & Dragons adventure is set on the plane of Ixalan from Magic: The Gathering. It uses 4th-level characters provided with the adventure.

Cover of FD10 - Jungle of the Unga Rae
FD10 - Jungle of the Unga Rae
Level 5
21 pages

The party that has made their way along the causeway has arrived on the edge of the sea and has been summoned by the high priest. The party has been asked to help in a mission on Borsk Isle. The group will be providing security to the mountain temple as a relic is going there to be destroyed. The island is home to a variety of creatures, most of which will be aggressive…up for a challenge?

Cover of Valachan: Hunter’s Moon
Valachan: Hunter’s Moon
5th Edition
Levels 8–9
39 pages

Valachan: Hunter’s Moon is a slasher/gothic horror adventure for 4-5 level characters of 8-9th level. It can be played over the course of 6-8 hours and should roughly take one playing session, if the party is quick, or two if the party is progressing slowly. This is the fourth and final part of the Carnival of Lost Souls campaign, which can also be played as a standalone adventure. Valachan: Hunter’s Moon features: Fully fleshed out Trial of Hearts with dangerous encounters along the journey Rules for sabotaging rival parties before the Trial New custom monsters to make combat encounters truly memorable and exciting High-quality maps, also available in universal vtt format Check out the previous adventures in the series: Lamordia: The Hardest of Hearts, Dementlieu: Dance with the Devil and Kalakeri: The Forbidden Temple! And look out for the special Campaign Guide, which will explain in detail how to best set up and play the campaign. However, if you want to start your campaign right now, don’t worry - we have included a short appendix at the end of each adventure that will explain the basics! Disclaimer: We are a team of writers from Ukraine, so the unprovoked war and senseless aggression of the terrorist state of russia influenced our initial timelines significantly. However, we are now as safe as we can ever be under the constant threat of missile strikes, and determined to finish the whole series! And after that - who knows, maybe even more cool adventures will follow ;)

Cover of It Walks the Jungle at Night
It Walks the Jungle at Night
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
16 pages

It stalks the jungles of Chult. On the path to the lost city lies an ancient danger, a creature that posseses the very jungle and destroys man, beast, and undead alike. Your party has seen the signs of its violence and destruction. Soon they, too, will be hunted by the entity known as Uluu Thalongh. It Walks the Jungle at Night is an adventure supplement for Tomb of Annihilation, designed for a party of 4 players of 5th-7th level. It is a sandbox-friendly adventure designed to fit within a broad adventuring area. The adventure includes strong DM guidelines to hasten or slow the adventure's buildup, allowing the Dungeon Master to control the adventure's pace and incoprorate its early phases into normal day-to-day travel. The adventure includes: -A wide series of random encounter options for the party to discover. They'll find victims of Uluu Thalongh who are relevant to the factions they've interacted with. -A magical item reward: Lash of the Jungle-Walker. -The full-page Myth of Uluu Thalongh, written to embrace Tomb of Annihilation's focus on legend and folklore. -The stat blocks for the Uluu Thalongh (with legendary actions!) and its possessed jungle. -An appendix for chase complications if or when the party flees from the dreadful entity.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #93: Moon-Slaves of the Cannibal Kingdom
Dungeon Crawl Classics #93: Moon-Slaves of the Cannibal Kingdom
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 2
24 pages

Far to the west, beyond civilized lands, lie the Tolomak Islands— volcanic peaks covered in pestilential jungle and bestriding sunken ruins. The legends say the Tolomaks are home to treacherous witches, ferocious cannibals, moon demons, and worse! Wise are those who steer well away from these accursed jungle isles, but not everyone is wise… For the legends also speak of power unimaginable and treasures beyond the limits of mortal avarice. Now, under the light of the triple moons, a band of intrepid adventurers sails ever nearer the islands. With luck, they will escape with a fortune; without it, they may not keep their souls.

Cover of The Shrine of Ilsidahur
The Shrine of Ilsidahur
Levels 3–6
6 pages

It's strange that a shrine to a vanished god should still be taking sacrifices. Not everyone forgets a forgotten god. The party explores an old shrine to a demon lord, kept up by a superstitious local.

Cover of Mists of Akuma: Feud Primordial
Mists of Akuma: Feud Primordial
5th Edition
Level 5
56 pages

Heat beats down from the blazing summer sun and the adventurers are hot on the trail of a fugitive, ordered by the bengoshi Akia the Iron Shell to hunt down the charismatic cult leader Shinjirarenai. Soon after routing the foul oni-touched mage however the mystery deepens, forcing the PCs to chase across southern Soburin after a curious stolen shipment until the true powers at work are revealed and the party realizes they are but pawns in an ancient conflict, pieces on a gameboard between two Imperial Siblings! Mists of Akuma is an eastern fantasy noir steampunk campaign setting for 5th Edition where the last continent of the world has embraced a fear for technology, what might be the only means to save them from the primordial fog spreading across Soburin and corrupting its peoples, transforming them into fearsome adeddo-oni—should the adventurers achieve victory at all in this merciless and unforgiving land, it is sure to pyrrhic. WHAT'S INSIDE THIS ADVENTURE MODULE: A mystery adventure that takes the party across three prefectures of Soburin (Korusu, Yokuba, and Ikari, all detailed within) and into the river city of Nesuto before meeting two of the most powerful creatures to ever tread upon the world! The continental map of Soburin by Michael McCarthy as well as 11 play maps for Nesuto, two teahouses, encounters in the badlands, mountains, or jungles, two shops, a city street, a building being used for a ritual, and an enchanted cavern. The supernatural Mists of Akuma, the misted condition, and two new attributes (Dignity and Haitoku).

Cover of The Root of All Evil
The Root of All Evil
3rd Edition
Level 1
64 pages

This was supposed to be a simple job! In the small town of Haanex on Reanaaria Bay, the wizard Veoden assembles the PCs to do a simple job: find the remnants of a meteor said to be made of the rare substance mithral. First they must find a map that local rumor tells is guarded by the spirits of the dead. Upon recovering the map and locating the crater, they uncover a plot to create a powerful magical item called the Coin of Power. This artifact is a tool for wickedness and the players soon find themselves on a quest to learn the means to destroy this evil item and its insidious master before she destroys them. Complicating matters is the fact that the one man who can help them was lost during an expedition to the Reelio Jungle months ago and is yet to return. Will the PCs be able to survive the rigors of the jungle and solve the riddle of the tribesmen who live there? The lives of innocents might depend on it! This accessory provides characters with an elaborate storyline and a chance for many varied types of adventure. You will take your PCs from the quiet village of Haanex in northern Reanaaria Bay to the Vry Naasu Headlands, the City-State of Zoa and finally the forlorn Reelio Jungle. The Root of All Evil fantasy game supplement is set in the popular Kingdoms of Kalamar Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting but can be adapated for use in any setting! This module can be used by itself, or as Part One of the Coin of Power trilogy (see also Forging Darkness and Coin’s End).

Cover of FA8 - Numb Island
FA8 - Numb Island
Levels 3–6
39 pages

Numb Island sits in the north seas and is home to Miles Away a struggling settlement with a variety of problems. This adventure setting has a variety of different side adventures that can be used in a continuing campaign or as individual scenarios. Each of the scenario has a level recommendation so that you, the DM, can pick and choose what the party may be ready for and what adventures are better to pass over. In the Filbar campaign the adventurers found themselves on Numb Island several times during their adventuring career and were not strangers in Miles Away!

Cover of FVC9 - Royal Recovery
FVC9 - Royal Recovery
5th Edition
High Level
18 pages

FVC9 – Royal Recovery is a short adventure involving a lost princess. A peace accord is in jeopardy when a royal wedding may be postponed due to a missing bride. She was secretly coming to Tol Borron, home to her future suitor, but her ship is now missing. The party has been asked by a gypsy, working on behalf of the king, to head towards the Horns of Barnack where some debris has been located. Will your party be able to solve the mystery of the missing princess?

Cover of Gateway to a Savage Land
Gateway to a Savage Land
5th Edition
Levels 6–10
38 pages

The quest: find a woman's son who has been missing for 10 years. She's only just received a map that may lead to his last known whereabouts. An adventure for characters that features battles, environmental hazards, and roleplaying. The 38-page PDF includes hand-drawn maps, art, stat blocks, and a battle stat tracker. The overall adventure is 15 pages. This adventure has even been test played by four DM's from around the world.

Cover of Grasp of the Emerald Claw
Grasp of the Emerald Claw
3.5 Edition
Level 6
33 pages

Deep in the jungles of Xen'drik, a relic of great power has lain hidden for thousands of years. Now, determined adventurers race against time and the nefarious agents of the Order of the Emerald Claw to locate the relic, overcome unimagined obstacles, and unlock its ancient secret. The Order's hunt for the parts of an ancient creation pattern nears its conclusion, but other groups also seek this powerful item. Once all of the pieces come within close proximity of each other, the ancient intelligence awakens. Suddenly all parties have a new and powerful enemy to contend with...

Cover of Displacer Beast Maze
Displacer Beast Maze
3rd Edition
Levels 5–7
3 pages

Displace Beast Maze is an adventure that has one long encounter that is a combination of a puzzle (maze) and combat encounter (Displacer beast). The Displacer beast tentacle's ability to attack through the maze walls, knowledge of the layout, and hit-and-run tactics make the labyrinth both a useful and possibly deadly lair for the creature. Pgs. 27-29

Cover of The Leopard Men
The Leopard Men
Levels 8–10
15 pages

A deadly rumble in the jungle. The wicked Leopard Men might have loads of treasure - but no one has ever met one and lived to talk about it. The Leopard Men are a tribal cult in the jungle who worship the wicked leopard god. They stalk at night looking for suitable sacrifices to their god. A merchant asks the PCs to destroy the Leopard Men to improve his trade agreements with other jungle tribes. Their reward for doing so is all the accumulated wealth of this tribe. The party will investigate the cult by travelling through several tribal villages. The cult members are hidden in these villages, watching for future sacrifice victims. The adventure ends with a battle with the leader of the Leopard Men and a spirit of the leopard god that is summoned. Pgs. 13-27

Cover of Against the Idol of the Sun
Against the Idol of the Sun
5th Edition
Level 13
295 pages

Do you want to run or play an adventure where characters start at level 13 instead of ending at level 13, and actually get to progress to 20 like the rules say they should? Do your players like to travel far and wide, exploring a huge unknown area? Do your players like to change their plans on a whim, and travel somewhere other than where they told you they planned to go last session? Do your players feel like fighting against an empire at odds of 20,000 to 1? Do your players want to commit occasional acts of sky piracy? Do you want an adventure that is designed to handle players using Scrying, Transport Via Plants, and Teleportation on a daily basis? If you answered yes to some of these questions, this adventure may be for you. Check out the detailed preview packet, which includes a campaign log showing how this adventure has actually played out. WARNING: FULL OF SPOILERS; VERY LONG. Against the Idol of the Sun is an epic hexcrawl campaign designed for high-level play. Adventuring parties should start at about level 13, and will likely end the campaign at level 20 with multiple Epic Boons. As a hexcrawl, there is no set adventure path that the party must follow. There is only one encounter that's even close to plot-mandatory aside from the climactic battle. Anything else can be skipped or handled in any order. The players are free to move about the map in any direction at any time, limited only by the risk of enemy action and encounters. The DM, meanwhile, is encouraged to have foes react to and actively hunt the PCs once they become a threat. Along the way, they may find and explore a number of dungeons, including a millenia-old laboratory in the grips of a time distortion, several mines that were abandoned for good reason yet may hold wealth within, and other challenges appropriate for high-level characters. This module is heavy on Exploration and Combat, but the Social aspect of D&D also is necessary as the player characters meet new peoples, work to convince them that they can make a difference, motivate them to action, and create overall plans for the NPCs and factions to follow off-screen to support the players in their main assaults. The key set piece encounters, which are optional but highly probable, involve attacking well-defended temples in the centers of enemy cities. Planning for these attacks will require paying attention to reconnaissance, timing, the use of allies, how to enter, and how to exit and break contact succesfully when dealing with enemies that fly faster than most player characters can walk. The adventure does not include artwork, and the maps are basic.

Cover of DDAL07-08 Putting The Dead To Rest
DDAL07-08 Putting The Dead To Rest
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
7 pages

The jungle has opened up and revealed her secrets—now is the time to act upon them. All signs point to a long-abandoned city as the source of the undead contagion, and so you have been called upon to venture within and put an end to it once and for all. Are you up to the task? Part Three of The Rot from Within Trilogy.

Cover of The Tiger's Song
The Tiger's Song
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
26 pages

𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟓𝐭𝐡 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝'𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞! In the steaming jungles of the east, the Feathered City rises like a jewel from the lush forests. An important stop on many aerial trade routes, the skies above the city are filled with griffons, rocs, and airships from the far corners of the world. But your adventure takes you to the very belly of this exotic city. Forced into the service of a night hag, you must help her find and eliminate her enemy - a demon with no name, that rules from the shadows. This is a mystery adventure for characters level 5-10, and optimized for a party of 5 level 7 characters. It takes about 10 hours, or two sessions, to complete. 𝐁𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭! It contains horror elements that may be too graphic some players, and even worse - this adventure packs an old school punch. Teamwork and caution are needed to survive long enough to hear the Tiger's Song.

Cover of Lorn Song of the Bachelor
Lorn Song of the Bachelor
48 pages

Weeds trail the water. The sandbar just off the shore shifts. A reptile rumble, a splash. Now a gaping maw. A roar. Claws splintering wood. The boat capsizes. You are in the river, now. He is the Bachelor: a pale crocodile, as long as five men lying end to end. He swallows hunters, families, trading skiffs. Prospectors fear to go out. Witches mutter. They say he causes landslips. They say he is a god, a curse -- an old, old sin, staining the river. They say he has been killed, before. He is pulling you under. Lorn Song of the Bachelor is a 48-page riverine adventure and dungeon crawl module, inspired by the crocodile stories of Southeast Asia -- particularly Sarawak. It features: Tragedy, a bloody curse, and a love gone very sour Open-ended factional interplay between local villagers, a foreign merchant Company, and a giant supernatural crocodile -- and its motivating spirits Multiple random tables, including: magical fabrics woven by god-possessed craftspersons; trinkets of a now-fallen Monkey Empire; medicinal herbs and animals 19 new creatures, including: mind-controlling catfish; golems made of teeth; a pregnant tiger spirit Wilderness travel up an enchanted river An extraplanar dungeon complex that can change the surrounding environment A morally complex treatment of colonialism, within the framework of an adventure module A giant crocodile who really wants to eat you

Cover of Sangkon Bhet
Sangkon Bhet
3.5 Edition
Medium Level
5 pages

Beneath the jungle-covered ruins of an ancient human temple lies a small outpost of grell that have taken to hunting the nearby area by night. Sangkon Bhet is a fairly typical example of a small grell outpost; the monsters occupy convenient ruins or caverns for a time as they search out new places to move a colony that has over hunted its previous locale.