A community for lazy dungeon masters
331 adventures found
A Giant Ransom - Episode One: The Big Deal
3rd Edition
Level 11
3 pages

A Giant Ransom is a short adventure for four 11th-level characters. There are opportunities for diplomacy, stealth, and combat, based on the choices the PCs make, so any mix of classes is appropriate. The adventure can be set in any campaign world, in a frontier region near glacier-covered mountains. The newly appointed Duke Castaril Ambrinigan has recently relocated to a modest, newly constructed keep near the frontier town of Ormanlak. He and his family arrived safely, but a caravan containing family heirlooms was waylaid by a band of frost giant raiders. Most of the items were of no consequence to the Duke, with the exception of one: a three-foot tall golden statue of a lion. The Duke, wanting to avoid a war, sent an emissary to the frost giants. He offered gems totaling 10,000 gold pieces in value as ransom for the lion. The giants accepted, and a time and place was set for the exchange. But there is more. A white dragon named Whildenstrank lives in the midst of a nearby glacier, and has maintained a network of winter wolf spies, including some in the frost giants' camp. Through these spies, Whildenstrank learned of the capture of the golden lion, and the upcoming trade. Thinking that the lion would make a fine addition to his frozen treasure hoard, Whildenstrank has prepared to strike.

Cover of The Hag's Hexes
The Hag's Hexes
5th Edition
Levels 4–18
66 pages

The Hag's Hexes is a 66 page guide designed by Dungeon Masters Guild luminaries like JVC Parry and Janek Sielicki alongside rising stars and old stalwarts like Matt Butler, Matthew Gravelyn, and Tim Bannock. It was created with one thing in mind: to make hags more than the sum of their (often meager) Challenge ratings, giving them the mechanics, roleplay potential, and weird magic that can inspire campaigns, lay low kings and warlords, and potentially ensnare unwary Player Characters into campaign-changing curses or long-term bargains that force them into terrible moral quandaries! Split into five chapters, the authors have provided everything a DM needs to terrify their players for years to come. The Bestiary features over a dozen monsters; some are new hags, some are their minions or even their mobile lairs, and one of them -- the Shaitan AKA Desert Hag -- was featured in Monsters of the Guild! Bargains & Curses is a chapter filled with ideas that can kick-start campaigns, threaten valued NPCs, or put Player Characters' very existence and morality at stake. Chapter 3 includes two dozen items of wonderment, weirdness, and dread, ranging from fairy tale-inspired items of whimsy to terribly cursed items of horror. Chapter 4 is titled "Filthy, Vile & Downright Dirty" and provides dozens of roleplaying tips to make hags come alive, new mechanics inspired by and expanding on Volo's Guide to Monsters (coven spell lists, aunties, grandmothers, alternative coven members), and ends with useful combat tactics for each of the hags from the Monster Manual and Volo's Guide, as well as tactics for covens. Finally, Chapter 5 presents five encounter groups (with sub-encounters) to give you quick story seeds and monster lists that you can put together in minutes to create a single encounter or to inspire a full campaign, and ends with three full-length adventures -- each with 3-5 encounters -- that showcase many of the new monsters, rules, magic items, and so on that appeared in earlier chapters. Each of these adventures comes with an encounter map meant to act as inspiration for hag lairs, and they include useful mechanical ideas for terrain effects and descriptive keywords listed directly on the map for added inspiration and easy customization! Designed by Tim Bannock. Written by Matt Butler, JVC Parry, Janek Sielicki, and Tim Bannock. Edited by Matthew Gravelyn and Tim Bannock. Cover Art by Elena Naylor. Cartography by Tim Bannock using Inkwell Ideas' Dungeonographer (Dungeonographer is copyright Inkwell Ideas). Layout & Graphic Elements by Elena Naylor with Tim Bannock. Interior Art by Arcana Games, Bruno Balixa, David Lewis Johnson, Dean Spencer, Earl Geier, Filip Gutowski, Jacob E. Blackmon, Joyce Maureira, Petr Kratochvil, Jayaraj Paul, Brian Brinlee, and Wizards of the Coast.

Cover of WS2.5 The Ruins of Alaxar
WS2.5 The Ruins of Alaxar
Levels 3–5
8 pages

The Ruins of Alaxar is a companion adventure made to go along with the events unfolding in Folio #15 (WS2 The Forgotten Plateau). It contains the information needed to run a side adventure that will help characters in their exploration of the Sacred Plateau. Smoke still rises from the ruinds of the once mighty citadel of the Corsairs of Uthoria. Now, amid the ruins, the characters find that a deadly force still lurks, and they must end it if they are to find the new location of their quest's last hurdle, the Necrotic Pearl! This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of FVC7 - Horn of Delmar
FVC7 - Horn of Delmar
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
20 pages

This week’s Filbar offering is an introductory level adventure pitting fresh adventurers against a variety of opponents. As they head out to make a name for themselves the young group will first need to pass by the Horn of Delmar. This mountain landmark was once home to a mighty fortress felled centuries before hand. While many have adventured to the top they have returned ravaged with injuries and reports of strange and foul creatures. This adventure features an old tower, bandits, undead, and an old dungeon complex for those who search hard enough.

Cover of Blood and Laurels
Blood and Laurels
Levels 5–7
10 pages

A little friendly competition can be fun now and then - unless, of course, the competition isn't friendly at all. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of Touch of Madness
Touch of Madness
4th Edition
Level 10
45 pages

Beyond the mortal world, somewhere outside the bounds of the Astral Sea, the Far Realm yawns immeasurable. Beyond the reality of gods and mortals, this plane is a realm of contradictions, a mad place of fevered creation checked only by pointless extinction. The Outside is a sea of diseased possibilities, where the stuff of madness seethes in a soup of the incomprehensible and the unnamable—shuddering, squirming, and sentient. The Stormcrows, responding to the psychic cry from the stone, dispatched a force to retrieve it. The attackers descend on Wellspring, slaughtering and destroying in the search for their treasure. PCs can come to the town’s defense and repel the horde. A priestess of Ioun then turns to the heroes to find the item the monsters were seeking. From the recovering town, the heroes cross the wilderness to the Kaorti Temple. The trail ends at a ruined tower overlooking a deep ravine. Inside the tower, the heroes must overcome the terrible creatures in their search. In the end, they find the relic has been stolen.

Cover of UK3 The Gauntlet
UK3 The Gauntlet
Levels 3–6
38 pages

Indomitable it stood for centuries, a symbol of order in a world of chaos. Bastion of the pass through the Kamph Mountains, the very stones of the Keep of Adlerweg were the stuff of legends. What evil power had strength enough to take it? How were its defenses swept aside? Fell creatures now attend the battlements that overlook the only pass between Berghof and the sea. This is not a pretty problem to be solved by the militia of the local villages. These and more may be needed to withstand the mayhem stirred up by the fall of the keep. Indeed, if the Keep is not retaken, and retaken soon, the Hold of the Sea Princes itself may not be secure. Now is the time for heroic action. Aided by the Sentinel, former protector of the legendary Guardians of Adlerweg, have you the courage and the determination to rid the keep of its sinister occupants? UK3: "The Gauntlet" (1984), by Graeme Morris, is the third UK-series adventure and the second half of the two-part Adlerweg series. It was run as the final round of the GamesFair 1983 AD&D Open (and won by a RuneQuest fan!). It was then published in 1984. TSR 9111

Cover of FV7 - Shipwreck Cove
FV7 - Shipwreck Cove
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
20 pages

After leaving a successful venture on Xodus Island you find yourselves being pursued by Captain Gabriel Angel and his pirates! Your escape sends both ships into a hurricane causing you to become lost at sea with waves threatening your ship. Choking on water the next morning you and your fellow adventurers find yourselves at Shipwreck Cove!

Cover of Mists of Akuma: Scourge of Róbai-Shita Temple
Mists of Akuma: Scourge of Róbai-Shita Temple
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
42 pages

Heroes are needed in the mountainside town of Shibai—though thought to be spared from the horrors of the demonic Mists of Akuma, recently the supernatural haze has started to fall onto the settlement and a monster lurks through the evil fog. Despite the presence of the infamous Mubo Brothers, hired by the local mayor, a Sukochi bengoshi calls upon the party to get to the bottom of what ails Shibai. The truth of the matter lay within Robai Shita Temple, though what the adventurers find inside may see them undone!

Cover of NC6 - Uncharted Territory
NC6 - Uncharted Territory
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
21 pages

Your time on the mainland of Calentria has come to an end and with an appropriated ship you find yourself approaching a collection of island in the middle of the ocean. Some of the sailors that have ventured into this area before report there may be a language barrier. As you approach a large land mass a dark shape in the sky seems to take notice of you…

Cover of The Beast of ShadowGate
The Beast of ShadowGate
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
11 pages

Horrors in the Dark The origin of the ShadowGate is lost in antiquity. Some claim it as the work of devils, others cannibal cultists or even demon lords. Not long after its discovery it was boarded up by the priests of the local church, and then fortified by paladins. Of late something has emerged from the portal. It remains trapped within the divine defences, but for how long?

Cover of DQ1 - Yoke of the Slavers
DQ1 - Yoke of the Slavers
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
17 pages

Today we bring out a scenario for a pair of budding first level adventurers. Originally used to teach D&D to a novice, this fleshed out into a trio of adventures set on the northern island of Esaq off the coast of the ancient Greyloch Kingdom. Home to a Halfling population, the adventure takes two young people on a thrilling adventure after the duo’s home is raided by slavers. The novice delvers head east to rescue their family and fellow villagers!

Cover of Wrath of the Orc God
Wrath of the Orc God
Levels 3–4
53 pages

In the town of Gafolweed, the market is in disarray: toppled barrows and collapsed tents spill their contents onto the muddy ground. Merchants and locals flee the scene as you arrive. In the midst of the destruction stands a muscular, green-skinned humanoid—an orc! Three bodies lie near his feet, the victims of his bloody axe. He turns to you, a vivid red tattoo of a bleeding eye prominent on his brow. The orcs are gathering in numbers unseen in many generations and make war upon the people of the Borderlands. The cause of this deadly conflict is entwined with the history of the unholy mark that all the orcs now bear. Will your fellowship of budding heroes be able to quell the Wrath of the Orc God?

Cover of X3 Curse of Xanathon
X3 Curse of Xanathon
Levels 5–7
32 pages

Something is rotten in Rhoona... When the grotesque god, Cretia, casts his ugly shadow over the town, strange things start happening. First, Duke Stephen vanishes. Then bizarre proclamations begin coming out of the Ducal Palace... Dwarves are outlawed... taxes must be paid in beer... horses must be ridden backwards. Soon the entire town is in an uproar and a Dwarven army is marching on Rhoona. This is the situation when you and your part of valiant adventurers arrive in the suffering town. There you find... A ragged beggar who prowls the streets offering cryptic advice. A mysterious black-garbed cleric planning treachery. A trusted soldier plotting his master's overthrow. A sinister jewel casting its evil emanations over the town. You and your party are Rhoona's only hope. Only YOU can unravel the dark mystery that plagues the town and save Rhoona from...the Curse of Xanathon. TSR 9056

The Forge of Fury 5e
5th Edition
Level 3
27 pages

Two hundred years ago, the great dwarf smith Durgeddin the Black built Khundrukar, a hidden stronghold for his war of vengeance against all orckind. For years Durgeddin labored, until the orcs discovered Khundrukar and stormed the citadel, slaying all within. Legends say that Durgeddin's masterful blades and glittering treasures were never found.

Cover of EX1 - Trinity Trio
EX1 - Trinity Trio
5th Edition
Levels 1–9
11 pages

Don't you just hate it when you have a bit of downtime but some of your players need a bit more experience? Perhaps your group is fractured and only a pair of players could make it. Today's offering gives you three scenarios for a pair of adventures at three different levels! This offering helps you plug campaign holes with short encounters certain to challenge a pair of PCs!

Cover of FA5 - Gortelburg Pass
FA5 - Gortelburg Pass
Medium Level
16 pages

This setting was used in the F series and was used as an area for multiple adventure opportunities as a separate crossing of the Border Mountains. This mountain area has several travel sections to get from the civilized area to the frontier. With a multitude of side adventures this area helps mid-level adventurers increase their experience point base. In the Filbar campaign it was commonly used to get from Havendale to Arcanum College and Cordicstown.

Cover of FA2 - Springwood Forest
FA2 - Springwood Forest
Levels 3–5
11 pages

Rumor has it that an evil temple resides in the forest as well as a mad mage who may or may not consume children. While these rumors abound speculation of the existence of such is frequently countered with the tenacity of the elves watching over the forest and how it would be unthinkable for them to allow such issues to occur. Note: This seems an incomplete adventure. While the evil temple is mentioned, there are no maps for it. Also the mad mage is given back ground, there are not stats for an encounter.

Cover of G2 The Glacial Rift of The Frost Giant Jarl
G2 The Glacial Rift of The Frost Giant Jarl
Levels 8–12
8 pages

Some dozens of leagues to the north and west of the STEADING OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF (Module G1 of this series), amidst the tallest mountain peaks, is the stronghold of Grugnur, Lord of Frost Giants. As frost giants have been amongst those who have been in the reaving bands, the party is to deal with them as the hill giants have been dealt with. Death and destruction are to be meted out to the frost giants in the same measure they gave to the peoples below. This module contains background information, referee's notes, two level maps, and exploration matrix keys. It provides a complete module for play of ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and it can be used alone or as the second of a three-part expedition adventure which also employs DUNGEON MODULE G1 (STEADING OF THE HILL GIANT CHIEF) and DUNGEON MODULE G3 (HALL OF THE FIRE GIANT KING). TSR 9017

Cover of PS1 - Barrow of the Culder
PS1 - Barrow of the Culder
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
16 pages

Barrow of the Culder is the initial adventure in the dangerous land of Provincia. Carrying on from this month’s free adventure, this scenario brings the adventuring party together in the small community of Merrydale. Two PCs will be meeting on the hill outside of town and then move forward to find additional members of the group as well as their first challenge. One PC will have received a job to find a missing minor artifact and have orders to gather any assistance…hence the party forms and has a common goal! After gathering their equipment they will follow a hidden trail to the final resting place of the feared warlord named the Culder.