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169 adventures found
Cover of Dreams Within Dreams
Dreams Within Dreams
Any Level
6 pages

"Dreams Within Dreams" provides a group of heroes with the first hints that ther eis something more to dreams and nightmares than images caused by eating a big meal right before bedtime. It brings them into contact with the first level of reality. One here who experiences a nightmare also catches the interest of Hypnos, a member of the Nightmare Court. This leads to another revelation - dreams can have profound and even dangerous affect on the waking world. Adventure I: Dreams Within Dreams From Book Three: Book of Nightmares: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-nightmare-lands TSR 1124

Cover of Astral Corpse
Astral Corpse
4th Edition
Level 26
8 pages

Floating Eternally among the endless silver void of the Astral Sea are vast, once-living islands, cast-off flesh of primordials and deities who lost their lives sons past in a great war. Today these colossal outposts bear mute testimony to the date of even the mightiest among us. Pgs. 120-127

Cover of RS1 Red Sonja Unconquered
RS1 Red Sonja Unconquered
Levels 10–14
32 pages

If you but have the will Sonja, you may use your strength to make the world your home. You may become a wanderer, the equal of any man or woman you meet. (The Ring of Ikribu) Red Sonja #1 Steel met steel as Sonja slashed wildly before her. Sparks flew into the air; the mercenary's sword flew to the ground. Her arms vibrated with the contact and her hands grew numb as she tightened her grip on the mighty sword. Still they came - only four in all, but with deadly intent shining deep within theiir hungry eyes. What do these men seek? Why would they rather die than run? TSR 9183

Cover of The Road to Baldur’s Gate
The Road to Baldur’s Gate
5th Edition
Level 1
1 pages

While traveling along the Trade Way, the characters see a small hut on the side of the road, and a spiked barricade erected in the middle of the road. Two men with cudgels in their hands stand on either side of the road. These two brigands proclaim to be members of the Waterdeep City Watch, but any Waterdhavian with half a brain knows this to be a lie. The truth is that these are common highwaymen trying to fleece travelers and merchants with a phony road toll. In this simple encounter, the characters can employ whatever inventive tactics they want to pass the brigands. They may simply pay the toll, they may try to intimidate the bandits or appeal to their better nature by making a Charisma check, or they might resort to violence. Or, they may attempt something else entirely! Encourage creativity.

Cover of Far11 - Archives of Steinhäuser
Far11 - Archives of Steinhäuser
5th Edition
Levels 4–7
19 pages

In their previous adventure they discovered a strange magic item that no one in Fort Myers can identify. After receiving the suggestion that a trip to the capital may be in order, a different tip points out that there is Steinhäuser. This location is known as a vast repository of knowledge. You set out and quickly realize that the Grey Cloaks, a group of evil knights, is ahead of you yet again…

Cover of Con18 - 5 Abduction!
Con18 - 5 Abduction!
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
23 pages

This scenario was presented to Gryphcon's 30th anniversary last year. The party finds themselves coming to the Triland on their way to Taco Del Toro. This island chain is unique in that it has a land mass made of clouds, hovering over the island. Upon landing, your group discovers that the governor's child has been abducted by a Cloud Giantess. Time for your hero hats...

Cover of FC7 - Yellowbeard's Vein
FC7 - Yellowbeard's Vein
Levels 5–7
24 pages

With several adventures under your belts your party arrives at the small settlement of Goshen seeking a warm bed and full bellies. As you begin to satisfy both you hear rumors of some overdue mining Dwarves. These miners have been quite consistent about coming to town to move their gemstones to market and with recent sightings of humanoids the townspeople are concerned. Is your party ready for a well-being check?

Cover of CM8 The Endless Stair
CM8 The Endless Stair
Levels 15–20
32 pages

The Great Mage Cheiromar, known as Aglahund the Mighty, is said to be buried under the Leaning Stone atop Galzar's Crag. One of his apprentices, Ulthorn, has been discovered dead in an aperture of the Leaning Stone - a doorway that locals swear has never been there before! You must discover how Ulthorn died and the mystery of the Leaning Stone. In the process, you may find yourself at the Endless Stair. Those who never climbed it say is seems to lead nowhere. Those who did never lived to tell of it. Will you dare ascend into the unknown? TSR 9192

Cover of Out of the Ashes
Out of the Ashes
Levels 8–12
22 pages

Slain in disgrace, reborn in fury, armed to the teeth: Flame returns! Flame is back - and is he mad! The sequel to "Into the Fire" from Dungeon 1. Pgs. 42-63

Cover of GC17 - Infiltration of Taco Del Toro
GC17 - Infiltration of Taco Del Toro
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
34 pages

His holiness has summoned you to the great temple and asks a favor of you. He has explained that national spies have tracked down the notorious pirate/criminal, Molon Labe, has pulled into the port of Taco Del Toro. As an enemy of the state, the religious leader demands that he be taken alive. He has obtained a privateer to take you to the city known to be frequented by pirates and their ilk in order to catch the individual. He warns you that nothing good survives in the island city and to watch your back as you make your way through the mean streets!

Cover of FVC10 - Lofty Pursuits
FVC10 - Lofty Pursuits
5th Edition
10 pages

After a series of successful exploits you and your associates decide it is time for a nice vacation. You pull into the large city of Breckengarden to take a few weeks off when you are approached by a courier. After a clandestine meeting you are informed that several well-known adventurers have been disappearing and the party has been asked to resolve the issue. The bigger problem is the likely source of the kidnappings is the master of the Cloud Giant kingdom that floats above the ground!

Cover of Red Gold
Red Gold
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
12 pages

On the world’s first offshore rig Captain Seaslick and his crew are drilling for dragon essence - a rare and valuable substance often called Red Gold. They’re about to be filthy rich, but not everyone’s happy for them. Dragon cultists have infiltrated the rig and are trying to steal a stash of the precious essence for their rites. In their eagerness they’ve magically sped the drill up to a perilous rate. With the rig rattling and falling apart around them, will Seaslick and his enterprising ex-pirates team up with nature worshipping tribes folk to defeat their shared enemy? And will they escape with their liquid hoard, or will the sea have her revenge for their greed?

Cover of Happy Jack's Funhouse
Happy Jack's Funhouse
5th Edition
Levels 3–10
60 pages

A prefectly creepy, horror-style one-shot adventure, excellent for Halloween sessions. The adventure takes place in Happy Jack’s Funhouse, where the adventurers encounter strange creatures, traps, and games. You can view a 20-page preview of the adventure on the product page. The painted man rode into town, tossing candy and small trinkets to the cheering children. The children, their mouths stuffed with gumdrops, laughed at his jet-black horse adorned with a white saddle festooned with jingle bells. He introduced himself to the town elders as Happy Jack and asked their permission to set up his attraction in the town square. The elders, seeing the happiness in the children, agreed. Happy Jack brought with him food vendors and a thrill ride – a large painted attraction which manifested from a leather green and red checkerboard satchel after he placed it on the ground. All was fun for two days… NOTE: This product also includes Happy Jack's Rare Subclasses - a supplement containg the Jester (Rogue) and College of the Clown (Bard) subclasses and four new magic items.

Cover of FD1 - Death of the Jabin Sagna
FD1 - Death of the Jabin Sagna
Levels 1–3
16 pages

As a pair of fresh faced adventurers yearning to show the world what you have you can almost taste the action, but you haven’t found any yet. While on the road a local farmer tells you that the Thorp of Templeton is looking for someone to find their missing ferryman. While the farmer doesn’t have many details the thorp in question is less than half a day’s walk from where you are. As you wander down the road with your friend you both revel in a job as easy as finding a drunken boat captain!

Cover of Riding the Rail
Riding the Rail
3.5 Edition
Level 5
10 pages

Lightning rail rides in Breland are never as relaxing as they should be, especially when the coach is being used to transport a monolith hauled from the mysterious depths of Xen'drik Can the unsuspecting PC's overcome their surprise in time to repulse the invaders from the inside, or will they finish their journey in chains? Pgs. 18-27

Cover of FQ13 - Future Past
FQ13 - Future Past
High Level
19 pages

In FQ13 – Future Past our brave adventurers are summoned by the Duke of Bast to the capital city. You quickly learn that your exploits have earned you a celebration in Bast and are to be honored by all! Prior to the festivities, the duke’s advisor Thril Galia requests to meet you and makes a unique proposal and shows you an arcane piece of the historic book…what have you gotten yourselves into now?

Cover of Reign of Triumph
Reign of Triumph
8 pages

Two head-strong sisters and a dying giant all have something in common: they need help only adventurers can give. It seems there's this little problem. Included in I13 Adventure Pack I - https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/i13-adventure-pack-i TSR 9202

Cover of FP2 – Under Castle Modum
FP2 – Under Castle Modum
Levels 2–4
16 pages

The Adurite Empire ruled most of the area centuries ago due in no small part to its chain of mighty fortresses. Chief among these bastions was the formidable Castle Modum. This ancient refuge was said to hold mighty magic which may or may not have been the downfall to the castle. Long abandoned the area has always been rumored to house spectral forces and evil creatures. Recently strange lights have been spotted over the keep and the citizens are concerned that an ancient magic has been awakened. The call has come to your ears that adventure awaits….are you ready?

Cover of Foundation of Flame
Foundation of Flame
3.5 Edition
Level 15
28 pages

Wherein the weather takes a turn for the worse. All hell breaks loose in the city of Cauldron, as a long-dormant volcano sputters to life. The heroes must deal with the terrible consequences, ushering citizens to safety and negotiating fiend-filled streets littered with collapsed buildings. And with the death of the Lord Mayer, who will lead what's left of the City? "Foundation of Flame" is the eighth adventure in the Shackled City Adventure Path. Pgs. 56-84

Cover of FT - Antioch - Kingdom of Nirack
FT - Antioch - Kingdom of Nirack
Levels 1–7
16 pages

Welcome to the Port City of Antioch! This sprawling community is the seat of power for the Kingdom of Nirack and has more than a few sights to see! This setting was created for a desert (fore coming) series and was used as a base of operations for the adventurers. Many strange sights await those wishing to visit the area. Note in the player testing version there was a language barrier until a Dwarven slave was located to translate for the party! This is of course optional. Welcome to the exotic world on the southern shores of the Newmack Sea!