A dispute erupts between a trade ambassador and a wealthy merchant and the players are hired as champions only to learn that they face a brutal and savvy opponent. Will the players be a second in time? "A Second in Time" is a two-hour adventure for 3-6 players. It is written for characters 1st-3rd level. The players act as a champions in a harsh blood sport that is as much the court of a river city as it is entertainment. This module includes a new poison, a new type of item and a rudimentary rule for addiction. The river city of Lotian is a rough place, where might often means right and the thirst for blood is nigh unquenchable. Gold may be the currency of the realm but justice is paid for in blood...
Rising from the surface of a massive lake, an ancient ziggurat travels through time for purposes unknown. It’s up to the characters to enter this strange relic and discover what dark threat the structure poses. The Ziggurat Beyond Time contains advice for customizing the adventure for your own campaign. It also contains an artifact, the Deluvian Hourglass, that has time-related properties and wishes to witness the end of the world. Pgs. 23-55
What strange role does Orcus, Prince of the Undead, play in the invasion of the peace-loving Damara? And what interest does the Grandfather of Assassins have in the tiny barony of Bloodstone Pass? With this adventure, your player characters inherit an entire barony - with a recently-reopened mine that produces immense wealth. Wealth enough to attract the dangerous attention of their neighbors...wealth enough to attract the attention of the Witch-King of Vassa...and Orcus himself! Now, your tiny barony is the pivotal point in a war that threatens to engulf the entire Forgotten Realms. Take command, and defend yourself against the encroachment of the evil, demonic forces of the nightmare realm of Vassa. A large, four-color map of the region makes your new realm come alive. Wild and wooly BATTLESYSTEM scenarios (with options if you're not into miniatures) give you the full range of battlefield excitement! Come learn why high-level AD&D game play can be much more than just monster bashing. The Army of Bloodstone wants you! TSR 9200
On the border of Colorado and Kansas lies the infamous stretch of old Route 385 known as The Co-Kan Run. Few are foolhardy enough to brave that gauntlet of roving gangs, walking dead, and Combine forces, but now a girl in need and an old friend force your hand. Signing up with a wasteland convoy, you'll drop the hammer and head eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin, and you're about to do what they say can' be done. This is a Savage Worlds, Deadlands: Hell on Earth adventure module for Seasoned Characters. Product includes removable cover, 3D maps, 2D blue maps, and two interior booklets (Field Guide & Adventure). Official Savage Worlds Licensed Product.
East of the great city of Filbar is the Village of Xer. This large village is the gateway to the Eastern lands and the humanoid tribes. Xer was originally the army base for the Bloodrayne Conflict of 715. After the battle the wounded returned to the serene woods and some remained after that. Since then it has been a comfortable caravan stop for many weary travelers.
The wildly bonkers adventure from the hit podcast of the same. The Adventure Zone is heavily story based with about eight different arcs, each one quite different from the last. The first Arc gives an alternate ending to the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure, which transitions into getting the players hired by a secret organization whose job is destroy incredibly powerful, and evil, magical artifacts. Then into your first job for them. The rest of the arcs are the players working for this organization, and discovering secrets along the way. Secrets of the setting, the organization, and themselves.
With a bit of experience under your belts, you roll into the small town of Windomere with the hopes of catching a ferry to the larger community of Sepopolis. Your initial greeting lacked a warm glow and you quickly discover why. Apparently a river pirate with the moniker of ‘Slippery Peat’ and his cronies have been causing quite a stir in the area. You have a bit of a layover…ready to do the region a favor?
Expand your game with this collection of 56 NPCs of various Challenge Ratings, thirteen of which include maps and details of their lairs. Add these NPCs as a side-quest, a main villain, a one-shot, a bounty for easy money, or however else you wish. Written by some of the best-selling authors on the Dungeon Masters Guild and outstanding podcasters, each NPC includes an image, a backstory, motives, flaws, and a stat block. Some even include new magic items!
FT32 – Borgusburg is our first offering of November and, as always, free! This is a larger, walled village suitable for any campaign. While no scenarios are included, a variety of opportunities abound in this community. Feel free to use it for depth in your own campaign!
As a pair of fresh faced adventurers yearning to show the world what you have you can almost taste the action, but you haven’t found any yet. While on the road a local farmer tells you that the Thorp of Templeton is looking for someone to find their missing ferryman. While the farmer doesn’t have many details the thorp in question is less than half a day’s walk from where you are. As you wander down the road with your friend you both revel in a job as easy as finding a drunken boat captain!
Side-Trek adventure When your PCs gain access to the teleport spell, their whole world changes. That simple spell opens up instantaneous, long-distance travel. No more long overland journeys or dangerous retreats through hostile territory. All it takes is clasped hands and a word from the wizard, and poof! The PCs are where they want to go. Except that it isn’t that simple, because teleport isn’t foolproof. The off-target teleports are a matter of scattering your PCs someplace else on the map and forcing them to get their bearings and make the long overland journey anyway. But this Side Trek focuses on the really intriguing column on the teleport chart: “similar area.”
For as far back in time as the tales of history stretch, the area bordering what is now the Lands of Launewt has been a foreboding, practically impenetrable forest. When the lords who ruled the various borderlands united to form the Council of Launewt a century ago, the forest was in the same physical condition as it is now: thick, dark, and expansive, said to be so dense at the center that sunlight pervaded the foliage only on the brightest days. Pgs. 41-56
A band of villagers are trapped in a mist-shrouded carnival in the dead of night, facing death at every turn. Can they survive twisted oddities like the corpse-filled Tunnel of Love and the dreaded Bone Coaster? Filled with fantastic art, the Carnival of the Damned unleashes nightmares into any campaign, with encounters refined and polished by the anguished screams of hundreds of players at conventions like Dragon Con and Gary Con! For judges, the adventure fills many needs: author David Baity has crafted over 30 encounters and dozens of random threats. There is enough content for days of tournament play, or judges can select a smaller collection of favorite dangers for a quick DCC funnel session. For sandbox-style play, judges can extract individual encounters whenever a twisted challenge is needed in any old school system. There's even a haunting backstory for those looking to integrate the adventure into an extended campaign. And there’s clowns. Lots and lots of clowns. Published by Purple Sorcerer Games
A vibrant circus has just arrived, setting up on the edge of town. Run by the charismatic half-elf ringmaster, Marlow, the performers bring with them dazzling displays of magic and talent, artifacts with incredible powers to behold, and strange creatures most people would never get the chance to see close up. Behind all of the joy and revelry, the circus holds a dark secret, for Marlow keeps tyrannical control over his performers with both whip and word. As this latest performance reaches its height, two acrobats decide to take their chance at freedom, making use of a distraction to steal something valuable from Marlow and make their escape. Marlow will do anything to get the two back under his power, and so turns his significant charms upon a hapless band of adventurers attending his circus.
Tortles of the Purple Sage - Part 2 completes a D&D Expert Set wilderness adventure which began in DUNGEON issue #6. Through the gate stones, into the unknown. This adventure takes place in the Known World of the D&D game, as outlined throughout the D&D game rule books and modules. The DM may find it useful to consult the Companion and Masters Sets, as well as most of the X-series of Expert Set modules. The DM may find it useful to consult the Companion and Masters sets, as well as most of the X-series of Expert Set modules. Expert Set module X9, The Savage Coast, would be especially helpful, as Tortles of the Purple Sage should easily serve to continue that module's direction and plot line, adding previously undescribed areas to the Known World. The DM may also place the areas and events of this adventure within an existing campaign setting, as long as the geographical areas of the campaign match those set forth here. Pgs. 8-25
Finding missing people is a job any adventurers for hire get used to. But when the missing person turns out to be the recently deceased wife of a prominent merchant's son, and when there is the small matter of a major jewelry theft to deal with as well, then you've got an adventure that is nothing other than normal.... Find the Lady is an adventure for the D&D and AD&D game systems. It is designed for a party of 1st - 3rd level characters, with secondary skills generated according to the article in this issue. This scenario was not designed with any set number of characters or mix of professions and levels in mind, and could equally well be run as a group or solo adventure. It can be played as a one-off adventure or as part of the Pelinore or Zhalindor campaigns, and notes are included on placing the adventure in either world. GM2 Find the Lady Pgs. 15-46
Centuries ago, a powerful wizard locked himself in his inner sanctum to dedicate his life to the pursuit of knowledge. His discoveries and magic remain sealed inside to this very day. Solve his riddle and unravel the fate of the wizard Maalzinabar and the sinister evil lurking in the depths. A 2-3 hour adventure for 5th-12th level characters
The Horror of Horticulture Valentine Manor is beauty entrapped in architecture. The lavish stately home is renowned throughout the realms, and its gardens even more so. However, despite its famed beauty something has found its way into the garden and corrupted its allure. Could it be something to do with the new gardeners, or something even more sinister? Free adventure!
Far3 – Xiomara’s Globe puts the players inside a glass ball, owned by a strange enchantress. Once stuck inside their transparent prison, the players must search for a way out. The cursed fortress inside the globe has quite a few dangers to be overcome before an escape is even possible! One version of play was recently featured on The Bard's Podcast (Soundcloud).
With several adventures under your belts your party arrives at the small settlement of Goshen seeking a warm bed and full bellies. As you begin to satisfy both you hear rumors of some overdue mining Dwarves. These miners have been quite consistent about coming to town to move their gemstones to market and with recent sightings of humanoids the townspeople are concerned. Is your party ready for a well-being check?