A community for lazy dungeon masters
323 adventures found
Cover of Burial in Baldur's Gate
Burial in Baldur's Gate
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
12 pages

Burial in Baldur's Gate is a 6-8 hour Dungeons & Dragons adventure for characters of levels 1-2, for use as an introduction to Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus or as a standalone module. A simple errand to help a friend reveals a mystery that will lead the characters to a grisly charnel house and the cults of the Dead Three. This is why you never do anybody a favor in Baldur's Gate. The adventure has everything you need to start a new campaign in Baldur's Gate, including: - a new adventure hook for Descent into Avernus - two short introductory dungeon crawls in the Lower City - notes for transitioning into Descent into Avernus - new motivations for characters to continue on to Avernus - four creature and NPC stat blocks, including the carrion crawler larva - a map pack with two maps by Dyson Logos Burial in Baldur's Gate also includes suggestions for combining this adventure with Escape from Elturel if you want to run a mixed party of characters from Baldur's Gate and Elturel.

Cover of FS12 - Hiatus from the Party
FS12 - Hiatus from the Party
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
21 pages

Even close knit adventure parties could use a break from each other once in a while. Hiatus from the Party is a set of several different adventures for solo PCs and a DM. The adventures have been divided up into selections depending on classes and are meant for lower level adventurers. This scenario can also be used to introduce players to a game!

Cover of FVC4 - Carnage at Keldor Keep
FVC4 - Carnage at Keldor Keep
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
21 pages

This week’s Filbar offering is a mid-level adventure with the party headed out towards the frontier. As they move towards high adventure, adventure finds them first! Keldor Keep is the last bastion of civilization on the frontier but has recently come under attack. With its defenders scattered it falls to the party to save the fortress and protect the border! A hit at Who’s Yer Con 2016, this adventure is more than enough challenge for a group of 4-6 level characters!

Cover of The Temple of Dawn
The Temple of Dawn
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
7 pages

The temple of dawn was once a place of miracles and wonders, the jewel of its valley. Now it’s nothing more than a folk tale hidden in lullabies and tall tales of boastful hunters. But not everyone has lost faith in the Goddess of Dawn. In this brief adventure, for 3-4 adventurers of level 3-5, Kendrick Rosenbud asks the players to retrive a gem belonging to his family from the temple of Aurora. After some days of travelling the party reaches the temple. from here on out its the players job to discovere the hidden room with the gem and take it back to Kendrick.

Cover of Mausoleum Of Ssra-Tauroch
Mausoleum Of Ssra-Tauroch
4th Edition
Level 17
8 pages

The Auburn Desolation is a forsaken waste of treacherous sand and unbearable heat within the Shadowfell. Gloom-wrapped serpents and foul undead haunt the wastes, striking out at unsuspecting travelers from sandy graves. Pgs. 88-95

Cover of FQ3 - Outpost of the Humanoids
FQ3 - Outpost of the Humanoids
Levels 2–4
23 pages

FQ3- Outpost of the Humanoids is the third adventure for the Filbar Quest Series. As you make your way to a meeting with the Baron of the Knolls you come across a roadside inn and a pair of old adventurers that have a small task for you near some old abandoned ruins. Sounds easy enough right? For some reason it never is easy, especially in Filbar!

DK1 - Mysteries of Daern Kelton
Levels 1–4
18 pages

This Digital Quarterly is built around a series of four micro-dungeons that can be used as an introduction to The Roslof Keep Campaign for characters just starting out. These dungeons should allow for a small group of players to not only become familiar with each other but also gain a level before taking up the banner of the Ivory Scimitar and entering Mithelvarn’s Labyrinth. As Roslof Keep is built around characters being asked to take up the Ivory Scimitar banner, it makes sense that they wouldn’t be completely ‘green’ and also might have gotten a bit of a reputation within Daern Kelton and Roslof Keep as trusted adventurers who are looking to help out the locals. This reputation can be used to bring The Folio: Digital Quarterly #6 the characters into the sights of House Aldenmier and, therefore, push characters into the campaign on a more realistic basis. It should also be noted that beginning Dungeon Level 1 with a level of experience is something that will be invaluable to the party and the early stages of the campaign. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of NC3 - Oppressor of the North
NC3 - Oppressor of the North
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
20 pages

Your players have ventured so far north that they are within reach of the last vestiges of humanity. You are weary from your travels and decide that a respite in Gregat, City of the Shrine. The area is also home to several other spots of interest that you may go to since you are in the region. This ‘sandbox’ style offers several adventures for your players but beware, they are just as deadly as any dungeon delve!

Cover of Guts, Gods, & Glory In That Order
Guts, Gods, & Glory In That Order
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
34 pages

This quest takes the player characters through a harrowing journey of dangerous adversity! The characters are informed that some unknown adversary has disrupted an ancient tree called Wise Willow. This sends them first on a subterranean excursion into ancient tunnels infested with curiously ravenous Thri-Kreen! Then, they are introduced more formally with Wise Willow, who requires their services to cure her terrible plague! The players must then navigate the wild maze of her surface roots, purge it of grotesque creatures, and then find the cause of her ailment. Doing so excites the interest of the deities, Lathander and Sylvanus, who descend from the heavens in a glorious show of light and mysticism! The two divine beings then graciously bestow their gifts upon the party to reward their deeds. The player characters embark on a perilous journey that will test their resourcefulness and wits in a building arc of intensity. The environments are deeply detailed by the boxed text and should provide you and your characters a sturdy foundation for your creativity to launch from. There is a compelling story full of lamentations as well as laughs. The robust exposition sets up hours of challenging, combat-heavy “dungeon delving” throughout the quest. The aim is to maintain a versatile balance between “hack-and-slash” and “immersive storytelling” play styles, so that everyone can enjoy it in their own way. The numerous optional components allow you to scale the difficulty to your liking, and there is plenty of space for you to use your own creativity to enhance the content. Guts, Gods & Glory is a Dungeons & Dragons module using the 5e rules. It is designed to be played by three to six players of sixth to eighth level. It takes place in the Sword Coast setting of the Forgotten Realms, specifically the Elturgard region. Changes can be made to make it playable in a nondescript setting.

Cover of Icicles & Brimstone
Icicles & Brimstone
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
15 pages

When a priceless relic goes missing from the archives of an ancient monastery, only one party of stalwart adventurers has the determination and strength of character to go forth and recover it from a dangerous underground fortress. That party is yours.

Cover of CCC-SALT-01-01 Rumors of Riches
CCC-SALT-01-01 Rumors of Riches
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
29 pages

The Search and Locate Treasure Consortium funded an ill-fated mission into the wastes of Thar. They are unsure if faction infighting or monsters got the best of their expedition team as they followed a map to locate a supposed lost tomb. What dangers and treasures await the party as they go seeking rumors of riches?

Cover of Dark Harvest
Dark Harvest
Levels 2–4
22 pages

The adventure starts with a prophetic dream and a plea for help. The heroes are asked to recover a cart-load of supplies stolen by a band of savage monsters that have recently moved into the area. A strange fire wiped out everything the villagers had, and the stolen cart contains seeds and tools with which they can replant their crop before the season passes. It is a mundane task for heroes, but it seems simple and the villagers offer a reasonable reward. Adventure II: Dark Harvest from Book Three: Book of Nightmares: https://www.adventurelookup.com/adventures/the-nightmare-lands Pgs. 9-30 TSR 1124

Cover of FC2 - Slaughter at Sengais
FC2 - Slaughter at Sengais
Levels 3–5
20 pages

After a few scrapes with adventure even novice heroes will need a break and such is the case with this challenge. The young group of PCs will find themselves entering a backwater burg in the hopes of a little R&R (rest and relaxation) but as they come close to town a dead body in the road and the smell of burning foreshadows troubling times ahead. The R&R will have to wait as the young adventurers will be challenged yet again.

Cover of The Sea Beneath the Trees
The Sea Beneath the Trees
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
10 pages

Strange calamity has come to the Moonstone Reach. What was once a foreboding forest is now completely underwater, the gods Umberlee and Mielikki locked in dispute over the wondrous biome. Umberlee calls forhomage and claims dominion over what she sees as rightfully hers.

Cover of The Dread of Dynwel
The Dread of Dynwel
5th Edition
Levels 2–8
241 pages

The Dread of Dynwel is an adventure set in the Forgotten Realms and optimized for 4-5 players. The characters start as a down on their luck but somewhat experienced crew of adventurers with a wanted poster which pays a much-needed gold reward. Soon, events in the Sunset Vale are revealed as more dangerous than they seem, sweeping the characters along with them. From the heights of the Sunset Mountains, the alleyways of Scornubel, and depths of the Reaching Wood: The Dread of Dynwel covers levels 2 through 8 and features material which can be played as a full campaign or dropped into an ongoing one.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #28: Lyrics of Extinction
Pathfinder Society Scenario #28: Lyrics of Extinction
3.5 Edition
Levels 7–11
22 pages

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th to 11th level characters (Tiers: 7–8 and 10–11). The fabled ruined city of Dokeran, deep inside the heart of the Mwangi Expanse, has been found and it's your job as a Pathfinder to explore it and discover how it fell. After fighting through fiends, enslaved warriors, and the damned spirits of Dokeran's dead, you find that the ruined city has a dark secret—one you might not survive.

Cover of The Brightness of Mornstead
The Brightness of Mornstead
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
8 pages

The Brightness of Mornstead This challenging, three-hour, one-shot adventure is intended for parties between levels 5-8. Five years ago, a dragon destroyed the peaceful town of Mornstead. Now, a man named Wiles Killinger has rediscovered a mysterious artifact from the ruins and seeks revenge against the dragon that destroyed his life. However, not all is as it seems in this tale of lore, mystery, and betrayal. Will the dragon be slain by mighty heros or will the horrors of the living dead return to cover the land? Adventure Features Flavor text and pre-written quotes let the DM jump right in with minimal prep time. A level-scaling table for on-the-fly-customization of the final battle. NPC information and backgrounds. Multiple plot points that can be expanded into a full-fledged campaign.

Cover of Vainglorious
4th Edition
Levels 7–9
16 pages

A proud paladin’s quest for glory against marauding orcs ends in tragic failure with his disappearance and presumed death. Worse still, an artifact of his faith entrusted to him has gone missing. Can the adventurers reclaim the artifact and force an end to the hostilities, or will the brightest beacon of good in the Western Heartlands be extinguished? Pgs. 28-43

Cover of Throne of the Dead
Throne of the Dead
5th Edition
Level 3
2 pages

A secret ruin has been discovered beneath the king's palace and the adventurers must seek out a missing wizard who went exploring. The royal palace was built on the remains of a keep that was abandoned many years ago. Recent renovations have uncovered a secret passage that leads deep beneath the castle, and the court wizard Dorja went down to investigate... he hasn't been seen since. What no one knows is that the ruins beneath the castle are actually a temple to a dark god. Inside, undead husks roam that once worshipped there before they were sealed in long ago. The high priest of the temple, wishing to elongate his life, made a pact with a dark god and became a vampire. Now he waits on his throne for the day when he'll be freed from his self-imposed prison.

Cover of Hushed Hills
Hushed Hills
5th Edition
Tier 1 Level
10 pages

Hushed Hills is an adventure location set in a haunted town nestled in hilly woodlands. It doubles as a toolbox with encounters and NPCs to support DMs in running a gothic horror adventure. You can use it in three ways: 1. Run the Hushed Hills as a Tier 1 adventure that takes one, two, or three 5-hour sessions (based on the starting quest you select). 2. Select the best encounters and NPCs to add to your game. 3. Use the presented content as fuel to inspire your ideas. This toolbox is packed with assets and consists of: • 50 encounterswith 4 quests to tie them into an adventure. • 21 NPC outlines (including eldritch chimeras), • 3 multi-phased boss battle against the Godless Chimeras. Assets are grouped into 3 regions, including Crestfall Abbey, Town of Kletva, and Mirage Forest. Each region has a high-resolution map and each NPC a portrait.