A community for lazy dungeon masters
196 adventures found
Cover of X9 The Savage Coast
X9 The Savage Coast
Levels 4–10
32 pages

What sends you adventuring deep into unknown lands, across dark waters, around The Savage Coast? Adventure? The sincere desire to help others? Or greed? Cartographers Guild members tell of lost cities and hidden treasures. Sailors tell of menacing beasts and cannibals to the west. They tell of savages along the shores who use gold nuggets for fishing weights. They also tell of great mounds of gold that collect at river mouths. You must decide the grater lure; the safety of Slagovich or the glimmer of gold along The Savage Coast. This adventure includes a map which expands the D&D game world, and a special expanded monsters section. TSR 9129

Cover of Torrents of Dread
Torrents of Dread
3.5 Edition
Levels 4–8
16 pages

A supernaturally powerful storm, mudslides, and agitated dinosaurs are the least of the worries in the tropical village of Mora. The village's spiritual leader, the Zombie Master, has gone missing, and now undead rise from sodden graves and the village matriarch lies dead, murdered by her own son. What dire menace awaits in the flooded catacombs below? Set on the infamous Isle of Dread.

Cover of Sea Trolls in the Net
Sea Trolls in the Net
5th Edition
Level 5
1 pages

High tide is coming in in this week’s encounter: Sea Trolls in the Net, a tongue-in-cheek combat encounter about a troll troubling fishermen and getting tangled up in their net. This encounter works best when it can add flavor to a grim, seaside locale as a random encounter the adventurers stumble across while exploring. While exploring a blighted shoreline on some forsaken coast, the adventurers find a sea troll feasting upon fishing nets full of freshly caught fish while their fishermen flee from the shore.

Cover of The Dawn Chasers
The Dawn Chasers
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
21 pages

Ahoy, mateys! Join Captain Moonlight and her crew aboard the Dawn Chaser for swashbuckling adventures on the high seas. You'll fight pirates, tangle with storms, explore a ship wreck and confront an ancient power on a lost island! This easy-to-run adventure is designed for 3rd-4th level characters, and can be completed in 4-6 hours of play. This adventure was co-created with critically acclaimed DMs Guild author, Anthony Lesink. It includes several original maps by Daniel F. Walthall.

Cover of X13 Crown of Ancient Glory
X13 Crown of Ancient Glory
Levels 7–10
64 pages

Lots of stronghold assaults and shipboard travel/encounters in this one. This adventure's deep political basis might be seen as an introduction for the domain-focused adventures of Companion-level play. This adventure is for use with the Dungeons & Dragons Basic, Expert, and Companion Rules, and includes the intrigue of engaging with nobility's lands and agendas. Intro: All is not well in the kingdom of Vestland. Not only is the king dead and the holy Sonora Crown missing, but the heir to the kingdom was lost at birth and no on knows where to find him. As if this wasn't bad enough, the forces of the Ethengar Khanate, never on the best of terms with Vestland, are now massing on the borders, hoping to take advantage of Vestland's plight. To complete the rosy picture, traitors from within also threaten to speed the downfall of the High Kingdom. Sounds like a job for you. You must find the long-lost heir to the kingdom and recover the Sonora Crown, the mystical device without which a king cannot be crowned. Standing in your way are traitors and spies from within and invaders from without the kingdom of Vestland. Time is running out! Can you save Vestland from disaster? TSR 9218

Cover of CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
CCC-KUMORI-01-01 Wreckers
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
21 pages

Cargo ships are being dashed against the rocks west of Hulburg, lured off course by a mysterious light. Is this the work of ordinary thieves, or are more nefarious forces at work? Wreckers is a stand-alone adventure that premiered at Kumoricon in Portland, Oregon in October of 2017. Includes: Adventure .pdf in English and Spanish Magic Item Certificate .pdf All maps as high-res .jpg

Cover of Encounters on the Savage Seas
Encounters on the Savage Seas
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
100 pages

Greetings! I've created a sea-themed supplement that you might find uuseful: Encounters on the Savage Seas is a 100-page supplement containing mini-adventures, NPCs, new ships, locations, and magic items. In all, the writers have produced 19 unique encounters, NPCs, and locations for you to add to any nautical campaign. We’ve even included scaling suggestions so they can be used with different party levels. •Visit the township of Badu - the village riding on the back of a gigantic dragon turtle •Encounter space pirates •Interact with goblin pirates commanding strange water vehicles •Roleplay with Loan Sharks •Endure the Fog of Horrors •and so much more.... You can view the 30-page preview by clicking this link:https://www.dmsguild.com/product/270757/Encounters-on-the-Savage-Seas Also, go grab my FREE playable race: Otterfolk: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/267692/Otterfolk I hope you enjoy the content if you pick it up!

Cover of The Baron
The Baron
Levels 5–8
30 pages

In this adventure, the heroes face the sinister Baron Metus, the vampire who took the life of Van Richten's son, Erasmus. Metus, with Daclaud Heinfroth, has been doing the bidding of the ghost of Madame Radanavich in her quest to destroy Rudolph van Richten. But Metus has his own reasons for seeing van Richten destroyed as well. Included in Bleak House: The Death of Rudolph van Richten TSR 1141

Cover of The Goblin Bathwater Incident
The Goblin Bathwater Incident
5th Edition
Level 1
54 pages

Synopsis: Goblin Bathwater, a magical drug, has taken hold in a sleepy coastal town at the edge of the Empire. As the characters investigate the origin of the drug, they uncover an international criminal conspiracy, wild and ancient magic, and a threat to reality itself. Contents: This beautifully made, 54-page adventure offers: A fully fleshed out, setting-agnostic starter area, brimming with colourful NPCs and hooks for adventure. Balanced encounters to bring characters to level 2; then some more devious encounters on their way to level 3. Three mini-dungeons built on the design philosophy of the "5 room dungeon method" Multiple big, cinematic set-piece boss encounters what will make your players feel epic. A facetted intrigue, which does not immediately suggest a simple, ready-made solution but invites the players to come up with their own, personal approach. Why pick this adventure? Hey, my name is Marius. This is my first time publishing on the DMs Guild but I wouldn't call myself a newcomer. I started playing Pathfinder 1e back in 2014. When I took over as our group's DM in 2019, we swapped over to 5e. We have run many, many modules and adventures since. Currently I play three games a week. In short: You could say I'm hooked. I created The Goblin Bathwater Incident as the ideal adventure for in-between your big modules, but it isn't a simple little adventure. With a playtime of about 30 hours, it still manages to hit that sweet-spot, where it establishes context, makes you grow fond of NPCs, and makes those big bossfight wins so much sweeter, all without taking more than a few sessions. The Goblin Bathwater Incident is different from many of the 1st tier adventures in that it pits the characters against traps and monsters, but also asks difficult, open-ended ethical questions, where a simple strategy of "apply sword to head of bad guy" will not cut it.

Cover of AT1.5 Storm Seasons
AT1.5 Storm Seasons
Levels 5–7
3 pages

Everyone comes to Taux for a reason, and yet they come. A few will brave the Ebon Swamp, but most come via ship, which is the method the party now employs. Unbeknownst to them, however, a strom is brewing, one with untold magical energy that can bend the very fabric of space and time. If they are lucky they will have a story to be told beyond imagination. If they aren't, they will become the fodder of sea-faring legend, just another lost ship that never made it into the sheltered bay of Taux. This mini-adventure sets up the events of Folio #11 (AT1 The Subtle Revenant) This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of XSOLO Lathan's Gold
XSOLO Lathan's Gold
Levels 4–6
32 pages

Kidnapped! The cursed Baron von Hendriks has kidnapped your betrothed. Now the madman wants as a ransom your Alandah's weight in unrefined gold! How are you going to pay? The baron himself has been kind enough to provide you with that answer: streams of raw gold gush from a burning mountain somewhere in the Sea of Dread. All you have to do is find this mysterious mountain. Unfurl the sails! The open sea awaits you and your crew as you sail from the city harbor. But beware! The Sea of Dread has more than earned its title over the centuries. Can you survive the perils of the sea? Will your crew mutiny before you reach the Burning Mountain? Or will you have to throw crew-members overboard just to make room for the gold? Solo adventure. "Lathan's Gold" is a real innovation in solo adventure design, considerably more complex than any of the gamebooks then being produced. Though the adventures uses the typical trope of numbered paragraphs, its paragraphs are divided into six types: "S"pecularum, "U"rban", Island "E"xploration", "C"oastal", "T"rade Routes, and "V"oyages. Players can jump between the sections, then return, in slightly freeform ways. Players are also required to keep track of hit points, money, and treasure (which were typical for the more advanced gamebooks), and rations, days remaining, and hull points (which were not). Another freeform element, quite unusual for gamebooks, is the "wandering monsters" table, which introduces semi-random encounters. TSR 9082

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #90: The Divinity Drive (Iron Gods 6 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #90: The Divinity Drive (Iron Gods 6 of 6)
Levels 15–17
96 pages

Book 6, and the conclusion, of the Iron Gods campaign: More than treasure waits within the alien chambers of Silver Mount - here, the greatest of the Iron Gods dwells, preparing for its triumphant emergence after eons of preparation. Having recruited allies from across the land and cowed the brutal rulership of Numeria’s capital city for the time being, the heroes are ready for an expedition into Silver Mount’s mysterious interior. What strange perils from beyond the stars await the PCs within the metal walls of one of Golarion’s most legendary dungeons? In trying to save Numeria, could the heroes be walking right into a trap?

Cover of Floating Gardens of Bahb-Elonn
Floating Gardens of Bahb-Elonn
Level 1
14 pages

This scenario was originally written for use as a competition event at Games Day 1987. We have published the adventure so that you will be able to reproduce the competition. The scenario also serves as an introduction to the forthcoming supplement detailing the land of Lustria. (see WFRP World Map, p272). At Games Day the party had to play the part of a small band of pygmies, and we have included details of this party so that you can use them too. You should carefully read the notes on Witchdoctors, Ancestor Spirits and the spell Control Spirits before starting play. If a conventional party is used here there is a significant chance that players will lose favourite characters. Much of the scenario is geared towards pygmies, (some tunnel heights, the presence of pygmy ancestors and so on), and a party without access to pygmy-magic may find some areas extremely difficult. Pgs. 11-27 Published by Games Workshop

Cover of SJQ1 Heart of the Enemy
SJQ1 Heart of the Enemy
Levels 8–11
96 pages

A little information is a very frightening thing. Hundreds of years ago, the elves and the goblinkin fought for control of known space in the Unhuman War. Though the elves won that first campaign, they know the goblinkin are clamoring for a rematch. Recently the elves commissioned a few good adventurers to infiltrate the base of a new race of advanced orcs known as the scro. They were hoping to gain information on their enemies' numbers and plans. The news they found was far worse. The scro have discovered a weapon of awesome destruction, one that can lay waste to entire worlds. But the key to unlock its power lies lost and forgotten. Even now the scro are searching for it. When they find it, they will wreak destruction and revenge on the inhabited planets. The elves are looking for an adventuring team who can win this desperate race, and find the key first. Your PCs may be the only thing that stands between known space and doom. Heart of the Enemy is a 96-page adventure set in the Second Unhuman War. The second of a two-part series, it can either be linked with the previous Goblin's Return or it can be played as a stand-alone adventure. TSR 9347

Cover of Rats in the Walls
Rats in the Walls
Levels 1–2
10 pages

“Rats in the Walls”: A dockside tavern in Khromarium is plagued by rats of a most unusual breed. These abominable rodents have ruined the tavern keeper’s business and his life. The man is desperate, and he offers a substantial reward for the elimination of his horrific problem.

Cover of Scourge of Scalabar
Scourge of Scalabar
Levels 1–3
18 pages

Pirates and powderkegs. An undersea menace has the merchants of Scalabar up in arms. A strange sea monster is plaguing the trade ships near Scalabar, a coastal city. You have arrived in Scalabar at the behest of Sora Calhaigne. The lady of House Calhaigne needs brave heroes to investigate the loss of her galleon, the Morning Star. She has reason to believe that the sea monster is not what it seems. Includes a list of random city encounters, a keyed map of the port city, Scalabar, as well as a simple overland map of the Scalabar coast, a map of a typical two-story warehouse, a keyed map of the pirate caves, and a keyed map of the ship Thresher. Pgs. 10-27

CCC-CIC-08 The Last Voyage of the Woolgathering Tidsoptimist
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
32 pages

Zor von Finklestein has purchased an aging cargo vessel and filled it with food for suffering Mulmaster. Now you only need to make sure the vessel comes into port

Cover of An Artist's Errand
An Artist's Errand
Levels 6–8
23 pages

To a reigar, art doesn't imitate life, it is life. "An Artist's Errand" is an AD&D Spelljammer adventure for 4-6 good-aligned characters of level 6-8 (about 35 levels total). The module assumes the party is familiar with spelljamming. The party should include at least one spell-caster, preferably a wizard, but a party of resourceful (and powerful) fighters and rogues should be able to complete the adventure. PCs with an understanding of navigation, elvish, and engineering will come in handy as well. The party need not own a spelljamming ship to complete this adventure. Pgs. 8-31

Cover of Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage
5th Edition
Levels 5–20
320 pages

In the city of Waterdeep rests a tavern called the Yawning Portal, named after the gaping pit in its common room. At the bottom of this crumbling shaft is a labyrinthine dungeon shunned by all but the most daring adventurers. Known as Undermountain, this dungeon is the domain of the mad wizard Halaster Blackcloak. Long has the Mad Mage dwelt in these forlorn depths, seeding his lair with monsters, traps, and mysteries—to what end is a constant source of speculation and concern. This adventure picks up where Waterdeep: Dragon Heist leaves off, taking characters of 5th level or higher all the way to 20th level should they explore the entirety of Halaster’s home. Twenty-three levels of Undermountain are detailed herein, along with the subterranean refuge of Skullport. Treasures and secrets abound, but tread with care!

Cover of Cutter's Last Voyage
Cutter's Last Voyage
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
13 pages

A sunken ship...a lost relic...a race against evil! A seafaring adventure for charactes level 5-7! Years ago, the Salt of the Wavemother terrorized the seas, captained by the fearsome Cutter Blighe. Overnight it vanished along with all souls aboard. Now cultists are seeking Tarsik Bilgebreach, rumored to be the only surviving crew member. It's up to you to accompany Tarsik to the wreck of the Wavemother and prevent the cultists from acquiring an artifact that would give them control of the sea! Includes suggestions on how to place the adventure in your larger Ghost of Saltmarsh campaign, including faction opinions of the events!