A community for lazy dungeon masters
495 adventures found
Cover of The Plight of Cirria
The Plight of Cirria
Levels 8–12
14 pages

An Arch-Mage who can kidnap a dragon is one tough Arch-Mage. Definitely not for those who are afraid of heights. An evil archmage, Ezoran, has kidnapped a dragon in order to discover the means to seize control of a cloud giant's castle. The adventures are tasked with rescuing the dragon by the dragon's mate. The adventure revolves around tracking and navigating through dense jungle and working through a cloud giant's fortress. Pgs. 50-63

Cover of Gate of the Lens Wizards
Gate of the Lens Wizards
5th Edition
Level 15
28 pages

A world unseen lies beyond a twisted, metal gate in a remote field of the Dhalpurna Mountains. Will the characters brave the alien monstrosities, technologies, and magic inside to learn the secrets that have been brooding in this strange place for millennia? Gate of the Lens Wizard is a science-fantasy exploration adventure and includes: -A gate that leads to the tunnels beneath a distant jungle moon -Intelligent spiders at war with glass-skulled astronomy wizards -An unfathomable artifact that can rewrite time itself -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of KN3 - Fraternity of the Dragon
KN3 - Fraternity of the Dragon
5th Edition
Medium Level
23 pages

The Triad Series comes to a head with the party be called upon to again save the land. While successes against both the Goat and Lion branches of the triad have been successful, the toughest group, the Dragons, has formed the army and is moving against the forces of good. Can your party meet the force that General Barsoon has assembled?

Cover of The Twofold Talisman Adventure One: The Heart of Light
The Twofold Talisman Adventure One: The Heart of Light
Levels 6–7
11 pages

The players are tasked by a mysterious Wizard's servant quest to recover the two gems of the Twofold Talisman: the Heart of Light and the Ebon Stone. The quest for the Heart of Light takes the adventurers to the Wizard's own mansion. Pgs. 43-54

Cover of Out of the Ashes
Out of the Ashes
Levels 8–12
22 pages

Slain in disgrace, reborn in fury, armed to the teeth: Flame returns! Flame is back - and is he mad! The sequel to "Into the Fire" from Dungeon 1. Pgs. 42-63

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #104: Wrath of Thrune (Hell's Vengeance 2 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #104: Wrath of Thrune (Hell's Vengeance 2 of 6)
Level 4
92 pages

The knightly order known as the Glorious Reclamation continues its crusade against diabolic Cheliax, conquering the town of Kantaria, where the goddess Iomedae once ruled as a mortal. The villainous adventurers, now official agents of House Thrune, must retake the town, depriving the knights of a valuable holy site. Can the evil characters earn greater infamy and prestige by dealing the Glorious Reclamation a serious defeat in their most substantial territorial gain so far, or will the knights' rebellion continue unchecked across Cheliax?

Cover of A Dark Veil Falls
A Dark Veil Falls
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
14 pages

While exploring for hints of the Kobolds lair, an unexpected plea changes everything. This is the fourth and final adventure in a miniseries with the following adventures being: A Chance Encounter The Mystic Circle An Urgent Rescue In addition to the adventure, there are a few of maps of the adventure area as separate jpeg files. There is also a printer friendly version of the adventure.

Cover of The Rise of Tiamat
The Rise of Tiamat
5th Edition
Levels 8–15
94 pages

The Cult of the Dragon leads the charge in an unholy crusade to bring Tiamat back to the Realms, and the situation grows more perilous for good people with each passing moment. The battle becomes increasingly political as opportunities to gather allies and gain advantage present themselves, all centered in Waterdeep. Continuation of Hoard of the Dragon Queen.

Cover of Whims of the Heart
Whims of the Heart
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
18 pages

A Beholder Love Story A dwarven mineshaft has become the new home of the heartbroken beholder Sindryl. Discover who could be wicked enough to separate Sindryl from his love Prix'am, put a stop to their plot, and restore Prix'am's missing heart. A 3-6 hour Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure for Tier 2 characters. This adventure includes: 2 New Monsters (including 1 New Beholder!), 3 New Magic Items, New NPCs, a Minecart Skill Challenge, Romantic Random Encounters for the Underdark!

Back Pocket Dungeon 1: Murder of the Maelstrom Queen
4th Edition
Level 1
23 pages

From time immemorial, the rulers of the mortal world have been counseled and tempted by capricious primordial spirits who rule over the elements. The greatest and most sinister of these was a half-kraken medusa known as the Maelstrom Queen, who sought to supplant the mortal races with her own line of immortal tentacled monstrosities. On the verge of her ultimate triumph, when the leviathans at her command rose from the depths, a legendary assassin murdered the Maelstrom Queen in her half-submerged palace with her own weapon. But the primordial mistress refused to let something as trifling as death put an end to her designs. Every 13 years, she regenerates enough mystic power to rise again, and the world’s greatest heroes are sent to murder the Maelstrom Queen once more.

Cover of Tower of the Stargazer
Tower of the Stargazer
Level 1
16 pages

Legends tell of a wizard so arrogant that he felt the entire sky was naught but a lens for him to view the stars. So great was the hubris and defiance of this man that the gods smote him with the power of storm and fire. Oh did the wizard laugh at such a pathetic gesture. He did not fear the gods, for he drew his knowledge from something greater. Something darker. The legend of this wizard grew, first whispered by men in fear, and later in awe. The wizard, they said, attacked the gods just as they had attacked him. And his joy only grew as the land around him died. But then there was no more news. No more talk. Something had finally brought the wizard low, for though the sky still blazed down on him and his abode, he no longer blazed back. And now you’re going to walk right through this wizard’s front door.

Cover of THE TOWER OF BONDAGE 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒 The Middle Tower
THE TOWER OF BONDAGE 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒 The Middle Tower
5th Edition
15 pages

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟒 of the Tower of Bondage “The Middle Tower” introduces Olive Slime and Slime Creatures from notable 1e AD&D fame as well as another of Aumvor’s tortured servants. In this adventure you will go deeper into the tower and find: ● 26 encounters ● More enslaved wraiths ● More traps ● More slime ● More phylacteries ● More danger Discover the Undying One’s library and find tools needed to defeat him, if your players are to escape the tower alive. This release also includes a side view of the tower to better understand the layout of the dungeons. 𝐀𝐥𝐬𝐨, 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐥𝐥𝟐𝟎, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧: Roll20 Map Pack for Roll20, featuring plain maps for players, without the secret doors and other goodies marked. Coming very SOON. Look for it on DM’s Guild.

Cover of The Tower of Trials
The Tower of Trials
5th Edition
Levels 1–20
3 pages

This tower is said to be as old as time itself. It is also said to be sentient, ready to challenge any group that passes through its doors to determine if they are worthy. While brute strength is enough for some floors, others require a bit more elegance and cleverness, so a diversity is as much a strength as anything else. The spiraling top of this tower looms high in the sky, waiting for the right group of adventurers to climb to the top and claim victory. This dungeons contains alternating floors of combat challenges and puzzle challenges, so if your players are fans of such challenged then this is the dungeon for you! Note: This dungeons uses lots of puzzles included in the book. The monsters will have to be adjusted according to the party's levels.

Cover of Greenwood of the Fey Sovereign
Greenwood of the Fey Sovereign
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Levels 0–1
20 pages

War is looming between Nanch and the Fey. Those on the border are caught between two dangerous dynasts. Pressed into duty for lord and country, the peasants and gong farmers of Nanch find themselves in a strange and unnerving forest full of denizens older than the practice of naming. In this new world, the rules of life and death are a game of whimsy practiced by fantastic forces, and bizarre ancient feuds re-ignite in the chaos of war. Those errant attendants of Nanch will be fortunate to survive the madness of either ruler! The adventure spans a series of strange and otherworldly encounters with the magical and surreal denizens of Greenwood—while under the incompetence, cowardice, and bullying of Pertrub (one of the King’s footmen). As the encounters continue, signs of the Earl’s fate are everywhere. The players must pick up clues and begin to grasp the realities behind them! The adventure features a number of visual puzzles with handouts to help the players solve them. This 20-page, stand-alone adventure includes a new class: the Wild Elf. The adventure is for low-level characters. It is not setting specific and can be placed near any ancient woodlands.

Cover of C5 Falls the Divide
C5 Falls the Divide
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
20 pages

Built high on cliffs overlooking the confluence of two rivers, Gurthap Keep was a bastion of strength and a haven for the Cult of the Red God. Here, priests of old sacrificed over the tomb of long dead Kha M Thir, honoring him for his long service to the Red God. They added bastions to the keep, walls, a temple and barracks. From there they terrorized the surrounding country, raiding the villages of Alice, Greenbriar and Ends Meet until at last the rangers gathered against the Cult and overthrew it. They drove them from their walls and those they did not slay, fled into the Darkenfold to the south. The castle has sat thus ever since, a grim testament to the gods of the old world. The forest has consumed it and only the memories of men keep it alive. But within its abandoned walls lie the shadows of yesteryear. For the tomb of Kah M Thir was never found and the secrets of the priests of the Red God never fully revealed.

Cover of Assault on Eddistone Point
Assault on Eddistone Point
Levels 1–3
9 pages

The mayor of the town of Four Trails hires you to find the missing magic user, Delea the White! Delea was tasked with improving the signal tower at Eddistone Point. After leaving with her party of dwarven mercenaries, the mayor received a message from Delea's familiar; a white crow with a note scrawled in charcoal; "Bandits in the tower! Help!" The tower is straightforward, five levels, each a single room. There's a bait-and-switch where the players think the half-orc bandit leader is the bad guy, but an innocuous-seeming vagabond is actually a powerful illusionist. No monsters to speak of, only class-based NPCs, no magic apart from a ring of protection (not listed in this record, being equivalent to magic armor.) Pgs. 19-27

Cover of Dusk Tower
Dusk Tower
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
19 pages

A mystery scenario involving exploration of a drow archmage's tower while trying to solve the mystery of his involvement to the latest rumors of kidnapings in the nearby town. Benevolent academic or vile predator? The good people of Fern do not seem to agree these days about the nature of the owner of the iconic Dusk Tower. With a supporting cast that includes an innkeeping druid, a scorned sculptor, a belittled apprentice, an invisible butler, and a mysterious tower basement the heroes are sure to have their hands full. Can they uncover the secrets of Dusk Tower before it is too late?

Cover of Shadows of the Dusk Queen
Shadows of the Dusk Queen
Level 8
20 pages

Throughout the land, legends of the Dusk Queen persist. They speak of a sometimes kind, other times cruel, yet always mysterious fey queen who ruled from her Dusk Tower—a tall spire of smooth, dark stone in the heart of a great, shadowy forest. Perhaps the most gripping legends, however, whisper of the Dusk Queen’s sudden and mysterious disappearance. Also available in 5e format.

Cover of FQ10 - Enclave of the Exterminatus
FQ10 - Enclave of the Exterminatus
Levels 5–7
49 pages

While enjoying a nice honey wine in the backwater community of Bench you discover citizens have been kidnapped from the surrounding area. After further investigation the mystery leads to a compound being built by the Exterminatus! With the danger mounting can the party slow the march of the evil cult and maybe pick up a few more pages of the arcane tome? Are they stealthy enough to infiltrate the stronghold? At almost 50 pages this adventure has the Precinct of Bench and the large compound of the Exterminatus each of which can be used in separate campaigns!

Cover of True Level Adventure 2 Gate of Web and War
True Level Adventure 2 Gate of Web and War
Level 2
6 pages

There is no particular overarching story here, just a prospect gate keep dungeon you can drop into your own sandbox and run as you see fit. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.