A community for lazy dungeon masters
499 adventures found
Cover of Ruins of the Umbral Tower
Ruins of the Umbral Tower
5th Edition
Level 8
4 pages

"Ruins of the Umbral Tower" is a shadow fey hunter lair suitable for four or five 8th-level characters. This adventure can be completed in a single session. The ruined Umbral Tower rests deep in the forest, in a marshy region avoided by all but songbirds. Long abandoned by its original occupant, the tower features a malfunctioning gate that connects this place and the Plane of Shadow. The site serves as a base for a group of shadow fey hunters and their entourage of hounds and guardians. The hunters used the gate to travel from their home plane, and they now attempt to bag as many trophies and as much loot as possible before returning home when the gate reactivates.

The Siege of Castle Rend
5th Edition
Level 5
50 pages

The Siege of Castle Rend is an adventure for the fifth edition of the world’s first roleplaying game, suitable for five 5th-level characters. It takes place over four parts, and each part can be completed in one or two sessions of play, depending on your group’s playstyle and how long you like to play in a single sitting. If all goes according to plan over the course of this adventure, the player characters will expose an usurping lord, fight orcs, acquire a stronghold, defend it from an invading army, win the admiration of a town filled with potential vassals, and make political connections within the Barony of Bedegar. Of course, no adventure goes according to plan. The PCs will invariably throw these well-laid schemes into chaos, and they’ll have to improvise. But if we know how things would have gone if the PCs never showed up (or are cowards), it makes it easier for us GMs to improvise when things go off the rails. Published by MCDM

Cover of Dusk Tower
Dusk Tower
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
19 pages

A mystery scenario involving exploration of a drow archmage's tower while trying to solve the mystery of his involvement to the latest rumors of kidnapings in the nearby town. Benevolent academic or vile predator? The good people of Fern do not seem to agree these days about the nature of the owner of the iconic Dusk Tower. With a supporting cast that includes an innkeeping druid, a scorned sculptor, a belittled apprentice, an invisible butler, and a mysterious tower basement the heroes are sure to have their hands full. Can they uncover the secrets of Dusk Tower before it is too late?

Cover of DDAL04-14 The Dark Lord
DDAL04-14 The Dark Lord
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
25 pages

A four-hour adventure for 5th-10th level characters. The enemy is revealed, but time short and if you are not successful in your mission to Mount Baratok, love will never die. Part fourteen and the finale of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts. In an effort to locate the evil witch Esmae Amarantha, the party must work to enable a tarot card reading by Jeny Greenteeth, a quixotic hag. However, finding casters to aid Jeny in her ritual is its own ordeal, and even if they succeed, there is still the task of venturing to Esmae's ritual site and putting a stop to her plans.

Cover of Zenith Trajectory
Zenith Trajectory
3.5 Edition
Levels 6–10
34 pages

Part 3 of the Shackled City Adventure Path "Wherein a tribe of the Sea Mother's children suffer for sparing the life of a mad prisoner they probably should have eaten." Synopsis: The adventure begins with an Umber Hulk attack in the middle of the city. The fame gained by assisting during the attack allows them to gain the notice of a representative of Davked Splintershield. The group is asked to rescue Zenith Splintershield from a Kuo-Toan temple in the Underdark. But to find it, they have to visit Crazy Jared to locate an entrance to it. Upon journeying to Crazy Jared's, they fight Hookface's offspring. After more travelling, they are able to descend into the Underdark. Once they find the Kuo-Toan temple, they must fight through many hard challenges, only to realize that Zenith is not a prisoner, but instead is a prophet. Zenith does not go willingly, and so must be captured. Pgs. 28-61

Cover of FN8 - Codic Keep
FN8 - Codic Keep
Levels 4–7
15 pages

While the name Codic Keep used to have prestige associated with it in the past, it is now a crumbling fortress blasted years ago by a large tornado. Now the ruin sits next to a swamp and is pretty much left ignored. Recently word has reached Feastelburg that strange lights have been noticed near the keep and many have wondered if the wanted criminal relative has returned to reclaim the property. Wanted posters of “Si” Codic have been circulating for quite some time with a reward of 1500 gp for his capture. Who’s up for a swamp trip?

Cover of Factions of Phandalin - Iniarv's Tower
Factions of Phandalin - Iniarv's Tower
5th Edition
Level 5
29 pages

This book goes over the various rules around the faction of the Harpers in Phandalin and the Forgotten Realms, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate it more into the core stories being told, and making the faction feel more useful for the players that choose to join. The adventure sees the characters on a mission to Iniarv's Tower, sent to search for the artifact, Bowgentle's Spellbook, and rescue the fellow Harper member, Brodven.

Cover of NC7 - Giant Foothold
NC7 - Giant Foothold
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
25 pages

The bustling metropolis of Saydown City is the largest settlement in the Denali land and home to the current ruler King Pellet. As your party reaches the watery entrance a huge iron statue guards the docks. Upon closer inspection you notice that the item is actually a golem. After continued investigation you discover that the ‘heart’ of the creature has been stolen and you accept the job to uncover the loss!

Cover of The Tower of Yladhra the Grim
The Tower of Yladhra the Grim
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
14 pages

In the Tower of Yladhra the Grim, a party of adventurers braves the dangers and puzzles of an enchanted wizard's tower, and finally confronts the wizard herself. The adventure is designed for a party of five adventurers between levels five and eight. It features: Encounters by Level - Varying types and quantities of creatures are suggested based on the party's actual level, allowing each encounter to present the appropriate challenge to the party. Encounter Notes - Suggestions for how to run combats are provided for game masters who place an emphasis on engaging, tactical battles. Inciting Action - Suggestions for ways to present the adventure to players are provided. Aftermath - Ideas for future adventures based on this one. Unique Magic Items - New magic items to introduce into a campaign. Ease of Use - The format and style of the document allows the game master to find information quickly while running the game at the table. Detailed Maps - What's an adventure without maps? Not much else to say here.

Cover of The Book With No End
The Book With No End
Levels 8–12
24 pages

A vanished tome, a faded legend, and the end of the world. Out of the eons, the deadliest artifact. At least one magic-user is required, and fighters and thieves would be very helpful. Magic-users may have a special interest in this quest due to the nature of the item for which they search. Traps and puzzles are a dominant theme, and problem solving is necessary. Pgs. 41-64

Cover of FRC1 Ruins of Adventure
FRC1 Ruins of Adventure
Any Level
96 pages

A great evil force descended on the town of Phlan years ago. The townspeople were all either killed or driven away, and Phlan became (literally) a ghost town. Fifty years later, the survivors are ready to reclaim their town. But they need a band of strong and brave adventurers to lead the fight-they need you. Ruins of Adventure is a set of connected short adventures written by James Ward, David "Zeb" Cook, Steve Winter and Mike Breault-four names familiar to all AD&D game fans. It uses the same setting, locations and characters as the classic computer game Pool of Radiance by Strategic Simulations, Inc. In fact, many of the scenarios here in Ruins of Adventure will provide important clues to the successful completion of Pool of Radiance. TSR 9238

Cover of Citadel Of Fire
Citadel Of Fire
Levels 10–14
32 pages

Adventure into the Ancient Stronghold of the Sorcerer Yrammag. Includes six story tower and five dungeon levels. Designed for high-level characters and filled with wizard apprentices, their creations and undead. Please note: The link for this adventure on Amazon is for a reprint of the original.

Cover of UN2 The Delve into the Stellar Mine
UN2 The Delve into the Stellar Mine
Levels 3–5
? pages

A Pliable Dungeon for use with any fantasy sandbox. This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules.

Cover of The Fairy and the Wizard
The Fairy and the Wizard
5th Edition
Level 1
12 pages

A wizard has kidnapped a young lumberjack... What macabre ritual will he preform with his blood? What devil will he conjure to occupy his body? In to what kind of aberration will he transform the young man? A maiden wants to recover her fiancé, a father wants to recover his son, a village wants to recover it's hero. The village anxiously hopes the road will bring courageous characters, who have the valor they lack to undertake the journey to the tower of the wizard. A caravan can be seen on the horizon... Un mago ha secuestrado a un joven leñador… ¿Qué macabro ritual llevará a cabo con su sangre? ¿Qué demonio conjurará para ocupar su cuerpo? ¿En qué aberración convertirá al joven? Una doncella quiere recuperar a su prometido, un padre quiere recuperar a su hijo, un pueblo quiere recuperar a su héroe. La aldea espera ansiosa que el camino traiga valerosos personajes que tengan el coraje del que ellos carecen para emprender el viaje a la torre del mago para rescatar al joven. Una caravana se divisa en el horizonte… Published by Caravana

Cover of Insidious Experiments
Insidious Experiments
5th Edition
Level 4
27 pages

Haedirn Lastlight is a respected elven wizard and sage. After the death of his lover Lyonthel, the elf has been overcome with grief and has locked himself away in his study- a small manor on the cliffs of Wailing Crag. Haedirn has not been seen for over a year now, and those that knew him are beginning to worry. Worse still, a band of ogres has been terrorizing the nearby town, slaughtering the town folk and haughtily boasting the elf wizard is dead. The PCs must put a stop to the ogres' attacks, make way to Wailing Crag to root out the rest of their gang, and lay Haedirn Lastlight's tortured remains to rest.

Cover of Cellar of Death
Cellar of Death
5th Edition
Level 1
15 pages

Something evil is devouring the souls of the living in Chult, but before the characters take on the horrors in Tomb of Annihilation, they must first uncover the death curse’s origin by braving a lich’s tower in the Cloakwood. This introductory adventure is designed for a party of four to six 1st-level characters, who should advance to 2nd level by the adventurer’s conclusion. It is a prelude to Tomb of Annihilation that should take about 2 to 3 hours. This product includes Fantasy Grounds files for the adventure. What Inspired Cellar of Death? The introduction of Tomb of Annihilation states Syndra Silvane learned about the Soulmonger from the Harpers, who “received their intelligence from a lich.” This adventure is the story of how the Harpers gathered that information. Cellar of Death has a second purpose: to give characters a greater stake in the outcome of Tomb of Annihilation by creating an NPC they love. The death curse kills this NPC, giving the characters a personal reason to go to Chult.

Cover of The Inheritance
The Inheritance
Levels 1–3
10 pages

You've just inherited a castle! And now for the bad news... All it needs is a good cleaning out. Pgs. 6-14 & 36

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #86: Lords of Rust (Iron Gods 2 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #86: Lords of Rust (Iron Gods 2 of 6)
Level 4
96 pages

The heroes of the town of Torch follow a trail of clues to the sprawling junkyard known as Scrapwall, where bands of desperate and violent brigands vie for control of the technological remnants found within. The Lords of Rust dominate Scrapwall, and their swiftly rising power threatens more than just the town of Torch, for this gang has the support of one of the terrifying Gods of Numeria. What slumbers fitfully beneath the wreckage of Scrapwall could catapult the Lords of Rust into a new level of power if they're not stopped!

Cover of B1-9 In Search of Adventure
B1-9 In Search of Adventure
Levels 1–3
160 pages

THRESHOLD! The northernmost town in the Duchy - and your last stop before your adventures begin. Threshold, the gateway to mysterious castles, lost temples, deadly caves and caverns. You have heard the stories and legends, now you wish to see for yourself. This product provides a complete campaign adventure that will take beginning characters from 1st all the way to 3rd level and possibly beyond, drawn from the first nine modules of the B-series adventures. See individual adventure entries for Boss, Common Monster and Items lists. TSR 9190

Cover of Sorcerer’s Citadel
Sorcerer’s Citadel
5th Edition
Level 9
8 pages

Designed for a party of five characters of at least 9th level, this adventure will challenge players seeking a powerful magic item of the GM’s choosing. A sphere of annihilation has been provided and is woven into several elements of the adventure, but any appropriately powerful item can be substituted if something else suits your campaign better. Though the adventure is designed to test every type of character class, a rogue who can deal with traps is essential, as is a wizard or sorcerer of at least 9th level. Larger groups will have an easier time; parties of four or fewer characters will be in for a very bad time unless you mitigate some of the tower’s more lethal traps and encounters. This adventure culminates in an encounter with devils and a sphere of annihilation. The sphere of annihilation is hidden deep within the tower-and-dungeon complex of Crane the Sorcerer. Originally set atop a high mountain in a secluded and wild part of the world, the tower and dungeon can be relocated to meet the situation in your campign. Crane, an introvert, stayed as far away from civilization as possible, as is detailed below. The tower above the dungeon doesn’t present many difficulties for a group of powerful characters or alert players. It might lull PCs into a false sense of security before they enter the areas where they’ll really be put to the test.