A community for lazy dungeon masters
208 adventures found
Cover of The Purification of Ras Calaq
The Purification of Ras Calaq
5th Edition
Levels 8–9
12 pages

In the kingdom of Minoxia, the dragon Oxitorus rules the people with a disease his breath causes. A rebel approaches you and implores you to investigate a lead he has on a cure. The travel through Minoxia's swamp will be difficult, and you can't trust anyone, as the tyrant's spy network has roots everywhere. What will become of you, even if you succeed?

Cover of The Dark Night Before Christmas
The Dark Night Before Christmas
5th Edition
Level 10
8 pages

With the approaching winter, cold winds and long nights, the people of North get excited about its centuries-long tradition: the visit of Mage Nicholai Klaus Noah, the bearer of good fortunes and gift-giver. However, for the first time in over century, Nicholai is late! At first, the people didn't bother, but as days and nights passed, rumors increased until it finally evolved to a complete despair as numerous children started disappearing from all over the place! The council has decided to find those children and learn what happened to the beloved Mage. And they are willing to pay a considerable reward for that.

Cover of Spears of Glip Dak: Four Adventures
Spears of Glip Dak: Four Adventures
5th Edition
Levels 1–10
124 pages

Inside this full-color, 124-page anthology you’ll find four best-selling Adventurer’s League quests for level 1-10 characters set in the hobgoblin fortress of Glip Dak. Also included are instructions on how to weave these adventures into an ongoing story arc as part of your campaign. Tier 1 (Level 1-4): Glip Dak (CCC_GLIP-01-01) The Kroth Magg hobgoblins run the trade city of Glip Dak in the Troll Hills of Thar. From there they have taken control of the trade routes along the northern Moonsea. A young noble has been captured for refusing to pay their tariffs and his house looks to hire adventurers to rescue him. Beneath Glip Dak (CCC_GLIP-01-02) A series of unusual heists has both the thieves’ guild and city guard scrambling to uncover the culprits before the burglaries destabilize the thriving trade within the city, threatening the budding kingdom the Kroth Magg have fought and died to forge. Citadel of Vlaakith (CCC_GLIP-01-03) The adventurers are tasked with rescuing a group of heroes who vanished in the pearlescent fortress that manifested on the border between the Kroth Magg kingdom and the Varkonin empire in the Steppes of Thar. Tier 2 (Level 5-10): Blue Scales (CCC_GLIP-02-01) A behir has been hired to destroy the herds of aurochs necessary to feed the hobgoblin city of Glip Dak. Patrols and scouts continue to go missing, forcing the hobgoblins to hire mercenaries to track this behir as they recall their troops to the capital to maintain order as food riots break out.

Cover of Trollkin Hunt
Trollkin Hunt
5th Edition
Levels 10–11
4 pages

A venom maw hydra lair suitable for four or five 10th-level characters. The Red Craw Marsh, so called because of the delicious and plentiful red crayfish that live in the area, is a boon to the nearby village. More than a few intrepid souls brave the swamp each season to collect the crayfish. They either sell the crayfish to local establishments or ship them to nearby cities, where they earn a good price as the crayfish is a delicacy among the wealthy. The villagers have established a tentative peace with a clan of trollkin that inhabit the swamp. The crayfish collectors pay a small fee to the trollkin, who allow them to ply their trade in the marsh without (much) interference. It is a tense but profitable relationship for all involved. A powerful creature has moved into the marsh, however, threatening the delicate balance. When a venom maw hydra decided to move to the area of the marsh between the human and trollkin villages, it brought along a number of creatures that worship and serve it. This hydra and its allies have killed some of the crayfish hunters and some of the trollkin. Each side, unfortunately, believes that the other has broken the truce, thus stirring up animosity and putting both groups on the verge of war.

Cover of Hoard of the Dragon Queen
Hoard of the Dragon Queen
5th Edition
Levels 1–8
94 pages

The Cult of the Dragon, along with its dragon allies and the Red Wizards of Thay, seek to bring Tiamat from her prison in the Nine Hells to Faerûn. To this end, they are sweeping from town to town, laying waste to all those who oppose them and gathering a hoard of riches for their dread queen. Continued in The Rise of Tiamat.

Cover of Take it to the Mezzanine! (WBW-DC-MEZZ)
Take it to the Mezzanine! (WBW-DC-MEZZ)
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
37 pages

"TRAPPED! What’s that gigantic stage? Why does that village look so out of place? How do you escape this place and why are those two ballistae arguing like siblings?! Find out in the Mezzanine, a Domain of Delight created by an Unseelie archfey named the Grand Director." In the land of fairies, lives an imprisoned archfey named The Grand Director. He made the mistake of disrespecting his evil queen and tries to perfect his horrible play. Within this adventure you will find an Unfinished Wall, a Dance Battle, and Trippy Mushrooms. Your characters have become trapped in the Feywild and they must get the locals to set aside their differences to help the archfey revamp his play for the Unseelie Queen.

Cover of Death in the Dark - A Tome of Foes Adventure
Death in the Dark - A Tome of Foes Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 8–10
14 pages

A shadow hangs over the dark and dreary town of Squill. Townsfolk are being murdered in their beds without any explanation and the local graveyard has become a dangerous, haunted place. Consumed by fear, the men and women of Squill have begun casting evil glances at a young orphan boy. The victims, it seems, all had links to the lonely child, and none of them were good. A local priestess, however, wonders if the heart of the darkness consuming the town lies in a necromancer slain nearby only a few months ago...

Cover of Glitterdust
4th Edition
Level 1
23 pages

A vast Feywild swamp slowly seethes into the mortal world, conjured by a malevolent hag. The Murkendraw's unstoppable progress widens Rotten Ethel's dominion by a few steps each day, and with it, the hag's ambition. When Rotten Ethel kidnaps the fairest pixie of all, the swamp's advance suddenly quickens. The fairy folk need brave heroes to turn back the tide and venture forth to rescue Glitterdust.

Cover of FN1 - Trouble in Durwall Valley
FN1 - Trouble in Durwall Valley
Levels 1–3
18 pages

For years the Count of Durwall Keep ruled over the land fairly and with justice. That ended during the Bloodrayne Conflict when the castle was felled by troops loyal to General Bloodrayne. In the many years that followed the triangular keep has fallen into a sordid state of disrepair. The keep used to hold mighty coffers of treasure for the Count and for the Emperor as well. A stronghold was built under the keep to secure said treasure and perhaps some treasure may still remain in the depths of its dungeons. Recently it’s been said that the Snaggletooth tribe of kobolds has seized the fortress and is using it as their home. It is also rumored that there may still be undiscovered treasure located in the dungeon of the keep. Faint echoes of the missing Orb of Ruler ship are still heard.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #82: Bride of the Black Manse
Dungeon Crawl Classics #82: Bride of the Black Manse
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Levels 3–5
25 pages

Centuries past, Lady Ilse ascended to scion of House Liis by trading the archdevil Mammon what he wanted most: her immortal soul – and a diabolical betrothal. The triumph proved hollow, for every year on the eve of her fell covenant, she was beset by visions of Mammon and her foul promise. Seeking to save herself, she was buried alive, swaddled in the holy symbols of a dozen divergent faiths. This desperate ploy held Mammon at bay for centuries…but a devil can afford to wait a very long time. After hundreds of years, the last of the holy wards has fallen. The devil has come to collect his due. Tonight a storm crashes against the ancient manor house and forgotten spirits rise from the muck and mire. The fallen belfry tolls once more, announcing the hellish fete. As the adventurers arrive to explore the Black Manse, Mammon calls for his winsome bride. He will leave with a soul at the end of the night. The only question is: Whose?

Cover of Ghosts of Saltmarsh
Ghosts of Saltmarsh
5th Edition
Level 1
256 pages

Nestled on the coast of the Azure Sea is Saltmarsh, a sleepy fishing village that sits on the precipice of destruction. Smugglers guide their ships to hidden coves, willing to slit the throat of anyone foolhardy enough to cross their path. Cruel sahuagin gather beneath the waves, plotting to sweep away coastal cities. Drowned sailors stir to unnatural life, animated by dark magic and sent forth in search of revenge. The cult of a forbidden god extends its reach outward from a decaying port, hungry for fresh victims and willing recruits. While Saltmarsh slumbers, the evils that seek to plunder it grow stronger. Heroes must arise to keep the waves safe! Ghosts of Saltmarsh combines some of the most popular classic adventures from the first edition of Dungeons & Dragons including the classic ‘U’ series and some of the best nautical adventures from Dungeon magazine: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh Danger at Dunwater The Final Enemy Salvage Operation Isle of the Abbey Tammeraut’s Fate The Styes All adventures have been faithfully adapted to the fifth edition rules of Dungeons & Dragons. Furthermore, this book includes details on the port town of Saltmarsh, as well as plenty of hooks to kick-off each adventure. Play through each story in a seafaring campaign leading characters from level 1 through level 12, or pull out sections to place in ongoing campaigns in any setting. The appendices also cover mechanics for ship-to-ship combat, new magic items, monsters, and more! “The Saltmarsh series consistently ranks as one of the most popular classic D&D adventures,” said Mike Mearls, franchise creative director of D&D. “With its ties to ocean-based adventuring, it was an obvious step to augment it with additional sea-based adventures and a robust set of rules for managing a nautical campaign.” Hoist your sails, pull up anchor, and set a course for adventure!

Cover of Par4 - Flagitious' Feint
Par4 - Flagitious' Feint
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
15 pages

While enjoying some downtime in the coastal city of Forby, a disturbance catches your attention. You quickly discover that there is some trouble in the swampland to the north and the captains that navigate the area are quite upset. Is your group ready to get their waders on and figure out the problem in the swamp?

Cult of Desire: Shadows of Oath-Iron
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
64 pages

Famous hunter and Resident Hero Task of Alivast welcomes you on your journey to becoming an adventurer.However, when his son Tarusk is kidnapped he will need your help to get him back. Yet something stale is on the wind. A cult following an evil Demi-god stands in your way and help may come from an unlikely place. Thus begins the quest of a lifetime for you and your fellow adventures. travel through forests, cold mountains, and even a trip beyond. Meet NPCs of original creation and some you may know of. But be ready, for sometimes... You may need to peer beyond what is before you to live. This is the first of a series of fan modules I'm working on. SO ENJOY! I have 6 planned so I hope you will be patient with me. Either way, I'm sure this small adventure will entertain you. Thank you to the Unexpectables Crew (Monty, Connor, Zito, Gaijin, Taka, Ed) For inspiring me with a world and characters I want to write about. Thank you to my Beta Readers (Tixdixl, Magologue, and KingKiwi). You were a great help. Thank you to the fans who allowed the show to go on for so long.

Cover of B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (orange)
B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (orange)
Levels 1–3
32 pages

Years ago the valley was green, and animals ran free through golden fields of grain. The princess Argenta ruled over this peaceful land and the people were secure and happy. Then one day a warrior riding a red dragon appeared in the skies over the princess’ castle and almost overnight the tiny kingdom fell into ruin. Now only ruins and rumors remain, and what legends there are tell of a fabulous ruby still buried somewhere within the Palace of the Silver Princess TSR 9044

Cover of The Bark Witch of Carcass County
The Bark Witch of Carcass County
Low Level
14 pages

The Bark Witch of Carcass Country is a procedural pointcrawl for FRONTIER SCUM. It consists of tables encompassing: Adventure hooks to lure scum to the swamp Antagonist motivation to add depth and guide the story Locations that provide (un)safe spaces for PCs Exploration via an overloaded, exploding encounter table that escalates the plot Mundane and strange creatures with full stat blocks Signs of the Bark Witch to sow dread and chaos The module can be run purely randomly, as a pick-and-choose toolkit, or anywhere in between. Depending on the rolls and approach, it works as a one-shot or a multi-session adventure. The Bark Witch of Carcass Country is an independent production by Walton Wood and is not affiliated with Den of Druids. It is published under the FRONTIER SCUM Third-Party License. FRONTIER SCUM is copyright Den of Druids

The Approaching Swarm - Episode Three: Stalking Prey
3rd Edition
Levels 8–10
3 pages

The Approaching Swarm is a short adventure for four 9th-level characters. The party can consist of any mix of classes, but it should include at least one character that is good in wilderness settings, such as a druid, ranger, or barbarian, and at least one cleric. This scenario should prove a reasonable challenge for characters from 8th to 10th level. The adventure takes place in a swampland that is near a small settlement. The characters were lead into a trap -- a lair of giant spiders. With one or more of their members injured and poisoned, and the trail of their quarry now cold, the characters most likely return to Crivdall.

Cover of The House of Poe
The House of Poe
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
11 pages

Deep in the swamp, villagers claim something unnatural is happening at a large manor on the edge of town. A suspicious owner whose wife died years ago is attempting something dark and terrible, and it's up to the party to stop him. The true fun of this adventure lies in the house itself, which is filled with hidden references and homages to the works of Edgar Allan Poe, with the author himself filling the role as the suspicious home owner.

Cover of Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt
5th Edition
Levels 5–8
6 pages

This quest is for a party that urgently needs to resurrect a fallen character but lacks the means of casting or accessing standard resurrection spells. With no other options, the party seeks a hag whose preternatural magic can bring the deceased character back to life. However, the characters must save the hag from a misguided group of knights looking to slay her. Includes a quest-related NPC that a player can control if they're waiting for their character to be resurrected.

Cover of NQ1 - Meteor Mystery
NQ1 - Meteor Mystery
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
17 pages

NQ1 – Meteor Mystery is the first offering from Pangia the latest continent. Some adventurers need a sign to start their careers and this adventure does just that. A strange meteor has been seen streaking across the sky of Dilad recently. The animals have become sick and farmers are reporting an influx of humanoid raiders. Count DeMoss, lord of the area, has been contacted but no troops have arrived.

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #49: The Brinewall Legacy
Pathfinder Adventure Path #49: The Brinewall Legacy
Level 1
61 pages

The town of Sandpoint, Varisia, Inner Sea Region has put out a bounty on the nearby tribe of Licktoad Goblins in retribution for the goblins raiding traders and travelers near the quiet town. The party takes up the bounty and ventures into the swamp; eventually finding the goblin village in ruins and it's inhabitants scared in it's burned huts. The party finds out; either through investigation of the ruins or the goblins themselves; that a group of skeletons with eastern arms and armor had ransacked the village and took a stash of fireworks that the goblins stole from an old shipwreck. The party then makes it to this cave and finds it empty except for a half dozen skeletons. Further in past the skeletons is their leader, a skeletal samurai who fights the party in an attempt to defend his treasure. The treasure turns out to be a letter that reveals that secrets of the Kaijitsu family; the same family their good friend Ameiko who runs the Rusty Dragon inn belongs to; that lies in wait in the abandoned town of Brinewall to the northern boarder of Varisia. Ameiko along with several other important NPCs with a caravan north. It's recommended that GMs create encounters for the caravan trip north as it's essentially 3 weeks of travel with nothing in it. It's also recommended that GMs completely ignore caravan rules; they're not flushed out and they're not fun to run. The party and the caravan reaches the abandoned town of Brinewall where their friend Ameiko becomes possessed and is thrown into a coma; where the other NPCs agree to take care of her while the party explores the town and castle. The castle is a three floor behemoth of a dungeon populated by Dire Corbies, Troglodytes, and various other monsters all under the leadership of Kikonu, an Yamabushi Tengu Oni. The goal of exploring Brinewall Castle is to find the two keys to the vault; one of which is on the Yamabushi Tengu while the other is on a Half-Fiend Decapus that lives in the basement of Brinewall. Once the PCs enter the vault they find the Amatatsu Seal; one of the seals that cement authority to one of the ruling houses in Minkai of Tian Xia; as well as several visions that show that Ameiko Kaijitsu is the rightful heir to be ruler of Minkai and that they'll need to travel north to do so. Such ends the first book of six.