The Brightness of Mornstead This challenging, three-hour, one-shot adventure is intended for parties between levels 5-8. Five years ago, a dragon destroyed the peaceful town of Mornstead. Now, a man named Wiles Killinger has rediscovered a mysterious artifact from the ruins and seeks revenge against the dragon that destroyed his life. However, not all is as it seems in this tale of lore, mystery, and betrayal. Will the dragon be slain by mighty heros or will the horrors of the living dead return to cover the land? Adventure Features Flavor text and pre-written quotes let the DM jump right in with minimal prep time. A level-scaling table for on-the-fly-customization of the final battle. NPC information and backgrounds. Multiple plot points that can be expanded into a full-fledged campaign.
Every Berk in Sigil Struggles to keep his savage sid at bay. But now the bars of the cage are breaking down. . . . Don't go to sleep, cutter-that's where the shadows slink, gnawing at the frail cord of sanity. The dream-touched sods of Sigil are snapping one by one, turning on each other like wildcats in the streets. And as people become animals, animals become monsters, rending friend and foe alike with fang and claw. The lawful factions have enough trouble dealing with a rash of breakouts form the Prison. But when the shackles of society fall away, it's all a body can do to keep the beast within form bursting free?and running wild. Something Wild is a Planescape adventure for four to six characters of 4th to 7th levels. When Sigil falls prey to disturbing nightmares and outbreaks of violent fury, the heroes must follow bloody trails to the treacherous peaks of Careeri and the savage jungles of the Beastlands. An ancient terror threatens the planes anew, and only the player characters can stop it from feasting on the flesh of the multiverse. The Planescape Campaign Setting boxed set is required to run this adventure. The Planes of Conflict Campaign Expansion boxed set, the Planescape Monstrous Compedium Appendix, and In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil are recommended as well. Product History "Something Wild" (1996), by Ray Vallese, is the sixth standalone adventure for Planescape. It was published in March 1996. Continuing the Planescape Series. If 1994 was the year of Planescape adventures, and 1995 was the year of Planescape settings, then 1996 had a new focus: novels. The year led off with the first Planescape novel, Blood Hostages (1996), which also led off the setting's increased emphasis on the Blood War. Meanwhile, it took until March for a new RPG book to appear. "Something Wild" was the first of just two adventures published during the year. It continued the trend of 64 page adventure books, but was the first Planescape adventure that didn't have a GM Screen. Adventure Tropes. As with many Planescape adventures, "Something Wild" starts out in Sigil and then travels off into other planes. Like most adventures of the '90s, it's also heavily plotted, with individual scenes moving the storyline along. Though the adventure includes sections set in the wilderness and in a town, they're not explorations, they're segments of a story. There is a traditional dungeon crawl of a gehreleth lair toward the middle of the adventure, but that's it for older-school fare. The most interesting aspect of the adventure is probably its inclusion of a "dreamscape" that players travel through. Though adventures of this type date back to at least DL10: "Dragons of Dreams" (1985), the idea was little used in D&D adventures. Still, it was gaining some traction in the mid '90s thanks to the Ravenloft setting, and especially thanks to the Nightmare Lands (1995) supplement, which includes rules for dreamscape adventures. Expanding the Outer Planes. "Something Wild" travels to the Beastlands and Carceri, both of which had recently been detailed in Planes of Conflict (1995; it includes some new details on each. The expansion of the Beastlands is the most important, because much of the adventure is centered on that plane and the goals of its denizens. Signpost, which lies on the border between the plane's top two layers, is also detailed. Finally, the Cat Lord gets a spotlight; he's a strange being dating back to Monster Manual II (1983) that had never received much attention previously, except in Gary Gygax's Dance of Demons (1988) novel. The information on Carceri is not as generally useful because it details a very specific, primordial prison for a bestial god named Malar. Nonetheless, "Something Wild" makes good use on the plane by focusing on the demodands (gehreleths), a fiendish race dwelling on Carceri that has never gotten much attention. "Something Wild" was also the adventure that really started to push the Blood War forward. For the first two years of Planescape's existence, this fiendish war was a background element, but in the novels and supplements of 1996 it turned into a true metaplot. That ball starts rolling here with several hints that "a particularly nasty stage of the Blood War" lies just ahead. About the Creators. TSR Editor Vallese had done considerable development work on "Fires of Dis" (1995) the previous year, and was now given his own adventure to write. He'd continue on with a few more Planescape products in the next few years, concluding with the Torment (1999) novel. About the Product Historian This history of this product was researched and written by Shannon Appelcline, the author of Designers & Dragons - a history of the roleplaying industry told one company at a time. Please feel free to mail corrections, comments, and additions to [email protected].
Lore of Aetherra: The Lost Druid is an award-winning 5th Edition adventure designed to bring characters from level one to five, and is the first in an expansive 4-book saga of science-fantasy adventures that will take your players to level 20. Fano. Things here haven't always been so grim. Time and chance have conspired to transform this once magnificent city upon the lake into a run-down sanctum for the destitute and depraved alike. Those who would see Fano renewed seek a lost druid who brings with him the hope to restore the city to its former glory and awaken the ancient technology hidden deep within its constructs. Could Fano's awakening usher in a new era of peace and prosperity, or will it unearth a conspiracy lurking in the shadows? Lore of Aetherra: The Lost Druid is a 5th Edition adventure designed to bring characters from level one to five, and is the first in an expansive 4-book saga of science-fantasy adventures that will take your players to level 20. A uniquely immersive RPG experience, The Lost Druid employs a myriad of digital content that can be experienced using the Alchemy RPG platform. Enjoy a cinematic storytelling structure, breaking chapters into scenes supplemented by expansive soundscapes, dynamic musical scores, voice-acted flavor text, and environmental motion graphics. 2023 IPPY Awards Winner: GOLD in Reference Product Contents: Over 250 Pages Over 2 hours of Audio Content 5 Premade Player Characters 6 Side Quests 7 Tavern Mini Games 35 New NPCs and Monsters Maps: 8 area, 1 city, and 1 region New Backgrounds, Spells, and Magic Items Over 60 NPC Profile Blocks AI Combat Tactics for Every Encounter Published by HITPOINT Press
"The Spectre of Sanguine Isle" is an adventure included in the product "Calpurnia's Guide to Practical Traps". It's an adventure that features traps from the document. The isolated town of Cupidinum has been shaken by a senseless murder. The culprit has fled to Sanguine Isle, and it's up to the heroes to find him and bring him to justice. But the fugitive doesn't want to be caught, and he knows a thing or two about guerilla warfare. Can the heroes catch their elusive prey? And was his crime quite as straight-forward as it was made out to be?
Centuries past, Lady Ilse ascended to scion of House Liis by trading the archdevil Mammon what he wanted most: her immortal soul – and a diabolical betrothal. The triumph proved hollow, for every year on the eve of her fell covenant, she was beset by visions of Mammon and her foul promise. Seeking to save herself, she was buried alive, swaddled in the holy symbols of a dozen divergent faiths. This desperate ploy held Mammon at bay for centuries…but a devil can afford to wait a very long time. After hundreds of years, the last of the holy wards has fallen. The devil has come to collect his due. Tonight a storm crashes against the ancient manor house and forgotten spirits rise from the muck and mire. The fallen belfry tolls once more, announcing the hellish fete. As the adventurers arrive to explore the Black Manse, Mammon calls for his winsome bride. He will leave with a soul at the end of the night. The only question is: Whose?
Your group of adventurers has come together from a successful adventure in the old ruins seeking more fame and glory. As they travel they come upon the small community of Kamortha. Recently a problem occurred when the Witch of Margrove Swamp cursed the community as she left. Now the people have developed some strange facial malady and they want a cure. Can your party of adventurers discover the secret of the plague and resolve it for the fine people of Kamortha?
The Cave on Foggy Hook is the first of three connected adventures in the village of Hookholm and is aimed at busy or first time Dungeon Masters. This adventure is designed for 3-5 1st level characters and can be played in a single 3-5 hour session excluding character creation. In this adventure the party will find themselves in Hookholm, a small coastal village rebuilding after a devastating storm almost wiped it off the map. The village is located on the inner curve of the Foggy Hook, a spit of marshy land jutting into the Grey Sea. Beset by the sort of calamities that new adventurers will be able to sink their teeth into and will offer opportunities for roleplaying, puzzle solving, exploration and combat. Includes 5 maps in a number of variations, a brand new monster in the vicious Kuo-toa Feral, and a new chase complications table for chases through swamps or marshes.
Curator Pierce has reported that the House of Knowledge was the victim of an assault and theft. Three days ago, brigands entered the building famous for housing the Tomes of Rummell. They attacked the Stewards of Knowledge, and made off with three books. Each of the missing texts was written by a different author and each is said to contain works of arcane power. The call has gone out for heroes to retrieve these items and bring those responsible to justice!
In this adventure players are set first on a simple task, to solve the disappearance of the local witch before outside forces take an interest. But as the players get deeper, they will rapidly kind themselves on a quest for far more, as they range from an alchemist's lair on a crumbling tower down to a dark swamp full of mystery and danger, seeking a holy relic that might lead them to the outskirts of Hell itself. All in service of the sleepy Village Sujeira and the dusty souls within. 1452: Saving Sujeira’s Soul is an adventure set in northern Portugal on an alternate history Earth during the year 1452, in a world where history is much the same, but for the fact that the Rus are all hirsute dwarves, the hordes that poured out of central Asia were orcish (and half-orcs are mostly janissaries split among the Ottoman Empire’s demesnes), and elves are creatures of rumors and myth. Halflings live among the English and Portuguese in villages and farms, while goblins are pests best left for dead in the wilds between civilized countries. The Church arms its inquisitors with holy blessings, for witches are not mere milk-souring old women but vile devil-pacted souls, and wizards and sorcerers seek human and kine for sacrifices to fuel their darkling magics. There be dragons on the edges of the world, and ogres and sea serpents and giants, but the alchemists of this world know things beyond mortal ken and fight these horrors with science and canny concoctions. Published by Coldlight Press
Gnomish denizens of Berribury are terrorized by flooding. Their only hope is for adventurers to summon the archfey of their domain; Tiddy Mun, to take the waters away. A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3
North Sordack Valley is set northeast of Commerstance and was originally slated for the Filbar Dual series but the players didn’t go in that direction. This area is filled with individual challenges synonymous with the Filbar Area series. This ‘sandbox’ style adventure has multiple different encounters can be used in a variety of ways. The general setting allows you to customize it for your own campaign! This adventure setting was designed for 1st/2nd Edition AD&D for the Filbar Dual Campaign for various level groups of adventurers. This adventure is easily adaptable to most any game and system. Save yourself some time and utilize it for several one shot adventures or a continuing campaign setting! Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @FilbarRPG for extra information.
This adventure is part of TSR 9386 FRM1 - The Jungles of Chult Introduction: Lord Onovan of the Dales stumbled through the underbrush, his clothes in tatters, his body aching from a tenday in the jungle. The food was gone; the water, too. The last of the bearers had fled hours ago, leaving him nothing but the tunic on his hack and the sword in his hand. Through the lush curtain of vines and broad-leafed plants surrounding Onovan came the ominous sound of Batiri war drums. He glanced up at the thick canopy high overhead. The sun was going down. The goblins would be after him soon. The howling packs would trail him like bloodhounds through the jungle until the sun drove them into hiding again. Panic closed around his heart like a stone giants fist, crushing his dreams of escape. The goblins had killed Kadir Silveraxe and Ryn the Bold as if they'd been stripling warriors, not experienced sellswords. And if stout warriors like them were no match for the Batiri, what hope did a gentleman explorer like Onovan have? That grim thought flew from the explorers mind as he pushed through a tangle of saw-leafed vines. The creature lurking there in wait for him was huge, at least as tall as a two-story building. Splashes of browns and greens covered the beasts scaly hide, perfectly masking its bulk against the jungle. A dinosaur! Onovan noted in fearnumbed awe, just before the allosaurus snapped him in two with its powerful jaws and row after row of daggerlike teeth.
The Mists of Ravenloft draw close, surrounding unfortunate travelers in their clammy embrace. When they part, they reveal the land of Mordent, a domain of rolling moors and woods, beautiful by day and terrifying by night. A new danger lurks in the haunted moors: hounds whose mournful howls and murderous jaws trap the townsfolk in their homes at night. At the heart of it all lies a curse laid a century ago, and a tale of bitter tragedy. Even now, you can hear the howls in the night... Howls in the Night is a dark fantasy murder mystery - but one in which the victim has been dead for 100 years! Alternate adventure backgrounds allow the Dungeon Master to choose one of four possible conclusions. TSR 9466
In the center of Lake Encarthan looms the dreaded Isle of Terror, accursed land of mystery and treachery. Hidden within the island's negative energy storms, the secret treasure city of the wizard-king Tar-Baphon has lain sealed for centuries. Now masked cultists have opened the golden city of Xin-Grafar to claim the wealth of the legendary city for the Living God Razmir. Can the PCs track the cultists through the poisoned swamps and blasted wastelands of the Isle of Terror to the City of Golden Death itself? And what forgotten dangers will oppose them as they struggle to prevent a dark faith from spreading across the world? Part 3 of the Price of Immortality trilogy.
Get in the carriage, strike a power chord, and cast a fireball. Tritonia is the first of a three-part 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure where first level players assume the role of a touring band in a world controlled by the maligned artificer Lord Spootify. Combat rival bands and nasty monsters alike in this indie-rockified fantasy RPG module. Whether you’re in an actual touring band and looking for a game to play on the road, or just a group of D&D players looking for a fun and novel campaign -- Tritonia riffs on classic D&D adventuring and modern music culture for unique encounters and a sonically inspired quest like no other. It features: A band name generator for crafting the coolest stage moniker A band-building guide with 12 dynamic personalities. Play as unique archetypes like the Talent (the dude who shreds), De Facto Manager (who does all the work behind the scenes), and The Kid (who recently learned how to play the lyre and is just excited to be here) Background on the rich world of Tourmaline Valley. Learn about Lord Spootify, the mysterious Accelerators, and the creation of the Stream Stone 16 Rival Bands including Chaotic Neutral Milk Hotel and A Couple Two Three Directions Memorable NPCs and baddies like Hank & the Hecking Hecklers with engaging backstories and motivations Music inspired magic items including the Strings of Magic Missile Optional rules to enhance the band’s abilities and the game aesthetic Various callouts and references to modern indie music culture, bands, and the rock & roll lifestyle A good ol’ fashioned twist
A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 10th-level characters, this volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path is part 4 of 6 of the Kingmaker Adventure Path, in which the heroes win and defend a small kingdom from threats foreign and domestic. PCs should advance to 13th level by the end of this adventure. “Blood for Blood” begins with the PCs having returned home from solving the mystery of the Varnhold Vanishing. Shortly after their arrival, they learn that new problems have developed during their absence—there are rumors of an army marching toward their nation!The PCs race to the village of Tatzlford, where they help defend the village from an attack by a small but earnest force of bandits, barbarians, and several lumbering trolls after being warned in advance by a troubled woman who has fled from Fort Drelev to the west. Following the skirmish, she pleads with the PCs to save her father and sister from peril.From there, the PCs strike out into the swamplands of the Slough to the west, exploring new lands and finding opportunities to make new allies and eliminate long-term threats to the region. Their initial goal, though, should be infiltrating Fort Drelev, where they’ll have a chance to confront the traitor Drelev with his crimes and rescue the Fort’s beleaguered settlers. During this time, the PCs learn where Armag’s tribe has been holding the daughters of Drelev’s senior officers hostage. Arriving at the ancient site, the PCs attack Armag’s barbarian encampment and overcome the sinister powers of the Black Sisters to free the girls. Then, entering the tomb, they face deadly traps, ancient undead horrors from a war-torn age, and the trials of the tomb’s immortal, divine guardian. In the final chamber, the PCs encounter Armag himself, armed with the ancient sword of his namesake.
This book goes over the various rules around the faction of the Harpers in Phandalin and the Forgotten Realms, making it easy for any new or veteran DMs to integrate it more into the core stories being told, and making the faction feel more useful for the players that choose to join. The adventure sees the characters on a mission to Iniarv's Tower, sent to search for the artifact, Bowgentle's Spellbook, and rescue the fellow Harper member, Brodven.
A shadow hangs over the dark and dreary town of Squill. Townsfolk are being murdered in their beds without any explanation and the local graveyard has become a dangerous, haunted place. Consumed by fear, the men and women of Squill have begun casting evil glances at a young orphan boy. The victims, it seems, all had links to the lonely child, and none of them were good. A local priestess, however, wonders if the heart of the darkness consuming the town lies in a necromancer slain nearby only a few months ago...
A venom maw hydra lair suitable for four or five 10th-level characters. The Red Craw Marsh, so called because of the delicious and plentiful red crayfish that live in the area, is a boon to the nearby village. More than a few intrepid souls brave the swamp each season to collect the crayfish. They either sell the crayfish to local establishments or ship them to nearby cities, where they earn a good price as the crayfish is a delicacy among the wealthy. The villagers have established a tentative peace with a clan of trollkin that inhabit the swamp. The crayfish collectors pay a small fee to the trollkin, who allow them to ply their trade in the marsh without (much) interference. It is a tense but profitable relationship for all involved. A powerful creature has moved into the marsh, however, threatening the delicate balance. When a venom maw hydra decided to move to the area of the marsh between the human and trollkin villages, it brought along a number of creatures that worship and serve it. This hydra and its allies have killed some of the crayfish hunters and some of the trollkin. Each side, unfortunately, believes that the other has broken the truce, thus stirring up animosity and putting both groups on the verge of war.
Stuffed animals. The Vast Swamp is a most unnatural habitat. A crocodile has been attacking a poor druid and its up to the party to help the druid retake his swamp. Pgs. 34-37