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698 adventures found
Cover of Lost Mine of Phandelver
Lost Mine of Phandelver
5th Edition
Level 1
63 pages
19  0

"More than five hundred years ago, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver’s Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to channel and bind that energy into a great forge (called the Forge of Spells), where magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and the nearby human town of Phandalin (pronounced fan-duh-lin) prospered as well. But then disaster struck when orcs swept through the North and laid waste to all in their path. A powerful force of orcs reinforced by evil mercenary wizards attacked wave echo cave to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their dwarf and gnome allies to defend the Forge of Spells, and the ensuing spell battle destroyed much of the cavern. Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost. For centuries, rumours of buried riches have attracted treasure seekers and opportunists to the area around Phandalin, but no one has ever succeeded in locating the lost mine. In recent years, people have resettled the area. Phandalin is now a rough-and-tumble frontier town. More important, the Rockseeker brothers - a trio of dwarves - have discovered the entrance to Wave Echo Cave, and they intend to reopen the mines. Unfortunately for the Rockseekers, they are not the only ones interested in Wave Echo Cave. A mysterious villain known as the Black Spider controls a network of bandit gangs and goblin tribes in the area, and his agents have followed the Rockseekers to their prize. Now the Black Spider wants Wave Echo Cave for himself, and he is taking steps to make sure no one else knows where it is." Extra Info from AL.com users: by @marcellarius. "There are a variety of locations in this adventure: the town of Phandalin, a gang hideout, a ruined keep in the forest, a destroyed village, and Wave Echo Cave (a dungeon crawl). The adventure is written in a sandbox style and relies on the players to choose their path. Phandalin offers several side-quests which could serve as hooks for continuing adventures. The premade characters have ties in their backgrounds to NPCs and locations. If you're not using these you'll need to consider other ways to introduce key NPCs."

Cover of CCC-RPSG-01 Ooze There?
CCC-RPSG-01 Ooze There?
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
27 pages

As the City of Danger struggles to rebuild, a spate of unexplained disappearances in the Zhent Ghettos threatens to erupt into fresh chaos. The factions are hard pressed to investigate, and it falls upon you to uncover the truth behind this new menace. A 4-hour D&D Adventurers League Convention Created Content adventure for 1st – 4th Level Characters (optimized for 3rd level). An ENNIE Awards 2019 nominee in the Best Organized Play category! This adventure is Part 1 of "The Neverdusk Trilogy", and has been praised as the hardest Tier 1 module written to date! Ooze There? is the first CCC written and developed in Singapore, and debuted at RPG Day Singapore 2018 - Singapore's largest Dungeons & Dragons community event. The v1.2 package gives you even better value, and includes: - All new cover art by Carillus, the creator of the highly popular ExCo webtoon - A high quality map pack for key encounter locations - A two (2) page cheat sheet with Jason's personal tips for running Ooze There?

Cover of The Witchfire Curse
The Witchfire Curse
5th Edition
Level 1
32 pages

Three months ago the township of Durgon’s Rest exiled Elia Fenfrost for practicing witchcraft. Now as the first harvest approaches there are signs that something is amiss. The crops are failing, local farm animals are becoming sick with disease, and all of the food stores have gone foul. The town’s folk suspect that the accursed blight is the work of Elia - exacting her revenge for casting her out into the wild. The PCs are the villager’s last hope, but can they find Elia and end the evil curse that has been laid upon the town before all comes to ruin?

Cover of DDIA05  A Great Upheaval
DDIA05 A Great Upheaval
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
22 pages

An Introductory Adventure for Storm King's Thunder. As evening approaches, you spot a wooden signpost next to a trail that heads north into the hills. Nailed to the post are three arrow-shaped signs. The two marked “Waterdeep” and “Daggerford” follow the High Road but point in opposite directions. The third, marked “Nightstone,” beckons you to follow the trail. If memory serves, Nightstone is roughly ten miles up the trail. This is Chapter 1 of the greater story available for free on the Dungeon Master's Guild.

Cover of Dungeon Short- Old Bones
Dungeon Short- Old Bones
5th Edition
Levels 4–8
20 pages

In this small 20 page adventure module, centered around an archaeological dig, revisit Bull Creek and find out the secret behind what really lies in the hero Vertrixx Mazilaxx's sarcophagus. To do so, you'll have to meet up with master archaeologist Geranimus to delve deep into the ground. On the surface, politics boil and tensions between species are high. Below, secrets are to be uncovered. Can your party find the truth? Find out in Old Bones. Old Bones- a 5e SRD adventure for levels 4, 6 and 8. In James Grammaticus' Dungeon Short series, James explores fantasy worlds and settings in short bite-sized one or two shot adventures that be used on their own, can spring off into a larger campaign, or can be used as a side-adventure in a campaign.

Cover of Heathen
4th Edition
Level 5
31 pages

The search for a missing paladin takes the PCs deep into the heart of a frontier torn apart by cult wars—and face to face with an ancient evil. The paladin Jaryd set out to find and destroy the Hand of Naarash. He was never heard from again. Now the PCs must retrace Jaryn’s steps across the harsh wilderness and determine what has become of the noble warrior. Pgs. 29-59

Cover of Our Fair Maidens
Our Fair Maidens
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
7 pages

In this level 5 adventure for three to five players, a suspicious death brings our adventurers to the village of Degorod on the night of an annual festival. Celebrations turn into chaos as an unknown force abducts villagers from above. The group must investigate the cause and, in the end, decide who to help. Pgs. 101-107

Cover of The Feypool Beauty
The Feypool Beauty
5th Edition
Level 5
66 pages

Surrounded by miles of hostile swampland, Feypool isn’t a place too many adventurers seek out. But a group of travelers discover that this small duchy is under siege by a strange threat: Marietta Truelight. Otherworldly beautiful and abnormally charming, all but a handful of Feypoolers have fallen under her spell, becoming a fanatical hive mind willing to do anything for her. But Marietta is planning something sinister, the answer buried within Feypool’s superstitions and bleak history. The Feypool Beauty features a number of horror elements including body horror, suspense, intrigue, and some classic tropes similar to body snatchers. What secrets will you uncover? What atrocities of devotion will you witness? And will you be able to resist the influence of the Feypool Beauty?

Cover of Red Witch Doomsday
Red Witch Doomsday
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
11 pages

“...when the floor trembled and the whole town shook, the people knew Mario had been found a couple of minutes later the dust settled again on the buildings and streets. Silence. The people’s wait to see who came out of the sewers, who would emerge victoriously was agonizing. The fate of the town swung on the outcome of the battle…” Extracts from The Witch Doomsday in Master Bard Blue Barry’s Tales of Silver. This adventure is designed for four to six 2nd- to 3rd level characters and is optimized for five characters. Designed to be a one-shot to play between four and six hours. A band of deep goblins settled in the sewers of Red Witch Cove and took the towns as hostages. They take what they want when they want it without regard for the people around them and their acts are bringing the doom of the town that the merchants were holding back. The package contains: -Color version. -Black and White version. -Maps and battle maps.

Cover of Rise of the Drow
Rise of the Drow
5th Edition
Levels 1–15
552 pages

If absolute power corrupts absolutely, Matron Maelora best beware; her plans for total domination of the Underworld are already close to satisfactory completion, while attacks on the Upperworld have become increasingly successful. The other power-hungry drow families of Holoth may despise her but they know a true leader when they see one, and House Gullion has been revealed as the family to lead them all on the path to glory. With the entire Underworld in chaos and the Spider Goddess regularly communing with her chosen Matron, far greater dreams than mere regional conquest are within the grasp of the drow, as Maelora prepares her grand dark elf army for victory! With other mystical allies standing firm with the Matron, other Underworld races beneath her heel or cowering behind fortified walls, and every drow ready to play their part when she gives the word, what could possibly stop her from achieving her final triumph and fulfilling her destiny? But even the greatest of plans has a flaw if you look hard enough, and a party of stout heart and strong resolve can make a difference. At first, such a party may well believe it is on a smaller adventure, perhaps to win a few baubles or some small acclaim by rescuing a few kidnapped villagers. Soon, however, those adventurers will realise that much more is at stake, and that they are the ones who will need to make moves against the evil Matron Maelora and her increasing dominance if both the entire Underworld and Upperworld are to be saved. But how will they go about it? Can they ensure their own success when an entire city is standing against them? Only they have the chance to halt the Rise of the Drow! Published by AAW Games.

Cover of RC5 - Secrets of Bibliotheca
RC5 - Secrets of Bibliotheca
Level 5
29 pages

In part two of the Rock Con scenario, our group of heroes heads towards Bibliotheca. This urban adventure has a variety of encounters unique to the city setting. Can the group uncover the missing books?

Cover of DC01: Drow Necromancy
DC01: Drow Necromancy
5th Edition
Level 1
9 pages

A peaceful isolated village has hosted its share of superstitions, but something real is poised to plague the citizens of the community. Can heroes rise to prevent the destruction of the village? What drives some to leave the safety of their communities and start along the path of adventure. Maybe it is something in their background that compels them; maybe it is the lure of treasure; maybe it is just a curious map. It is the first episode in the Drow Conspiracy. Published by Dan Hass Endeavors.

Cover of The Rise of Tiamat
The Rise of Tiamat
5th Edition
Levels 8–15
94 pages

The Cult of the Dragon leads the charge in an unholy crusade to bring Tiamat back to the Realms, and the situation grows more perilous for good people with each passing moment. The battle becomes increasingly political as opportunities to gather allies and gain advantage present themselves, all centered in Waterdeep. Continuation of Hoard of the Dragon Queen.

Cover of N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God
N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Levels 1–3
28 pages
17  0

"Terror by night! The village of Orlane is dying. Once a small and thriving community, Orlane has become a maze of locked doors and frightened faces. Strangers are shunned, trade has withered. Rumors flourish, growing wilder with each retelling. Terrified peasants flee their homes, abandoning their farms with no explanation. Others simply disappear. . . No one seems to know the cause of the decay -- why are there no clues? Who skulks through the twisted shadows of the night? Who or what is behind the doom that has overtaken the village? It will take a brave and skillful band of adventurers to solve the dark riddle of Orlane!" TSR 9063

Cover of Frozen Castle
Frozen Castle
5th Edition
Levels 10–11
13 pages

The loss of Skyreach Castle in Hoard of the Dragon Queen was a major setback to the Cult of the Dragon, but still only a setback. The cult is determined to retake the castle and claim Tiamat’s lost treasure buried in its frozen walls and cloudstuff vaults, but they aren’t the only ones. Blagothkus the cloud giant is still the master of Skyreach, and he has gone to the hall of his cousin Brunvild, ice lord of Uldoveld, for the resources to repair and reoccupy the castle. At the same time, the party is dispatched by the Council of Waterdeep to reclaim some of the stolen treasures lost when the castle fell.

Cover of Wrath of the Orc God
Wrath of the Orc God
Levels 3–4
53 pages

In the town of Gafolweed, the market is in disarray: toppled barrows and collapsed tents spill their contents onto the muddy ground. Merchants and locals flee the scene as you arrive. In the midst of the destruction stands a muscular, green-skinned humanoid—an orc! Three bodies lie near his feet, the victims of his bloody axe. He turns to you, a vivid red tattoo of a bleeding eye prominent on his brow. The orcs are gathering in numbers unseen in many generations and make war upon the people of the Borderlands. The cause of this deadly conflict is entwined with the history of the unholy mark that all the orcs now bear. Will your fellowship of budding heroes be able to quell the Wrath of the Orc God?

Cover of DDAL07-04 A Walk in the Park
DDAL07-04 A Walk in the Park
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
17 pages

A mysterious clue has led you outside of the safety of the city’s walls and into the jungle beyond. You have been asked to venture into the jungle and seek out the wisdom of some of the native humanoids in the area—perhaps they will be able to shed some light on the situation and provide some insight on who is behind it all. Part Two of The Jungle Has Fangs Trilogy.

Cover of The Color of Ambition
The Color of Ambition
3.5 Edition
Levels 1–2
4 pages

In this adventure, the player characters discover the illegal actives of an ambition Red Wizard operating out of an enclave in a small town. This adventure is short and a great way to introduce players to Red Wizards. For a group willing to use diplomacy fighting they can cut down there combat. The adventure is found on pages 284-287

Cover of Swamped
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
7 pages

Outside Briar Glen lies a dangerous swamp, and deep within it runs the Weeping River. Those who venture too far into the swampland near the river are overcome with grief and cry until their tears turn to blood. If they’re lucky, they die quickly. Lately, however, women in town disappear into the swamp near the Weeping River at night... and return in the morning, entranced but unscathed. Their families want to know why they return at sunrise with no memory of the previous night. These women found themselves a friend in the boo-hag, angry at the townsfolk for damaging her swamp. She initiated the women into her coven and tasked them to drain the life energy from their families to help the boo-hag heal the swamp.

Cover of The weird that befell Drigbolton
The weird that befell Drigbolton
Levels 3–5
58 pages

Something fell. A sickly gloaming lit up the night like mock daylight, just for a moment, and then the hills trembled. Now, an alien entity lies brooding in a crater gouged out of the moor. Local folk are enraptured with the toothsome jelly exuded by this being, but are blind to the true nature of the events unfolding in their rustic little backwater.