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783 adventures found
Cover of CB2 Conan Against Darkness!
CB2 Conan Against Darkness!
Levels 10–14
32 pages

"Taking an iron grip on his nerves, he strode confidently into the dark portal, naked steel in hand, and vanished within." (The Castle of Terror) Conan of Cimmeria Thoth-Amon, the greatest living sorcerer of the Hyborian Age, threatens the peace of Aquilonia. His tragic mistake is that he threatens Conan also, for Conan is now King of this mighty land. Conan and his companions, Pelias, Prospero, and Nzinga journey across the plains of Shem and Stygia to test their will and power against this wicked sorcerer. Battle with them to conquer the evil forces that endanger their land! TSR 9124

Cover of The Bane of Elfswood
The Bane of Elfswood
Levels 15–18
14 pages

"It shines in the night. Ogres run in terror of it. It kills by sight and by touch. It never stops hunting - and it's hunting for you." Vengeance denied in life is reborn in death. Druida Glanadyl, a female elf adventurer, seeks aid from the PCs in avenging the mysterious deaths of her family members. The horror that haunts Elfswood can be attributed to a spirit (odic) of a vengeful cleric, Irkthorn Balin. Pgs. 16-28 & 64

Cover of FS12 - Hiatus from the Party
FS12 - Hiatus from the Party
5th Edition
Levels 2–4
21 pages

Even close knit adventure parties could use a break from each other once in a while. Hiatus from the Party is a set of several different adventures for solo PCs and a DM. The adventures have been divided up into selections depending on classes and are meant for lower level adventurers. This scenario can also be used to introduce players to a game!

Cover of SQ1 – Yearning for Adventure
SQ1 – Yearning for Adventure
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
32 pages

A religious festival in the nearby town of Saratoga is the spot your introductory level PCs have opted to begin their careers. With so many people coming to the festival the group anticipates finding information on adventures they can start their budding careers with. Action begins sooner than expected as the celebration is interrupted by a group of Stirges bothering some of the revelers and it quickly gets worse…

Cover of Trials of the Burning Tiger
Trials of the Burning Tiger
5th Edition
Levels 6–8
12 pages

Locals on the edge of a mountain range are being harassed by brutal monks and their giant tiger pet. Travelling into the hills, the players find the hidden monastery of the Burning Tiger: an evil order of monks that only respect strength. To end the threat, the players must undergo 4 life-or-death trials to test their mettle. But not all is as it seems in the monastery. Can the players unravel the mystery, and survive the Trials of the Burning Tiger? Based on an encounter for 3.5th edition D&D written by Eric Cagle for Wizards of the Coast.

Cover of DA1 Adventures in Blackmoor
DA1 Adventures in Blackmoor
Levels 10–14
64 pages

On every side the storm clouds gather. To south and east, the Great Empire of Thonia plots to end Blackmoor's independence and reclaim its lost province. To the west, the implacable Afridhi are on the move. To the north, the evil Egg of Coot prepares to cross the thundering sea and once again bring fire and sword into the heart of the small kingdom. Beyond the realm of the Egg, the hated Skandaharian Raiders are building longships and preparing to fall upon Blackmoor's unprotected coast while its tiny army turns to meet these other threats. Into this time of black despair, there steps a band of adventurers who clutch strange swords and wear the most curious armor?and who claim that Blackmoor sank beneath the ice 3,000 years ago! TSR 9172

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #88: Valley of the Brain Collectors (Iron Gods 4 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #88: Valley of the Brain Collectors (Iron Gods 4 of 6)
Levels 10–13
96 pages

Book 4 in the Iron Gods campaign: A great threat is rising in Silver Mount, but a precious item belonging to a mysterious entity called Casandalee has yet to be found. With the Dominion of the Black still an ever-present danger, players must navigate a dangerous canyon, the Scar of the Spider, in hopes of learning more about their enemies, and to accomplish their mission.

Cover of TC1: Into the Haunted Forest
TC1: Into the Haunted Forest
Level 1
20 pages

A barroom brawl at a country inn causes the destruction of a priceless relic and the heroes are responsible. Now they must chase down a host of ancient artifacts, lost in a haunted wood, to repay their debt. While the heroes search for the items to clear their name, another group of scoundrels plots their downfall from the depths of the mysterious forest. Only one group will emerge victorious. The Forest King is long dead and no one has seen his priceless regalia in many years, lost as it is to the depths of his haunted domain. Now the objects must be found if justice is to be served, but an eternal guardian stands watch, ready to deal with all intruders.

Cover of NC8 - Usurper to the Throne
NC8 - Usurper to the Throne
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
23 pages

Your previous adventures on in Denali has raised some questions about the ruling body. After an assassination attempt and the recovery of a note, the PCs are led east out of the city. Will their trip to the eastern lands fill in the blanks or end in disaster? If successful their fears may be realized or unfounded…

Cover of Wreck of the Mindspider
Wreck of the Mindspider
3.5 Edition
6 pages

A few weeks ago, a neogi flying ship met with misfortune in a furious thunderstorm as it was setting out on a long journey. Heavily damaged, it crashed on an isolated rocky beach. Several neogi and their slaves were killed or injured in the crash, but five of the small monsters survived, along with four umber hulks and a handful of other useful slaves. Under the leadership of the sorcerer Neex Hist, the neogi are working to repair their ship so they can continue their interrupted voyage. In the meantime, they have set up camp in a large sea save close by the site of the shipwreck. While the repairs continue, the neogi and their minions are scouring the area for anything of interest - there's no point in leaving potentially valuable merchandise in the vicinity of the crash site, after all. Suitable for lvls 6-8 in 5e, using 5e stats.

Cover of Par1 - Opportunity to Shine
Par1 - Opportunity to Shine
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
17 pages

Par1 – Opportunity to Shine brings your new group of PCs to Jayneville in the country of Pardor. A civil war is raging with neither side able to gain an upper hand. To make matters worse a third faction, “Green skins” has been running around the countryside taking advantage of the chaos. As your party is about to discover, these individuals need to be dealt with, severely!

Cover of FO1 - Ruins of Linthar Keep
FO1 - Ruins of Linthar Keep
Levels 3–4
11 pages

Word has reached your ears that a relic weapon is nearby and at the ruins of Linthar Keep. Once a bastion of humanity the remains of this fortress is now home to roving bands humanoids that have been attacking nearby communities. Can your young adventurer brave the dungeon of the old keep and find the riches others have been unable to…..the famed SKULLCLEAVER blade!

Cover of DA3 City of the Gods
DA3 City of the Gods
Levels 10–14
48 pages

New Magic? That's what the flying egg has. New magic unlike any ever encountered in Blackmoor. New magic of a type that could give the fledgling kingdom an important edge in the wars that are brewing on its borders. There are only a few minor problems. Like the fact that the magician who piloted the metal egg to one of Blackmoor's sworn enemies, the monks of evil and eccentric Order of the Frog, are also interested in the magic represented by the egg. And, most important, the fact that the egg came from the distant and dangerous City of the Gods. Set amist the blistered salt flats of the Valley or the Ancients, the City of the Gods is a strange and deadly metal metropolis whose powerful guardians do not welcome intruders. Yet it is to this place of deadly menace that Blackmoor's leaders now send a daring expedition? to bargain for aid in the coming wars? or to steal the magic of the gods. TSR 9191

Cover of Wreck Ashore
Wreck Ashore
3.5 Edition
Level 1
11 pages

Though small, Seawell is a prosperous trading town with a good location on the coast. Next to it is a long peninsula that features mostly swamplike terrain. The inhabitants of this peninsula include tribes of lizardfolk, plus several kinds of reptiles and amphibians. Most of these creatures don't bother the town, and Seawell's militia is experienced at repulsing raids by the more aggressive lizardfolk. A large reef extends the entire length of the peninsula on the side away from Seawell. This great wall of coral is a favorite site for fishermen, but it has always presented a serious hazard to ships approaching from that direction. Thus, about 45 years ago, the people of Seawell built a lighthouse on a small promontory near the reef, about 200 yards from the shoreline. Operated by a family that lived inside it, this lighthouse ensured that ships could easily steer clear of the reef. A few weeks ago, ships stopped arriving from that direction. Three ships are now overdue, and the people of Seawell have begun to suspect foul play. Thus far, however, they have not been able to investigate because of increased raiding by the lizardfolk. Something has stirred them up, and the town militia has been too busy repulsing raids to mount an expedition to the reef. Wreck Ashore is a short D&D adventure for four 1st level player characters (PCs). The scenario takes place on and around a swampy peninsula that juts out from a longer stretch of coastline. Along one side of this peninsula stretches a dangerous reef. Just offshore on the reef side stands a lighthouse built to warn ships of the danger. At the base of the peninsula on the side away from the reef is a small port town called Seawell.

Cover of Fall of Whitecliff
Fall of Whitecliff
Levels 1–2
22 pages

Beginning in the prison of the Castellan of Whitecliff, this campaign arc takes the players from level one to four, presented as a sandbox area in a lonely and gritty peninsula full of villains and opportunities for the players to explore. Much like Stonehell, but for regional play. Published by Coldlight Press

Cover of FQ8 - Uprising of the Undead
FQ8 - Uprising of the Undead
Levels 5–7
22 pages

The Filbar Quest series continues with FQ8 – Uprising of the Undead. As you continue to pursue the lost pages from the Codex of Gamber Dauch (Daw-sch) you quickly discover that the dead have risen from their graves. A rogue mage known as Mortatus the Wicked has discovered the emerald pages from the ancient tome and is using the powerful magic to raise an army of the dead. Your cleric had better be in good graces with their deity!

Cover of B8 Journey to The Rock
B8 Journey to The Rock
Levels 1–3
32 pages

To a wizard, knowledge is power, and the wizard Lirdrium Arkayz wants to know the mysterious secret of The Rock. Many have tried to discover it - but The Rock keeps its secret well. The wizard offers a rich reward to anyone bold enough to solve this dark mystery. But the road to The Rock leads to danger and hidden peril - dangers that have claimed the lives of many brave adventurers. Rashness and folly will lead to quick death, but riches await the clever and brave. Have you the wits, courage and skill to survive the Journey to The rock? TSR 9106

Cover of SQ17 - Grimoire of Deenus
SQ17 - Grimoire of Deenus
5th Edition
Levels 7–9
23 pages

Deenus was a necromancer that was put out of business a quarter century ago by a group of adventurers. Despite their success, the delvers were never able to discover the dungeon entrance. Your new benefactor may have information on that…

Cover of Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land
Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land
3.5 Edition
Levels 9–13
159 pages

Zhentish soldiers, Maerimydran drow, and Sharran cultists have forged a dark alliance to subjugate the peaceful land of Shadowdale. Elminster's tower lies in ruins, Lord Amcathra governs at the sufferance of the dale's conquerors, and the very Weave of magic in this embattled land seems to fray with each passing day. The Zhentish yoke lies heavy over Shadowdale—but the Dalesfolk are ready to fight for their freedom, if only they can find true heroes to lead the way!

Cover of FD8 - Mask of Vexicon
FD8 - Mask of Vexicon
Levels 3–6
20 pages

After checking local pawn shops and the library you have discovered information on an old Adurite noblewoman who possessed a magical mask. The woman had suffered a facial injury and commissioned a magical face shield to hide her wound. Having never heard of the item you believe it is probably in the ruins near Ugus Horrus where she lived. With no other leads at the moment you gear up and decide to embark on the search for this item!