A community for lazy dungeon masters
3288 adventures found
Cover of 1 on 1 Adventures #10: Vengeance of Olindor
1 on 1 Adventures #10: Vengeance of Olindor
Levels 8–10
22 pages

Thail Donnodol, an eleven scholar, has been imprisoned for crimes he did not commit. The law is no refuge. Only by breaking into the fortress prison of Granite’s End can the player character save Thail from a lifetime of misery. There’s only one problem: Thail Donnodol does not want to be saved. At least not until he finds the Vengeance of Olindor. Part 3 of the Olindor Trilogy.

Cover of Falcon's Peak
Falcon's Peak
Levels 1–3
7 pages

Lord Falcon’s nest holds a new brood of evil. Falcon’s Peak is an AD&D® game adventure for 5-8 characters of 1st-3rd level. The party should include a thief and at least one experienced cleric; a ranger would also be of help. The use of stealth and silvered or magical weapons is advised.

Cover of We B4 Goblins!
We B4 Goblins!
Level 1
16 pages

As whelps of the Licktoad tribe just out of their swaddling cages, the goblins Chuffy, Mogmurch, Poog, and Reta must prove themselves by undergoing a series of challenges, from tying a string to a large spider and shouting insults with hot rocks in their mouths to facing off against a goblin bully and his dimwitted minions. As a final test of their mettle, they must make a dangerous (and smelly) trek to claim a toad from the nearby swamp and present it to the terrifying presence that lurks within the Cave of Darkfear, only after which can they truly call themselves goblins! Part 4 of We be Goblins series

Cover of Temple of Blood
Temple of Blood
3.5 Edition
Level 1
16 pages

Over the top low level dungeon takes you through the sewers to stop a blood worshiping madman his Kobold minions.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #87: Against the Atomic Overlord
Dungeon Crawl Classics #87: Against the Atomic Overlord
Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG
Level 5
32 pages

For a thousand years Mezar-Kul has known only war, and now the Overlord reigns supreme. From his gargantuan metal fortress he rules the blasted remains of the planet’s last city. Hope seems lost – until visitors arrive from a distant world, bringing uncanny, magical powers. Your adventurers must pick a path through twisted ruins, ancient missile silos, strange monorail systems, and a conflict with four deadly factions to save a world – or destroy it! Note: This adventure does require that the party have some access to spell casting, whether through an item or class that requires a spell casting roll.

Cover of The Roots of Corruption
The Roots of Corruption
5th Edition
Levels 11–12
17 pages

Corruption grows in what used to be the Dayawlongon archipelago's most sacred island. When a wanted fugitive flees to the blighted holy land, the player characters are asked to chase after and apprehend the renegade. As the adventure unfolds, it soon becomes apparent that the roots of corruption run deep. This can be run as a standalone adventure or as a sequel to the Between Tangled Roots adventure from Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel. What's included? 1 infectious adventure divided into single-page sections for easy running 2 fully-colored maps with unlabeled versions for players (made with assets from 2-minute Tabletop) 3 new creature statblocks with clickable links for quick access 4+ ending variations based on what the player characters do throughout the adventure Content Warnings: Abduction, betrayal, corruption, death, disease, mental manipulation, violence

Cover of Maanstorm - Legendes van Thalorne (Dutch)
Maanstorm - Legendes van Thalorne (Dutch)
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
114 pages

Een gevallen ster inspireert moed! Samen met de jonge priesteres Volana zullen helden een spannende tocht ondergaan waarin kracht, kennis en geloof een hoofdrol spelen. Onderweg krijgen ze te maken met sluwe vijanden, unieke bondgenoten en een duistere macht welke de vonk der goddelijkheid maar moeilijk kan weerstaan. Word een groter deel van het avontuur dankzij deze mogelijkheden: - Begin jouw legende: drie nieuwe subclasses voor fighter, cleric en druid - Aspectgeborene: een nieuw speelbaar ras met een elementaire connectie - Maanzeiler en Zandklauw: twee aan Padkust unieke backgrounds voor spelers - De stad Padkust: gedetailleerde informatie over de stad en zijn leiders - Magische voorwerpen: bekende maar ook unieke schatten om te verkrijgen

Cover of Tomb of Horrors (super-adventure)
Tomb of Horrors (super-adventure)
4th Edition
Levels 8–22
160 pages

In the aftermath of AD&D Second Edition's "Return to the Tomb of Horrors," the demilich Acererak was thought destroyed. In truth, his spirit lingered and now after eons he schemes once more to achieve divinity. The characters must travel to three extraplanar dungeons, in addition to the remains of the original Tomb, in order to stop this from coming to pass.

Cover of FVS5 - Penchant for Adventure 4
FVS5 - Penchant for Adventure 4
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
15 pages

Penchant for Adventure – 4 is the solo adventure for a 4th level character. This scenario can be used for the PC to obtain a ‘special’ item that they want. Originally used for a paladin to get his warhorse, the adventure can be tailored to suit the needs/wants of a specific PC. Like all the Penchant for Adventure settings the adventure takes place around the small community of Penchant. Not all of the businesses are in focus for the adventure although details can be feathered in as you need.

Cover of FVS1 - Zechariah’s Dungeon
FVS1 - Zechariah’s Dungeon
5th Edition
Low Level
32 pages

This dual offering is a true solo (no DM needed), as well as, the same dungeon for a PC/DM setting. The adventure is for new players at the lowest level of experience. It is centered on a recent discovery of an old dungeon that belonged to an arcane wizard. With no one to rely on, is your PC ready for a dangerous delve?

Cover of Massacre at Fort Dolor
Massacre at Fort Dolor
4th Edition
Level 8
22 pages

The outpost of Fort Dolor has experienced an unprecedented stretch of peace in recent times. Then nearly the entire garrison disappears on a supposed routine patrol, and the town— still on the frontier— is left nearly defenseless. Can the adventurers dig to the bottom of the mystery at Fort Dolor before they, too, disappear? Pgs. 82-103

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #33: The Varnhold Vanishing (Kingmaker 3 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #33: The Varnhold Vanishing (Kingmaker 3 of 6)
Levels 6–7
100 pages

The Stolen Lands consume many wanderers—the perils of its rugged wildernesses and hidden mysteries prey upon even the wariest of travelers. Founded upon one of the most savage frontiers, the colony of Varnhold defied the many dangers of this harsh region. At least, it did until all the residents of the fledgling community completely disappeared. Now it falls to the PCs to discover what became of their eastern neighbor, a secret steeped in generations-old hatreds and the mysteries of an empire long crumbled to dust. Can they uncover the terrible secret behind this shocking disappearance before the same calamity befalls their own land?

Cover of MHI - 15 Pride of Glittergold
MHI - 15 Pride of Glittergold
5th Edition
Level 2
15 pages

Your quartet of 2nd level adventurers are headed to the city to get a nice paying job when they miss the ferry. Thinking quickly, the group opts to take the long way around, on foot, and stumbles upon a "deserted" Gnome pleasure craft? This offering was a fantastic time for the Murder Hobo Inc. podcast show on Twitch. The series features a rotating cast for a two hour game every week. They also offer a "talk show" format every Tuesday. We urge you to check us out: twitch.com/mhoboinc and don't forget to follow!

Cover of The Harvest of Vastwood
The Harvest of Vastwood
5th Edition
Level 4
21 pages

Lorena Appleton, the youngest daughter of the youngest son of the heir to the Appleton estates, went missing several weeks ago and returned with a mysterious illness. Her parents spent their vast fortune pleading to all doctors and clerics passing through their town of Braeburn, desperate to find a cure for their daughter. Several healers have said that they couldn’t cure her without knowing what caused the ailment, but Lorena hasn’t said a word since she fell ill. The story piqued the interest of Syvil Loganberry, an elderly Halfling Cleric from the nearby city of Brackenshire. But the roads between Brackenshire and Braeburn have become wild in the last century, and all manners of forest creatures have turned vicious against those who dare brave the roads. The upcoming harvest festival in Braeburn has increased security along the roads, but Syvil grew old by being careful and has hired your band of adventurers to keep him safe as he made the journey. The three days of travel go by without an incident, but those familiar with the woods may wish otherwise. The forest has been still, silent, without even so much as a bird’s song to keep you company. It’s as if the forest itself is waiting...

Cover of Phandelver and Below:: Phandalin Werewolves: Beasts of Her Moon
Phandelver and Below:: Phandalin Werewolves: Beasts of Her Moon
5th Edition
Levels 3–7
10 pages

In a village shrouded in mystery, a tale unfolds that will linger in your memory. Cattle mutilations, sacred stone circles, and dark rituals intertwine as werewolves prowl through this gothic tragedy. Venture with us south of Neverwinter, to the village of Phandalin, for an adventure tailored for characters anywhere from levels 3 to 6. This one-shot episode is perfect for a group of friends seeking an immersive experience or as an intriguing addition to the "Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk" campaign. You can easily adapt this module to most any campaign setting. Featuring five maps crafted by the esteemed Tessa Presents Maps, this game includes a sprawling 120 x 120 premium battle map of Phandalin, maps for wilderness encounters, and custom tokens. Welcome to the party!

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #32: The Golden Palace of Zahadran
Dungeon Crawl Classics #32: The Golden Palace of Zahadran
3.5 Edition
Levels 14–16
48 pages

While investigating rumors of a dangerous blue dragon wreaking havoc in the deep desert, the heroes tumble under the sands into the magically sealed dome of an ancient palace. The temporarily weakened dome reseals above them, and they are left to explore the golden palace of Zahadran, once seat of power for the legendary Caliph Ardishir the Magnificent. But the dome is weak because it has been assaulted by the mythical storm demon Azi Dahaka and his trapped minions, evil creatures that were sealed under the magical dome to keep them from ravaging an unsuspecting world.

Cover of The Known Gnomes
The Known Gnomes
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
13 pages

The Known Gnomes are a Gnomish adventuring party who must use their size to save Lady Kaja Foss from a horrible fate. This module is a level 5 primed adventure that requires an entirely Gnomish player character party. Come Gnome it up! This module was inspired by the porter Known Gnome by Off Color brewery located in Chicago, Illinois. 'The Known Gnomes' is meant to be fun and zany module for those looking to crack skulls and be silly. Included in a separate link (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/256719/The-Known-Gnomes-Maps--Extras) are: Maps Keeper Maps (Color & Low-Ink BW) Player Maps (Color & Low-Ink BW) Trap Prop

Cover of DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse
DC-PoA-RH01 The Chronographers Curse
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
35 pages

In the town of Easthaven, a group of adventurers is tasked on a routine mission to resupply an expedition to the Reghed Glacier. But everything is not quite as it seems, and it's not long before the chronographer's misfortunes become apparent.

Cover of No Salvation for Witches
No Salvation for Witches
Level 1
64 pages

England, 1620. To strike a blow against the Patriarchy, six women perform a dangerous rite in an abandoned priory.  Through dance, they commune with Terpsichore, Greek muse and patroness of dancers. Starving demons slither across the moors; monstrous nuns shriek in the infirmary; and within the Attic, a great unraveling awaits. The fate of the world rests in the hands of the players. Will they bring about an egalitarian utopia? Will they skulk away in the night, pockets bulging with treasure? Will they bring about the destruction of all things? Will they find the Tract of Teratology, a randomly-generated creature-summoning ritual with 3.6 quadrillion combinations? After this adventure, nothing will be the same. An adventure for Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird Fantasy Role-Playing and other traditional role-playing games. Writing by Rafael Chandler Cover Art by Jason Rainville Interior Art by Jason Rainville and Ian MacLean Cartography by Ian MacLean Layout and Design by Sarah Richardson

Cover of A19: Incandium's Eruption, Saatman's Empire 3 of 4
A19: Incandium's Eruption, Saatman's Empire 3 of 4
5th Edition
Level 10
? pages

Incandium’s youth was fairly typical, at least for a half-dragon raised amongst dragons, filled with years of endless physical and mental abuse. It was always clear he was different than his clutch-mates, though his mother only claimed it was because he was ‘special’, never explaining what latent power his elemental blood held. And so, after studying magic and drawing on untold power, he slew his mother and claimed control over the volcano he called home, which he has ruled with an iron fist ever since. Now, however, he sees the PCs as a threat to his plans, and he calls them to the field of battle! Even if he is defeated, can the party stop his machinations to unleash a wave of dragons on Klavek’s western border? Also included in “Incandium’s Erruption”: A new magic item, the  bracer of shields Two new alchemical solutions, azure powder and engraving solution A new spell,  redirect teleport A new deity, Hado, the god of summer and judgement Details on Elemental Princes, and the blessings and curses they can bestow on characters Details on the Serpins Sanguis cult, including their origins and goals Maps and Illustrations by 3x ENnie Award winning Cartographer Todd Gamble