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3288 adventures found
Cover of The Palace of Pain's Pleasures
The Palace of Pain's Pleasures
5th Edition
Levels 2–3
21 pages

A galvanice weird has torn apart an Izzet laboratory in the Blistercoils. The weird’s path of destruction leads to Tin Street where the weird was spotted being subdued and taken aboard the notorious Palace of Pain’s Pleasures, a mobile Cult of Rakdos performance stage. To return the weird to its proper owner and discover the mystery behind its bizarre behavior the party must brave The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures! The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures is a 2-hour Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica adventure for 2nd - 3rd level characters. Picking up where Off to a Weird Start left off, this adventure is designed to be part of an ongoing campaign. For Dungeon Masters who wish to incorporate The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures independently from the ongoing story, 20 Adventure Hooks (two for each guild) are included, giving The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures flexibility for one-shot play or for inclusion in your own campaign! The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures contains: A new location that is also a magical construct. New trinket tables for the Cult of Rakdos. A new NPC antagonist (or contact), Ophyira, the star performer of the Palace! Two new magic items. One new spell. Discover the secrets of The Palace of Pain’s Pleasures TODAY!

Cover of Kidnap the Archpriest
Kidnap the Archpriest
Levels 1–2
54 pages

The Archpriest, leader of the Church, has defied a summons to the Immortal Capital. You have been chosen to retrieve the recalcitrant pontiff. Kidnap the Archpriest is designed to be an implicit tutorial for diplomacy, stealth, theft, bluffing, and cunning. It is a system-less, setting-less heist module featuring: a city (with a map) a fortress (with interior and exterior maps) two hectic days and nights a guide to designing your own heists. glorious black and white art by Luka Rejec scheming cardinals, frantic servants, and secret plots By the author of the CoinsandScrolls blog and Tomb of the Serpent Kings.

Cover of The Elven Home
The Elven Home
Levels 1–3
4 pages

A short adventuring interlude focusing more on encountering something unusual, rather than fighting anything. The PCs come across a tree and a pool inhabited by elves. The nearby brook fizzes with "energy gas" that grants a temporary HP boost. The players can explore, but there are no real "answers" just a weird thing they found on the way from somewhere to somewhere else. Rated for between 1 and 4 characters, this could easily be run for solo play, but it is short and a little weird. There are roleplaying opportunities with the elves, but there's scant data here, the elves are flighty and capricious. Pgs. 38-41

Cover of Be All My Sins Remember'd
Be All My Sins Remember'd
5th Edition
Levels 17–20
10 pages

The kuo-toa are a piscine race with a psychic affliction that makes them behave erratically and invent gods when feeling threatened. That same affliction gives them the power to bring those gods to life. Blibdoolpoolp is the most widely worshipped, and thus most powerful, of their gods. Blibdoolpoolp views the kuo-toa as her children despite having been born after them. Like all good mothers, she nurtures and protects. One of her chief concerns is understanding the kuo-toa’s psychic affliction, which causes them to undermine themselves whenever they strive for greatness. She discovers that a corrupted elder brain deep in the Underdark has a connection to the race; though the connection gives them psychic powers, it also turns them into powerless thralls, explaining their self destructive behaviors. Constrained by the same leash on her children, Blibdoolpoolp seeks adventurers to destroy the elder brain. Its death would free the kuo-toa, but potentially at great cost: if the kuo-toa lose their powers, will Blibdoolpoolp die?

Cover of SPA2: Goblins vs. Kobolds
SPA2: Goblins vs. Kobolds
5th Edition
Level 3
41 pages

The party is caught between warring goblin and kobold gangs, occupying an abandoned dwarven mine. Will the heroes ally with one of the sides in this quarrel, try to make peace between old enemies, attempt to eliminate both sides, or achieve their goal stealthily and unnoticed? The choice is completely theirs! Small Party Adventure: Though the party size of 3–5 characters is considered optimal in D&D, there are times when you can only gather one or two players at most. This adventure is designed exactly for such occasions.

Cover of The Slithering Brood
The Slithering Brood
5th Edition
Level 1
52 pages

When the PCs turn up in the village of Ditch Nettle, they are tasked with solving the mystery of various disappearances. Will they be able to uncover the culprit, a worshiper of the long-dead cult of Morloski, goddess of the Slithering Brood. Or will they get stymied by local politics?

Cover of Before Phandelver - A Tutorial Adventure
Before Phandelver - A Tutorial Adventure
5th Edition
Level 1
12 pages

A Tutorial and Alternate Start for Lost Mines of Phandelver Before Phandelver is a tutorial adventure designed to help new players and DMs be better introduced to Dungeons & Dragons. Crafted with best educational practices in mind and covering important details of preparation and mindset often overlooked, especially by new DMs, Before Phandelver will help the Lost Mines of Phandelver truly become the adventure worthy of inclusion in the Starter Set.

Cover of Valanche's Eye
Valanche's Eye
5th Edition
Level 4
16 pages

A gnomish settlement is plagued by inexplicable earthquakes, the wrath of an Earth Elemental. Can the heroes save the gnomes? Do the greedy gnomes deserve to be saved? "Valanche's Eye" was inspired by a desire to write an adventure which blurs the line of who the bad guy actually is, or indeed whether or not there's a really tangible villain. It takes the "patron hires adventurers to clear dungeon" trope and twists it – the patron turns out to be a pretty rotten bastard, and the monsters in the dungeon are just trying to live their lives. It starts when gnome gem-miners strike the mother lode of emeralds and sapphires, only to find themselves run off their claim. First they accidentally broke through to the Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire, and mephits burst out to annoy them. When they were just about done dealing with the mephits, they disturbed an earth elemental who just wants to be left alone, and emeralds are its favorite snack. The mine boss hires the adventurers to come kill all the elementals. But should they?

Cover of AT2 The King and the Serpent
AT2 The King and the Serpent
Levels 5–7
15 pages

With the most powerful ruling house of Taux now an enemy, heroes of the Emerald Serpent must take shelter inside the revelry of the Festival of a Thousand Blossoms. This massive carnival sweeps over the city in the spring of each year for seven full days, and with it as a shield to their activities, a secret mission into the heart of The Grand Playhouse awaits. Can the heroes infiltrate the Thunderstone Crew? Will iconic characters from the Taux fiction come to their aid? What sinister plots still take form in the city by the insidious House Vash? Become part of the Tales of the Emerald Serpent in this 2nd part of the Taux Trilogy This adventure is formatted to both 1E & 5E gaming rules. Also available in PDF.

Cover of Bitter Waters
Bitter Waters
3rd Edition
Levels 1–3
16 pages

Through acrid mists and bitter waters they march. They are quiet, making no sound as they leave the marshland. Spears held high, the warriors scan the fog for signs of the attacker. Every step took them further from their old lands. Every step brings them closer to the lands of their 'allies,' who had abandoned them when teh marsh turned black and foul. Every step churns up more of the poisoned water as it seeps between their scales and below the skin. So many had already died on this march, and after the attack, they had so few left... The mists part in the night. The village's light bathes them in a false welcome. The human guards are unsteady, either from poison or drink. The town celebrates the end of the trade season, but not a man raises a toast to the creatures that died for it. So many had died from the first attack of the beast and from the aftermath, but the humans would suffer for such treachery...

Cover of The Submerged Cavern
The Submerged Cavern
5th Edition
Levels 6–9
7 pages

In a cavern lying beneath the surface of the ocean is a series of trials awaiting any heroes who think they are worthy. Come meet the ancient tortoise who wants nothing other than to try out his riddles, partake in the bullywug tournament with such exciting events as Wig-Wag-Woe, and face down the wrath of a mindflayer. Contains multiple uniques puzzles and riddles to give your players a challenge beyond combat.

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #3: The Mysterious Tower
Dungeon Crawl Classics #3: The Mysterious Tower
3.5 Edition
Levels 3–5
32 pages

The Characters come across an ancient wizard's tower. The nearby keep has been reduced to rubble over the ages, but the tower is in perfect condition. It is surrounded by an impenetrable force field that cannot be breached - not even by the ghost of the long-dead wizard, who has been trapped within for centuries. Surely there must be great treasure within this magical abode. But how to get to it?

Cover of Pathfinder One-Shot #1: Sundered Waves
Pathfinder One-Shot #1: Sundered Waves
Pathfinder 2e
Level 5
15 pages

For years, the pirate Captain Renlock sailed the coast of the Arcadian Ocean from the Shackles to the south to the waters of Varisia to the north searching for plunder and adventure—until one day his luck ran out. The ship was captured by a navy and the captain and his crew were apprehended and imprisoned. Years later, after the captain's death in prison, the four released crewmembers receive a message from the deceased captain pointing them to treasure he hid for them. This short Pathfinder 2nd edition adventure written by Jason Bulmahn is intended to be completed in a single session and includes four 5th-level pregenerated characters whose backstories and motivations tie closely into the plot of the adventure. This adventure can be easily incorporated into various virtual tabletops, run off of digital devices, or printed out and played at a table.

Cover of ALQ3 A Dozen and One Adventures
ALQ3 A Dozen and One Adventures
Levels 2–10
64 pages

High Adventure is Your Companion Throughout the Land of Fate! There is no escaping Fate in the world of Zakhara, home of caliphs and favored land of the genies. And the Fate of brave adventurers is to travel the wide realms, vanquishing the urnrighteous and protecting the meek. A Dozen and One Adventures leads the characters from bustling Muluk, City of Kings, to the mysterious citadel fo flame, and many points between. They may meet the king who never died, the fish-people of the Great Sea, and other wonders too amazing to mention. This adventuresourcebox contains a 64-page booklet of 13 adventures, a 32-page campaign guide describing Muluk, the northern lands, and several new magical items, a poster map of Muluk and Krakal-Niraan, six map cards, and four MC instert pages featuring NPCs. Recommended for use with the Arabian Adventures rulebook. Contains 13 adventures. TSR 9432

Cover of The Siege of Sâlorium
The Siege of Sâlorium
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
66 pages

The Siegue of Sâlorium is a lvl 1-3 adventure in a fantasy world for 4-5 players with the characters have to find the origin of the tremendous attacks on Slorium. An adventure with pregenerated characters, suitable to any campaign in a fantasy setting.

Cover of Dead Ends
Dead Ends
5th Edition
Levels 4–8
25 pages

Lowharbor’s residents vanish when they die. A cloud of sour black smoke chokes their corpses and, when it clears, all that remains is a dusting of salt. Something or someone is stealing bodies through magic ritual, and the townsfolk won't stand for it! Send your party into the dank sewers below their feet to root out the necromancer's den of swirling filth! Why should you get this module? Skulking horrors and excitable clerics! Seven brand new monsters, including a low level mythic statblock! New disease rules! A mysterious threat! Six hours of play! Lavish presentation! A fantastic adventure for 5th-level players! Dead Ends is best for 5th-level players. It might be a little tough, but still winnable, for 4th-level, and should be fine for anything up to 8th-level.

Cover of RQ2 Thoughts of Darkness
RQ2 Thoughts of Darkness
Levels 12–15
64 pages

Of all the inhospitable domains in the RAVENLOFT@ campaign world, Bluetspur is the cruelest and most gruesome. Nothing grows in the endless night, and lightning periodically falls like rain. The only place to escape those storms is inside the mind flayers' complex under Mt. Makab, but that is the last place where any sane person would want to go. The High Master Illithid has been hatching black plots by hatching vampiric mind flayers in his laboratories! His prodigies are horribly insane, but if he can complete his plans, he will achieve a new level of dark immortality. A pair of heroes has stolen the key to his success, but they have paid a heavy price for their bravery and are in desperate need of aid unlooked for. Meanwhile, the Lord of the Realm watches over the proceedings and plays havoc with the wits of both sides, sapping strength and will with all-powerful thoughts of darkness. A party of adventurers will need all of their skills to escape this black domain without the loss of life, power, or sanity! Enter now the perpetual twilight realm of Bluetspur, home to mind flayers, a land of relentless nightmares. There's no rest for the wicked or the good in this domain. Once caught within the borders of this desolate land, the characters must complete their mission without delay or lose their minds and become slaves of the Lord of Bluetspur. TSR 9264, from 1992

Cover of DDEX03-09 The Waydown
DDEX03-09 The Waydown
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
36 pages

The recent discovery of an entrance to the Underdark has set local leaders on edge. In a display of initiative, the First Lord of Hillsfar has ordered the construction of defensive structures surrounding what locals have begun to call "The Waydown." You have been charged with escorting an emissary back to his home in the Underdark without alerting the Red Plumes.

Cover of The Stink
The Stink
3.5 Edition
Level 4
24 pages

Folks have been vanishing from the Stink, a disease-filled rubbish quarter of Sunhill. City officials recruit the heroes to investigate the disappearances, putting the PCs on the trail of fiendish Locathahs, followers of Incabulos, with ill plans for the surface world. Dungeon adventure in a sewer.

Cover of Final Resting Place
Final Resting Place
3.5 Edition
Level 3
21 pages

Most adventurers like to think that when their number is finally up, their colleagues will bring them home, either to be raised or at least returned to their families for a proper burial. But how far will the PCs go in order to do right by a fallen adventurer? And will they draw the line at hauling his coffin out of the Underdark? Pgs. 20-40