A community for lazy dungeon masters
955 adventures found
Cover of The Perfumer's Daughter
The Perfumer's Daughter
5th Edition
Levels 1–18
540 pages

When her father goes missing, a young adventurer has no other choice than to gather her friends and head for the city of Loudwater. Soon after she gets swept away in an obscure design threatening to drag the entire region into chaos and war. At the heart of this mystery, lies not only her father, but the long-forgotten history of her once-despised family and a primordial beast influencing events from the shadows, moving her family like pieces on a chess board. Visit www.perfumersdaughter.com for more information. You can also address me directly on The Perfumer's Daughter Q&A on Facebook. All battlemaps and dungeons are free to download for use in digital platforms (such as roll20) on the aforementioned site.

Cover of X9 The Savage Coast
X9 The Savage Coast
Levels 4–10
32 pages

What sends you adventuring deep into unknown lands, across dark waters, around The Savage Coast? Adventure? The sincere desire to help others? Or greed? Cartographers Guild members tell of lost cities and hidden treasures. Sailors tell of menacing beasts and cannibals to the west. They tell of savages along the shores who use gold nuggets for fishing weights. They also tell of great mounds of gold that collect at river mouths. You must decide the grater lure; the safety of Slagovich or the glimmer of gold along The Savage Coast. This adventure includes a map which expands the D&D game world, and a special expanded monsters section. TSR 9129

Cover of The Haunt 2
The Haunt 2
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
34 pages

Just when you thought it was safe to take a long rest. She's Back! The terrifying SEQUEL to the PLATINUM bestselling, and Dragon+ Magazine featured horror adventure: The Haunt. The Haunt 2 is both a one-shot, and a sequel that can be run as either. Long, long ago St. Greycastle’s Hospital served the city through the years, mainly treating the wounded and sick among the militia. Over time, the lower basement was converted into a sanatorium, housing those who became maddened from enduring the violent, brutal orcs raids which plagued the region during that time. This was the place where Gertrude, the night hag, tormented patients, and created her masterpiece, the Evil Doll. Now, after all of these years, Montarthas Manor has finally fallen, and the Evil Doll has been wounded. She has returned to the only familiar and safe place she remembers, to lick her wounds and plot her next move. Her presence in the hospital awakens the evil inside, creating a nightmarish charnel house of terror. In addition, the hospital itself feeds on fear. Do your players have what it takes to enter the haunted and evil hospital, to finally end the haunt and terror of the Evil Doll?! Published by P.B. Publishing.

Cover of Sharn I, The Missing Schema
Sharn I, The Missing Schema
5th Edition
Levels 1–5
52 pages

This is an introductory adventure to Eberron and Sharn. It is written for 3-6 characters of levels 1 to 5. This adventure showcases the versatility of urban adventures in Sharn. The adventure takes a party of characters from the lowest and more dangerous parts of the city, the lower wards and The Depths, to the highest and most exclusive neighborhoods in the upper wards and the Skyway. This adventure has it all. There are roleplaying opportunities, underground exploration, interesting NPC's, a flying chase scene on flying vessels, and a BBEG with enough charisma to captivate any player.

Cover of DDAL05-07 Chelimber's Descent
DDAL05-07 Chelimber's Descent
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
33 pages

Deep in the Marsh of Chelimber lie the ruins of a great wizard’s tower. SEER has received intelligence, which she imparts via her emissary Hsing, that deep beneath the marsh in the remains of an old tower is knowledge of older magics. This could be just what Parnast needs to resist the onslaught of Bad Fruul and his armies!

Cover of WBW-DC-FEN-01 Tiddy Mun and the Stranger Stone
WBW-DC-FEN-01 Tiddy Mun and the Stranger Stone
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
20 pages

Gnomish denizens of Berribury are terrorized by flooding. Their only hope is for adventurers to summon the archfey of their domain; Tiddy Mun, to take the waters away. A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3

Cover of Dragonlance: Quest for the Horn of Kiri-Jolith
Dragonlance: Quest for the Horn of Kiri-Jolith
5th Edition
Levels 5–7
15 pages

A loyal band of adventurers must find the Horn of Kiri-Jolith, a powerful artifact that could help turn the tide of the War of the Lance before the forces of the Blue Dragonarmy claim it. They must delve into the ruins of Castle di Garinoc - the home of Lord Kiril Garinoc, a Knight of Solamnia who perished 300 years ago in the Cataclysm - and recover the horn before the Blue Dragonarmy arrives and claims it for their own! Dragonlance: Quest for the Horn of Kiri-Jolith is a 5-7 hour adventure for 5th level characters. Inside Quest for the Horn of Kiri-Jolith you'll find: A multi-chapter adventure heavily-researched to fit neatly with previous canon and into the larger story of the War of the Lance. Exploration through a ruined castle from before the Cataclysm. Encounters with draconians, goblins, the ghostly lady that haunts the castle, and a final siege battle with the Blue Dragon, Swiftbolt! Unique versions of classic enemies and magic items to use in your own campaign. A foundational adventure designed to start a larger Dragonlance campaign.

Cover of Night on Devil's Peak
Night on Devil's Peak
5th Edition
Level 6
25 pages

On the night of the rare Witch Moon, a binding spell placed over the mighty devil Tchernabog finally breaks. Will the characters be able to survive the night of boiling hellfire, furious undead, and diabolical mayhem Tchernabog orchestrates from atop Devil's Peak? Night on Devil's Peak is an apocalyptic, events-based survival adventure for 6th-level characters. It takes about 5-6 hours to complete and includes: -The awakening of a CR 24 devil, mighty Tchernabog! -A powerful holy relic the characters can wield in battle -Two diabolical new monsters: Tchernabog and giant flaming skeletons -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -Gorgeous digital maps (with and without grid) for virtual table tops

Cover of The Charred Rose
The Charred Rose
5th Edition
Level 4
15 pages

Just in time for All Hallows Eve, The Charred Rose is an adventure of Gothic horror set in the realm of Sithicus in the Ravenloft D&D setting. The adventure is suitable for 3-4 PCs of 4th level and should last 4-6 hours. Lord Daralion of Maldev’s bard is required for the upcoming Rose Festival but he has not returned from his mother’s funeral in the nearby village of Kardan. Lord Daralion looks for the PCs to visit the village and ensure the bard’s safe and quick return. But more than one monster lies hidden and awaiting the searchers in the depths of the woods of Sithicus. Includes the following: • Three new monsters: Glaistig (including possessed and normal stat block of possessed NPC), Forest Worm, and Kender Vampire • A new magic item, the Sword of the White Rose • Player Handout: Permission for Leave

Cover of DDAL05-02 The Black Road
DDAL05-02 The Black Road
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
45 pages

Caravans are having a difficult time getting through to Parnast via the Black Road. Organized attacks by orcs and other monstrous humanoids working in concert with one another have folks baffled. Little do they know that an unusually intelligent hill giant, going by the name of Bad Fruul is to blame. SEER has sent her emissary Hsing, to task your group to accompany a caravan with a very special cargo destined for the Shrine of Axes in Parnast, and to figure out who is responsible. A Two Hour Adventure for 1st-4th Level Characters

Cover of The Test of Darkness
The Test of Darkness
Low Level
32 pages

The PCs are looking to gain entry to the Glantri School of Magic, after the initial admission tests they are drawn into a commotion where one of the other students is being attacked by an evil sorceress. He tries to flee but but is killed, and the PCs are framed for the murder. The authorities are called and bribed to just kill the PCs, they flee and are chased and taunted by the evil sorceress. Eventually, during one of her attacks, she opens a weak spot in the ground and the heroes are dropped into the warrens under the school. They must navigate the warrens, which are shrouded in magical darkness, defend against further attacks, and find escape where they can prove their innocence.

Cover of Within the Circle
Within the Circle
3.5 Edition
Level 1
12 pages

The hamlet of Thistle has a problem. The river they depend on for trade and food was recently poisoned with a tide of filth, and a goblin named Belig has claimed responsibility. If the people of Thistle don’t pay a ransom, Belig has promised them much worse will come with the next poison tide. A Forgotten Realms adventure for 1st-level characters.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #18: The Trouble with Secrets
Pathfinder Society Scenario #18: The Trouble with Secrets
3.5 Edition
Levels 5–9
18 pages

Decades ago, an Osiriani Pathfinder named Bossell locked his transformed lover in the vaults beneath the Sothis Pathfinder Lodge. He then vowed that no one would ever discover his secret shame. The old and senile Bossell now relies on his assistant Fendel for everything, and the hapless assistant has disapeared into the vaults after reading his master's journal. You've been sent beneath the Lodge to destroy whatever it is that Bossell's lover has become—will you survive his secret or find yourself transformed as well?

Cover of Off to a Weird Start
Off to a Weird Start
5th Edition
Levels 1–2
12 pages

When a galvanice weird goes berserk in an Izzet Laboratory and begins wreaking havoc on its way out, the evening’s events are brought to a halt. Someone needs to head into the lab, look for survivors, and try to find out what went wrong. This is an introductory adventure for use with Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica and is set in the Blistercoils neighborhood of Precinct Five in the Tenth District. While Off to a Weird Start is designed for a party of three to five characters of 1st or 2nd Level, the Dungeon Master can easily scale the adventure up by adding additional enemies or increasing the hit points and damage output of the listed antagonists. Off to a Weird Start includes: An easy to run introductory adventure for Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica A new creature: the Lightning Mephit Plot hooks for characters of all ten Guilds, as well as those who are unaligned Seeds for an ongoing campaign and teaser information about the upcoming adventure The Palace of Pain's Pleasures Start YOUR adventures in Ravnica TODAY!

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #5: Mists of Mwangi
Pathfinder Society Scenario #5: Mists of Mwangi
Levels 1–5
22 pages

Pathfinder Lugizar Trantos recently returned from the Mwangi Expanse with haunted eyes and a pack full of strange idols. Absalom's famed Blakros Museum purchased his pieces and Lugizar vanished. The strange monkey idols he pulled from the misty jungles of Mwangi carry with them a fell curse, and now their power has laid claim to the museum. Can the Pathfinder Society uncover the source of the curse in time, or will the Blackros Museum be forever lost to the mists of Mwangi?

Cover of DNH1 - The Lost Temple of Forgotten Evil
DNH1 - The Lost Temple of Forgotten Evil
5th Edition
Levels 4–6
36 pages

The small town of Boldon, and its surrounding villages are afraid. Dozens of people are missing, some speculate lost to some nefarious purpose. A broken drunkard tells fantastic tales of an evil temple and the horrible things within. The rare few who know the legends and history of the region are beginning to think the dark times have returned; not seen since the fall of the first age of man. People are beginning to feel the icy fingers of fear closing in. The party becomes aware of these events, and is inspired to investigate. This leads them to a broken man who tells them a story of a lost temple. Has it been rediscovered by men seduced by its forgotten evil? The drunkard’s tale leads to others who might help the party discover more before they face The Lost Temple of Forgotten Evil. Published by Fat Goblin Games

Cover of Kobold King's Labyrinth (WBW-DC-LAB-01)
Kobold King's Labyrinth (WBW-DC-LAB-01)
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
28 pages

"Can you solve the Labyrinth within 13 hours and get back what was stolen from you?" A 4-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 characters optimized for APL 3 taking place in the Feywild Domain of Delight, Labyrinth, where everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems. This adventure takes place when the characters have been abruptly teleported into the Feywild Domain of Delight, Labyrinth. The Kobold King has given the characters thirteen hours to solve the labyrinth, or they will lose what he stole from them forever. "It's only forever, not long at all..." Pillars of Play: Skill challenges and exploration. Minimal/optional combat. Content warning: Non-consensual theft Adventure Inspiration: Jim Henson's Labyrinth (1986)

Cover of DDAL04-11 The Donjon
DDAL04-11 The Donjon
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
28 pages

The village of Orașnou is panicked when a group of Bloodhand orcs appear at the edge of the woods. They bring news and an unusual request that reveals a new foe. Part Eleven of Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts.

Cover of Final Resting Place
Final Resting Place
3.5 Edition
Level 3
21 pages

Most adventurers like to think that when their number is finally up, their colleagues will bring them home, either to be raised or at least returned to their families for a proper burial. But how far will the PCs go in order to do right by a fallen adventurer? And will they draw the line at hauling his coffin out of the Underdark? Pgs. 20-40

Cover of The Sword of the Dales
The Sword of the Dales
Levels 1–4
32 pages

The Sword of the Dales, an icon of the Dalelands symbolizing the unity and strength of the people, has reappeared! Created by Shraevyn the weapons-mage hundreds of years ago, the lost Sword had become nothing more than a fantastic children's tale - until now. A group of warriors led by Randal Morn, rightful ruler of Daggerdale, rushed to the Sword's resting place to recover it, but dark forces awaited them, and Randal and his men fell to an ambush. Only one man escaped, yet he brought with him the hope that Randal Morn yet lives. Resolved to rescue his leader, that lone survivor turned to the great Elminster of Shadowdale for aid. But Elminster is gone, off plane-hopping while the fate of Daggerbale hangs in the balance. Hence, it is up to Lhaeo, scribe to the old mage, to find a group of heroes who have mettle enough to face down the menace which claimed Randal Morn and his hearty followers... This is the first of three adventures that grant player characters the opportunity to determine the fate of Daggerdale. The saga continues with "The Secret of Spiderhaunt" and concludes with "The Return of Randal Morn." TSR 9484