A community for lazy dungeon masters
956 adventures found
Cover of CCC-RPSG-02 Ooze Next?
CCC-RPSG-02 Ooze Next?
5th Edition
Levels 5–10
41 pages

A sunken ruin deep beneath the bay of Mulmaster holds the key to unraveling the Cult of Glaugrax’s nefarious plans. Dare you brave danger and duplicity to plumb its depths? Part 2 of The Neverdusk Trilogy. A Two-to-Four Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8. The Sequel to Ooze There?, an ENnie Awards 2019 nominee in the Best Organized Play category! This adventure is Part 2 of "The Neverdusk Trilogy", and continues the tale of Fenaria Neverdusk, Sovad Klim, and the mysterious Cult of Glaugrax! Ooze Next? debuted at Lion City Conclave 2019 - a charity convention by the D&D AL Singapore Community. The v1.02 package includes: - Full color cover art by digital artist Lau Shang Hui (NezArt), with additional art inserts for key scenes - A high quality digital map pack for key encounter locations - A two (2) page cheat sheet with Jason's personal tips for running Ooze Next?

Cover of S1 Tomb of Horrors
S1 Tomb of Horrors
Levels 10–14
12 pages

Somewhere under a lost and lonely hill of grim and foreboding aspect lies a labyrinthine crypt. It is filled with terrible traps and not a few strange and ferocious monsters to slay the unwary. It is filled with rich treasures both precious and magical, but in addition to the aforementioned guardians, there is said to be a demilich who still wards his final haunt (Be warned that tales told have it that this being possesses powers which make him nearly undefeatable). Accounts relate that it is quite unlikely that any adventurers will ever find the chamber where the demilich Acererak lingers, for the passages and rooms of the Tomb are fraught with terrible traps, poison gases, and magical protections. Furthermore, the demi-lich has so well hidden his lair, that even those who avoid the pitfalls will not be likely to locale their true goal. In the far reaches of the world, under a lost and lonely hill, lies the sinister TOMB OF HORRORS. This Labyrinthine crypt is filled with terrible traps, strange and ferocious monsters, rich and magical treasures, and somewhere within rests the evil Demi-Lich. TSR 9022

Cover of Plaguebearers
5th Edition
Levels 3–5
16 pages

You are hired by the Greenskull orc clan as merceneries to assist in the eradication of a firblog settlement from the swamp the orcs need to conquer in order to survive. You are first sent in to retrieve the bodies of scouts that never returned, but you soon realize that something wicked is going on in the swamp. Will you escape with your lives, or will you also become a victim of the Druid's Curse?

Cover of C5 The Bane of Llywelyn
C5 The Bane of Llywelyn
Levels 4–7
32 pages

Excitement and unrest grip the land of Pellham. Two hundred years ago, the royal line of kings was deposed and replaced by a High Council. The current council is well-meaning but hopelessly incompetent. Everyone agrees that a drastic change is needed for the kingdom to survive. The ancient Prophecy of Brie foretells that in Pellham's darkest hour, a king from the past will return to restore the kingdom. The time of the prophecy is now. All is in readiness: the symbols of the ancient kings have been recovered, the keys to the royal tomb are in hand, powerful magics to revive the long-dead king have been secured at great cost. Only one problem remains... no one knows where the king is buried! The Bane of Llywelyn concludes the epic adventure of the Prophecy of Brie -- can YOU insure that the quest will be a success? The adventure can be played as a separate adventure or as the second part of the Prophecy of Brie series. TSR 9109

Kingdom of the Blind - Episode One: Noise and Motion
3rd Edition
Level 8
3 pages

Kingdom of the Blind is a short adventure for four 8th-level characters. The adventure is set in a minor duchy that is fairly removed from the ruler of the land. As a result, trouble can brew in the land and the king would not know immediately. About three years ago, a medusa, Zhanna Serpentlock, began systematically turning every person in Duke Jellhyn Fedorel's (N male human Ari5) duchy to stone. After losing many peasants to the medusa, Jellhyn attempted to placate her. He offered her his second son, Dephyl, for a husband. Duke Jellhyn and his family had always been rather tense and uncomfortable around Dephyl anyway due to the fact that Dephyl had lost an eye in a freak magical explosion as a boy. Zhanna accepted the marriage, and though Dephyl didn't really care for his family due to how they treated him, he was also less than happy with the arrangement. A year ago, Zhanna appeared at Fedorel's citadel again. She claimed that Dephyl had been untrue and that she had turned him to stone for his adultery. Throwing Dephyl's stone head down in the courtyard of the citadel, she swore vengeance on all Fedorels for his betrayal. Duke Fedorel and his household fled the citadel. Rather than give chase, Zhanna took up residence there and began ruling the duchy as the sole remaining Fedorel family member. Jellhyn and his family have lived in exile for a year. This is what the PCs can learn, but more is going on. As it turns out, Dephyl is alive and quite happy with his marriage. Zhanna is not repulsed by his disfigurement as his family was, and Dephyl's missing eye is something of an asset in the relationship since it lessens his chance of being accidentally petrified by his wife. In the two years of his marriage, he has grown up and gained ambition -- he wants to rule. As a second son (pawned off on a monster), he would never have received the chance. Now, with Zhanna's help, he can rule. However, Dephyl doesn't have the stomach for killing his father and brother. Instead, he and Zhanna plotted to take over the duchy by frightening everyone away. Zhanna carved a stone bust of Dephyl and used it to frighten off the rest of his family. Now Dephyl and Zhanna live happily in the citadel and rule the duchy together, though Dephyl's existence among the living is a secret.

Cover of Ravenhome's Plight
Ravenhome's Plight
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
44 pages

Chapter 1 - Rodents of Unusual Size: The village of Ravenhome is plagued by an army of rats which feast on their supplies and threaten the survival of the village, as winter is approaching. Venture into the deep to stop an onslaught of vile rats on the ravaged village of Ravenhome. Dispose of the cranium rats which escaped from the Underdark or strike a deal with the devilish creatures. Chapter 2 - The Pied Piper: The village's children were abducted by the winged kobold Krubcek and brought to the former temple of Cyric. The kobolds use the children as additional workers to excavate the site in attempts to free their imprisoned god Kurtulmak. The kobolds are willing to bargain, but the terms are cruel!

Cover of WG6 - Isle of the Ape
WG6 - Isle of the Ape
Levels 18–20
48 pages

Isle of the Ape is an adventure module for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game World of Greyhawk campaign setting, in which the events occur in a magical demiplane of the same name created by the mad archmage Zagyg Yragerne TSR 9153

Cover of I4 Oasis of the White Palm
I4 Oasis of the White Palm
Levels 6–8
32 pages

Tired and sore, you struggle over the burning sands toward the long-forgotten city. Will you reach the place in time to save yourselves from the evil efreeti? The sun beats down, making your wounds stiff and worsening the constant thirst that plagues anyone who travels these waterless wastes. But there is hope - are those the ruins over there? In the midst of broken columns and bits of rubble stands a huge statue. This is the place! You've found it at last. Gratefully, you sink onto the sand. But there is no time to lose. You must hurry. So with a quavering voice you say the magic words. And then you wait... A hush falls over the ruins, making the back of your neck prickle. Then, out of the east, a wind rises, gentle at first but quickly growing stronger and wilder, until it tears at your clothes and nearly lifts you off your feet. The once clear sky is choked with white and grey clouds that clash and boil. As the clouds blacken day turns to night. Lightning flashes followed by a menacing growl of thunder. You are beginning to wonder if you should seek shelter, when all of a sudden there is a blinding crash and a bolt of lightning reduces the statue to dust. For a moment, silence. The, out of the statue's remains, soars a blue flame. Its roar deafens you as higher and higher it climbs, until it seems about to reach the clouds. Just when you think it can grow no larger, its shape begins to change. The edges billow and soften, their roar lessens, and before your eyes materializes a gigantic blue man. This adventure can be played alone or as the second part of the Desert of Desolation series. For characters level 6-8. TSR 9053

Cover of Dungeon Crawl Classics #10: The Sunless Garden
Dungeon Crawl Classics #10: The Sunless Garden
3.5 Edition
Levels 6–8
30 pages

After arriving at a seemingly abandoned trading post, the heroes discover to their horror that all the inhabitants have been transformed into black trees! Upon further investigation, they find clues that lead them to the hidden lair of Nockmort, a treant gone bad. Nockmort has been transformed by the strange radiation of a meteorite he discovered, and now he is a terrible force of evil. The characters must enter his sunless garden to save the town. And along the way they just might discover fabulous treasure...

Cover of X11 Saga of the Shadow Lord
X11 Saga of the Shadow Lord
Levels 5–9
64 pages

X11 Saga of the Shadow Lord consists of two linked adventures as a mini-campaign: In the first adventure called Elvenstar, PCs try to steal a magic item from the Shadow Lord to thwart his planned invasion of a peaceful neighboring kingdom. Encounters in this adventure include a village populated by adventurers, and a cloud giant living in a small castle, before the party reaches the Shadow Lord's lair for the final encounter. In the second adventure, also enclosed in module X11, The Halls of Drax Tallen, the Shadow Lord returns more powerful than ever. His undead minions are searching for another magical item to give him immense power and the PCs must find this item before he does. Player characters must get past the undead army of the Shadow Lord and infiltrate his haunted fortress to retrieve the magical Elvenstar. TSR 9165

Cover of Dragon Wing
Dragon Wing
5th Edition
Level 10
12 pages

You are a Dragon Wing captain aboard the Storm Chaser, a huge levitating Skycastle fueled by powerful arcane forces and electrical energy harnessed from storms. When a hostile castle appears from behind a large cloud bank, you are tasked to lead a team to infiltrate the enemy stronghold and take it down from the inside. The forces aboard the fast-approaching threat would overwhelm the combatants and defenses of the Storm Chaser; failure is not an option. Dragon Wing is a battle focused one-shot designed for 3-5 players of roughly 10th level. With beautifully designed maps and a fully guided sequence of rooms and areas, your players will infiltrate the giant stronghold, tackle intricate puzzles and tough combat scenarios with an array of monsters.

Cover of Straw Bears (CCC-UCON-03)
Straw Bears (CCC-UCON-03)
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
31 pages

You return to the peculiar village of Basht for one of their unusual festivals: the procession of the Straw Bears. While there, you meet some old friends and are asked to escort the brave villagers into the woods to continue the party into the night. It should be perfectly safe, shouldn’t it? A Two to Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3. The Straw Bears originally debuted at U-Con on November 2020. (https://www.ucon-gaming.org/)

Cover of The Terror of Screeching Hill
The Terror of Screeching Hill
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
16 pages

The Terror of Screeching Hill is an adventure designed for a party of four level 1-3 characters. Introduce your friends to Dungeons & Dragons or take a break from your current campaign and save the town of Stonehollow in this early level one-shot! To the villagers of Stonehollow, the flight of bats warns of an impending disaster. Earthquakes, which riddle the small mining town, often follow this omen causing cave-ins and trapping miners underground. Thankfully, the ground hasn't shaken in weeks. However, every night at sunset, a colony of bats fly over the town as a haunting cry echoes over Screeching Hill, a mound on the southern outskirts of the village. Villagers have begun to go missing, including the town's doctors Simon and Kirk Bartok, and some have suffered terrible wounds after being attacked by a relentless creature out of the darkness. With no doctors to treat the wounded and the expectation of more attacks, the villagers of Stonehollow turn to you for help. Will you investigate the terror of Screeching Hill and save the town from its reoccurring nightmare? Included: - A 16 page one-shot designed for level 1-3 characters - Unique maps - Two player handouts - A simplified document compatible with screenreaders

Cover of Hell in Freeport
Hell in Freeport
3.5 Edition
Levels 8–11
90 pages

This module is designed for characters who have made their way through the Freeport Trilogy. Characters new to Freeport are at disadvantadge, however. Hell in Freeport sends the characters to the depths of the Hell as pawns of an undead duke. When they discover the truth of their mission, they must race against a sinister clock to save two cities. Act 1 kicks off with a battle against a cornugon on the Freeport docks. The characters are hailed as heroes for defeating the fiend, and are summoned to the Church of Retribution to help in the battle against Hell. Tee old inquisitor who greets them is actually Jalie Squarefoot, an infernal lich who took this form to search for the perfect cat's-paw. Squarefoot wants to take the souls of Freetown, a city in Hell, but must first get around a contract poin: he can't take the city until the Tyre tower clock-now stopped- strikes midnight. He sends the party to Devil's Cry, an inslan off the coast of Freeport, with instructions to close the gate to Hell hidden inside. In truth, he knows the party will be transported straight to the Third Circle when they try. Inside Devil's Cry the party finds the remnants of a great battle fought between an invading devil's army and the Church of Retribution, and battle their way past undead defenders until they reach the gate itself and unwittingly trigger it. Act 2 begins with the party in a twin of the complex they explored in Devil's Cry, but now they are deep in Hell. They fight their way back to the cavern entrance, only to find that they are not on the Prime anymore. When they voyage back their homeport, they instead find themselves in Freetown, a city of scaped slaves in a dark mirror image of Freeport. Once in Freetown, they make the acquaintance of the city's mayor Wycleffe-a servant of Jalie Squarefoot-who persuades them to go on a quest to Tyre to restart the tower clock. They travel the Styx to the Eight Circle and fight their way into a long-buried vity, and then into the tower clock itself. They restart the clock and begin the trip home, but are waylaid by devils and taken prisioner. Act 3 opens with the party naked and in chains in the infernal prison called the Forge. They learn that Jalie Squarefoot and Wycleffe have duped them, and that the supposed rebels of Freetown are actually its protectors. The characters must escape or win their freedom in the gladiator pits before the tower clock they restarted destroys both Freetown and their home city of Freeport. They battle back to Freetown, taking revenge on their captors in the process, and capture the city from Wycleffe with the help of the rebels. Finally it falls to the PCs to enter the tower clock and stop it and Jalie Squarefoot before the fiend's plan can come to fruition. After being tricked and manipulated throughout the adventure, the party finally has their revenge on the duke and his minions.

Cover of Lair of the Vampire Lord
Lair of the Vampire Lord
Levels 3–5
16 pages

Devastated in a war with a nearby wizards' school, the Fighters' Academy has since been surrounded by a foul and dank swamp - the Gloomfens. Since the climatctic battle between the wizards and fighters, the tower has decayed. The spirit of the head of the academy haunts the building, eternally plotting his revenge on the wizards who killed him. his loyal sutdents remain faithful to him even in death. Other foul undead have made their home in the rotting, spacious academy. From their lair, they make forays into farmsteads near the swamp in search of victims to feed their unspeakable appetites. The Problem of these terrible attacks by the savage undead will not stop until the evil that has found a home at the tower is burned from the face of the land forever. Will your party heed the call and help the town of Melinir? Will they be able to clear the former Academy of its undead? Lair of the Vampire Lord is the third in a three part adventure, The Haunted Tower. Or, it can be ran as a stand alone adventure. The choice is up to you. Part of TSR 1081 The Haunted Tower

Cover of M1 Blizzard Pass
M1 Blizzard Pass
Levels 1–3
32 pages

A SOLO adventure for thieves level 1-3 or Group play level 1-3 The storm sweeps off the mountaintops without warning, as if conjured by some supernatural power. Within minutes, huge drifts of snow have halted the caravan, and the snow falls so hard it is impossible to see more than five feet. You huddle next to the sledge, trying to shelter for you numb face from the icy winds. A dozen half-human forms march into view out of the raging blizzard. The little man-things carry wooden spears or long, unsheathed swords in bony, gnarled hands. Their blood-red eyes quickly fall upon your sledge and the ugly creatures turn toward your hiding place. Will you survive to uncover the secret of Blizzard Pass? This module contains all you need to solve the riddle of Blizzard Pass, including 14 maps, an invisible ink marking pen, a complete solo adventure, a pre-rolled character, and an outline for group play! TSR 9067

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #16: To Scale the Dragon
Pathfinder Society Scenario #16: To Scale the Dragon
3.5 Edition
Levels 5–9
21 pages

The last remains of a sage from an age long past rests high atop the snow-covered tips of the Fog Peaks in Southern Galt and the Society wants his bones in order to study them and learn from them. They've sent you into a wintry wilderness of primordial beastmen and snow creatures not seen below the snow line to do just that. With the Aspis Consortium also seeking the bones, the race is on to beat them to the top and, once the bones are recovered, to make it back down alive.

Cover of Monastery of the Shadow Sorcerers
Monastery of the Shadow Sorcerers
5th Edition
Level 8
21 pages

Beneath the blood moon, a dark monastery appears for one night atop a high plateau. Inside its walls, the mighty black lotus flower reaches its full bloom. Can the characters steal inside the monastery, defeat its sorcerous guardians, and claim the blossom before the sun rises? Monastery of the Shadow Sorcerers is a fiendish sword-and-sorcery adventure and includes: -An extra-planar monastery brooding beneath the blood moon -Sorcerer-monks who move like smoke and strike with fire and blade -Combat cards for each monster, PC, and special treasure -High-quality digital maps for use with virtual table tops

Cover of DDAL05-09 Durlag's Tomb
DDAL05-09 Durlag's Tomb
5th Edition
Levels 11–16
41 pages

East of Beregost, nestled in the outskirts of the Wood of Sharp Teeth, Durlag’s Tower has intrigued and yet stymied adventurers for decades. Stuffed full of mechanical traps and arcane wards, and rumored to be inhabited by fiends, very few have managed to extract any REAL treasure from the former home of Durlag Trollkiller. However, a powerful item in the ancient fight against the giants is said to be housed there, and the cloud giant Baron Rajiram has committed significant resources toward recovering it. After a pleasant tea in her garden, Seer calls upon you to beat him there and put a stop to his efforts! Sequel to Durlag's Tower.

Cover of Icewind Curses: Hunger
Icewind Curses: Hunger
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
22 pages

When a harsh winter turns uneasy neighbors into bitter rivals, or worse, Granny Grimsicle sees an opportunity to spread her unique brand of horror in Hrokstead. Short on food themselves and exhausted from their adventures, our heroes arrive in the frontier settlement to find that something is very wrong. Can they get to the bottom of the threat, and make it out alive? This title stands as a one-shot, but also plants seeds for the ongoing Hags of Hoarfrost anthology. It works great as a supplement to Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, or placed into your own homebrew setting, or run as a standalone adventure. This module includes a detailed battle map and a monster token for use on Virtual Tabletops, and player handouts presented as standalone images for easy distribution to your online players.