A community for lazy dungeon masters
956 adventures found
Cover of Flood Season
Flood Season
3.5 Edition
Levels 4–6
28 pages

Wherein a solid plan to ransom captured wands turns sour for three friends and their employees, and a local luminary loses his tongue.

5th Edition
Levels 5–7
306 pages

Dragonbowl is a setting and pulp action adventure in one. It plunges a party into a rich festival scenario that revolves around a deadly gladiatorial contest, where the dangers they face in the arena are almost secondary to those they encounter in the murky criminal underworld they find themselves in: a world that stinks of corruption, human trafficking, illegal dinosaur-trading, necromancy, blood sacrifice and unnatural arcane experiments. The action takes place in a vast cavern in Mount Waterdeep, known as the Underbelly, where not only Dragonbowl Arena, but also an entire festival grounds – consisting of temples, bars, casinos, funfairs and markets - has been constructed to host this grand sporting extravaganza. With Xanathar, Jarlaxle, Davil, Volo and the Black Viper all in attendance, and scores of 'entanglements' (faction missions) to keep players busy, Dragonbowl can be played as a sequel to Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, or as a first step towards the Undermountain and the Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Equally, it can be played as a stand alone adventure, or easily transported into other settings. The adventure is written for a party of four 6th level adventurers, and easily customisable for three to five players, of any mid-tier level (the adventure contains maps and handouts adapted for both 4 and 5 player tables). The adventure is designed to last around ten to fifteen 4-hour sessions, but can very easily be shortened or lengthened according to the DM's desire. The adventure features all three pillars of play: combat (in and out of the arena), social interaction (a succession of parties and parades, where players can get entangled in NPC business) and exploration (30+ locations in the festival grounds alone).

Cover of Oddities & Odysseys: The Night Fiend of Ravenloft
Oddities & Odysseys: The Night Fiend of Ravenloft
5th Edition
Levels 3–4
15 pages

Village children are disappearing in the dead of night. Are the characters willing to risk their very souls to stop the Night Fiend? This adventure is a short side quest designed for the Dungeons & Dragons Ravenloft setting and easily merged into Curse of Strahd by Wizards of the Coast. It features a powerful ghostly villain who brings the heroes to the brink of death. The only way to defeat this ethereal foe is to battle him on equal terms, spirit against spirit.

Cover of Adventure One: Trouble in Threshold
Adventure One: Trouble in Threshold
Level 1
14 pages

The Heroes are relaxing in an inn when they hear a scream, rushing outside they find that a local merchant has been kidnapped! The merchant's wife saw the assailants drag him into an alley, where the heroes give chase. Following the villains through a maze of natural fissures, tunnels, and ancient ruins they encounter a number of monsters, traps, and puzzles. Eventually they make their way to the kidnappers hideout, where they confront the kidnappers in a final climatic battle to rescue the merchant and uncover a criminal gang.

Cover of Pathfinder Society Scenario #18: The Trouble with Secrets
Pathfinder Society Scenario #18: The Trouble with Secrets
3.5 Edition
Levels 5–9
18 pages

Decades ago, an Osiriani Pathfinder named Bossell locked his transformed lover in the vaults beneath the Sothis Pathfinder Lodge. He then vowed that no one would ever discover his secret shame. The old and senile Bossell now relies on his assistant Fendel for everything, and the hapless assistant has disapeared into the vaults after reading his master's journal. You've been sent beneath the Lodge to destroy whatever it is that Bossell's lover has become—will you survive his secret or find yourself transformed as well?

Cover of FVC6 - Inquiry into the Wildlands
FVC6 - Inquiry into the Wildlands
5th Edition
Levels 1–6
62 pages

The land of Felora is a stable pedocracy off the Feso Seaway. Generally considered a safe place to live because of a low humanoid population and a large defensive wall that rings the country. The same cannot be said for the area to the west known as the Wildlands. Once a thriving human land the area was taken over in humanoid raids a century and a half ago. With the aggressions against the wall lessening the Council of Wisdom is organizing groups to go in and explore the land for possible "taming". Potential explorers will be paired off with non-combatant survey teams. Are you new adventurers ready for a job? Played at Epic Nerd Camp '17!

Cover of S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
Levels 6–10
64 pages

In the Yatil Mountains south of Perrenland there is rumored to be a magical hoard of unsurpassed value, a treasure of such fame that scores of adventurers have perished in search of it. Find the perilous Lost Caverns of Tsojanth and you may gain the hidden wealth of the long-dead arch-mage-- if you live. Module S4, this contains a brief wilderness journey to the caverns, but the bulk is underground. The caverns are noted as a previous lair of the Arch-mage Iggwilv- though she is long gone, her Demonomicon remains. This module marks the first appearance of several monsters and items that would later appear in the Monster Manual 2 and Unearthed Arcana. A labyrinth features in the caves. TSR 9061

Cover of Little Shrine of Horrors
Little Shrine of Horrors
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
24 pages

Yonder lies the Shrine of Lucien Harpell, greatest mage of this or any other age. In the arts of golemancy, artificery and necromancy, his equal has never been known, nor will be again. Cursed are those who enter this tomb. Cursed are those who look upon this statue. Cursed are those who seek his riches. Know that your demise is certain – your lives will be short, and your deaths slow. Read this, fools, and despair! The Shrine of Lucien Harpell is the stuff of legends - full of hideous traps and strange monsters, but guarding fabulous treasures. It was lost for generations beneath the grim and lonely Starmetal Hills, but has now been found again. Will any dare enter? Little Shrine of Horrors contains over 20 encounters and is full of puzzles, tricks, traps, roleplaying and combat. Do your players have what it takes to outwit Lucien Harpell?

Cover of DDAL08-01 The Map With No Names
DDAL08-01 The Map With No Names
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
14 pages

Part One of the Umbral Aristocracy Trilogy. Rumors abound of a map that leads to a treasure of unimaginable value. When chance drops the map into your hands, you have the chance to become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. But you’re not the only ones with that dream. The chase is on. A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters.

Cover of The Scouring of Gate Pass
The Scouring of Gate Pass
4th Edition
Levels 1–3
60 pages

It's a frigid New Year's Eve, and the heroes gather near midnight in a small condemned tavern wihtin the Free City-State of Gate Pass. Located in the mountain pass which separates two hostile nations. Gate Pass has been neutral since the end of their last war. That neutrality is about to be put to the test, as a scourge comes for the city from the nearby empire of Ragesia. By now, every magic-user in Gate Pass knows of the Scourge. The Emperor of Ragesia died barely a month ago, and a witch named Leska has moved to cementer herself as the next empress. Leska leads the Ragesian Inquisitors, clerics specialized in countermagic and has decreed ass disloyal mages to be tracked down and killed to prevent future threats to the empire. Their first target is Gate Pass, whose neutrality has long been viewed as an insult to the nation's honor. This is the first of twelve adventures in the War of the Burning Sky adventure path from E.N. Publishing.

Cover of The Legend of the Mist Flowers
The Legend of the Mist Flowers
5th Edition
Levels 5–6
106 pages

While exploring an uncharted island inhabited by sinister, otherworldly entities, the PCs are confronted with the ultimate dilemma: will they stop at nothing to uncover the forbidden secrets of an earlier age... or will they consign that ancient lore to be forever forgotten in the mists of time? Arriving at the correct choice may not be so trivial as it seems... A 5th-6th level adventure for An entire island to explore, with mysteries to solve and NPCs to interact with Challenging investigations and devilish enigmas Full-color art and beautiful handouts (even in digital format for online play) to engage the PCs Five new fearsome monsters ready to use in any campaign New feats and spells

Cover of The Slumbering Tsar Saga
The Slumbering Tsar Saga
Levels 7–20
951 pages

The Sleeper Awakes! At last, after languishing in its crypt for an age, the secrets of the slumbering city of Tsar burst forth in all their macabre glory. Poured forth from the eldritch furnaces and crucibles of the Necromancer and Orcus himself comes Frog God Games bringing you at long last The Slumbering Tsar Saga™. Something Stirs in the City of Evil Over the distant northern hills, beyond The Camp, and past the Desolation stand the pitted walls of Tsar. A hundred armies have crushed themselves against this bulwark in futile attempts to breach the city. Even the combined might of the Heavens and Earth were unable to break through in the final battle of Tsar. So why was the city suddenly abandoned on the verge of victory, and what waits for those foolish enough to enter the Temple-City of Orcus? The Black Gates Await Only the bravest and most powerful of heroes dare the depths of the Desolation and live to tell of it. But what happens when they penetrate that blasted landscape and look upon the gates of the very center of evil on the earth. Can even heroes of such renown breach the Walls of Death and live?

Cover of DSQ1 Road to Urik
DSQ1 Road to Urik
Levels 4–7
122 pages

"Tyr is free! Tyr is free!" Such is the heady cry that echoes from the darkest warrens to the gleaming chambers of the Council in that ancient city. Now is your chance to savor life released from the oppressive gloom of the sorcerer-kings-but for how long? New forces threaten the newly-born independence of Tyr, as outside forces march upon the city. King Tithian is determined to resist, but there are others on the Council of Advisors less eager to risk their wealth and lives for the cause of independence. It falls upon you to help mobilize and lead the citizen-army of Tyr on the road to Urik. In Road to Urik, the city-State of Tyr has thrown off the yoke of the sorcerer-king Kalak and declared all slaves free, but the neighboring city-state of Urik is amassing its own armies to conquer Tyr. In the first part of the adventure, the PCs must negotiate with various factions of the city in order to win their support for the war effort. In the second part the PCs leading a scouting force ahead of the main army, and the choices and successes in the first part will affect the troops they lead here. Finally, they will need to fight and lure away the Urik army's own scouting force, letting the army of Tyr ambush them. The second and third part make heavy use of the Battlesystem rules, which were pushed pretty heavily in the early Dark Sun books. Like many Dark Sun adventures, the module makes heavy use of handouts that come in a flip-book along with the main adventure. This adventure is a sequel to Freedom. It stands on its own, but the plot of the adventure is based on the events of Freedom and the novel the Verdant Passage, so you can't really run them in reverse order. Much like Freedom took place concurrently with The Verdant Passage, Road to Urik takes place just before the events of The Crimson Legion, the second novel in the Prism Pentad. TSR 2406

Cover of The Discarded Gem
The Discarded Gem
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
19 pages

The Kingdom of Halruaa’s past is a mystery. The disappearance of the entire kingdom during the Spellplague and its subsequent return has always been looked upon as feat of magic that will never be replicated and Halruaa’s Council of Elders has dedicated itself to ensuring that this magic remains hidden. rumors are starting to surface that someone may have found a way to duplicate the feat and this has made faction leaders throughout Toril nervous, especially when recent communications with Faction agents in the area have grown silent. What can be discovered in the Kingdom of Halruua? Are the rumors true or is there something else entirely happening? The Discarded Gem is a 3 to 4-hour adventure for characters level 1 - 4.

Cover of Hell in Freeport
Hell in Freeport
3.5 Edition
Levels 8–11
90 pages

This module is designed for characters who have made their way through the Freeport Trilogy. Characters new to Freeport are at disadvantadge, however. Hell in Freeport sends the characters to the depths of the Hell as pawns of an undead duke. When they discover the truth of their mission, they must race against a sinister clock to save two cities. Act 1 kicks off with a battle against a cornugon on the Freeport docks. The characters are hailed as heroes for defeating the fiend, and are summoned to the Church of Retribution to help in the battle against Hell. Tee old inquisitor who greets them is actually Jalie Squarefoot, an infernal lich who took this form to search for the perfect cat's-paw. Squarefoot wants to take the souls of Freetown, a city in Hell, but must first get around a contract poin: he can't take the city until the Tyre tower clock-now stopped- strikes midnight. He sends the party to Devil's Cry, an inslan off the coast of Freeport, with instructions to close the gate to Hell hidden inside. In truth, he knows the party will be transported straight to the Third Circle when they try. Inside Devil's Cry the party finds the remnants of a great battle fought between an invading devil's army and the Church of Retribution, and battle their way past undead defenders until they reach the gate itself and unwittingly trigger it. Act 2 begins with the party in a twin of the complex they explored in Devil's Cry, but now they are deep in Hell. They fight their way back to the cavern entrance, only to find that they are not on the Prime anymore. When they voyage back their homeport, they instead find themselves in Freetown, a city of scaped slaves in a dark mirror image of Freeport. Once in Freetown, they make the acquaintance of the city's mayor Wycleffe-a servant of Jalie Squarefoot-who persuades them to go on a quest to Tyre to restart the tower clock. They travel the Styx to the Eight Circle and fight their way into a long-buried vity, and then into the tower clock itself. They restart the clock and begin the trip home, but are waylaid by devils and taken prisioner. Act 3 opens with the party naked and in chains in the infernal prison called the Forge. They learn that Jalie Squarefoot and Wycleffe have duped them, and that the supposed rebels of Freetown are actually its protectors. The characters must escape or win their freedom in the gladiator pits before the tower clock they restarted destroys both Freetown and their home city of Freeport. They battle back to Freetown, taking revenge on their captors in the process, and capture the city from Wycleffe with the help of the rebels. Finally it falls to the PCs to enter the tower clock and stop it and Jalie Squarefoot before the fiend's plan can come to fruition. After being tricked and manipulated throughout the adventure, the party finally has their revenge on the duke and his minions.

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #1: Burnt Offerings (Rise of the Runelords 1 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #1: Burnt Offerings (Rise of the Runelords 1 of 6)
Level 1
58 pages

The Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path begins here, in the small coastal town of Sandpoint. Five years after a tragic fire and spate of brutal murders, the people of Sandpoint eagerly anticipate the Swallowtail Festival to commemorate the consecration of the town's new temple. At the height of the ceremony, disaster strikes! In the days that follow, a sinister shadow settles over Sandpoint. Rumors of goblin armies and wrathful monsters in forgotten ruins have set the populace on edge. As Sandpoint's newest heroes, the PCs must deal with treachery, goblins, and the rising threat of a forgotten empire whose cruel and despotic rulers might not be as dead as history records.

Cover of The Party that Split (WBW-DC-UCON-01)
The Party that Split (WBW-DC-UCON-01)
5th Edition
Levels 1–4
33 pages

The Party that Split is a standalone adventure set in the peculiar village of Basht. This quiet town keeps having problems that only adventurers can solve. The village's children have gone missing from a birthday party, the only thing that was left behind was a note saying "Your move, Adventurers -- MS." Has the mysterious stranger struck again? Where did the children go, and will you be able to return them? A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 characters, Optimized for APL 3. Seed used: Party Time! Content Warnings: Children in Peril, kidnapping The Party that Split originally debuted at U-Con on November 2021 (http://www.ucon-gaming.org/) The story continues where The Goat Mayor and Straw Bears leave off, a year later. Many of the things that adventurers in past adventurers have done in previous adventures have an affect on this adventure, and the events in this will affect adventures in the future. The village of Basht is a little Grimm's Fairy Tale village that was used for several CCCs and DungeonCrafts U-Con. I hope that your players enjoy the whimsy and dark undercurrents as much as mine have, and I would love it if you share your experiences in Basht with me! I've included VTT-friendly maps and handouts in separate files to help with running your games virtually because we can't let a simple thing like physical distance prevent us from sharing our stories. I also have a printer friendly version included for those that prefer their works to be printed on the flesh of dead trees. Please see other adventures written for U-Con: The Goat Mayor (by me, Daniel Chapman) is the first introduction to Basht and it's peculiar traditions The Straw Bears (by me, Daniel Chapman) takes place just a few tendays later, describing the strange annual tradition of the procession of Straw Bears Blood and Fog (by Alan Patrick) was the first CCC written for U-Con and the first mention of the Blood Lord. Rescue Down Under (by Alex Lown) continues the story of Basht and revisits the friendly tinkerer Yul Khahan. The story will continue in Have You No Heart? If you see any errors or have any suggestions, or just wish to retell the tale of how your group went through the story, feel free to contact the author at: http://hoshisabi.com

Cover of A Most Potent Brew
A Most Potent Brew
5th Edition
Level 1
4 pages
10  0

Summary The party is sent to deal with a problem that should be instantly familiar to all rookie adventurers - exterminating giant rats that have taken up residence in a beer cellar. However, if they are to achieve their goal our heroes are going to have to get their first taste of a real dungeon as they explore the ruins of an ancient Wizard’s Tower. What is this adventure? This first-level adventure is designed for D&D veterans and complete beginners alike. It only uses rules, items, monsters and concepts found in the free basic ruleset that can be downloaded from the Wizards of the Coast website. That means that you and your friends can play this without having to buy anything other than snacks, drinks and maybe some dice - though even these can be replaced by the many free Dice Roller apps available for phones and tablets.

Cover of GameMastery Module D2: Seven Swords of Sin
GameMastery Module D2: Seven Swords of Sin
3.5 Edition
Level 7
32 pages

Long hidden away in remote vaults and guarded by powerful wards, the ancient Seven Swords of Sin have been stolen and brought together again for a terrible cause. Seven Swords of Sin is a lethal adventure that pits players against a vile enchantress, Tirana, in a trap-laden and monster-guarded dungeon. Only the brave (and perhaps foolish) can survive Tirana's lair and rescue the fabled Seven Swords of Sin from her heinous plot to unlock their deadly powers.

Cover of Ssscaly Thingsss
Ssscaly Thingsss
Levels 3–6
14 pages

Second in the Mere of Dead Men series, your Patron, Sir Justin sends you to investigate Mornhaven Towers and the rumors that Lizard Men are plundering travelers on the High Road. Set in the Mere of Dead Men region of the Forgotten Realms.