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3296 adventures found
Cover of The Beast Within
The Beast Within
Levels 1–3
4 pages

Lambs to the slaughter. A lonely cottage hides a dreadful secret. While searching for a place to make camp for the night, the party is drawn to a clearing by sound of bleating lambs and the smell of a wood fire. In the clearing is a rustic cottage and tethered around it are a dozen lambs, forming a ring around the house. The owner is a reclusive cleric who contracted lycanthropy about a year ago when his camp was attacked by a marauding werewolf. Though he recovered from his injuries, on the next full moon he transformed and attacked his companions. In the aftermath he resigned himself to a life of isolation, believing that his faith will cure the curse. This is a short adventure, just a single combat encounter where the werewolf attacks the party. If the werewolf isn't killed outright there is a roleplaying opportunity and the potential for the party to seek a cure. Although the adventure is set in the Forgotten Realms campaign, it can be readily adapted to any setting. Pgs. 66-69

Cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path #33: The Varnhold Vanishing (Kingmaker 3 of 6)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #33: The Varnhold Vanishing (Kingmaker 3 of 6)
Levels 6–7
100 pages

The Stolen Lands consume many wanderers—the perils of its rugged wildernesses and hidden mysteries prey upon even the wariest of travelers. Founded upon one of the most savage frontiers, the colony of Varnhold defied the many dangers of this harsh region. At least, it did until all the residents of the fledgling community completely disappeared. Now it falls to the PCs to discover what became of their eastern neighbor, a secret steeped in generations-old hatreds and the mysteries of an empire long crumbled to dust. Can they uncover the terrible secret behind this shocking disappearance before the same calamity befalls their own land?

Cover of The Haunt
The Haunt
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
16 pages

The Haunt Unlock the secrets and drive back the evil from Montarthas Manor In ages past, an ancient town was lost and destroyed to a seige of orcs. Only one building survived and to this day, the manor is the only still standing building to be seen for miles around. Some say it is haunted, a few whisper of great treasures within, whilst others whisper that it is the manor itself that lives! No one knows for sure, only that a great evil haunts its halls. Do you dare enter Montarthas Manor? Published by P.B. Publishing

Cover of The Brain Gorger's Appetite
The Brain Gorger's Appetite
5th Edition
Levels 1–3
40 pages

For the most part, the town of Ockney’s Hold has always been a peaceful place—bordering on boring. The most interesting things going on in this frontier mining settlement include the annual livestock fair, the cost of spirits at its various inns, and speculation fueled by those same spirits as to what foul things are being dumped into the river by the ore refinery. Recently, however, the usually placid Baron Reinson has begun to act erratically, ignoring most of his counselors, giving more responsibility to his equally erratic chamberlain, and replacing key figures in Ockney’s Hold with outsiders. With no clear answers as to what might be behind the baron’s strange behavior, his last loyal counselor seeks out a band of adventurers to help. Will these brave heroes be able to get to the bottom of a widening conspiracy? And can they expose the terrible and unseen forces manipulating the baron in time to save Ockney’s Hold? Published by Gamehole Publishing.

Cover of Shadows of the Last War
Shadows of the Last War
3.5 Edition
Level 2
34 pages

Lost within the ruined House Cannith citadel of Whitehearth, an arcane workshop somewhere in the perilous Mournland, is the key to constructing a terrible magic weapon. Agents of the Emerald Claw will stop at nothing to recover the ancient device. As malevolent forces hunt for the artifact, only the most resourceful heroes will reach Whitehearth first and discover the secrets that lie within. "Shadows of the Last War" is a stand-alone adventure for the Dungeons & Dragons game that will immerse your characters in the Eberron campaign setting. Designed to challenge 2nd-level D&D heroes, it pits them against one of Eberron’s most nefarious organizations.

Cover of The Shrieking Caverns
The Shrieking Caverns
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
6 pages

Deep in these caverns overrun with all sorts of foul creatures are two sister hags. Once of the same coven, they now have a bitter rivalry but both refuse to the leave these caverns they call home. The cave received its name thanks to the terrifying sounds that echo through it. Some say it is just the wind brushing against the stone but the rumors all speak of two horrifying sisters casting curses and performing diabolic rituals with human sacrifices in a never-ending hatred. Heroes will face goblin, hag, bat, hook horror, and other terrifying monstrosities deep within the tunnels of The Shrieking Caverns. This dungeon does not contain any of the puzzles from the puzzle section, though there are a few situations the players will find themselves in that will require more than phsyical strength. That being said, this dungeon contains many combat encounters and is expected to take multiple nights to complete.

Cover of Assault of the Steel Horde
Assault of the Steel Horde
5th Edition
Levels 4–5
3 pages

The earth churns in a city graveyard, revealing not the undead but an ancient war machine. A great iron transport bores its way up from depths below, disrupting funeral rites and sending the citizens into a panic. With an opportunity to investigate and reap the rewards of bravery, the party closes on the graveyard. There they discover that the pilots of the strange vehicle are soulless automatons who have spent an eternity burrowing toward the battlefront of a long-forgotten war. In this action-packed and gritty adventure, the party must battle automatons, breach the iron transport, and put down its mad and malfunctioning commander.

Cover of Mists of Akuma: Revenge of the Pale Master
Mists of Akuma: Revenge of the Pale Master
5th Edition
Levels 8–10
62 pages

Revenge of the Pale Master plunges the adventurers into the rusted heart of the industrial city of Kizaki on the eve of a great evil’s reawakening. At its heart lies a mystery, and GMs running this module are encouraged to build tension and an aura of danger as the PCs uncover the secret history that casts a long shadow upon the future of this settlement in Gekido Prefecture. Part of the adventure’s tension is based upon the ticking clock—the party arrives as night falls on the eve before the Festival of Falling Hawks, giving them less than 24 hours to uncover the truth and take action against those they believe to be the villains of the story. What's inside Revenge of the Pale Master: The story of the Pale Master and his most recent machinations in the eastern fantasy noir steampunk lands of Soburin The continental map of Soburin by Michael McCarthy Information about Gekido Prefecture where the adventure takes place Rules for the dangerous Mists of Akuma and the new misted condition, as well as the Haitoku and Dignity attributes Dozens of NPCs and oni that play a part in the adventure (as well as several that don't so the GM can insert their own stories and subplots) Lots and lots of maps: the city of Kizaki, the Oyami Tea House, Graveyard of the Damned, and more

Cover of Chaos Rising
Chaos Rising
Level 10
64 pages

The Amulet of a Demon Prince In a few days, the rising blood moon will reveal the resting-place of the soul amulet of a forgotten demon prince. A dark lord seeks the amulet, and if he finds it ultimate power is within his grasp. Someone must stop him and his diabolical scheme before evil is unleashed! But for the heroes to beat the dark lord to his prize, they must travel through time and conquer demonic foes! A Battle Throughout Time Chaos Rising is a classic dungeon exploration adventure by Jim Collura, it details an ancient and abandoned dwarven citadel where the demon's amulet is hidden and provides unique encounters allowing the players to travel back in time to shape the very future itself! Chaos Rising supports monsters found in the Tome of Horrors. Also available for S&W and 5e.

Cover of DSM2 Merchant House of Amketch
DSM2 Merchant House of Amketch
Level 6
112 pages

In the city of Balic, an insidious new threat to the Tyr region has arisen in the shape of a humble beetle. Magically altered to deliver a psionic malady via their bite, the beetles have been used by templars, slavers, raiders, and worse to neutralize the psionic abilities of their captives and render them docile. In desperation, the Veiled Alliance has called upon your characters to track down the source of the sinister beetles and put and end to them. There's only one problem - the most powerful merchant house of the Tyr region is growing even wealthier from the parasitic trade! The Merchant House of Amketch puts players at the reins of an emerging trading company, confronted by dozens of adversaries and obstacles. The House of Amketch is a budding merchant family, building its reputation and assets in the free city of Tyr. But many forces stand between it and vast wealth, from opposing houses to King Tithian himself. Join company with those who serve the House of Amketch in this flip-book adventure module. TSR 2421

Cover of Sleeping Place of the Feathered Swine
Sleeping Place of the Feathered Swine
Level 1
36 pages

A little cave-borne adventure about harvesting valuable cysts from a sleeping creature, trying not to be killed by the horribly mutated infectious things that already tried that, and helping a wizard who recently lost all his friends and just wants to get his spellbook back. For use with your fantasy RPG of choice. How would I use this thing? -As a terrible one-shot without consequences! -Drop "Find the wizard Felix Longworm cowering by stones and a mournful tree" into your mountainous random encounter table of choice, and pull this out when the fates decide. -If the cave is ignored something else will eventually be birthed out of it, so you get free campaign fodder if your players shake their heads and say "nope". Apart from the adventure it also contains a glorious suit of cursed armour, horrific explosives, four new spells, an adorable cut-out map for your players to put together as they explore, and some pretty neat light tracking mechanics, so there's that.

Cover of RM1 Roots of Evil
RM1 Roots of Evil
Levels 8–12
96 pages

Roots of Evil, the conclusion to the adventure begun in From the Shadows, delves into the horrific origins of Strahd von Zarovich, master vampire. This 96-page adventure module features Strahd in his final showdown with Azalin the lich, the two most powerful lords of evil in RAVENLOFT® realm. Player characters return to the popular Castle Ravenloft and discover never before known facts about the vampire's roots and origins. The outcome impacts the RAVENLOFT® realm for years to come! TSR 9413

Cover of Lich's Last Stand
Lich's Last Stand
4th Edition
Level 23
6 pages

Long ago, a powerful lich threatened the kingdom and was destroyed by mighty heroes. Though its phylactery could not be found, a powerful curse was laid upon the lich, trapping it inside its phylactery. This fading magic can’t hold the creature muchlonger, so the PCs must enter the phylactery itself in order to destroy the lich before it escapes back into the world. Pgs. 144-149

Cover of FN3 - Warrens of the Trog King
FN3 - Warrens of the Trog King
Levels 3–5
11 pages

Local farmers have been coming into Feastelburg recently recounting harrowing stories of a growing number of attacks upon the land. Farmers and travelers have decidedly noted that the creatures causing the problems are troglodytes. The creatures seem to be becoming bolder in their attacks as initially they were at night under cover of darkness. The last several attacks have occurred during daylight and the recent reports have included chasing down and murdering farmers and pilgrims alike. Several farms have been put to the torch and it has the town on edge.

Cover of The Camp Clearwater Massacre
The Camp Clearwater Massacre
5th Edition
Levels 2–5
? pages

There’s someone out there. Lurking in the woods. Hacksaw in hand. Eager to draw the blood of those who dare tread within its lair. Its lair: Camp Clearwater. Any other summer, Camp Clearwater is a haven for young, aspiring adventurers to hone their skills and relax with others like them. But this year it’s different. Bodies are turning up. Teenagers are running for their lives. There’s blood on the water. Can the characters save the counselors and campers from the Camp Clearwater Massacre? The Camp Clearwater Massacre is a Fifth Edition adventure designed for four 3rd-level characters but can be adjusted for three to five characters of 2nd- to 4th-level. The adventure works particularly well in horror-themed Fifth Edition games, especially those involving shadowy realms where a single evil presence acts as the domain’s dark lord or lady.

Cover of CM3 Sabre River
CM3 Sabre River
Levels 18–22
32 pages

You are the guest of the count, one of your allies and the strongest man in the region. Your sojourn has been pleasant, a nice change after weeks of battle. Suddenly the courtyard below your window is filled with the noise of galloping horses. More Guests? You yawn as you look out. But these people arriving look more like tax collectors than guests. You decide to give your attention to something more interesting, like dinner. Relax while you can, friend, because these new arrivals are about to lead you to a crimson sailor, a cozy Tower of Terror, and a river with an aching heart. Sabre River includes a complete campaign setting, new NPCs, dungeon and wilderness encounters, and a mysterious story. TSR 9119

Cover of The Dark Conventicle
The Dark Conventicle
Levels 8–12
17 pages

Rescuing maidens is a dirty job, but - you know the rest. On the road, the PCs encounter the aftermath of an attack on a small merchant caravan. The PCs must find and return Zenobia, the merchant's daughter. To do this, they must track, locate, and confront the unknown raiders while keeping the Zenobia's safety in mind.

Cover of Living Legend
Living Legend
5th Edition
Level 3
19 pages

The characters, members of the Clifftop Adventurers’ Guild, have been tasked with acquiring the Chains of Mur’taal, an artifact tied to Thelanis, by their guild handler, Lhara. This artifact is the latest in a series that Provost Nigel Faurious has commissioned the Clifftop guild to retrieve for him. The adventure starts when the characters arrive in Rhukaan Draal via Orien caravan. They’re given a chance to explore a small portion of the city before they head to a local bar to meet their contact provided by Lhara. Accompanied by a local guide, they make their way to the Seawall Mountains, where they’ll have to follow clues and their intuition to find the Valley of the Hero, which conceals the artifact that they’ve been hired to obtain. In order to earn the artifact, characters must first pass three tests laid before them by the Story: The Test of Courage, the Challenge of Wisdom, and the Trial of Honor. Once they finish the tests and collect the artifact, the party heads back toward Rhukaan Draal. But there are Marguul forces in the area, and they don’t intend to let the heroes escape with a priceless piece of their folklore…

Cover of The Shadow Rift
The Shadow Rift
Levels 7–9
160 pages

For many years folks have gazed into the churning black vapors of the Shadow Rift and wondered at the horrors that might lie within. Some have speculated that it might be a realm of the doomed, where tortured spirits suffer the hours of eternity. Others have speculated that it might be an empty domain, waiting for the arrival of a master who is evil enough to claim it and shape it in his own image. Ever the mysterious Vistani do not know what secrets are hidden in the depths of this gaping chasm. Now, the time has come for the veil of Shadows to be parted. Loht, king of the shadow elves, has reclaimed the mighty Sword of Arak. With this relic, he intends to set in motion a plan that has taken thousands of years to form. He will throw open that vary gate of darkness and invite one of mankind's greatest enemies to walk the land of the living. And if he is not stopped, the rivers of Ravenloft will run red with the blood of the innocent. The adventure can be played independently or in conjunction with the Ravenloft Adventure Servants of Darkness. TSR 1163

Cover of Temple of Blood
Temple of Blood
3.5 Edition
Level 1
16 pages

Over the top low level dungeon takes you through the sewers to stop a blood worshiping madman his Kobold minions.